
Natural hair dyes - types and uses


The most famous of natural dyes for hair - this, of course, henna. It is the dried leaves of the Lawsonia plant, which grows in countries with a hot, dry climate, for example, in India and Iran. Leaves of lawsonium since ancient times were used for hair coloring. It is they who give the hair a copper-reddish tint that plays in the sun with many-sided tints. The dry henna itself looks like a powder of a greenish-brown color, and can cost from 10 rubles (regular henna) to 500 rubles (Lush henna). The advantage of henna Lash is that it comes in several colors of henna (red, chestnut, brown and black) and contains nutrients that care for the hair during the coloring process.

Henna staining can be carried out both at home and in the cabin. If you decide to dye your hair yourself, you will need:
- henna (depending on the length and thickness of hair - 50 - 200 gr.),
- rubber gloves,
- old towel
- brush for applying the dye,
- polyethylene shower cap.

Wash your head and dry it without using a hair dryer. Pour the henna powder in a earthenware or glass dish, dilute it with hot (70 - 80 degrees) boiled water to a cream thickness, mix thoroughly. Lubricate the skin at the hairline with a greasy cream to avoid staining. Allow the mixture to cool to 35-40 degrees (a few minutes), then apply the slurry to the hair with a brush, starting from the back of the head. On thin hair (at the temples and neck) the dye is applied last, as they are painted faster than others. Be sure to follow the uniform distribution of henna in the hair - this will achieve the best result of dyeing. Hair gather on the back of the head in a bun and put on a plastic cap. Above the hair is recommended to roll up a towel.

How much to keep henna depends on the type and color of hair. The lighter the hair, the less time it takes to get a bright color. On light and thin hair - 10-20 minutes, on dark and hard henna can withstand up to one and a half to two hours. After that, thoroughly wash the hair with warm water without using shampoo.

In order to get not red, but a chestnut shade during henna dyeing, you can add ground coffee to the coloring composition or mix henna with basma. Basma (dried leaves of indigo) - the second most popular natural hair dye. With its help you can get dark hair colors - from brown to black. Colorists recommend using basma in combination with henna, as it can give a greenish or bluish tint in its purest form. The fact is that it contains a blue dye (indigo). Henna, due to the red pigment contained in it, neutralizes the blue. At the same time, a small amount of henna, added to Basma, does not hurt to get black color when painting. On the contrary, the tone will look more natural and calm.

Basma hair dyeing technology is similar to henna dyeing. True, it is better to dilute the powder with more hot water (90-95 degrees) and to a more liquid state (the basma solidifies quickly). It is not necessary to withstand basma on your hair for too long, as there is a risk to get the already mentioned greenish tint, which will be impossible to wash off and difficult to paint over. It is recommended to dye hair with a large amount of gray hair first with henna, then with basma.

Main plus natural dyes for hairsuch as henna and basma, in that they harm hair less than chemical dyes. Do they have any benefit for your hair, experts do not have a common opinion. Many claim that they strengthen the hair structure and stimulate their growth, while others trichologists warn that frequent dyeing even with vegetable dyes dries the hair, making it brittle and dull. Therefore, do not use natural dyes too often. Optimally - once every 2-3 months.

Cons of henna and basma, firstly, in the unpredictability of the result of coloring. As we have already noted above, the hair is lighter and thinner, the more chances to get either too bright color (carrot-red, blue-black) or blue. Secondly, after applying henna and basma, the result of dyeing cannot be painted over with a chemical dye - it simply “won't take” the hair, and the hair will also not be chemically treated. Therefore, to change the image, you will have to wait until the colored hair grows.

Besides henna and basma, there are softer ones natural dyes for hair. They do not change color radically, but can give a light shade to light or dark hair. One of the popular tools is chamomile. It allows you to create a light golden shade on blond hair, and on blond hair - the effect of slightly sun-bleached hair. To do this: 25 grams of dried chamomile pharmaceutical pour 1 cup of water, bring to a boil and let it brew for 30 minutes. The resulting decoction filter and use to rinse hair after washing.

Strengthen the color of dark hair will help a decoction of black tea. 25 grams of tea pour ½ liter of water, boil for 15 minutes, then cool. Use for rinsing hair. Also will make the color of brown and brown hair deeper decoction of leaves and twigs of linden, which is boiled in water (4 tablespoons per 1 liter) and used as a conditioner.

Finally, an intense golden hue will give broth from onion peel. 30-40 grams of onion peel is poured with a glass of water and boiled for 15 minutes. The resulting decoction is washed hair after each wash to obtain a shade of the desired intensity. A decoction of onion peel not only colors the hair, but also enhances their growth.

Elena Yarkova
Women's magazine JustLady


For coloring only the shell of green nuts is used, it can be fresh and dried. The tool makes hair brown. It is necessary to grind the peel in a blender or meat grinder and mix it with water so that the consistency of the mass was like sour cream. Then apply the composition to the hair and wait 20 minutes. Care must be taken with the compound and mixed with the liquid, since walnut shells contain a lot of iodine, which can leave a burn on the skin.

Black tea

He dyes his hair in brown tones. Light brown hair will turn brown with a reddish tinge if you boil tea leaves from a glass of boiling water and 3 tbsp. tea 15-20 min., insist and put on curls and soak for about an hour.

The plant is able to paint curls in brown or chestnut shades. Need 8 tbsp. linden flowers pour 2 tbsp. water, put on a small fire and evaporate until the mass decreases widowed. The liquid should be cooled, drain and lubricate the hair. Keep the composition should be to acquire the desired tone.

With the help of lemon hair can be lightened no less than a shade. You should mix lemon juice with the same amount of vodka, apply the composition to wet curls and dry in the sun. After rinse hair with water.

Hair coloring with natural dyes will allow you not only to make the color beautiful or saturated, but also strengthen and heal the curls.

Basma: how is it useful

Even the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Persians and Assyrians used a dye that was obtained from the dried leaves of an indigofer plant. Interestingly, men also used Basma, coloring curls, mustaches, beards, eyebrows and eyelashes, and women. It was also a pleasure to change the color of the strands in children with it, dyed the hair of domestic animals and even the beaks and legs of the birds.

Basma and henna have always gone "hand in hand" in caring for themselves, since the combination of these two substances in different proportions gave different shades. The fact that the Basma is able to be a powerful way to care for curls and scalp, knew even the ancient Egyptians and the Copts. This dye:

  • nourishes the scalp, resists dandruff (it contains tannins),
  • accelerates hair growth (without pigment, this figure is about 1 cm per month),
  • returns shine to hair (natural dyes thicken hair, smooth outer scales and create a dense protective layer around),
  • also contributes to the pomp, which is very important for owners of thin and sparse hair.

As you know, even the most gentle persistent chemical dye damages the hair. The application of such compounds causes the hair scales to lag behind the hair shaft, paint penetrating deep into. Hair coloring with henna and basma, on the contrary, is considered a medical procedure, you can make short-term masks of vegetable powders. Unfortunately, blondes will not be able to use Basma: it gives only rich shades. But the possibility of getting a red or eggplant shade is not worth refusing: you just need to add other vegetable components.

What shades can you get with Basma?

A firm view that Basma gives only thick black hair can be called one-sided. In compositions, henna and basma proportions play a large role, giving shades from copper to dark chocolate. And if you add there other dyes like tincture of elderberry or strong tea, you can get a rich palette of colors. Remember that without henna, Basma will give only a blue-green natural shade!

  1. If you want to get a thick black color, take 1 part henna and 3 parts basma, hold for 4 hours,
  2. For a beautiful chestnut color you need to mix 1 part henna and 2 parts basma, leave for about 1.5 hours,
  3. The tone of noble bronze is obtained if you apply a mixture of 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma to your head for 1.5 hours,
  4. The color "light chestnut" will give your hair a composition of equal parts of henna and basma, but you need to keep no more than an hour,
  5. Natural light brown tone also requires mixing the substances in equal proportions, but it is not recommended to keep more than half an hour.

These are the base colors, so to speak, and the following plants will be useful for shades:

  • beet, or rather, its juice, which can be obtained at home. Adding it to the composition of henna and basma will give the color burgundy. The same will provide elderberry and strong karkade tea.
  • madder root. Its solution will give a pronounced red hue.
  • high-quality Cahors and cranberries will help to get the shade of "mahogany", which is loved by many women.
  • coffee with henna and basma hair coloring will give chocolate color and mocha shade. We are talking only about natural hammer coffee.
  • turmeric, saffron and chamomile will be useful if you want to achieve a bright golden, "sunny" shade. If you add exactly saffron, it will give the original color of aged gold.
  • black tea and onion peel when added to the mixture allows you to get a deep copper shade.
  • Cocoa gives off a shade of pale, slightly ashen chestnut. It will take about 5 spoons.

Just be careful when applying. The mixture should not be too hot, and also stock up with towels and films for wrapping: in a mixture of henna, decoction, basma the paint flows especially strongly down the neck and face.

What you need for coloring henna and basmo

Technician, how to paint with Basma, there are several, but there is a major difference between them: the combination of henna with Basma powder, as well as the coloring of the curls in series. Before painting with Basma, prepare the following tools and ingredients:

  1. Up to 5 packets of basma, about the same packets of henna. It depends on the length of the hair,
  2. A small bowl for dilution solution, but not metal,
  3. Rubber gloves - otherwise the dyes instantly "take" for your hands,
  4. Comb and brush for application,
  5. Vaseline or fat cream (you can take hygienic lipstick) to lubricate the ears, forehead, neck,
  6. An old towel to cover your hair. With henna and basma hair dyeing, the result will be better when exposed to heat.
  7. Hairpins or hairpins to pin up long strands.
  8. Plastic bag or a simple food elastic film in rolls to wrap hair.

Now you have everything to change your hair color. Go to the next stage!

Applying technique to hair

Many wonder about the composition and proper application of paint. In the hands of henna and basma for hair: how to dye to get the right tone? After all, it is known, if you disrupt the process of preparing and applying the composition to the hair, you can get a shade that is far from desired.

So, you have prepared a solution, filling it with very hot water or herbal infusions. Now you should do this:

  • put on gloves, lubricate the skin around your head with petroleum jelly or cream,
  • cover your shoulders with an old towel, you can additionally put a bag on them. To remove stains of basma or henna from clothes, even synthetic, is almost impossible!
  • comb your hair, separate them into strands,
  • When cooled to 40-50 degrees Celsius (just wait a few minutes after preparation), start applying to the hair with a hairdresser's brush or comb. Start at the back of the head, last at the roots,
  • secure the strand with the composition of the hairpin, and then move on to the next,
  • when dye all the curls, be sure to place rollers of cotton on the forehead and neck. In the presence of Basmy paint is very flowing,
  • place the hair on the crown, cover with a film, wait for the allotted time.

With the help of basma for hair, you can not only dye your head, but also start caring for your hair. This natural substance will make it perfect to paint over gray hair, will give an even color and will give density and pomp to your curls. Before using natural dyes for the first time, ask an experienced friend to help you with coloring.

Benefits of Basma

The unsightly powder of a gray-green shade, called Basma, was loved by many girls due to its excellent qualities. The main features of this natural product include the following characteristics.

  • Coloring with basma will make your hair shiny, soft, flowing and voluminous.
  • Basma completely restores the structure of damaged hair, strengthens the roots, saturating the fiber with all sorts of vitamins and active substances.
  • It is recommended to dye your hair with henna or basma if you have dandruff, as these products improve the condition of the scalp, providing a therapeutic effect on it.
  • After applying this powder, the coloring of your hair will acquire a natural rich and juicy tint.
  • Many people recommend dyeing the curls with Basma, since this natural ingredient not only strengthens the hair but also helps it grow.

How to get the desired shade?

Despite such an impressive amount of positive qualities, you have to be very careful with Basma. Few people know that dyeing hair with this powder in its pure form is not recommended, because you can get a dirty gray-green shade as a result. But in combination with henna, coffee, cocoa and other natural dyes, Basma is able to give your curls a thick and rich color. If you decide to dye your hair with this powder, then you should know that in order to obtain the desired shade it is necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions.. Basma is usually mixed with henna, with the result that you can get completely different colors, depending on the number of added components.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the approximate proportions that will help you to mix the ingredients correctly in order to get the desired shade of hair.

  1. To slightly refresh the light brown color and give the curls of brightness and brilliance, mix one bag of henna and Basma.You need to keep such a mixture for no more than 30 minutes, otherwise the shade may become much darker than you wish.
  2. Lovers of brown hair need to adhere to the same proportions, only the time of interaction of paint with curls will be from 1 to 3 hours. It all depends on how dark you want to get the result.
  3. A pleasant and rich bronze hair color is obtained if you combine henna with basma in two to one proportions.
  4. And if you dye your hair with a mixture of the same natural dyes, only by mixing 2 parts of Basma with one part of henna, then in the end you will become the owner of dark brown, almost black, curls. The longer the coloring, the richer the hair color will be.
  5. For those who are attracted to the bluish-black color, you can apply the following proportions: 3 parts of basma powder for one part of henna. This composition will make your hair piercingly black.

The technology of coloring curls using Basma

Having defined the correct proportions, it is necessary to properly prepare the mixture so that the result of staining meets your expectations. Remember: Basma or henna powder should be diluted with hot water, but it should not be boiling hot water. Carefully mash the mixture to make a thick gruel, you can add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil (for example, olive or almond).

Prepared composition need to dye your hair before it gets cold. Apply the coloring agent on clean and dry curls. After the procedure of applying the mixture, it is advisable to wrap the head with a film and wrap a warm towel or wear a hat. This will enhance the effect of natural dyes. Owners of dry and sparse hair can soak henna and basma with warm milk or kefir instead of water. And girls with oily hair are perfect for these purposes red wine.

If you set out to improve the structure of the hair, strengthening them, then 10-15 minutes of interaction of curls with the coloring matter will be quite enough. But in order to change the color of your hair, it will take a little more time. It all depends on the shade you want to get. Someone holds Basma for about half an hour, and some girls who want to dye their hair properly, completely changing the original color, prefer to walk with a similar mixture on their heads for 5-6 hours.

Useful tips on using basma

If you first decided to try natural dyes, then you need to follow certain rules. Our tips will help you to cope with such a task.

  • Before dyeing all your hair with basma, try this natural product on a separate strand to determine how long this procedure will take and see the final result.
  • In order to avoid staining of the skin, lubricate it with vegetable oil or fat cream.
  • Mix all the ingredients in glassware, apply paint with a special brush and do not forget to protect the skin of your hands and nails, wearing polyethylene gloves.
  • It is necessary to paint curls immediately after preparing the composition, without waiting until it cools. This will prevent oxidation of the mixture.
  • Each girl individually decides how much to keep the paint, because the final hair color directly depends on it. It will take at least an hour to get a deep and rich tone.
  • Flush basmu, use plenty of water and discard the shampoo and rinse. The natural dye for another day affects the scalp and curls, so the final shade may not appear immediately, but only after 3 days.
  • To fix the color, rinse the locks with acidified water. To do this, add a juice of half a lemon or 2 tablespoons of vinegar to a liter of water. After this procedure, the hair will acquire an unusual softness and dazzling brilliance.
  • Do not abuse basma! Do not dye your hair more often than once every three months, as you can cause them serious harm.

Following these recommendations, you can safely dye your curls with natural dyes at home. Believe me, the result from the use of basma in combination with henna will pleasantly surprise you. In order to prevent any mistakes in coloring, we suggest you to watch a cool video, which describes in detail the whole process of making such paint. Use natural ingredients for hair care, and they will always delight you with their health and dazzling beauty!

What is basma?

Basma is a natural dye used since ancient times. Get this natural remedy from a plant called indigo (indigofer). The crushed leaves contain a large amount of vitamins and biologically active substances. That is why basma is so good for hair. After all, with regular use, hair becomes smooth, silky, strong and elastic. And the shine acquired by hair cannot be compared to one diamond.

Beneficial features

And now in more detail about what the praised Basma is so useful for hair:

  1. Strengthen hair. Due to the high content of mineral substances in Basma, its regular use will help to solve the problem of hair loss. Very often, hair loss is associated with a lack of vitamins and minerals, causing hair follicles to weaken. As a result, we can notice active hair loss in the autumn-spring period, when the whole body is acutely aware of a shortage of nutrients.
  2. Dandruff treatment. Snow on your hair can look romantic only on Christmas night. And if white flakes dot the head all year round, it looks not very nice. And the itch associated with the appearance of dandruff does not add beauty to your hair. Solving the problem with Basma is quite real. You should not wait for a miracle after the first application, but with regular dyeing of hair with basma you can note a significant improvement.
  3. Nutrition hair. Basma nourishes each hair with nutrients from the inside. From such coloring hair become smooth, strong, resilient and shiny. No chemical dye can give such an excellent and lasting result.
  4. Accelerate hair growth. This pleasant side effect of the Basmus staining has been noted by many girls. So if you want to grow long and healthy hair, then Basma - this is exactly the natural activator of hair growth that you need.
  5. Beautiful result of coloring and the most natural shade of hair.

Precautionary measures

Of course, Basma - this is the right choice in favor of strong and beautiful hair. But before proceeding to the coloring, you need to learn a few very important points. Otherwise, you risk getting a very unexpected result in the form of green or blue hair mixed with unhealthy redhead. On the condition of the hair, this does not affect, but the appearance of such experiments can suffer considerably. So you need to dye your hair with Basma, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with several tips:

  • Never use basma for pure hair. Hair coloring should be done exclusively with a mixture of basma and henna in the correct proportion.
  • Do not conduct hair dye basma if you previously used the usual hair dye. Even if it was a professional hair dye, Basma will give your curls the color of marsh greenery.
  • An unsightly result can also be obtained when dyeing basma hair after a perm. Any interaction of chemistry with a natural dye will result in unexpected hair color.
  • Carry out the procedure of staining for oily hair (especially gray hair). Basma dries some hair, so along with the beneficial effects you risk getting overdried strands, which will have to be treated for a long time with moisturizing masks. Alternatively, you can add a little olive oil to the prepared hair dye mixture, if you just washed your hair yesterday.
  • Do not wash your hair for several days after dyeing your hair with Basmo. From this the color of your hair will be more vivid and rich.
  • Do not hold the basma on the hair for a very long time, if you do not plan to achieve a juicy black shade.
  • Before completely dye your hair with Basma, do a color test on one strand. If the result suits you, it will be possible to dye all the hair completely.

As you can see, the rules are absolutely simple. And if you have learned them, it's time to talk about how to dye your hair in basma step by step.

How to dye your hair with Basma: coloring tips, instructions

Well, now the instruction itself with illustrative photos on how to dye your hair in basma:

  1. Prepare gloves, a paint brush and a container in which you mix Basma with henna. Glassware should be taken, in extreme cases, you can use a plastic plate. Metal bowls for dyeing hair with henna are not suitable, as with chemical dyes.
  2. Apply a fat cream on the skin of the forehead along the hairline. You can also smear their ears. This will make it easier for you to rinse the composition off the skin when the henna and basma hair coloring is complete.
  3. Mix henna and basma in the required amount. The mixture must be filled with hot water, but not boiling water (max 800). Determine the amount of water yourself. You should have a mixture of sour cream consistency.
  4. Apply a mixture of henna and basma on the hair with a brush. After that, cover all hair with a bag and wrap a towel over the top.
  5. After the required amount of time, remove the towel and cellophane from the hair and evaluate the result.
  6. Rinse hair well with warm water. Wash Basma and henna from the hair is not easy, but will have to try.
  7. Immediately after dyeing, you should not use a hair dryer for drying hair. It will be better if your hair dries itself, rather than under the influence of hot air.

Please note: repainting of hair with henna and basma should be performed earlier than 2 weeks after the previous procedure. Despite all the usefulness and naturalness, Basma still dries hair, you can see this by looking at the photos below. So ideally withstand 1-2 months breaks between staining.

How to dye your hair Basmo black?

If you want to get rich black hair color, you can not mix henna and basma, but use them separately. Very often you can find such instructions as how to dye your hair with Basma black:

  1. First, apply one henna to the hair and leave for 50-60 minutes.
  2. Wash off the henna and dry the hair with a towel.
  3. Apply basma to hair and leave for at least three hours.
  4. Rinse hair with water without shampoo and other cosmetics.

You can see the ideal black tint a few days after dyeing, just below you will find clear examples in the form of a photo. For gray hair, this method of application is not suitable, so in order to get black hair as a result of dyeing, you will need to find some other option.

How to dye gray hair with henna and basma?

Gray hair dyeing black with Basmy is almost impossible. After all, to obtain this shade, the mixture must be kept on the strands for a long time. This will always lead to drying the hair, and gray hair is not ready for such an extreme drying.

With the help of henna and basma, gray hair can be painted in the following colors:

  • copper shade (ratio of henna and basma for hair 1: 1)
  • dark copper (basma / henna in proportion 2: 1)
  • light brown with red (basma for hair / henna in a ratio of 1: 2)

If you add a little ground coffee or cocoa to the coloring mixture, gray hair will become chocolate. Placed just below the photo and video will help you study in detail the entire necessary procedure on how to dye hair with henna and basma without the help of unauthorized persons.

Henna and Basma hair coloring: methods and proportions

Before you start coloring hair, you need to decide on the desired shade. It is on what hair color you plan to get as a result that the percentage ratio of basma and henna in the prepared mixture for dyeing will depend. The time of dyeing on the hair is also different: from half an hour to four hours. So, the main tricks of hair coloring with henna and basma:

  1. To obtain a light-blond hair shade it is necessary to mix henna and basma in the ratio 1: 3. Keep the mixture on the hair for one hour, no more.
  2. Blonde hair color you get if you hold the hair dye with henna and basma in a 1: 1 ratio. It is necessary to leave the coloring structure on hair only within 30 minutes.
  3. A light chestnut shade of hair is achieved with the same proportions, but the dye should be kept on the hair for one hour.
  4. Beautiful rich hair color chestnut can be obtained at a ratio of 1: 1 and the dyeing time of 1.5 hours.
  5. Mixing henna and basma for hair in a ratio of 1: 3, you can get black color, if you sustain the mixture on the hair for 3-4 hours (exactly the time will depend on the structure of the hair).

If you decide not to spend time experimenting with color on one strand, you risk not getting exactly the hair color that you expected. Adjust hair shade is very simple:

  • Too dark hair after dyeing, rinse with slightly acidified water, using lemon juice or vinegar.
  • Too light shade of hair is darkened by subsequent dyeing. Just change the proportions of henna and basma in the dyeing composition or adjust the exposure time of the mixture on the hair.

How long do you need to keep Basma on your head?

As you have noticed, the time of holding the basma on the hair is from half an hour to four hours, depending on the desired shade. There are girls who leave the coloring composition for the whole night. According to their advice and feedback, from such staining the color is bright and saturated. But professionals do not recommend to get involved with such a long exposure to basma. You can overdry strands, from which the hair will become porous and brittle. This is especially true for gray hair.

Basme Hair Reviews

In the network you can find a variety of reviews about Basma hair. Most girls admire the state of curls after the rejection of chemical paints and the transition to natural Basma. But you can meet and negative reviews about dyeing in this way: green tint, difficulty in washing the composition from the hair, deterioration of the strands.

However, the fault of such reviews is not Basma itself for hair, and not compliance with the instructions for its use. If you dye your hair with henna and basma correctly, follow all the tips clearly and do not deviate from the method of application, you will be able to avoid all negative consequences.

What it is?

Basma is a natural dye created from the powder of dry leaves of an indigofer tree. The advantage is naturalness, so that the natural acid balance of the scalp is not disturbed. The use of dye is safe, and the result of the procedure can please even fans of professional paint. According to reviews, Basma is perfectly combined with other natural dyes, giving beautiful shades.

Application features

Not everyone knows how to get the right color. To do this, you need to know the rules of painting hair. From the implementation of simple tips depends on the positive effect. Vegetable paint is a landscaper. In order not to get blue or green color, painting with henna and basma should be done in a complex. It should be remembered that if a plant dye has already been applied, basma staining will give an unpredictable result.

If the hair is dry, care must be taken. Dyeing gray curls with henna and basma should be done with olive oil (1 spoon). Otherwise, the strands will be dried out, become brittle, lose the brightness of the color.After coloring the hair should not be washed for 2-3 days. This is necessary to consolidate the results and disclosure of the shade. Vegetable dye has a drying effect, so you should not wash your hair every day. It is desirable to first paint one strand, and if you like the result, you can proceed to full coloring.

What affects staining?

As reviews show, hair dyeing with henna and basma will have a positive effect if used correctly. Also, the result depends on:

  1. Natural hair color.
  2. Water temperature to create a mixture. If it is cold, the process will be long.
  3. Patterns of curls. Thin, dry, bleached curls are easier to stain.
  4. The duration of the procedure. The longer the coloring, the brighter the shade.
  5. The ratio of natural ingredients.

The brightness of the color is reduced by using masks based on olive oil. It is necessary to put them on dirty dry curls for 30 minutes, and then rinse with shampoo. To get the desired result, you need to perform repeated procedures.

To eliminate the red tone after henna, you need to perform staining with black powder. To maintain the saturation of color in 1.5 liters of boiling water add 50 g of basma. The tool is filtered and cooled. Can be rinsed.

Options for combining components

According to reviews, henna and basma can be used separately and together. These 2 ways give different results. For separate staining, henna is used first, and then black vegetable paint. All components are prepared before the procedure. But the consistency of the mixture of red composition should be thicker. After the procedure, the curls should be washed with warm water. The hue depends on the duration of the coloring:

  1. Blonde - 20 minutes.
  2. Chestnut - 60-90.
  3. Black - 2-3 hours.

Separate staining

The mixture must be prepared before painting. The powder must be ground, pour hot water. The tool must be thoroughly mixed. Then you need to put it on a small fire, stirring, you want to bring to a boil. Immediately after boiling, the composition must be removed from the stove. If everything is done correctly, the consistency of the mixture will be similar to liquid sour cream.

The black dye is rapidly thickening. Therefore, its consistency should be thinner. Regularly it is necessary to add a little hot water. It is necessary to determine if there is enough mixture. If the hair is long and thick, then more solution is required.

The mixture must be applied to the curls. Wrap head is not required. You need to cover with a towel to get a black tone. Then everything is washed off with warm water. If the shade turns out to be saturated, then you can wash your hair with soap. Lighten them out with rinsing with citric acid. Dye washed off for a long time. If the dye gave a green tone, then the hair should be washed with soap and rinsed. For 15 minutes you need to apply henna.

Simultaneous coloring

Can be used together with henna and basma for hair. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of this method. In the capacity of phosphorus need to pour the components in the amount of 50-200 g. They are poured with hot water until you get a homogeneous mixture. It should be a thick remedy. The hue depends on the ratio of the components.

You can get the following tones:

  1. Chestnut is created with a uniform number of components.
  2. Blonde is created at a 1: 2 ratio. And the duration of the procedure is half an hour.
  3. Light blond is obtained at a ratio of 1: 3, and the coloring takes 60 minutes.
  4. Black tone can be obtained with a ratio of 1: 3, and the duration is 3-4 hours.

After dyeing, do not use shampoo for 3 days. This time is necessary for fixing the result.

With dyeing black hair after henna, the tone does not change, it turns out copper. Chestnut color using henna and basma at home can be achieved with the help of thick gruel. The duration of staining is 1.5 hours. Hard strands need to be relaxed. To do this, in the hydrogen peroxide 5% (30-40 g), you need to add liquid soap (1 tsp.) And ammonia (6-8 drops). It is necessary to moisten the strands, and after 30 minutes apply henna.

As the reviews show, Basma allows you to eliminate gray hair. First used red, and then black paint. If at the first stage some vegetable paint is added, the result will be the most colored. To get additional shades, you need to use natural dyes with decoctions of various components. Onion peel allows you to get a brown shade of warm colors, and sea buckthorn and tansy - yellow, raspberry - red, linden - chestnut.

Recipes with natural ingredients

According to reviews, basmma hair coloring allows you to get different shades, if the component is mixed with other natural dyes. The following shades are considered in demand:

  1. Bordeaux. Beet juice should be heated to 60 degrees, and then add henna packet to it. Similar effect has karkade tea.
  2. "The Red tree". Henna must be diluted in preheated Cahors. You can get a similar effect with the addition of cranberry juice. Before the procedure, the hair should be moistened and dried.
  3. Chocolate. It will take copper and black dye in the amount of 1: 2. Coloring lasts 1.5-2 hours. With light blond hair, the procedure should be carried out 2-3 times.
  4. Golden red. Henna need to pour broth pharmacy chamomile. In the water (1 cup) is added 1-2 tbsp. l plants. The composition must be infused, and then it must be filtered. Preheat better to 75-90 degrees.
  5. Chestnut. In the mixture, you must add ground coffee (1 teaspoon) for 25 g of powder. You can create a pale chestnut tint if you use cocoa instead of coffee.

Advantages and disadvantages

Reviews about basma confirm the effective action of natural dyes. In addition, they do not have a negative effect on the structure of curls. Coloring with henna and basma is not harmful to the skin. Natural paint is much cheaper professional, the main thing is to choose the appropriate color and carry out the procedure according to the rules.

But, as the reviews show, the Basmo coloring has some drawbacks. There is a possibility of overdrying of the scalp, if you do not adhere to the recommendations on the procedure. Not everyone gets the desired color. Chemical paint allows you to get an approximate tone, which is shown in the picture. Therefore, you have to perform procedures more than once, until you get the desired shade. You can perform the procedure only on hair that was not previously painted.

Although, according to reviews, coloring by basmoy is safe, after all, hair dyeing requires quality care. It is advisable to use tint conditioners, shampoos and balms. They will fix a new color for a long time.

Shampoos and balms hide the difference between regrown roots and dyed hair. Because regular washing gradually eliminates shade, so you should not wash your hair every day. It is necessary to choose shampoos with the sparing components which will keep a saturation of color, and also will clear hair of pollution.

Be sure to always use professional tools. They can be used only the first 2 weeks, and then you can go back to the usual. It is useful to use products with almond oil, flax oil, proteins, therapeutic extracts and panthenol. This composition will strengthen the structure of the curls.

In a week, 2 times you need to perform masks, thanks to which the structure of the hair is restored. Improves the effect of heat, so you need to put on a film over the mixtures and warm it with a hairdryer. If a curling iron is used to create hairstyles, it is imperative to use thermal protective agents. From the negative impact on the curls will help indelible protective cream.

Thus, basmu staining is effective, you just need to follow the basic rules of procedure. A suitable shade may come after a few treatments. And to secure the result and prevent the harmful effects of extraneous factors will help effective care products.


Watch the video: Henna Hair Dye On Natural Hair Type 4C: Color Mahogany (July 2024).