
Tip 1: What is the color of hair fits to the gray-blue eyes?


Hair color for gray eyes will not be difficult to find. Gray eyes are often called “chameleons”, because they tend to change their shade depending on the color of hair, makeup and color of clothing. The main thing is to choose the right color of the hair so that the eyes are not lost, but rather stand out.

Gray eyes can be of a dark shade, and can be clear, light, almost white.

What hair color is suitable for gray eyes?

Warm girls with golden, peach and bronze skin and gray eyes it is better to pay attention to the following hair colors:

Cold girls with very light frosty skin and gray eyes, it is important to avoid bright shades, it is better to refer to these hair colors:

  • Ash and Pearl Blonds
  • Cold blonde dark and light shades
  • Ash shades of brown
  • Ice coffee shades
  • Black color (with dark gray eyes, but it can add years)

In the photo below you can observe various harmonious combinations of gray eyes with matching hair colors.

A bit of psychology

If you carefully listen to the very name of the shade - gray-blue, it is difficult not to notice that it consists of two colors: gray and blue. And, therefore, the owners of the eyes of this beautiful shade - people are contradictory and inconstant. Their mood can change with the speed of thought and is not subject to internal control. The desires of the owners of gray-blue eyes also change with the same speed, the shade of which, depending on the lighting, color of clothes and other reasons, can vary from blue to dark gray.

It is not surprising that girls and women with similar eyes often want to change something in their appearance. Most people change their appearance with a hairstyle or hair color. What kind of hair color most emphasizes gray-blue eyes?

Basics and Definition of Color Types

All people on the planet can be figuratively divided into four color groups. It is the natural appearance that determines what may suit you - the color of hair, makeup, clothes.

To do this, just pick up the hair, open your face and pay attention to the color of your skin, lips, hair, eyebrows, eyes. If you have pieces of colored paper or fabric, then simply putting them to the base of the face and, watching the full image, you will be able to determine your belonging to one or another color type, to understand which color is preferable to you.

Autumn, winter, spring, summer - this is how the main color types are distributed, which help to determine the appropriate range for each woman.

In order to determine the hair color, which will be perfectly combined with your appearance, consider some of the features.


This is a type of appearance that can be determined if you are the owner of light blue and light gray, blue, gray blue, amber, amber green or green eyes. Hair with the color of wheat, delicate gold, light honey. These women have a light peach-colored skin with a light blush.


Eye color is often gray, gray-blue, gray with green. Hair, most often, all shades of light brown, with an ashen tint. Light skin tones, including with a slight gray tint. Skin takes good tan.


The eyes are green, amber, light gray, light brown. The skin with a pink tint is almost transparent. Frequently covered with freckles. Bad sunbathe - becomes red. Hair from honey to bright red gamma.


The eyes are bright gray, gray with patches of blue, blue, dark brown, black, blue. The skin color is peach or with a yellowish tinge. It can also be very light almost white, but without a rose. Not afraid of sunburn. Hair from chestnut, dark chestnut to bluish-black.

Image metamorphosis: “correct” hair colors for gray eyes

Given the information about the color features of the exterior, we conclude that the owners of the gray color of the iris - the most common category. It is safe to say that these women are lucky. After all, gray is a neutral color. For gray eyes, hair color that does not suit itself does not exist, the main thing is to take into account other features of the exterior.

What color hair fit gray eyes

We will be able to determine the color of hair for gray eyes, looking at the skin color.

Does your skin have a delicate peach color? Is she slightly touched by a blush? The natural color of the eyebrows is light brown or light brown with a light olive tint? Of course, your hair colors: golden yellow, wheat, light blond, light honey, the color of the most delicate ocher. Add a delicate peach shine or gloss to your lips, and you are ready to conquer the world with your beauty, as you belong to the gentle type of “spring”.

Lady with a gray iris and a light olive-greyish skin tone are typical "summer" beauties. Their range of hair varies from ash-blond to rich ash-brown.

Bright colors of autumn on your hair, such as red, active gold, burgundy with a honey shade, brown with gold splashes, if you are the owner of light pinkish skin and gray eyes, perfectly express your rare beauty.

What hair color is suitable for gray eyes for the type of "winter"? Again, pay attention to skin tone. Ladies of this type can afford rich brown, black and brown hair. Express your beauty with bright colors in clothes and make-up.

Hair color for gray-blue eyes in types “spring”, “summer”, “autumn”, “winter”

A very gentle combination of all shades of light brown hair color for gray-blue eyes perfectly emphasizes the “warm” personality of your appearance. Remember that spring women are always associated with light and fresh colors of spring. The obligatory presence of wheat-brown shades will always be advantageous. Lady Spring can do without makeup. And if they apply it, then again, without “screaming” paints.

For gray-blue eyes, the color of the hair of the woman's autumn curls, on the contrary, can be bright and contrast. Red hair will enhance the tenderness of the blue in the shade of your iris, because these colors stand in opposition to the chromatic circle, which speaks of their excellent combination and stunning right accent.

"Summer" girls with a gray-blue beauty of the eyes will be luxurious with hair ashy brown, brown with a grayish tint. These beauties should feel the presence of a light “haze” in their locks to be in harmony with their appearance.

Types of "summer", "winter": gray eyes, light skin, hair color and accents

I would like to highlight two color types of women who can boast not only the beauty of gray eyes, fair skin, hair color, but also a natural opportunity for reincarnation. Appearance of "summer" and "winter" ladies, quite "cold." It is all about the color of the skin, which, most often, is characteristic of these types. The combination of light skin and gray eyes dictates its own characteristics of hair color.

Primary hair colors. Gray eyes, light skin

Ladies color type "winter" with light skin and gray eyes, of course, can choose shades of hair from chocolate to anthracite. This is the type of female appearance that can afford more saturated colors. The contrast of light skin, gray eyes, hair color will be noticed by your relatives and friends. Add bright cold colors, juicy red lipstick to your clothes and these accents will make you stand out from the crowd.

Owners of the "summer" color type, with gray eyes and fair skin should carefully select a color palette. These ladies will emphasize their individuality with colors in which there are “dusty” shades, and in the clothes and make-up the influence of cold pink, crimson, and purple is increased.

The main conclusion from the review of the color palette for changing the image is very simple: if you are a beauty of the natural summer color type, then changing the hair color to brighter and more saturated colors, you can become “winter”. And the “spring” girl, adding expression and fire to her curls, is burning “in the fall”.

Do not be afraid to experiment on their way. Be sure that if you have correctly identified your natural type and risked changing the shade of your hair, then you will succeed!

general information

It is necessary to immediately say that ladies with the eyes of this color have certain advantages over other women and girls.

Well, if only because gray is:

  • the most pure, natural tone,
  • it is completely neutral,
  • almost all colors are harmoniously combined with it.

For gray eyes it is not recommended to use rich dark and light colors.

That is, virtually any hair color suits gray eyes - you can safely go on different experiments, especially not fearing for the result.

Although, of course, you should not go to extremes:

  • saturated white or blond in the end will not look natural
  • A rich, intense black color will make a woman several years older.

Note. The black tinge of curls adds a few years to any woman. Therefore, it should be used very carefully, if it is not a young girl who wants to look a couple of years older.

Depending on the color type

When choosing a hair color for gray-green eyes or just gray, be sure to take into account the color type, which is determined by the skin tone. With a golden skin tone, it is best to use a brownish-golden tint.

In particular, the following colors will suit such a lady:

  • honey and close shades
  • copper,
  • coffee shop
  • chocolate

Be sure to consider the skin color

Such tones as:

But if the face is slightly pale or even too light, has a marble tone, then in this case extremely bright shades are not recommended - discard bright colors in favor of shades of cold colors.

For example, among those, the following are ideal:

  • pearl,
  • ashen blond and the like.

Note. If you have a pale face, then in this case, pay attention to the light-brown paint. It will smooth out the pallor, as well as give you a special aristocracy and refined refinement.

Do you know what hair color is suitable for gray eyes, if you have dark skin? It's all quite simple - you must always be guided by rich colors. They will help create the perfect image.

In particular, we are talking about the colors of the following shades:

  • cognac,
  • walnut,
  • chestnut,
  • cherry,
  • titian
  • chocolate

Chestnut or chocolate are ideal for even slightly tanned skin.

As a result of staining in such tones, the eyes will become particularly expressive, they will be emphasized, striking in their beauty and depth.

And if there are blotches?

Many women are interested in how to choose a hair color to gray-green eyes or eyes that have other colored blotches. After all, such situations are quite common, which creates certain difficulties in the formation of a new, attractive image.

For example, if golden blotches are pronounced on the iris, then the stylists recommend choosing colors:

Note. In addition to them, colors of chocolate or nut tones may also come up, but they can be used only if the shade is warm, pleasant and delicate. This will give an opportunity to further emphasize the beauty of the eyes.

Gray-green eyes harmonize well with cold tones, but warm ones can look attractive.

But if there are visible blotches of green, then it is recommended to stop the choice on the following colors:

By the way, a light-blond color will be an excellent option, since it will give the girls a special look:

It is quite rare, but quite realistic to meet the so-called chameleon eyes, which can change their tint depending on the lighting:

  • from extremely dark,
  • until transparent.

Neutral or cool shades are recommended for owners of “chameleons”

If you are a happy owner of such unusual eyes, we recommend dyeing curls in shades:

  • neutral,
  • or cold colors, which will emphasize the incredible beauty of the eyes of this type.

By the way, consider the fact that women with gray eyes have incredible dignity. So, when the first gray hair begins to appear, it makes no sense to mask it. Since the nobility of a light silver tone does not indicate the age of a lady, but gives her appearance a certain nobility and originality.

Paint recommendations

In the event that you have not yet decided to choose a particular color, initially try experimenting with one or another tint balm - if you don’t like the result, you can immediately get rid of the new color.

When choosing a paint, be guided by mixtures that do not contain ammonia, although their price is somewhat higher than that of ordinary ones, but they do not hurt the curls so much, but they act more gently and gently.

But the use of conventional dye compositions can lead to:

So in this case it is better not to save money, but to use really safe mixtures.

Eyes of a gray shade allow to pick up practically any color of a hairdress!

In conclusion

Now you know what principles should be followed, choosing the hair color under gray eyes. By adhering to the above recommendations, you can create an amazing and charming image that drives everyone around you crazy.

Detailed video in this article will help to better assimilate all the information presented.

How to find out your color type?

Stylists divide women into four color types: spring, autumn, winter and summer. Warm color types - this is spring and autumn, for their image correspond to warm colors. Cold color types - summer and winter, for them to face cold colors. Suppose a girl has gray eyes, fair skin, and she does not know which hair color will be suitable for her image. First you need to know your color type:

  1. The skin is light, almost transparent, peach, bronze-golden hues, often with freckles, it easily takes tan. Hair is more often fair, a palette of colors from flax to caramel, but there are also representatives with dark brown curls. Eyes are gray-blue, dark blue, green or hazel. This girl is spring.
  2. The skin is from transparent white to a golden tone, it burns easily in the sun. Face without a blush, dotted with freckles. Hair come in any shade of red. The eyes are golden brown, amber, green, gray or transparent blue. This is a girl in autumn.
  3. The skin is pale or pale olive, the tan shade is cool brown, if there are freckles, then they are brown as moles. In childhood, hair is often blond, with time it darkens and becomes an ashy note. Eyes are gray, gray-blue, gray with green, hazel. This type is a summer girl.
  4. The skin is white, coloring from porcelain-white to olive, without blush. The hair is usually dark, from dark chestnut to bluish-black. Sometimes the hair is platinum-white. The eyes are very bright, there are almost black or blue, brown, gray, ice-blue. This is an image of a winter girl.

Having determined your color type, it will be easier to choose a color for your hair.

Girl Spring with gray eyes

A girl of spring type with gray or gray-blue eyes can be safely painted in honey or light golden blond, rich red, delicate brown.If the nature is a red head of hair, but the girl does not want to lighten the curls, you can dye in brown or chocolate tones. You can complement the image by highlighting individual strands and dyeing them in a soft golden color.

When a spring girl has light gray eyes and she doesn’t know what hair color will suit her, it’s better to opt for a light spectrum of hair dyes, such as golden blond, creamy caramel, milk chocolate. Blond hair will emphasize the beauty of light gray eyes.

A spring type woman should avoid any cold colors, be it platinum blond or dark platinum color. For warm skin tone does not fit the black color, it makes the appearance dull and inconspicuous.

Spring type - non-contrast by nature, so it is better to adhere to natural, natural colors.

Summer Girl with gray eyes

The representative of the summer color has the whole palette of gray eyes, with different notes - gray-blue, gray-olive, gray-green.

When choosing a hair color suitable for gray eyes and pale olive skin, a woman of summer color type should choose cold colors. Platinum, ashy, ashy-light brown tones perfectly will approach.

Often, women of this type do not like their natural color, as it has a mouse, ashy tint. If a girl had blond hair from birth, and then they darkened, which is often the case with this type of hair, what hair color would suit her gray eyes? She will suit a cold blond, ashen or pearl.

For ladies with gray-blue eyes, white, marble skin pearl color will suit - it will give the exterior a refined, aristocratic sophistication.

What kind of hair color is suitable if you have gray eyes and fair skin? Wheat blond or light blond will satisfy the requirements, thanks to these notes the face will not appear pale.

Summer, like spring, non-contrast color type. He needs to pick a gentle hair dye, closer to natural colors.

Hair color for the girl type Autumn

The girls of the autumn color of the eyes are mostly brown or green, but occasionally there are representatives who have gray-blue eyes. What is the color of their hair fit? Often the representative of this type of hair is red and when stained, chocolate nuances, bronze and chestnut gamma are recommended. You can paint a few strands reddish tone.

But ladies with gray-green eyes and dark skin should take a closer look at the palette of rich tones: they will have cherry, brandy, chestnut shades. If by nature she has dark hair, brown tones with a reddish hint will do.

You should not dye your hair in any shades of blond and orange color: these colors do not fit this type, they can only spoil the appearance.

Need to use warm notes! Paints of cold shades are categorically unsuitable for the exterior with autumn color, especially blue and black and ashy. With such a hair color, the skin will appear stale, and freckles, which are often for women of the autumn type, will stand out brightly on the face.

Hair Color for Winter Girl

This type is the most contrast of all, its representatives have very white skin, bright eyes. Gray eye color is only a bright, dark shade. Winter can be "cold", then it is suitable saturated contrasting colors: mahogany, dark chestnut, bluish-black or, on the contrary, very light, platinum color scheme.

What hair color is suitable for gray eyes for a representative of the type of "warm" winter? She will face the main palette of warm chestnut colors, and if you do not have noticeable wrinkles, you can experiment with shades of blond pearl, ashy, light pink. When there are noticeable wrinkles on the face, the blond will only underline them.

Only women of winter color can be decorated with gray hair, so for women over 50 you can try shades of noble gray hair.

Women of the winter image can experiment with extraordinary colors, you can select strands with unusual notes of blue, purple and turquoise. The only thing - you need to be careful with light colors.

Some useful tips

A woman who decides to change her image needs to consider some subtleties:

  • First of all, determine your color type correctly. Having learned what you are, you can be sure of a successful result, and minimize the unsuccessful result of dyeing,
  • It is worth paying attention to the color scale: the tone of the paint should match the skin tone, otherwise, if they are incompatible, you will have to correct the result and repaint, and this is not at all useful for your curls,
  • Choosing a dark color scheme, you must consider that it has some drawbacks. To use very dark colors, you must have perfect skin, otherwise even minor flaws will be noticeable. Dark colors add to age, and if you don’t want to look older, you need to be careful with dark colors.

Do not be afraid to experiment with your own image, if you correctly identified your type, you can be sure that the result will only please you!

How to choose hair color to gray-blue eyes

Usually, natural hair color and the color of a person’s eyes are the perfect combination. However, if there is an internal discomfort and the woman feels the need to change the hair color or make it a little brighter, then simply paint the hair with the selected shade. Practically any color of hair of a cold shade approaches gray-blue eyes.

The most common and frequently occurring variant is the combination of eyes of the described color with blond hair. And here it is possible to opt for a variety of light shades: wheat, light brown, ashen. It all depends on the desire of each particular representative of the fair sex.

Type of appearance plays a role in this issue. So, women with gray-blue eyes can have both light and dark skin. In fair-skinned girls, the color of the iris is light gray-blue. Therefore, blond hair is most suitable for them.

But dark-skinned ladies who have eyes of a deep saturated gray-blue hue, it is better to give preference to dyeing hair in dark colors: black, chestnut, dark brown. Try not to use shades that are more than 2 tones different from the natural hair color when dyeing.

For centuries, people always pay attention to the eyes of man. Therefore, be wise about the choice of makeup, as well as the shade of hair, in order to emphasize the depth of the look.

Hair color for classic gray eyes

Gray-eyed beauty with a warm skin tone can safely choose from several options:

  • Mahogany
  • Moraine tree,
  • Walnut,
  • Honey,
  • Bronze,
  • Golden Blond,
  • Golden chestnut
  • Copper,
  • Brown,
  • Redhead
  • Warm coffee.

What hair color is suitable for girls with cold skin and pure gray eyes? We advise you to look at the following shades:

  • Pearl,
  • Ash Blonde,
  • Pearl,
  • Ash Brown,
  • Light and cold blonde.
  • Iced coffee

Owners of dark or tanned skin are ideal for rich colors:

Important! Black or white color is added a couple of years. They can afford only young girls who wish to become a little older and more solid. But for those over 30, you should be careful and make your choice in favor of young options.

Gray eyes with notes of other tones.

It would seem that light blotches and slight deviations from pure gray color are not particularly significant. But this is far from the case - in the choice of hair color, they can dictate completely different rules. Consider each of them.

This is the most popular of all shades of gray scale. He looks great! For gray-blue eyes you need to choose one of these fashionable colors:

  • Wheat,
  • Blond in all its variations,
  • Light ash,
  • Light beige,
  • Chestnut,
  • Light or dark blonde,
  • Black (only young and after consulting a stylist).

With such a beautiful eye color you can safely apply highlighting, coloring, brondirovanie and other techniques of staining. The image will be interesting and incredibly stylish.

There are very often. They should be combined only with warm tones:

  • Chocolate,
  • Bitter chocolate,
  • Chestnut,
  • Milk chocolate,
  • Cocoa,
  • Golden Blond,
  • Honey,
  • Wheat

Such an incredible color most often comes next to pale porcelain skin and red hair. To emphasize the beauty of gray-green eyes, paint the strands in this tone:

  • Chestnut,
  • Pearl,
  • Red,
  • Redhead
  • Platinum,
  • Wheat,
  • Light blond,
  • Pearl,
  • Caramel,
  • Black (only after consulting a stylist).

Stylist tips to help you choose the right hair color for your eyes:

Some more tips from makeup stylists

When choosing a hair color for gray eyes, be sure to consider a few important tips.

Tip 1. Deciding on a black tone after 30 years, do not forget to hide wrinkles and other skin irregularities with the help of tonal framework and powder.

Tip 2. To paint the strands in black can only be in summer and spring.

Tip 3. Stepping over the line in 40 years, carefully style your hair - disheveled hair will add age.

Tip 4. Prefer haircuts, the length of which reaches the chin line.

Tip 5. Light shades of strands make gray eyes completely colorless. To avoid this, emphasize their bright makeup.

Tip 6. But the dark colors emphasize the depth of gray, so the makeup should not be too bold. Excrete or eyes, or lips.

Tip 7. Against the background of dull, lifeless and unkempt strands of gray eyes completely lost. Do not forget to regularly use caring cosmetics that can give shine and strength.

Tip 8. In everyday life, use classic makeup for gray eyes with dyed eyelashes, and beautifully traced arrows.

To look complete, make the right make-up.

  • Shadows - gray, beige, copper, honey, golden or blotches corresponding to the color (green, blue, brown),
  • Ink and pencil - brown, black, steel, green, brown,
  • Lipstick - it needs to be selected under the color type of skin. Gray-eyed suit pale pink, terracotta, beige, scarlet, lavender, burgundy, and bright fuchsia. The choice depends on where you are going - to work or a youth party.

And finally, look through a selection of good photos. They will help you figure out which shade of hair will suit gray eyes.

See also: What is the perfect hair color for you?

Hair color for green eyes of different types

All people, as you know, are incredibly different, each has its own eye color and, no doubt, its own completely individual hair color. It is extremely important that these two components in one appearance harmoniously get along with each other.

The color of the hair should be combined as best as possible directly with the existing shade of the eyes, so that the female representative looks really impressive. However, for some reason, few people know exactly how to choose the right hair color for themselves.

But these are important rules that should be followed if you want the appearance to be really attractive.

All eminent stylists and people in general who are somehow connected with the beauty industry, try to select the most appropriate shade for their hair specifically under the eyes. What is the color of hair for green eyes is considered the most correct?

Green eyes

The eyes of this truly amazing color are different, so for convenience they were divided into several types.

Under each type of green eyes, of course, you need to individually select the color of the curls, then the whole image will look harmonious, which is what most women want in principle.

In general, all green eyes have at least some shade, although pure-green eyes, it should be noted, also exist in nature.

Pure green eyes

They are bright, so their owner is clearly not worthy to be modest. In addition, such a shade without inclusions is considered a real rarity. Tone for coloring hair should also be saturated. So, hair color for green eyes without impregnations can be represented in a fairly wide palette: milk and dark chocolate, beautiful honey and those that have red responses.

In the case when, in the presence of bright green eyes, the lady also has rather dark skin, then she is completely entitled to choose her own absolutely black color for her hair, it will be very interesting to play against the background of green eyes.

Some women may try coloring, that is, the so-called coloring of the strands in several colors, for example, so bright as purple.

This method of coloring is now very popular, because, thanks to it, you can not paint the entire head of hair in such extreme colors, and give a shade to just some of the strands.

As a result, it is easy to determine whether it will be comfortable with such hair or not at all.

Caret-green eyes

If in the green eyes there is an admixture of hazel, then overly bright colors will have to be abandoned, because they will look on the curls is not advantageous. In addition, compared with such bright hair, the eyes themselves will become dull.

It is important to take into account that all the expressiveness of women's eyes in this particular case directly depends only on how light the hair tone will be.

Experts advise all women with kare-green eyes to choose a nutty shade for themselves or even a light blond.

The only bright hair color for green eyes with brown splashes that can be used is mahogany. But still it is difficult to call him screaming, rather, he is just saturated.

Kare-green eyes, depending on exactly what shade of hair they decided to tie, can give more green or, on the contrary, become more brown, so you need to understand what color in the eyes you want to achieve in the end. Most women still try to emphasize the green of their eyes, so they are painted in the above colors.

Gray-green eyes

The eyes of this interesting shade are in themselves rather bright, but no less interesting than all the others. To choose the hair color for green eyes of this type should also be especially so that it is fully combined. Red, for example, is absolutely not suitable, but you can dye your hair the color of chocolate.

The above-mentioned shades will precisely make a woman with gray-green eyes bright, but, importantly, will not overshadow her beautiful natural eye color.

How to choose a hair color for green eyes by color type?

It is no longer a secret that before choosing a color for your hair, it is important to correctly determine your color type. All green-eyed, there are two color types, respectively, warm and cold.

Each of them is well suited to different shades, so first of all the lady needs to understand exactly which of these two specific color types her appearance belongs to.

This is not difficult to do, you need to read the characteristics of each color type and compare it with yourself.

Warm color type

In representatives of this color type, the skin is usually slightly golden, in addition, it can be red-haired perky freckles.

The skin color is quite even, respectively, a pronounced blush is not available, the tan is placed on such skin hard enough and burns can appear, so most women with such a color type refuse to sunbathe and walk almost pale, considering it to be the safest.The color of the eyes of the young ladies with a warm color type is bright, thanks to which the appearance as a whole looks very impressive.

As for the fact which hair color for green eyes with a warm color type is chosen, these are usually reddish. Moreover, it is allowed to choose even a fiery red color, modesty is useless here. It is also allowed to paint the hair in a beautiful chestnut color or the color of sandalwood.

Cold color type

The skin of these women is completely different, but still there is one feature, namely the presence of the so-called bluish subcutaneous backlight.

Surprisingly, but even on such skin there can be freckles, though in this case they are not red at all, but dimmer and grayer.

But the tan falls on this kind of skin is wonderful, it almost immediately becomes tanned and the risk of redness due to the burn is minimized, so young girls with a cold color type can safely spend time on the beach.

There is also a blush on this skin, since most of the blood vessels are located quite close to the surface of the skin. Eyes usually have not very bright shades, and muted, for example, with an admixture of gray.

Summer color types are conventionally divided into light and dark. In the first case, it is best to select for yourself extremely light shades for the head of hair, such as wheat.

In another case, it is recommended to take a closer look at the shade, under the interesting name “black tulip”.

Thanks to him, red shades will appear on the hair, which together with the cold color type will look very advantageous.

Also, useful tips on choosing the right color can be found in the video below. Simple rules will help to look as natural and attractive as possible, to highlight those features that I want to emphasize.

How to choose hair color for green eyes: tips

Green-eyed ladies are a rarity, this color in itself is incredibly beautiful, but in any case, you need to be able to emphasize and decorate your eye color correctly. This should be done with the help of your hair color, of course, well-chosen. It is a truly correct combination that will easily help make a girl spectacular, her appearance will be transformed at the same moment.

Perhaps, from all the above information, it can be distinguished that the hair color for green eyes is determined in the three most winning shades.

First, of course, red. Fiery ladies, and even with green eyes look really impressive, and it is able to bewitch. Not all, as you can see, decide on such a dramatic and bright change, so you can start not with a full hair dye, but only with a slight coloring.

Secondly, dark hair is also suitable for green shades of eyes. However, before you make your curls much darker, you need to make sure that the condition of the skin is as perfect as possible, since such colors can highlight all the imperfections.

Thirdly, the blond also has a place to be, but not absolutely all light shades are perfect for green-eyed eyes, it’s best to give preference only to warm ones, such as light brown and wheat.

Before you go to a beauty salon to dye your hair, you need to choose for yourself only your color. You need to push off not just from those shades that you like, for example, on models or actresses, because it is quite likely that they will not suit a particular lady at all. You need to correctly choose the hair color for green eyes, then you can get a great result.

Secrets of stylists: what color hair fit gray eyes

Do you have such moments when you want to do something like that, for example, to change your life, image, hair color or hairstyle?

Perhaps you belong to the type of women that think about the hair color for gray-blue eyes or reflect on what color hair fit gray eyes?

There are moments that the lady allows herself to mentally try on a different image, because women are natures dreamy and emotional!

And if it is very difficult to reconsider dramatically in a short time to change your place of residence or leisure, business, or wardrobe, then changing your hair color is easy!

The choice of the appropriate color for hair dye, of course, is determined by the natural appearance of each woman.

There are, of course, those who take risks and turn their lives upside down, parting even with their favorite dresses, for the sake of updating the image without paying attention to any tips and recommendations.

Nothing wrong with that. Through trial and error, we often find answers to the main “image” questions.

What hair color fits to gray-blue eyes?

Traditionally, the owners of blue eyes are considered to be romantic and sensitive natures. The main hair color that comes to mind at the mention of blue eyes is light blond. Blonde with blue eyes - many women are trying to get away from this stereotype, for whom this hair color is associated with naivety, simplicity and some stupidity.

If we talk about gray-blue eyes, then variations are possible, and the intensity of the prevailing hue is of great importance. Eye color says a lot about a person’s character. Owners of gray-blue eyes are considered as contradictory natures.

It is not surprising that they often change the image, repaint their hair in one color or another, and constantly experience dissatisfaction with their own appearance.

In fact, there is no universal answer to the question what hair color fits to the blue-gray eyes. Much is determined by lifestyle, personal preferences, skin color, age and so on.

The hair color is also influenced by the temperament of their owner. Natura capricious and capricious is unlikely to want to be a gentle blonde.

Nevertheless, there are some recommendations when choosing a hair color for girls with gray-blue eyes.

If in the eyes of the girl more blue or blue shade predominates, then, most likely, it will be an impressionable, artistic and slightly frivolous nature.

The owner of gray-blue eyes with a pronounced steel tint often has a hard character, which also affects the appearance. But to compare girls only on the basis of eye color would be stupid.

And we will not do this, but just consider the options for dyeing hair that would be best suited for girls with gray-blue eyes.

Features gray-blue-eyed girls

The lighter the shade of the eyes, the lighter the hair should be. However, the owners of gray-blue eyes of a dark shade will also suit light brown tones or even a bright blond.

In principle, girls with gray-blue eyes are suitable for all colors except bright red, but there are nuances here.

First, you need to focus on the shade of the eyes, and secondly, the tone of hair dye plays an important role.

What hair color is suitable for the gray-blue eyes of young girls? There are practically no color restrictions here. It is worth noting that the brighter the eyes, the less outrageous the hairstyle should be, otherwise the natural beauty of the eyes will completely dissolve in it.

Owners of blue eyes with a gray tint should abandon warm chestnut tones and red hair. But completely exclude brown tones from the palette should not be. Today, manufacturers of hair dyes offer a stand with a cold shade.

Such chestnut tones will perfectly decorate a girl with gray-blue eyes.

The black-and-black paint will be able to complement the image; however, dark-skinned girls can afford such a deadly color, and pale-faced beauties risk acquiring a gothic and slightly frightening look with a new hairstyle.

Not knowing what hair color is suitable for the gray-blue eyes, you can make a big mistake with the choice of dye. Ashy winters are considered a win-win. They emphasize the natural radiance of the gray-blue eyes and give the image a youthful look.

Blond hair of any shades is almost always combined with gray-blue eyes. Wheat hair and cornflower eyes - many women dream of such luxury.

But I must admit that there are practically no “pure” shades of the eyes, moreover, the iris can change the shade in one direction or another. Sometimes the eyes get dark tones, sometimes - warm and bright. Clothing is of paramount importance.

Natural blue highlights clothes in blue. Wardrobe in gray and dark shades will give the look of steel stiffness and even gloom.

Stylists advise not to repaint the hair drastically. Natural hair color is the best that nature has managed to come up with. The only thing that can improve the image is a slight color correction. Light brown hair can be shaded ashy or honey. Chestnut hair should be given a slight coldness and shine.

The more women experiment with hair, the more they understand that natural color is best in harmony with the shade of the eyes. If you think about what hair color is suitable for the gray-blue eyes, then the options will be prompted by nature itself: dark ashen, light brown, chestnut.

It is worth noting that the gray in girls with gray-blue eyes remains imperceptible for a long time, and some stylists suggest emphasizing the smoky hair color with ashy paint.

Fix bugs

In order not to spoil the image, it is better to experiment with wigs, which today can be tried on in specialized stores, before dyeing the hair.

In addition, many paint manufacturers put samples of artificial strands along with a box of paint. If you apply the sample to the face, you can imagine what the color of the hair will be in the end.

If both of these options are not suitable, then it is easy to find a good hair color using your own photo and graphic editor.

If the owners of green and brown eyes can try staining with henna, then girls with gray-blue eyes can experiment with basma.

It is worth knowing that this substance paints the hair in a greenish-ash tint.

Basma blondes in their pure form is contraindicated, but girls with dark hair can enhance the shade with basma without the use of chemical dye, which will preserve the health and beauty of hair.

Many girls are guided when choosing colors to their eye color, although the first thing to look at is skin tone. It is believed that a properly selected dye should not differ from its own hair color by more than three shades. Then it will be possible to preserve the natural harmony of the image and avoid mistakes. Save unsuccessful staining can be as follows:

  • lighten hair by 1-3 tones with the help of blond
  • make highlighting
  • use shampoo
  • remove paint with a special remover.

Monochrome hair is not the best option for a girl with gray-blue eyes. Easy coloring, coloring shatush or ombre will help to diversify the hairstyle.

Highlighting blond hair with foil remains one of the popular ways to improve the appearance and give a highlight to the hairstyle. Lightening strands are great for girls with gray-blue eyes.

The same method allows you to give an image of freshness, and also visually conceals the age.

If a girl has gray-blue eyes and pale skin, then light ashy shades will make the image dull and faded. Girls who are not afraid of experiments, can use paint with a pinkish or beige shade.

It has always been thought that blondes must be blue-eyed or gray-blue-eyed, but today's women of fashion do not want to follow patterns.

Less and less often, girls with gray-blue eyes use brightening paints and are increasingly experimenting with cool dark shades. Stylists believe that this is the right choice.

To make the image spectacular, you should not only correct the hair color, but also choose the right makeup.

General recommendations

  1. The most common variant of natural hair color with gray-blue eyes is light blond. For a long period of time, this color, if not considered a complete taboo among the most avid fashionistas, was certainly not very popular.

Today, owners of blond curls have every reason to breathe with relief - blond shades are a special trend, in which numerous celebrities continue to warm up, surprising the public with unexpected interpretations of the usual shade.

Therefore, brown-haired girls by nature just need to correctly place accents, enriching their palette with new color solutions. For example, one of the most fashionable options at the moment is caramel. Light-skinned women of the fair sex can be lightened in several tones, trying on the image of a spectacular gray-eyed blonde.

The combination of gray-blue iris with red hair, at first glance, certainly doomed to failure. However, sometimes, contrary to all fashionable canons and unwritten rules, this shade is perfectly suited to gray and blue eyes. As a rule, in such cases, the iris of the woman contains brown, golden, honey inclusions.

And yet, dyeing your hair red, as far as possible avoid too bright, saturated and defiant shades. A combination of gray-blue eyes and black hair is considered quite bold.

Daring, piquant effect is achieved through a combination of the incongruous - having built her own image despite the regularities of the natural color range, the girl radiates courage and determination.

One of the compromise options offered by modern representatives of the fashion industry is a combination of several tones that emphasize the merits of gray and blue eyes. Brondirovanie and calorie hair - a popular trend, which resorted to both young girls and older women.

The most interesting combination is formed by a combination of a light shade (blond), warm honey and a cold blonde. Quite often, this option looks much more natural than monochromatic coloring, allowing the owner of gray-blue eyes to highlight the most positive aspects of their appearance.

  • It is also not necessary to exclude the possibility of experiments with the most unusual variants: purple, aquamarine, orange. More recently, such bold decisions are made, as a rule, by adolescent girls seeking self-expression, but at the present time, older women sometimes resort to the effect of shocking. Modern dyes allow you to try on such an image, going to a party, and the next day, return to the “old self”. If a gray-eyed girl feels particularly comfortable in such a manner, nothing prevents her from lingering in it and taking a final decision on the occasion of a certain time.
  • What hair color is suitable for the color type - “spring”?

    Gray-eyed representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who can be combined by the color type “spring”, are distinguished by light skin with a barely noticeable golden tint, sometimes peppered with barely noticeable freckles. The natural color of their thin, fluffy hair is amber, honey, light blond.

    Therefore, when choosing dyes, you should also stick to this palette, preferring delicate golden tones. It is also allowed to lighten individual strands. Do not forget that the stronger the tan and the darker the skin (when walking for the “spring” girls, the concept of darkness of the skin is relatively relative), the richer the hair color should be.

    It is worth paying attention to caramel, walnut, light chestnut.

    Summer color type

    "Summer" women and girls have skin that is well placed tan, often characterized by a uniform nutty tint.

    Among the most common variants of natural hair color is light straw or, on the contrary, dark blond. The presence of white skin and red or black hair is absolutely excluded.

    Choosing the most successful color, you should pay attention to all interpretations of wheat, as well as brown with a reddish tint.

    Winter color type of women

    Representatives of this cold color type are distinguished by milky-white skin with a characteristic bluish tinge, on which tan badly falls. The girl's hair is “winter”, as a rule, dark, and her eyes are bright blue or gray with a cold “ice” sheen. Choosing the most successful hair color, you should pay attention to chocolate and brandy, woody shades.

    The autumn color type excludes the presence of a blue or gray iris, so we will not dwell on it in the context of this topic in more detail.

    Despite the general recommendations of stylists and authoritative representatives of the fashion world, you should not limit yourself in search of the perfect image.

    Tips exist to listen to them and draw independent conclusions, and not blindly follow, not daring to take an independent step aside.

    It is possible that by creating your image, contrary to all canons, you will not only show individuality, but also become the founder of a new trend that will broaden your perception of others about ways of self-expression.

    How to choose the perfect hair color for gray eyes?

    Nature in most cases gives a woman qualities close to the ideal. And everything in it is most often harmonious: growth corresponds to weight, skin color to the structure of hair, hair color to eye color. Is it because after a lot of experiments on their appearance, some return to the original data, finding them most suitable?

    But nature has endowed the woman with an immense burden of change. Rarely a woman is satisfied with herself, and this is great - it is this quality that makes her look for perfection. Moreover, with a variety of modern cosmetology there is always a choice. As an example, you can experiment how to choose, for example, the ideal hair color for gray eyes.

    This is generally a great success - to be born with gray eyes, because it is a rare, mysterious color.

    They are sometimes called “chameleon eyes,” because in principle they can blend in with any hair color, most often with light, reddish and chestnut.

    But if you are lucky to be also a dark brown-haired woman or brunette, this contrast is extremely attractive and emphasizes the transparent color of the eyes. And to change something in their guise would be a mistake.

    But in other cases, with any boring hair color, it is worth experimenting with more fashionable shades.

    Hair tint depending on color type

    First of all, you need to focus, of course, on the original hair color and its color type, which is cold - white-pink skin tone - and warm - golden skin color. In particular, how to choose a hair color under gray eyes? Unlike other shades of eyes, gray can accompany both color types.

    For the first type (cold), all cold shades are suitable - ashy, pearl, black. At the same time, the choice of a dark shade is very individual, it goes far from everyone. If you want to shade your unique eye color, you can completely muffle it to the usual glass color.

    But for women with a warm color type, all warm shades can be recommended - golden blond, reddish chestnut, nutty, chocolate. Against the background of such hair, your eyes will stand out particularly brightly. Again, it is better to refrain from black color, it will only add years.

    By the way, how to choose a hair color under the gray eyes of aged ladies is a separate topic. In mature years, the question arises not only of beauty, but also of the disguise of age-related changes, in particular, gray hair.

    Nobody wants their hair to look like an unfortunate wig, so it would be better to bring the color of the paint closer to natural, or choose a color that is a couple of shades lighter than the original.

    Losing its pigmentation, the hair loses its structure, becoming coarse and hard, which is why gray hair is “stubborn” and poorly painted over. Ashy shades can be a good way out.

    Often this is exactly what your ideal hair color for gray eyes is.

    Perfectly accentuated eye color is streaked by light strands. With gray hair, you can just leave a few strands of unpainted - here you have the advantages of gray hair.

    Yes, suitable hair color is very important for expressive appearance. And what is it, suitable? By and large, the definition of it is one and only: the one that suits you. With whom you look young and healthy.

    If, after the next hair dyeing, the woman looks older than her age, the skin seems tired, and her eyes become less expressive, which means she made a mistake in choosing the color. After all, what is the main principle of shaping the image of a woman? Harmony.

    She and only she must follow in order to shape her ideal image with her own hands.


    Watch the video: THE HAIR COLOR THAT WILL BEST SUIT YOU AND YOUR SKIN TONE! bradmondo (July 2024).