
Thinning hair


What should I do if my hair has become thin and started to fall out? Not only men, as is commonly believed, are faced with a similar problem, but also at least 40% of women. Today we will find out the causes of thinning and thinning hair, as well as consider effective methods of dealing with trouble.

Why hair became thin and fall out: 7 reasons

Before finding out the true causes of thinning and total hair loss, find out how their development occurs. The hairy part of the head contains at least 100 thousand follicles, each of which "Produces" one hair each. Over time, the old curls are replaced by new ones and the process of their development is repeated.

Normally, at least 80-85% of the total hair cover is at the stage of growth and development. The remaining 15-20% fall on the hairs, which are at the stage of rest or loss.

In fact, hair loss is a normal process, but if the number of hairs dropped per day exceeds 100 pieces, this may indicate serious violations.

What can cause thinning and hair loss in women?

The main reasons for the destructive process trichologists include 7 major factors.

Internal factors

  • Genetic predisposition. If one of your parents had problematic sparse hair, it could well be inherited.
  • Androgenic alopecia. In the process of transforming testosterone into igidrotestosterone, total baldness often occurs. Such changes are characteristic of polycystic ovaries and the hypersynthesis of the male hormone in women.
  • Pregnancy. During pregnancy, the amount of estrogen in the body greatly increases, however, after childbirth, its concentration decreases sharply, which leads to a deterioration of the state of hair and baldness,
  • Diseases of various organs. Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and the thyroid gland provokes insufficient nutrition of the follicle, which leads to thinning and thinning of the curls.

External factors

  • Improper nutrition. Thinning is often observed with a lack of nutrients, minerals and vitamins in the body.
  • Wrong care. The thinning and fragility of the strands often leads to the abuse of ammonia paints, chemical perm, irons for leveling curls, alcohol-containing modeling tools (varnishes, foams, gels).
  • Bad habits. Abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking inevitably leads to disruptions in the operation of individual body systems, which affects the state of hair.

As you can see, the cause of baldness may lie not only in the presence of serious diseases. Often we ourselves provoke a deterioration in the condition of the strands. Therefore, first of all, you need to eliminate the factors that adversely affect the hair and only then proceed to the elimination of cosmetic defects.

General care guidelines

  • Combing. Regular combing of the head with a wooden comb with sparse teeth will improve microcirculation in the tissues. This will increase the supply of follicles with nutrients.
  • Balanced diet. Try to include in your daily menu foods rich in vitamins A, E, C and B. As a result, you can quickly restore the structure of damaged strands.
  • Hygiene procedures. The reason for weak and thin curls often lies in too frequent washing of the head. Trichologists do not recommend washing your hair more often than once every few days.
  • Try not to use a hairdryer for drying your hair. Also for a while, refuse to use irons and thermal rollers.
  • After shampooing, rinse the curls with mineral and warm water.
  • To get your hair wet, use a towel made of natural materials (linen, cotton).
  • Cosmetic procedures. If the strands have become very thin and have already begun to fall out, use regenerating masks and decoctions.

Recipes of folk remedies

Thinning and total hair loss in women is not an age problem. It is women who seek to change styles and hairstyles, which simply can not affect the state of hair.

Tight tails, regular painting and leveling badly affects the structure of hairs. As a result of such actions, at first strands become thinner, and then begin to fall out.

What to do if the balding process is already running?

In such a situation, it is possible to treat the curls with the help of home cosmetics. Plus it consists in the fact that all the mixtures and decoctions are made on the basis of only natural ingredients, therefore, folk remedies cannot harm the hair. Consider a few easy-to-prepare masks for thinning and falling curls.

Nourishing mask

Beer - a natural remedy in the fight against baldness. It includes a large amount of yeast and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the structure of hairs and the state of the follicles.

To prepare the mixture you need:

  • Mix 200 ml unfiltered beer with 1 chicken yolk,
  • In the resulting solution add a tablespoon of rapeseed oil,
  • After that, the thick is slightly warmed up and applied on barely wet and clean strands,
  • After an hour the hair is washed.

Mask against baldness

Poor nutrition of the follicle leads to the fact that the hairs begin to hang worse in Hair nest. At the same time, even ordinary combing causes curls to fall out.

To strengthen the bulbs, you can use this tool:

  • Dissolve 1 sachet of dry yeast with water and 1 tbsp. l mayonnaise,
  • Add 1 ampoule of retinol and tocopherol to the thick,
  • Heat up the mixture a little and put 1 chicken yolk into it,
  • Kapnet in the mask 3-4 drops of ether and rub in the root of the curls,
  • After 35-40 minutes, rinse the hair thoroughly.

Lamination effect mask

Gelatin composition will normalize the sebaceous glands and replenish the supply of collagen in the body. This tool very quickly restores damaged hairs and prevents their loss.

To prepare an effective mixture, you must:

  • 1 bag of gelatin diluted in hot water to form a creamy gruel,
  • Add 1 tbsp. l conditioner and gently heat the emulsion,
  • Apply the product to washed and semi-moist strands,
  • Wrap the head in cellophane and after 50 minutes, rinse the hair.

To get rid of the problem, it is important to find out the correct cause of its occurrence and direct all forces to eliminate it. And as an extra help - use homemade cosmetics.

Causes Affecting Hair Thinning

Causes of thinning hair may be different:

  • A common cause is eating disorderwhich may be due to the severely limited intake of certain foods. This mainly occurs during a variety of diets. With such violations, the hair suffers in the first place, they become thinner and more fragile,

  • Chronic intoxication of the body, which occurs with regular exposure to the body nicotine and alcohol. The main disorders in metabolic processes of cells lead to thinning of the hair structure,

Nicotine and alcohol - one of the causes of thinning hair

  • Androgenic alopecia. This is the process of converting the male hormone testosterone to igidrotestosterone, accompanied by hair loss. In women, the manifestation of this syndrome may occur due to polycystic ovarian disease, due to which the level of male hormones in the body increases,
  • Avitaminosis. The most important vitamins for hair are "A" and "E", their lack of thinning hair structure and can lead to loss.

Whatever causes of thinning hair You should contact a specialist who will help you determine the disease and prescribe a method of treatment.

When thinning hair should consult a specialist

Types of tests to determine the causes of hair thinning

  • Microelement analysis. If you identify certain problems in the lack of micronutrients, a specialist will help you choose a nutritional program for mastering basic micronutrients
  • Analysis of the digestibility of food. After all, it is possible that a person eats properly and consumes all the necessary vitamins, but due to failures in the body’s work, they are not properly assimilated.

It is necessary to do tests to identify the causes of thinning hair.

Concepts "hair thinning and hair thinning treatment for each must exist inseparably.

Hair thinning treatments

There are the following popular methods of treating hair thinning:

  • The method of microinjections that have a directional effect. Such treatment is included in the arsenal of mesotherapy. Special cocktails can not only restore the structure of the hair, but also stop the loss. Drugs are injected under the skin with thin needles. Mesotherapy session takes about 40 minutes,

  • Electrotherapy applicationduring which hair follicles are irritated with small doses of electric current, which allows to increase the life span of the hair,

  • Ultrasound application - contributes to better absorption of injected drugs,
  • Galvanizing method - promotes the strengthening of metabolic processes in the cells and the revival of the hair.

Photos before and after the treatment of thinning hair

The injection method has some contraindications, in the presence of which it is not necessary to carry out the treatment: pregnancy, allergic diseases and inflammatory processes.

After the procedure, you should not wash your hair for several days and visit the pool.

Before and after treatment for thinning hair

Prevention of thinning hair

Hair care and prevention of hair thinning require the following actions:

  • Watch your diet,
  • Try not to be stressed, less annoyed,
  • Take vitamins,

Watch nutrition, take vitamins.

Use hair dryer less frequently

  • Do not brush your wet hair, wait until it dries,
  • Periodically do haircuts for hair renewal.

Periodically do haircuts

Remember, you must carefully monitor the health of their hair, because their condition is a reflection of the work of the whole organism.

Causes of thinning hair in women after childbirth

Liquid hair is given by nature only ten girls out of a hundred. You can be convinced of this by paying attention to the hairstyles of schoolgirls, most of them wear thick, tight braids. But in an effort to become more beautiful, from an early age they are killing the health of curls with various hairdressing tricks. It should be noted that the cause of damage to the hair can be not only the impact of a physical or chemical nature, but also many other factors that erase the protective sheath of the hair, violating its structure and nutrition system, namely:

Beautiful lively curls

  1. Hereditary or genetic factor. In the presence of such a problem, thin and sparse hair requires constant care, complete cure is impossible.
  2. Thermal effects of electric tongs, hair dryers, curling irons. If it is not possible to avoid using these devices, use heat protection hair sprays during the procedures.
  3. Exposure to high temperature water.
  4. Frequent visit to the solarium.
  5. Being in the sun, which in its spectrum contain ultraviolet light, as well as tanning, drying hair and leading to a cross section of their tips. It is very simple to protect yourself from this factor - to apply protective hair sprays and to wear hats during the summer months.

Strands on the comb after combing

  • Work in rooms with hot, dry air.
  • Invalid care.
  • Coloring, highlighting, laminating and other hairdressing procedures using chemicals.
  • Lack of curls nutrition and vitamins. Here, in order for thin and sparse hair in women to become healthy and thick, it is required to regularly (twice a year) take a course of taking multi-vitamins.
  • Diseases of the internal organs, especially the stomach and nervous system.
  • Various bad habits.
  • Not ending stresses and experiences.
  • As a result of the action of the factors listed above, very liquid hair falls out and loses all signs of volume. To solve the problem, thin and sparse hair should be protected from the effects of these factors and at the same time work should be carried out to ensure proper care in order to give strength and health to the locks.

    Upset woman with problem hair.

    Official Recovery Techniques 2017

    The first thing you should know is that if the hair has become thin and falls out, then they get sick and need treatment. It should be appointed only after medical examination by certified trichologists.

    Important! The treatment can be done on your own at home, but it should be done carefully so as not to aggravate the disease by improper procedures.

    What to do if the hair began to fall out badly

    A typical course of therapy that revives bad hair consists of the following steps:

    • Massaging hair with the use of micronutrient-containing proteins that stimulate and strengthen curls.
    • A special protein diet that gives the body the necessary vitamins and amino acids.

    Improper staining disrupts their structure.

    • Undergoing a course of fortification, which is appointed after passing a medical examination. In most cases, it is prescribed vitamin C, E, B, and P supplements.
    • Mesotherapy for the scalp with the aim of introducing therapeutic supplements that promote the restoration of hair.

    Under the influence of correct medical procedures, thin hair comes to life very quickly. Additionally speed up recovery can use home remedies.

    Folk restoration methods

    If the hair falls out and becomes very thin, then you can apply not only to professional doctors, but also to the folk remedies that came from the past — home masks, which restore very thin hair and return the natural protective sheath to them. It is necessary to use masks prepared according to different recipes, but no more than twice a week. The time of their exposure ranges from ten to forty minutes. Here are the main types of masks:

    To restore the scalp should use special tools.

    Shampoo for growth: when there is not enough nutrition

    Rubbing, made from herbal. Mint, rosemary, sage, basil and other pharmaceutical herbs are mixed here. Then they are pounded and filled with apple cider vinegar of natural origin. Essential oils of mint and lavender, three and five drops in two glasses, respectively, are added to the rubbing. The resulting mixture is infused for two weeks in a glass container and then stored in a dark place at room temperature. Infusion is applied by rubbing into the roots after dilution of two tablespoons in a glass of heated water.

    Mask to add volume to curls

    Repairing masks at home

    Mask to add volume to the curls. It must be done with thin hair.
    Here the egg yolk is ground and mixed with a tablespoon of yeast and the same amount of herbal decoction. The collection of herbs is best chosen for the color parameters of the hair, as they have a coloring and tinting effect. Brown women should use calendula, blondes should use camomile, and brunettes should use nettle, oak bark and St. John's wort. After mixing, the mixture is infused for an hour, then a tablespoon of burdock and ten drops of aromatic oil are added to it.This mask is superimposed on the hair roots, as well as on the strands themselves in a heated form.

    Night mask. Here, kefir with a high percentage of fat content is used as a material. This mask should hold on to hair for six to eight hours, that is, throughout the night.

    Refreshing mask. For this tool, green tea is ground in a coffee grinder, three tablespoons of the obtained powder is brewed in boiling water. The amount of water is taken from the calculation of obtaining a mixture of density similar to sour cream. After cooling, two raw eggs are added to the mask.

    Tip! If your hair is dull and thin, then completely abandon chemical procedures and the use of rods, normalize your lifestyle, learn proper care for your hair, when prescribing medical procedures, do not be lazy to do them all, and the result in strengthening your hair and increasing their number will not force yourself to wait.
    Often there are thin and sparse hair in men, but they usually do not pay attention to this problem. This is not the right approach, because thinning and hair loss is a disease that, like a cold, should be treated.

    Why hair condition worsens

    Why does hair fall out? There are a lot of reasons for thinning and heavy loss:

    • lack of vitamins
    • poor diet
    • past illnesses,
    • radiation, chemotherapy courses,
    • mechanical damage to the scalp,
    • frequent stress
    • incorrect selection of hair care products,
    • bad ecology,
    • hormonal disruptions
    • thermo-laying, waving, aggressive hair colors,
    • pregnancy, postpartum,
    • hereditary pathologies,
    • age changes
    • defeat of the skin on the head with fungal, bacterial infections,
    • lack of hormones due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

    Conclusion: If you notice a sharp deterioration in the quality of the hair, think about what could have caused the negative changes. Ask for help to the trichologist. The doctor will determine the cause of brittleness and hair loss, will recommend drugs, tell you how to change your lifestyle. Regular use of folk remedies along with medications and vitamin complexes will help restore health to curls.

    How to use hair wax? Learn the tricks of the application.

    Pediculosis medicines for children and adults are described at this address.

    General rules for home treatment

    What to do at home with strong hair loss? Act correctly:

    • visit trichologist, determine the cause of the poor hair condition
    • change your lifestyle, if the reason lies in it,
    • Take vitamin complexes to improve hair condition, for example, Pantovigar, Vitrum Beauty, Perfectil, Revalid,
    • Enter into the diet greens, fresh fruits, vegetables. Useful bran, cereals, liver, olive oil, dairy products, sea fish,
    • on the recommendation of the doctor, take dietary supplements with brewer's yeast, calcium, magnesium, selenium, other useful minerals,
    • buy therapeutic shampoos, serums, balms for the recovery of hair.

    Recipes of traditional medicine, home compositions are irreplaceable:

    • moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating masks,
    • tinctures
    • herbal teas,
    • healing esters
    • aroma scrubbing.

    After consulting with your doctor, make a comprehensive program of treatment for thin, weakened hairs. Alternate the mask, rinse the hair after the procedures and shampooing. Three - four times a week do self-massage of the head. Choose recipes against "thinness" and hair loss, regularly take care of loose strands.

    Recipes masks from falling out and for recovery

    The beauty of household compositions is that they gently, gently act on each hair, strengthen the roots and hair follicles, and heal the scalp. Another advantage: masks often eliminate several problems at once. For example, the nutritional composition also moisturizes, eliminates fragility, gives a natural shine to curls.

    Choose suitable recipes for useful procedures. For maximum effect, make masks three times a week.

    From hair loss:

    • with black radish. Peel the average radish, rub, squeeze the juice. Apply liquid to the roots, make a light massage, warm the head with cellophane and a towel. Rinse with or without shampoo. The course is a month
    • burdock Combine a tablespoon of burdock oil (or avocado oil) and sparse honey, pour in a dessert spoon of onion juice. Rub the mixture into the roots, create a thermal effect. The time is 40 minutes. You apply a mask in the evening, so that the onion scent disappears until the morning, (read here about avocado oil, honey masks are described in this article)
    • with castor oil. Pound the yolk, pour the juice from a medium lemon. Heat the dessert spoon of castorca in a water bath, add to the egg-lemon mixture. Slightly wet the strands with a nutrient mixture, rub into the roots, massage. After washing, rinse with a decoction of nettle or chamomile, (Masks with castor oil are described on this page)
    • with vitamin E. Chop the middle onion, squeeze the juice. Add 1 tbsp. l healing aloe juice, crushed yolk, 6–8 drops of vitamin E (oil solution). Strengthen the effect will help add 2 tbsp. l sparse medka. Apply a nourishing mask on the root zone and strands, warm the head. Duration - 50 minutes
    • with nettles. Pick some fresh leaves or dry them, chop them in a blender. Select 3 tbsp. l green mass, add pounded yolk, 2 dess. l burdock oil. Spread the composition of hair loss on the scalp, comb along the strands, wrap hair, (Recipes egg masks at this address),
    • with olive oil. In a bowl, combine an equal amount of warm olive oil and lemon juice. Apply the oily liquid to the unwashed strands, wrap the curls in a plastic bag, walk for a few hours. You can lubricate the hair in the evening, wrap a towel without cellophane. Be sure to cover the pillow with an old sheet folded several times. In the morning, wash the strands with shampoo,
    • with a decoction of burdock. Prepare a strong broth (250 ml of water - 2 tablespoons. Chopped roots, boil for 15 minutes). Add to the strained liquid 2 tbsp. l healing burdock oil, rub into the roots, process curls to the tips, wrap the head.

    For the recovery of thinned hair:

    • restoring mask. Grind in a blender flakes Hercules. Select 3 tbsp. l oatmeal, mix with the same amount of warm olive oil, pour the vial of retinol oil (vitamin A). Distribute the moisturizing mixture, warm the head. The time of the procedure is a quarter of an hour, (The recipes of regenerating masks here, moisturizing - in this article)
    • for very fine hairs. Buy high-fat kefir or prepare your own nutritional product from 0.5 liters of full-fat milk and 2 tbsp. l sour cream. Rub kefir in the roots, brush curls, warm the hair. After 4–5 hours, rinse with a high-quality shampoo, apply chamomile decoction on the strands, (the kefir masks are described on this page),
    • yeast mask. To give volume to thin, brittle hairs will help a mask from 2 tbsp. l honey, a cup of fat kefir, 1 tsp. fragrant cinnamon, 25 g yeast. Combine products, let it brew for a third of an hour, process the hair. After half an hour, wash off,
    • mask with yogurt. With increased fat content, thinning hairs, feed them with the composition of equal parts of natural yogurt and warm yogurt. To enhance the effect, add 5 drops of vitamins A and E in oil to 50 ml of fermented milk products,
    • beer mask. Heat a glass of dark beer a little, add 6 drops of peach oil, pounded yolk. Process the roots and strands, create a thermal effect. The duration of the procedure is 45 minutes. Excellent composition for hair density. (On the use of peach oil, read this article).

    Causes of thinning and weakening hair

    By nature, hair is thin only in 10% of women, while in others the violation of their structure is due to various reasons:

    • Chemical and mechanical effects - the main factors affecting the condition of the hair,
    • Heredity, the manifestations of which can also be adjusted by proper care for curls,
    • Exposure to high temperatures: frequent use of a hair dryer, electric pliers, use of hot water when washing your head, long exposure to the sun, in hot workshops, excessive solarium enthusiasm,
    • Frequent hairdressing procedures: highlighting, perm, coloring, etc.,
    • Improper care
    • Malnutrition,
    • Bad habits,
    • Internal diseases,
    • Constant stress
    • Avitaminosis.

    Vitamins essential for healthy hair:

    According to the science of trichology, hair treatment depends largely on the additional introduction of vitamins and minerals into the diet. (Review of vitamins useful for hair) Dandruff and dry scalp is a symptom of zinc deficiency, which can even lead to partial loss of hair. Iron deficiency leads to thinning hair and anemia. Proper diet to improve the condition of the hair should be prepared by a nutritionist. In addition, we must remember that a healthy person a day should drink at least 2 liters of pure water.

    How can help thin hair in the salon?

    Most beauty salons use specialized products to help weakened hair: energy and medicinal shampoos, serums, capsules with vitamin B6.

    To restore the healthy state of the curls in the salons, as a rule, today they offer:

    • Treatment of thin weakened hair with colored clays.
    • Mesotherapy - hair follicle restoration by subcutaneous injections of specialized drugs.
    • Creatine treatment - the use of masks enriched with a special protein. Usually combined with the procedure of therapeutic and decorative lamination.
    • “FireCut” is a fire treatment in which the tips of the hair are “sealed” by firing with an open flame. As a result, the hair remains elastic and is able to maintain an optimal balance of amino acids and proteins.
    • Hot haircut works on the same principle as FireCut, only it uses heated scissors.
    • Pyrophoresis consists of a head massage with rubbing in of protein and keratin compositions followed by heating with a flame. The exposure temperature is not very high, so the procedure is safe.
    • Cold mask - massage with liquid nitrogen, which contributes to a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels and their subsequent expansion. As a result, blood flows to the hair bulb more intensively, their nutrition is normalized.
    • Ozone therapy - a mask of ozone-oxygen composition, which improves metabolism, normalizes respiration of tissues.

    Lamination creates a protective sheath around the hair.

    Possibilities of care for thin hair at home

    The most effective home remedy for thin, loose curls is a scalp massage, which is preferably carried out before washing the head. The procedure should be given daily 2-4 minutes. At the same time, experts recommend reducing the load on the bulbs, reducing the length of the hair by at least 3 cm.

    In folk medicine, to restore the normal state of the hair, decoctions of peppermint leaves, pharmaceutical chamomile and birch are used. For the treatment of damaged hair, nettle decoction has been used since ancient times. Her leaves are dried, their handful is brewed with boiling water, filtered and used a decoction for rinsing after each wash. Ready decoction must be stored in the refrigerator.

    At home, honey, olive oil, coffee and avocado are actively used to treat thin hair, moisturize and nourish their roots. To prepare the mask, you need to mix one of these components with egg yolk. The composition is left on the head for half an hour, then washed off with shampoo. Stimulate growth and strengthen hair can be a mask of burdock root, mixed in equal proportions with shampoo.

    A mustard mask is effective for damaged hair: they combine 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, dry mustard, hot water, a spoonful of honey and one egg yolk. The resulting composition is applied to the roots, the head is covered with a shower cap and wrapped tightly with a towel. The first sessions are recommended to spend 5-10 minutes, in the future - half an hour. More often than once a week to do a mustard mask is not worth it.

    An elementary procedure for treating thinning hair at home is weekly rubbing olive, burdock or castor oil into the scalp.

    In addition to performing various procedures, to combat split ends, you need to purchase a rare wooden comb. It needs to be changed regularly, as the tree stratifies over time and can damage the hair, reinforcing the cross section. Sharp hair pins and very stiff gums also harm the hair.

    Having noticed positive changes in the condition of the hair, it is impossible to stop the care in any case - it must be continued constantly. Thin hair requires a careful attitude - you need to avoid drying it with a hot dryer, exposure to direct sunlight. It is necessary to use exclusively professional paint, masks and balms intended specifically for this type of hair.

    Additional Information:

    Hair growth cycle

    Human hair develops under conditions of continuous cyclic exchange. The hair growth cycle consists of 2 main phases: the growth phase (anagen) and the rest phase (telogen) and the short transition phase.

    Interestingly, different hairs are in different phases of the cycle. In telogen, the resting stage of the hair, it weakens, slows down growth and loss.

    The growth phase is the longest phase of hair development - for the scalp it lasts about 2-5 years and in a 20-year-old person there is 90% of hair in it. For comparison, the phase of rest and regeneration, which occurs after a period of growth takes only a few weeks. This means that under normal conditions, only every tenth hair should be in this phase.

    Unfortunately, due to hormonal disorders, past diseases, or after menopause, the amount of hair in the telogen stage increases to 50-80%. Such a violation of proportions becomes noticeable to the naked eye. Moreover, this alopecia concerns not only the scalp, but also other parts of the body.

    Causes of telogen hair loss

    It has long been known that the state of the skin appendages (that is, for example, hair or nails) reflects the general condition of the body. This means that the factors of the body's endocrine balance can lead to growth retardation and hair loss.

    Age-related telogen baldness

    As causes telogen hair loss Numerous factors are offered, both hereditary and environmental, that disturb the state of balance in the body. These disorders cause lengthening of the resting hair phase, and visible effects appear 3 months after the onset of the cause.

    In some cases, when the active factor was once (for example, a severe stressful situation) or reversible (for example, thyroid hormone deficiency), hair loss is temporary and their recovery is possible.

    To the most frequent causes of telogen hair loss relate:

    • States that are load for the body: injuries, operating procedures, childbirth.
    • Moral factors: stress, state of increased nervous tension.
    • Lack of powerFor example, the draconian diet, iron deficiency.
    • Medications taken: anticoagulants (for example, heparin), retinoids (for example, acitretin).
    • Antiepileptic drugs (for example, carbamazepine), some drugs used in diseases of the circulatory system (the so-called beta-blockers).
    • Hormonal disorders: hyper- and hypofunction of the thyroid gland, hypophysis hypofunction.
    • Chronic inflammatory processesFor example, lupus.
    • Infectious diseases: acute infections, chronic diseases.
    • Heavy metal poisoning.

    These factors are only examples of the potential causes of telogen hair loss. It is worth noting that many of the above factors are reversible, for example, hunger or medication. In such cases, when solving a problem, the hair is restored after about 6 months.

    Stress for the body is not only a state of increased emotional stress, but also all kinds of biological loads, for example, a disease with a fever, a state after an injury. This means that these situations will have a negative effect on hair growth and their condition.

    In such cases occurs thinning hair, their loss and weakening, which is observed 3-6 months after the trauma suffered.

    Telogen baldness associated with stress, occurs not only as a result of critical situations (for example, life-threatening), but also as a result of chronic, high emotional stress.

    Interestingly, the constant stressful situation also intensifies androgenic alopecia. It is worth noting that baldness in the face of stress can be effectively prevented by changing lifestyle and avoiding emotional stress.

    Lack of power

    Provided that the hair and nails are in good condition, proper, balanced nutrition is essential. If at present, vitamin deficiency is rare, it should be noted that the use of draconian diets, as well as a deficiency of trace elements, such as iron or zinc, affects the hair and nails. If we are talking about trace elements, it is obvious that telogen alopecia is associated with iron deficiency.

    It is important to note that the lack of this element can be caused not only by its insufficient amount in the diet, but also by impaired absorption or the presence of a source of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Such a condition, especially in the elderly, requires confirmation of the cause, since this can be a sign of a serious illness.

    Heparin should be referred to drugs that are the most frequent cause of telogen baldness. The connection between this disease and the use of drugs from the group of the so-called retinoids (agents resembling vitamin A) - used, for example, in psoriasis has also been proven.

    Cases of baldness are also recorded while taking beta-blockers (often used in diseases of the circulatory system) and some anti-epileptic drugs (for example, carbamazepine). Also, drugs used in antitumor chemotherapy are often the cause of hair loss, but this is not telogen hair loss - hair falls out in the growth phase.

    Hormonal disorders

    Hormonal disorders should be taken into account as the cause chronic telogen hair loss.

    The most frequent disorders of this group that affect the hair are the pathologies of the thyroid gland, hypofunction of the prostate gland and the hormonal activity disorder in patients in the perinatal period.

    Heavy metal poisoning

    Due to their properties, heavy metals can accumulate in the human body and disrupt the functioning of many organs (especially the nervous system and the hematopoietic system).

    Typical substances that can lead to baldness are selenium, arsenic, thallium and lead. Poisoning with these elements is often accompanied by more serious symptoms than just hair loss.

    Risk factors for telogen hair loss

    Telogen baldness is one of the most common diseases associated with hair loss. Although this disease occurs in both sexes in people of different ages, certain groups of people can be more susceptible to the disease.

    Factors that can affect this propensity are gender, age, occupation, position held and sensitivity to stimuli. For most people, baldness is a serious problem that greatly reduces self-confidence and satisfaction with one’s own appearance.

    Gender and telogen hair loss

    Although due to hair loss, women often come to the doctor, it is difficult to assess the scale of this phenomenon, as in women, hair loss causes much more psychological discomfort.

    It is undeniable that women are more often subject to various kinds of hormonal fluctuations. This is associated with pregnancy (thinning hair is a fairly common problem 2-3 months after delivery), using oral contraceptives, frequent use of weight loss diets, as well as more common hormonal disorders (for example, thyroid disease).

    Thus, it can be said that chronic type of telogen baldnessmore often affects women. It should be remembered that the most common form of baldness - androgenic alopecia is more common in men.

    Age and telogen hair loss

    Telogen baldness can occur in people of all ages, including children, in whom it is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Although the disease can occur in both young and elderly people, it seems that people over 30-40 years old are most susceptible to it. This is associated with a greater risk of the coexistence of other pathologies.

    It turns out that the human race has no effect on the likelihood of developing telogen alopecia.

    Profession and telogen hair loss

    Increased risk development of telogen hair loss representatives of professions associated with increased emotional stress, poor nutrition and a widely understood harmful lifestyle.

    It has long been shown that the stress response also extends to the hair follicles, including local excretion of substances (for example, substance P), which causes weakness and hair loss.

    Another risk factor is a job that is associated with constant contact with toxic chemicals. It can be like heavy metals, which, in addition to baldness, cause numerous central nervous system symptoms that can cause loss of life.

    Such chemical compounds are used, for example, in the production of textiles. Hair loss is a symptom that occurs when safe concentrations of such substances are exceeded.

    Signs of telogen hair loss

    Signs of telogen hair loss are not limited to thinning of the hair on the head, but also entail a significant reduction in the quality of life of patients and anxiety.

    However, in contrast to the most common causes of hair loss in androgenic alopecia, telogen has, as a rule, its reversible cause. After its detection and removal, the hair is restored within 6-12 months, leaving no trace after their loss.

    The first symptom of telogen hair loss is a noticeable increase in hair loss. Patients most often see this after scratching, when more hair is left on the comb than usual.

    Physiologically, about 100 hairs fall out every day, which is relatively total (about 100,000); it remains almost imperceptible; however, in the case of telogen hair loss, thinning of the hair gradually becomes noticeable.

    It is important to note that in this form of the disease complete alopecia does not occur, and the changes affect the entire scalp. If we are dealing with a complete loss of hair or limited changes, the cause is most likely another disease.

    A characteristic feature of telogen hair loss is hair loss not only on the head, but also on the eyebrows or other parts of the body. Moreover, with close viewing of the scalp, short growing hair can be observed. This is due to the fact that with telogen baldness, hair follicles are preserved, which ensures hair restoration.

    Diagnosis of telogen hair loss

    If you suspect telogen alopecia, the doctor should discuss with the patient the possible conditions that are a significant burden for the body that occurred during the previous 2-6 months.

    This is important for two reasons. Firstly, telogen baldness is the result of an imbalance that has developed in the body, and secondly, such changes do not occur immediately after the triggering of the factor, but only with some delay.

    In the diagnosis of telogen hair loss, it is also important to collect information about associated diseases, medications taken, as well as about diet and lifestyle. All of these factors, in particular, their sudden changes (for example, the transition to a rigid diet) during the last half year can provide important information, what is the essence of the problem.

    Additional hair examinations include a trichogram of the scalp. Trichogram allows to estimate the growth phase of hair with a high degree of accuracy. Telogen alopecia is characterized by an increase in the amount of hair in the resting stage (telogen) up to 70% (usually 10-15%). Laboratory tests can detect iron deficiency or metabolic diseases.

    Telogen hair loss and other diseases

    The most common disease (although, in principle, it is a physiological process), which can resemble telogen alopecia is androgenic alopecia. It, contrary to the name, concerns both women and men and is the result of action on dihydrotestosterone receptors. This substance causes irreversible hair loss, in some cases, up to complete baldness.

    A distinctive feature of this form of baldness is localization at the temples and in the vicinity of the forehead. There are effective drugs against this form of excessive hair loss, but they are associated with side effects, and their effectiveness is not always satisfactory.

    Another pathology, with still uncertain causes, which can give a similar picture - focal baldness. An important difference, however, is almost complete. hair lossAs a rule, in a limited space of the body, while telogen baldness does not lead to complete loss of hair and is scattered throughout the entire hairy part of the skin.

    Treatment of telogen baldness

    Most of the causes of telogen hair loss are the result of specific imbalances in the body's balance.

    In many cases, these causes are reversible and improvement occurs spontaneously after the cause is eliminated (for example, baldness after injury or mental stress). Unfortunately, the remaining patients have limited treatment options.

    There are, however, numerous preparations for hair strengtheningHowever, their effectiveness leaves much to be desired. Also, hair transplantation is an ineffective option in this case.

    However, it is worth noting that the name “telogen baldness” can be misleading, since this form of hair loss, as a rule, does not lead to complete baldness, but only to thinning hair.


    Watch the video: Common Hair Loss Issues, Treatments, and Solutions (July 2024).