
How to properly lighten hair at home without harm


In recent years, the popularity of blondes beats all sorts of records. The image of fair-haired girls is used in comics, mentioned in anecdotes, but it also attracts men. It is not surprising that many women think about how hair becomes discolored at home. It is not a secret for anyone that this procedure has a detrimental effect on the state of our hair, so I want to achieve the desired result as safely as possible.

If you decide to use the recipes of traditional medicine, you should not expect a lightning effect. The same procedure will have to be repeated several times, and only then your curls will become a few shades lighter. Absolutely all blondes are recommended to rinse their head with chamomile decoction, it gives a delicate golden hue. This herb can be purchased at any pharmacy, a glass of boiled water will need a spoonful of the product. Put the mixture on a slow fire and boil for 15 minutes. It remains to strain - and the tool is ready for use. Wash your hair as usual, and as a final step, apply a concentrated decoction to each strand. It is not necessary to wash it away, we immediately do the styling. Specialists in hairdressing, talking about how best to discolor hair, recommend the use of henna. Unfortunately, most women are still convinced that this product can only achieve a red shade. However, so-called white henna is currently being actively produced. Of course, it cannot be attributed to an absolutely natural product, because there is a proportion of chemical additives. But in comparison with the others, it will cause minimal damage to the hair structure.

How to discolor hair at home? Appeal to products in the refrigerator

Since ancient times, the most effective among natural remedies is lemon. Due to the acidic environment of the hair becomes much lighter. However, it should be used very carefully, because you can dry the strands, which will make the ends brittle and dull. The popularity of this technique is explained by the simplicity of the procedure. It is enough to squeeze the juice of one lemon and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply the mixture on the hair after washing, no need to wash it off. Many ladies notice a qualitative change in appearance. In addition to the desired shade, hair get an incredible shine, becoming softer and more pliable. Representatives of dry hair for these purposes is better to use kefir. It is mixed with egg yolk and a small amount of hair balm. We carefully mask each strand with a mask, then cover the head with cling film and leave it all night.

How to discolor hair at home?

Previously, women became blondes using normal hydrogen peroxide. It should be noted that such a tool belongs to the aggressive, so to speak about the safety of its use is not necessary. However, even today many are interested in how to discolor hair with hydroperiod. This drug is a mixture of peroxide and urea, is produced in tablet form. Several tablets diluted with a small amount of water, add a couple of drops of ammonia. Apply the liquid over the entire length of the hair, and after 15 minutes, thoroughly rinse the head.

We evaluate the condition of the hair and its capabilities

According to the rules of hairdressing before any staining, and especially lightening, it is necessary to assess the condition of the hair and scalp. Healthy hair strong and elastic, have natural gloss, the small number of split ends is allowed. On the scalp also should not be wounds, rashes, sores, allergies.

Signs of hair damage - This is a strong hair loss, brittleness, excessive dryness, changes in structure. This condition of the hair can be observed after repeated staining with aggressive dyes, after chemical perm, transfer of any diseases, as well as due to hypovitaminosis. In any case, if the hair is severely damaged and weakened, then the idea of ​​lightening should be abandoned, since the risk of losing hair after bleaching is very high.

Determine how many tones need to lighten the hair

To do this, you can use the palette of shades of any hair dye. Compare your hair shade with the hues of the natural range of any palette of professional paint, and also find the desired shade that you want to get as a result. So you get an idea of ​​how many tones will have to lighten the hair.

To know the desired result is very important in order to assess their capabilities. If you are going to lighten dark hair for 5 or more tones, then be prepared for a noticeable loss of hair quality. For heavily bleached hair will have to care more, they tend to become very dry and highly susceptible to mechanical damage and breaking.

To lighten dark hair at home, you need to buy:

  1. Lightening powder or powder. Usually they are sold in bags designed for one use, or in larger banks.
  2. Oxidizing emulsion (oxidant). Also available in single-use vials and larger bottles.
  3. Gloves
  4. Ampoules with protective oil. Almost all manufacturers have protective agents that are added to the coloring or brightening mixture immediately before application. They are designed to reduce the harmful effects of chemical composition on the hair structure. In principle, this is not a mandatory product, and they can be neglected if your hair is strong enough.
  5. Toning permanent dye + activator. Lightening powder does not give the desired shade of hair, but only prepares the base for its production, removing the natural pigments from the hair to a certain background lightening. In addition, bleached hair looks lifeless and very dry to the touch. To get a beautiful shade, as well as to restore the lost elasticity of the hair, you need to hold toning.

What is background lightening? A bit of color theory

In nature, there is only three primary colors which cannot be obtained by mixing is red, blue and yellow. All other colors are obtained by mixing these three main, for example:

  • Red + Yellow = Orange
  • Red + Blue = Purple
  • Blue + Yellow = Green
  • blue + red + yellow = brown.

Brightening Background - This is the color that is obtained after the partial destruction of the natural pigment due to the chemical effect on the hair. As a rule, the first in the hair is destroyed by the blue pigment, so the hair in the process of lightening first turn red. Then the red pigment is destroyed and the hair becomes yellow. Yellow hair color in the process of lightening means that the background lightening already corresponds to the level of "blond." Further, the smaller the yellow pigment in the hair becomes, the hair color is closer to white. Determine in advance the background lightening, to which you want to discolor the hair to achieve the desired shade.

Where to buy professional hair products?

  • The easiest way to buy clarifying agents and dyes in stores professional cosmetics for hair Your city. There you can see the dye palette, decide on the desired shade, get advice from the seller. If you can not go shopping, you can search for similar online stores in your city. Since I live in Ufa, I will give examples of several online stores of professional cosmetics for the hair of our city:
  • Online stores professional hair cosmetics with delivery throughout Russia. In such stores it is advantageous to buy products in small bulk, so you can recoup the delivery charge. For example, one of the popular stores of professional hair products is "HiHair.RU"
  • Joint purchases. Nowadays, this kind of shopping is becoming increasingly popular. If you have experience in ordering goods in joint purchases, then you can easily find a couple of purchases of professional hair cosmetics organized in your city.

What brightening powder (powder) to choose?

In general, the use of salon products at home often becomes problematic. In particular, professional cleaning agents usually contain a lot of ammonia, the sharp and unpleasant smell of which can spread throughout the apartment. In the process of applying a brightening compound to your hair, you will also experience great discomfort associated with the release of ammonia odor, for example, burning and redness of the eyes. Also, if there are children in the apartment, then it is undesirable to use ammonia clarifiers.

Fortunately, there are safer products for lightening hair. For example, the company Kapous produces a ammonia-free brightening powder. Kapous magic keratin. From my own experience I know that while working with this powder, the smell of ammonia is absent, and also there is no burning and redness of the eyes. Plus, it is relatively inexpensive (about 80 p. Per sachet 30g, 450r. Per can 500g).

Similar brightening powder without ammonia content are available from other manufacturers, for example:

  • L’Oreal Professionnel Platinum (3500 r.)
  • Brelil No AMMONIA Bleaching (2700r.)
  • Baco Soft Color Collection Powder Lightener Ammonia Free - Brightening powder without ammonia with anti-yellow effect (1200 r.)
  • CHI Professional Blondest Blonde Powder Lightener Ammonia Free Powder Cream (4000r.)

How much should you buy a brightening powder and oxidant?

The easiest thing at home is to lighten short dark hair and shoulder-length hair. To lighten short hair, 1-2 sachets of powder will take 30 g each, 2-3 sachets on shoulder-length hair, 3-4 sachets on hair up to shoulder blades, up to 8 sachets of powder may be required for longer hair. The calculation of the amount of oxidative emulsion is based on the number of brightening powder in a ratio of 2: 1 (for example, 60 g of oxidant and 30 g of brightening powder)

How to choose an oxidant?

To lightening was less traumatic for hair, take an oxidative emulsion containing 3% hydrogen peroxide. Oxidizers with a higher content of hydrogen peroxide destroy the hair structure more strongly. In addition, the use of oxidants with a high content of hydrogen peroxide involves a very fast application, so you should not risk and buy a high percentage of oxide for hair bleaching at home.
Oxidants with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide are also commercially available. These are the so-called "activators", designed for toning blond hair. For brightening dark hair with powder, they are also not suitable, since the result will be hardly noticeable at best.
How to lighten hair at home step-by-step guide for beginners
Lightening hair is not an easy task, no matter how it seems. Choose a day when you will have a few free hours to do everything correctly.
Discoloration and lightening of hair is done ONLY on dirty hair in order to minimize the harmful effects of the brightening agent on the hair. Also it would be nice to make an oil mask on the hair for a couple of days before the procedure.

So let's get down to action:

  1. Comb the hair, divide them into 4 zones (along the parting and across), and collect the hair of each zone with a rubber band in the tail.
  2. Wear gloves
  3. Preparation of the clarifying structure:
    Mix the powder and oxidizer in the recommended proportions (usually 1: 2). If desired, add a protective oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. It should be a homogeneous mass. If the composition is too thick, and it is difficult to apply to the hair, or it dries quickly, then add a little oxidant Noah emulsion and mix.
  4. Dissolve the hair on one area of ​​the head, separate the thin strand and start applying the brightening compound. Can be applied directly with gloved hands, so it will be faster. Please note that your application time is limited, so you should not lose a minute. It is advisable to have time to apply the composition as quickly as possible so that he can evenly lighten the hair. Be careful not to leave hair untouched by the brightener, especially if you take too thick strands.
    Do the same with other zones, that is, first on the back of the head, and then on the fronto-parietal zone.
  5. Leave the composition on the hair at the time recommended by the manufacturer. But no more than 50 minutes. Constantly monitor the ongoing reaction on the hair, that is, the change in their color. If you see that the desired background clarification has already been achieved, then safely proceed to flushing.
  6. Rinse the brightening compound from the hair with running water, then wash the hair with shampoo. In the salons for this use shampoo deep cleaning. At home, any suitable shampoo for oily hair.
  7. Toning is the final stage of dyeing after brightening the hair with a bleaching powder. Experts do not recommend to neglect this procedure, but to do it on the same day after clarification. In this case, the hair is fed with pigments from the tinting dye and will be less susceptible to damaging mechanical stress.

For toning, they take a dye per ton lighter than the desired one, and also an oxidizing emulsion of 1.5% or 3% for a more stable result. The process of toning itself is similar to the usual hair coloring, but in this case the dye is applied to wet hair. You should also carefully read the instructions for the recommended exposure time, because bleached hair can be painted more intensely.

After the exposure time of the toning dye, you need to wash the hair under warm running water and apply a balm for colored hair.

Important Tips

  • Do not brighten your hair with professional products if your hair has previously been dyed with natural dyes, such as henna or basma, or for a month after using tonal balsams such as Toniki.
  • Strictly study and follow the instructions for use of each tool used, do not resort to a combination of professional tools and folk councils (for example, add vegetable oil to the lightening emulsion).
  • Do not use metal dishes and metal objects in the process of lightening and dyeing hair.
  • After the bleaching procedure, the hair will need special care for a long time, combining special shampoos for colored hair and moisturizing and nourishing masks.
  • At first, after dyeing, stop using aggressive brushes and hairbrushes, preferably drying your hair in a natural way.

Thanks for attention! Let your hair be healthy and beautiful, and you are always happy with your appearance!

How to discolor hair at home

Every year professional hair care products are becoming more and more affordable, among them are products designed to lighten hair. The chemical composition of these shampoos leaves much to be desired, so the question of how to discolor hair at home, without damaging them, is becoming increasingly important.As it turned out, glycerin can help not only moisturize the skin of the face and hands, but also become an effective helper in brightening hair by 2 tones.

To prepare a mask with glycerin in this way:

  1. Make an infusion of chamomile: inflorescences of chamomile drug pour 200 ml of boiling water and infuse for 2 hours.
  2. After waiting for the required time, let the grass extract cool and strain it, squeezing the cake well.
  3. Add 60 g of glycerin (it is easy to find in any pharmacy) and mix well.
  4. Apply a tinting compound to the strands and wrap them with foil.
  5. Rinse with water 40 degrees.

This mask can be used to lighten the tips of the hair at home. The only thing that needs to be changed is the application procedure - it is necessary to distribute only along the tips of the curls. One procedure will change the color by no more than 1 tone. To enhance the effect, do it again a week later.

How to discolor dark hair with chamomile at home

Chamomile is one of the simplest methods used to lighten not only blond, but also light hair. Moreover, all methods are easy to use, and components are easy to find. Applying infusion of chamomile, strands acquire a golden hue of wheat.

To prepare the infusion, it is enough to do the following:

  1. 0.5 l cold water pour 2 tbsp. dry chamomile inflorescences.
  2. To simmer on medium heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Allow time for cooling, then filter.

This recipe involves the use of infusion as a brightening conditioner, i.e. after washing with shampoo, the strands are rinsed with the prepared conditioner. This method does not require flushing. You can use it every time you wash your hair.

Chamomile blends well with other ingredients that enhance the effect of hair lightening, as well as help them recover:

  • Firming composition with nettle. Nettle is a weed, which very well treats hair not only when applied externally, but also when applied internally. Salads are made of it, having previously boiled over boiling water to remove its “burning” features. Together with chamomile, they represent a beautiful tandem, and serve as a brightener for hair at home. Take 1 tbsp. chamomile and nettle and pour 1 liter of water. Simmer for 15-20 minutes. If you make a water bath, then you need to simmer for 30 minutes. We dissolve the prepared essence with warm water in 1: 1 ratio and rinse dry hair. Let the strands dry naturally. After rinsing with concentrated one-component infusion of chamomile.
  • Recipe for owners of red hair. The peculiarity of red strands is the thick structure of the hair shaft, they are difficult to dye, but their health is difficult to harm. Therefore, for girls with this type of curls fit an improved recipe for alcohol. To prepare the need: 120 g of chamomile, hydrogen peroxide 50 ml, 10 drops of essential oil of lemon and 0.5 liters of brandy. Inflorescences pour brandy, cover and insist 14 days. After the expiration date, filter the tincture and mix with peroxide and lemon oil. To spray the received structure is necessary an aerosol. Rinse with shampoo after 30 minutes.
  • Multicomponent recipe for lightening hair at home: apple cider vinegar 450 ml, chamomile flowers 30 g, lemon 3 pcs., Chopped rhubarb root 40 g, calendula flowers 30 g, alcohol 60 ml, honey 60 ml. Add rhubarb to vinegar and simmer for 15 minutes. Then squeeze fresh lemons from two lemons and add to the resulting broth along with rhubarb root. Continue to simmer for another 5 minutes. Then wait for the mixture to cool, then strain. Mix with the remaining ingredients. This infusion is diluted in the ratio of 1 tbsp. on 1 l of water. It is applied before each washing of the head and aged for 30 minutes.
  • Brightening paint with crocus: chamomile 2 tbsp, lavender essential oil 4 drops, a pinch of crocus, 200 ml of water, lemon 1 pc. Crocus and chamomile need to be filled with boiling water and cover with a lid to infuse for half an hour. After cooling, the infusion is filtered and mixed with essential oil and lemon juice. The natural brightener is applied to the curls and after half an hour, rinse with warm water.
  • Tea infusion for bleaching the tips of the hair: water 300 ml, 300g rhubarb, chamomile 60 g, green tea with lavender 1 pinch. All ingredients mix and pour boiling water. Insist at least 1 hour. Strain the resulting composition and apply warm to hair. Hold for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

How to lighten hair with lemon at home

Each girl will have a unique shade of curls, the same simply does not happen. Lightening hair began in the ancient East. Dark-haired beauties brightened their strands of lemon with a few tones, which helped their hair to achieve the desired look, while feeding them with vitamins. The ascorbic acid found in this citrus fruit brightens even dark strands very well.

But in its pure form, lemon juice can not be used, concentrated acid can harm the hair structure, therefore using a means with the addition of fresh citrus yellow juice, it needs to be diluted (½ lemon juice is enough for 1 liter of water). It is worth remembering that the fruit has properties to dry, so it is better to add oils in the amount of 1 tbsp to the clarifier. (burdock, olive, etc.).

Sweet Brightener

Honey bleaching is a method that has a long history. It is among the most useful and safe folk methods.

The procedure begins with rinsing the head with an infusion of nettle, in which ¼ tsp is added. baking soda. After rinsing, apply a honey mask to the wet strands (honey 50 ml and ½ of lemon juice) and leave to act for 6 hours. You can repeat the procedure every 3 days. It should be borne in mind that to achieve clarification by 2-3 tones will be obtained only after 10-12 procedures. In addition to improving the tone of hair, the components of the “sweet” mask help the curls to improve their health, find a natural gloss and strengthen the root system.

Lightening with onions

An onion mask will help not only lighten but also strengthen hair. Onions have long established themselves as a good remedy for hair loss. The main disadvantage of using such a method is an unpleasant peculiar smell that persists for a long time.

Prepare the composition in this way: squeeze the juice from two onions. Dilute with the same amount of water as juice. Add here: 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, honey and lemon juice. To muffle the onion smell, you can mix with 4 drops of rosewood essential oil. Apply the onion mixture to the strands and wait 1 hour. Wash hair using shampoos without sulfate. This method can be used every other day or before each washing of the head.

It is worth remembering that it is not necessary to add a grated onion to the mask. It will be hard enough to wash out the curls, and the result will be the same as from the juice.

Kefir Lightening

Such a fermented milk product like kefir is a safe means for bleaching curls. It affects the growth rate. Helps to restore the structure of the hair follicle, and also makes the hair silky and soft. Kefir can be used as a standalone brightener or in combination with other ingredients.

It is necessary to apply kefir only on dry curls, then wrap a film around the head and warm with a towel. Hold the milk mask for two to three hours.

No less effective and such a composition: kefir 50 ml, brandy 2 tablespoons, 1 yolk, lemon fresh juice 100 ml, natural balm for hair 1 tsp. Mix all ingredients with a whisk and apply on the strands. Warm your head and go to bed. The duration of the mask should be 7-8 hours. In the morning you need to wash off only with warm water, without the use of any hair care products. One application is enough to see the result - the curls become 1-2 tones lighter, as well as more docile.

Factors to Consider When Brightening Hair

Whatever clarification method is chosen, it is worth knowing some rules:

  • dark hair is difficult to brighten at home,
  • the rigid structure of the hair requires a longer exposure to the bleaching mixture,
  • frequent clarification leads to drying of curls.

Whichever hair lightening method is chosen, it is necessary to take into account the structure and type of the hair shaft. Damaged hair needs additional care and restoration, so you should not choose products that focus only on toning. It is better to opt for complex compositions that contribute to the strengthening of curls, and their clarification.

How to discolor hair at home

Before you decide on the bleaching method, you need to understand that giving a color to a noble platinum with initially blond hair and a head of hair of a brunette is fundamentally different tasks. And if in the first case it is only necessary to lighten the original color, then in the second - to completely overcome the saturated pigment.

  1. If the task is to hide dark or excessively thick hairs on open areas of the body, then experiments with peroxide or dye for blonding will inevitably be completed with violent irritation or even allergies. So these areas accept only one way - cream for bleaching hair.
  2. Glycerin is another popular component for homemade bleaching that allows you to lighten hair by 3-5 tones. For one procedure, 30 g of glycerin and 25 g of chamomile, infused in boiling water, are required. The components are mixed, applied directly to the entire head of hair and aged for 40 minutes. Then washed in the usual way.
  3. Hair bleaching with hydrogen peroxide is the most popular, the most radical and, alas, the most destructive method for the structure of the hair. The procedure is implemented very simply, but requires consideration of several important nuances:
  • The higher the concentration percentage of the hydrogen peroxide solution, the more pronounced the brightening will be, and the more damage will be to the hair structure. So, if you decide on a homemade bleaching procedure, then choose a maximum of 3% peroxide - yes, more procedures will be needed, but the hair will remain in the same condition. 9% -12% peroxide is much more effective, but also dangerous to health.
  • At hit on any clothes peroxide leaves an indelible blurry trail - before the procedure, put on clothes that you should not spoil.
  • If you apply peroxide yourself, then a sprayer will be the most convenient and effective way - so you will cover all the curls evenly and completely.
  • The duration of the peroxide is 30-60 minutes: the rate of bleaching of the hair is very individual. In order not to overdo the composition on the hair, after 30 minutes from the moment of application, wash off the peroxide from the fine strand and evaluate the result.

Than discolor facial and body hair at home

The discoloration of facial hair is a no less urgent problem. The fact is that the procedure for removing hairs on the upper lip frightens many girls - the particular painfulness of the removal, the probability of thickening and darkening of the antennae, and many psychological factors make the girls refuse to wax epilating on their face. And then the bleaching fits perfectly - the hairs will simply become transparent and will not be noticeable even with close scrutiny.

Despite the mental craving for folk remedies and experimental "miracle methods", it should be recognized that the best result in practice is demonstrated by a cream for bleaching hair. It is the cream that allows you to completely “remove” the pigment, and not create problems in the form of irritation of such a delicate zone, etc. In addition, modern means are hypoallergenic, which allows even girls with a tendency to allergic reactions and hypersensitive skin to use them without fear.

There is one more “target audience” of home bleaching - the representatives of the beautiful half, who for some reason or other are not allowed to have photoepilation, or there are factors that make it impossible to remove unwanted hair. The discoloration of body hair in this case becomes a necessity.

Rarely such problems relate to the hair on the legs, mostly it is about dark hair on the hands (or not very dark, but long and in large quantities). Still, a number of girls consider “baldness” here to be unaesthetic, shamefully hide their hands from the interlocutor, and in the summer they torment the upper limbs with painful epilations and aggressive in composition means. Such a peculiar discoloration of the hair on the hands not only does not solve the problem, but even aggravates it: hands covered with irritation spots and an allergic rash attract the attention of everyone around them, unlike more stormy "vegetation."

Therefore, in the case of hands, the best method will be a high-quality modern hair bleaching cream.

How to choose a hair bleaching cream

It would seem that today the market is completely saturated with the means of this category. However, this is not only an advantage, but also a controversial point - a huge choice gives rise to the need for serious choice. The sea of ​​responses, a wide variety of reviews and recommendations, components and additives, methods of application and terms of saving the result ... There is no wonder to get confused!

Byly - hair bleaching cream, suitable for hair on the face and body, even with sensitive skin, enjoys the best reputation. The possibilities of the cream are impressive:

  • the delicate bleaching of the “antennae” and other unwanted facial hairs,
  • persistent discoloration of the hair of the hands,
  • optimally suitable for depigmentation of hair in intimate parts of the body,
  • bleaching of hair on the legs.

The active substance and cream-activator included in the “Byly” cream package allow you to choose an individual dosage that is most effective in each particular case. Both components are easily and conveniently mixed using a special plastic flask and a wooden spatula for application, which are also included in the kit.

Chamomile tea or chamomile decoction

If you have dark hair and you want to lighten it up a bit, adding strands of sun glare to you, use the favorite way to lighten your hair at home, both our and Western bloggers. The secret ingredient of your lightening is chamomile. More precisely tea or decoction of chamomile. Boil water in a large bowl, dip 1-2 bags of chamomile tea into it for 10 minutes. When the decoction is ready, put the bowl with chamomile to cool. Rinse your hair clean with chamomile decoction before bed. Leave for the night. The next day, repeat the procedure. And so - until you reach the desired effect. Chamomile essential oil is the safest natural way to lighten hair. The decoction can be applied to colored hair. And a small bonus: chamomile has antiseptic properties and fights dandruff. One moment: tea must be of high quality! And better buy a dry chamomile and cook natural broths. This is a 100% option!

Good old way to lighten hair at home - lemon juice. As you know, lemon extract has brightening properties - no wonder it is added to cosmetics against pigment spots and post acne marks on the face. It is best to lighten selected strands with lemon juice - those that frame the face. This coloring technique is called strobe on the hair: visually corrects the shape of the face, hides minor flaws. Put lemon juice on separate sections of hair on the crown and on the face - add soft highlights to the hair. Juice not flush. Apply to wet clean hair. Let them dry naturally. And the best is the floor with the sun. Repeat the procedure as needed until you reach the desired glare.

An alternative option to lighten hair with lemon. You will need 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 200 ml of warm water. Mix and apply on all hair (dry and clean). Leave to dry naturally - better in nature, under sunlight. So the effect will appear faster.

An important point: lightening hair with lemon, qualitatively nourish them with masks with coconut oil. Citric acid dries hair and can cause brittleness and tingling.

This fragrant spice is one of the best safe ways to brighten hair at home. Mix a teaspoon of cinnamon with water to the consistency of the paste. Apply your favorite conditioner to wet clean hair, then cinnamon mask. Wrap your head with a towel or a special hat, leave for 6 hours - better for the night. In the morning, wash away the cinnamon mixture and you will see how much your curls are lightened! As a bonus - a stunning aroma of cinnamon on your hair!

This is a favorite way to give hair the highlights of top model Eva Herzigova. So, mix one part of vodka and two parts of mineral water (Eva uses so-called Zelter mineral water), pour it into a bottle with a spray and spray it on clean dry hair several times a day. If you want a quick effect, double the proportions in the recipe. Pure dove tones of vodka will bring out the bronze pigment present in your curls, and alcohol + sun will lighten and make the tone natural.

In moderate doses and with the right approach, soda can benefit your hair. In particular, it will help to easily lighten hair at home. Mix a tablespoon of soda with water and rinse the hair with this mixture once a month - after washing, but before using the conditioner. So you gradually and completely safely lighten the hair yourself. Soda is an alkaline ingredient: lightening is due to the fact that it lifts the hair flakes, fixing your natural hair color. This method of clarification can not be called the most healthy, because soda has a salon-like clarifier effect. If you have damaged, dry, brittle hair, use the above and 100% harmless ways to lighten dark hair.
