Work with hair

6 effective recipes for staining henna in different shades


Important: the color of henna will last long enough and it is very difficult to wash it out of the hair. After henna, it is not recommended to dye the hair with chemical dyes, do a perm or long-term styling. After henna, chemical dye may simply not dye your hair or dye it in an unexpected tone.

1. To receive purple tone (burgundy) henna is bred in beetroot juice, karkade tea or elderberry berries. To do this, heat the beet juice to about 60 degrees, then stir it into a bag of henna. In order to enhance the red tint in the paint, you can also add 2 tbsp. l madder root. Pre-boil the root of madder in a glass of water.
2. For shade "the Red tree" henna must be poured with hot Cahors. The same shade to turn out when adding cranberry juice.
3. For chocolate and chestnut colors in henna add natural black coffee (1 tbsp. 25 grams of henna powder). To dye hair with henna with coffee, you need 4 tbsp. natural coffee pour a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. When the coffee has cooled slightly, add a bag of henna and stir until smooth.
4.For cherry tone - heat up any red wine to 75 degrees, add henna and egg yolk.
5.For a bright golden color add chamomile tea to henna (1 tbsp chamomile flowers on the floor of a glass of water)
6.Golden honey shade can be obtained using rhubarb, saffron, chamomile, turmeric. Saffron on the tip of the knife is added to a small amount of water and boiled for two minutes. Then add to henna. Rhubarb is crushed, filled with water and cooked over low heat for 20 minutes. Then strain and add to henna.

But the most popular component in a mixture with henna is considered basma. With the help of different proportions of henna and basma, you can also get a wide range of shades.

• if you add 1 part of basma (2: 1) to 2 parts of henna, you will get a pleasant bronze tint,
• a mixture of equal amount of henna and basma (1: 1) will give the hair a dark chestnut color,
• by mixing 1 part of henna and 2 parts of basma (1: 2), the hair can be dyed black,
• to get a richer black color, henna and basma should be taken in a 1: 3 ratio. The more basmas added to the composition, the darker the hair becomes.

Henna hair coloring

Iranian henna is a natural dye, the use of which has rather deep roots. Since ancient times, it was used to create unique tattoos and patterns on the nails. Nowadays, women all over the world are happy to use henna as a paint and remedy for weakened, damaged, and excessively greasy strands. So, how to dye your hair with henna, and what shades can you get with this tool?

How to dye hair with henna?

The procedure for dyeing hair with natural henna is slightly different from applying chemical dye and looks like this:

  1. Wash my hair with shampoo and dry it with a towel.
  2. Line along the growth of hair we grease with any greasy cream, which will protect the skin from red spots.
  3. We breed henna very hot, but not boiled water. The mixture should resemble thick sour cream. Henna powder is sold in a package of 25 grams. This bag is enough for a head of hair of medium length and thickness.
  4. Place the container with the coloring mixture in a saucepan with hot water - 7-10 minutes is enough.
  5. Divide hair into partings one and a half centimeters wide.
  6. Using a comb and brush, evenly distribute the henna on each part. Do everything very quickly, otherwise the paint will cool and will not give the expected results.
  7. We first wrap the head with a film or a bag, and then hide it under a terry towel. To prevent henna from leaking, place paper towels or napkins along the edges.
  8. The exposure time of henna depends on the thickness and initial shade of the strands, as well as the shade you want to receive. So, dark hair may take about 2 hours, while 10-15 minutes will be enough for light. So keep the process under control, and even better conduct a preliminary test, thanks to which you will be able to know the exact result.
  9. Wash off henna with running water without shampoo. At the end we rinse the strands with acidified lotion (water + vinegar or lemon juice).
Henna and Basmo dyeing - Everything will be good - Issue 66 - 10.23.2012 - Everything will be fine My hair color. Henna dyeing. Who can not be painted with henna?

Henna hair coloring has several contraindications, which should also be remembered. These include:

  • Partial or full chemical dyeing,
  • Pre-perm,
  • The presence of a large amount of gray hair (30-40%),
  • Damaged hair texture (split ends, burned strands),
  • If you do not plan to abandon the use of drugs on a chemical basis, henna also does not suit you.

By the way, read also about the benefits and harm of henna.

And the last warning for fair-haired! Henna on your hair can give a very strong color, be prepared for this.

The main subtleties of staining henna strands

The use of henna for hair requires a certain dexterity to fulfill several simple rules:

  1. To make the mixture applied to hair faster and easier, add a raw yolk to it. In addition, it will serve as an additional nutritional ingredient. With the same purpose you can take herbal decoctions, essential and cosmetic oils, as well as kefir.
  2. Do not wash your hair for 2-3 days after applying henna, because the process of coloring and changing the shade lasts another 48 hours - we will not disturb it.
  3. Despite the absence of chemical components, henna is sufficiently resistant. That is why when tinting grown roots, the mixture should be applied only to them. Otherwise, your color will become darker and darker.
  4. High-quality henna, when diluted with water, takes on a reddish color.
  5. It is recommended for owners of fragile and overdried strands to combine henna with sour kefir (a tablespoon), coffee (a teaspoon) or olive oil (a tablespoon).

How to achieve different shades when dyeing henna?

It would seem that henna can give only one single color - red. In fact, henna hair coloring can be very different! By adding different ingredients to the mix, you can influence the final shade of the hair:

1. Auburn - you can get it without any additives. If strands require shine, mix henna with lemon juice (1 teaspoon).

2. Golden honey - perfect for the blond:

  • chamomile decoction (200 ml boiling water 2 tablespoons),
  • turmeric,
  • weak coffee
  • Saffron tincture (200 ml of boiling water 1 teaspoon of herbs)
  • decoction of rhubarb (chop and boil for about 30 minutes).

3. Chestnut or chocolate:

  • ground cloves,
  • Basma (1 part basma into 3 parts henna),
  • strong coffee,
  • buckthorn,
  • Black tea,
  • cocoa.

  • carnation
  • carcade,
  • natural red wine
  • cranberry juice,
  • decoction of onion peels.

  • Basma - 2 parts to 1 part henna,
  • Strong coffee.

Alcohol mask

  • Alcohol 70% (can be replaced with hot water) - 100 ml,
  • Vegetable or cosmetic oil - 50 ml.

How to make a mask:

  1. We saturate the hair with alcohol - it opens the hair scales.
  2. After 15-20 minutes, we lubricate them with oil (henna pulls out of the hair) and put on a warm cap.
  3. From time to time we warm the head with a hair dryer.
  4. Wash off the mask after 30 minutes.
  5. Repeat the procedure several times.

To only slightly muffle the color of henna, grease the strands with sour cream and put on a warm hat. Wash your hair with shampoo in about an hour.

Kefir Yeast Mask

How to make a mask:

  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm kefir.
  2. Lubricate the strands with the mixture.
  3. Wash off after 2 hours.
  4. Repeat daily until the desired result.

Acetic trays for hair

Fill the pelvis with warm water from 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. Keep your hair in this solution for 10 minutes. Then wash them with shampoo and conditioner. So much of the paint is washed out. You can fix the rest with strong coffee (4 tablespoons) and henna (2 tablespoons).

Remember that it is necessary to wash off henna immediately after dyeing. Further, its coloring component merges so strongly with hair that it is already impossible to wash it from there.

Knowing how to dye your hair with henna, you will turn into a red beast without causing much damage to your hair.

6 effective recipes for staining henna in different shades

There are lots of ways to dye your hair. But not all of them are harmless to hair. For a long time, natural dyes have been used for this purpose, among which henna is the most important place then and now. It does not give a beautiful shade and has a mass of healing properties. The main thing is to know how to dye hair with henna correctly, what colors are possible and what the result depends on.

Many girls dye their hair with natural products such as henna.

Medicinal properties of henna

Hair coloring with henna at home or with the help of a specialist will benefit the health and appearance of curls. This natural dye has a mass of healing properties:

  1. The color from such staining is always bright and saturated, does not tarnish after washing the head.
  2. Thanks to the unique composition of natural dye hair will be strong. Vitamins and minerals nourish curls and scalp, prevent loss. Polysaccharides and organic acids improve metabolic processes. Essential oils and tannins strengthen hair, help to improve growth. The resinous substances restore the structure of each hair and improve the blood supply to the hair follicles. Fragility completely disappears. Therefore, regardless of the type and length of the curls, dyeing hair with henna is useful.
  3. With proper and not too frequent use, additional volume will appear from the roots.
  4. Significantly reduced the number of damaged and fallen hair. The effect of staining will be noticeable to the naked eye even when combed.
  5. Dandruff and other scalp problems will disappear.
  6. Henna for hair is used as a dye and as a mask, which has a regenerating and nourishing effect. After applying it, hair will grow faster.

Disadvantages of henna staining

The negative aspects of henna staining appear only with prolonged and frequent use. Among its shortcomings are such moments:

  1. Loss of hair volume. Dyeing hair with henna makes the curls heavier due to the peculiarities of its penetration into the structure of the hair. Also heavily curled by nature strands may become less curly.
  2. Hair dyed with henna should not be exposed to chemical dyes in the coming weeks, as this can give unpredictable results. Either the effect will not be at all, or it will turn out not the color that was declared.
  3. Natural paint is difficult to apply to the hair. The powder can be distributed unevenly, because of what will appear undyed strands.
  4. With frequent use, henna dries hair.
  5. It is not always possible to predict the color that will be obtained after applying a natural dye. There are a variety of shades from bright red to dark chestnut. The result depends entirely on the characteristics of your hair and the selected recipe.

However, in comparison with chemical dyes, Indian henna for hair wins due to its healing properties and resistant saturated color, which even when washed off looks natural and beautiful. Therefore, it is important to know what is the use and harm of henna for hair, and to apply this knowledge in practice. After all, with improper and too frequent use, you risk getting the opposite effect. Due to drying out, hair from henna can fall out and the ends split.

How to brew henna at home?

It is very easy to prepare the coloring mixture. Take the required amount of powder, pour it into a glass container, pour boiling water so that a creamy gruel is obtained. Then you should cover the vessel with a lid and let it stand for 20-30 minutes.

If you use recipes with additional ingredients, then after brewing, add them to the dye tank. But remember that honey, egg, cream and other dairy products are best mixed after the paint has cooled.

Henna coloring details

Experts give several recommendations on henna staining:

  1. When choosing a recipe, always consider your natural hair color. So, for example, red henna on dark hair gives only a shade, and on light and gray the effect will be bright. To obtain the desired shade, use additional components, including chamomile, coffee, lemon juice and others.
  2. Frequent staining with henna leads to undesirable consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than once every 2 months. You can alternate different types of henna, then the effect of their use will be better.
  3. Do not mix henna with any chemicals. In this case, you can cause irreparable harm to the health of the hair and spoil the appearance of hair.
  4. If you are worried that something goes wrong during the dyeing process, be sure to ask the hairdresser for the first time. He will help you choose a recipe for dyeing and properly distribute the mixture through the hair. Afterwards you can repeat this experience at home on your own.
  5. Before applying to the hair, be sure to lubricate the skin along the edge of hair growth so that it does not turn a red color.

Colorless henna and healing masks

Colorless and colored henna for hair is applied equally. This should be done like this:

  1. Brew powder with boiling water and cover it with a lid. The mass should acquire the consistency of sour cream.
  2. It can be applied to dry and wet curls. In the first case, it is easier to see the unpainted areas, and in the second - the color will be richer.
  3. Comb your hair and divide it into 4 equal parts, three of which fasten with clips.
  4. Each part is divided into strands and alternately paint them, starting from the roots.
  5. Then, when the roots are dyed, massage your head and comb the strands again.
  6. Apply paint residue to the roots and roll the hair into a bun.
  7. Put on a shower cap on top or cover the curls with cling film. Top wrap with a towel to create a greenhouse effect.
  8. Wash and dry the curls in 20-50 minutes.

Possible shades of henna staining

Shades of henna for hair are different. It all depends on the original color of the curls and structural features of the hairs. The thinner they are, the brighter the result will be. Henna on black hair falls not like on blond. If dark curls are to be stained, then in the end you can find a reddish-red or reddish-brown hue. If the hair is black, then the result of dyeing will be visible only during the day in sunny weather.

The light and gray curls after the first few stains will be a rich ginger color, but in subsequent procedures they will turn a reddish-brown. Henna also acts on blond hair. To get a chocolate shade, mix the coloring powder with coffee or basma. For a reddish color, a beet broth or strong hibiscus tea is added to the diluted paint.

Effective recipes

There are many good recipes for henna dyeing. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  • Henna and Basma. Depending on the desired color, you need to mix these two ingredients in certain proportions. If 2: 1, then light curls will turn reddish-brownish tint. And if the dyes are in the ratio of 1: 2, then the color will turn out dark chestnut, almost black.
  • Coloring with coffee. Add a tablespoon of coffee in a container with a bag of henna. Stir everything and fill with boiling water, stirring the mixture constantly. The mass should be kashetsobrazny. This recipe will help you achieve a dark brown shade on light brown hair, and on light and gray hair - brown with red.
  • Coloring with sour cream or cream. Coloring powder brewed as usual. After cooling, it is added to 1-1.5 tablespoons of sour cream or heavy cream. This recipe fits damaged and weak hair. And the shade will turn light red, if the original color was light.
  • Recipe for staining with essential oils. Make a bag of henna thicker than usual. After cooling to a comfortable temperature, add to the mixture 1-2 spoons of any vegetable oil, for example, olive or castor oil, and a few drops of ether. Suitable citrus and coniferous species. Such coloring will make the color of your hair bright and rich-red, fill them with vitality.
  • Coloring with lemon. In a bag of brewed henna, add the juice of half an average-sized lemon. This recipe will help color and brighten the curls. Hair after such coloring will be overflowed on the sun and stream on shoulders.
  • Coloring with chamomile. There are two options for making this recipe. You can first brew chamomile, cool and strain the mixture. Then again heat it and brew it henna as in the usual recipe. And you can mix a spoonful of flowers of this plant with a dry powder of natural dye and immediately brew the entire mixture. But in the second case it will be harder to apply paint and then wash it off. Chamomile helps henna paint in red color.

Remember that for a short curls enough one sachet of paint, but the strands to the shoulders and below need to be painted using two or three bags.

Do everything right and do not harm your hair.

How to wash henna from the head

Because of its kasha-like texture, henna is very difficult to wash off, especially if the painted curls are long. At the first wash and another 2-3 days after the procedure, do not use shampoo, balm or conditioner.

You can wash off the paint with ordinary warm water. At the same time it is necessary to do soft massaging movements at the roots in order to remove all solid particles, until they completely disappear. Add a little vinegar to the final rinse (1 spoon per liter of water) for color saturation.

Henna is good for hair when used properly. There is a mass of possible options for staining with this dye. If you decide to improve your curls and you like all shades of red and chestnut, then choose one of the recipes and try. Just remember that it is almost impossible to wash off the paint.

Magic henna - favorite recipes and tips

The aroma of magic henna energizes and creates a special mood. For me, this vegetable powder is multifunctional: I use it for dyeing hair, as a part of medical masks, for drawing mehendi and making bombs for a bath. For a red-haired girl, chemical dyes are generally not needed if you know how to properly handle the gift of nature. And in combination with Basma, darker shades are obtained: dark chestnut and even chocolate.

Favorite mask

In its pure form, henna strongly dries hair. Therefore, there are negative reviews on the Internet, in which girls and women write that their hair turned into a “straw”, after the masks it is impossible to comb them. In fact, henna just needs to be properly used, then it will not be harmful.

What to add to henna (use colorless for masks) so that it brings only benefit.

  • Decoctions of herbs. Blondes suit chamomile, brunettes - nettle, oak bark.
  • Nourishing vegetable oils. Olive, avocado, coconut, almond, shea, avocado or argan.
  • Aloe vera gel. Rich in vitamins A and E, to strengthen the hair.
  • Egg yolk. The high content of amino acids and beneficial trace elements saturate the bulbs, stimulating east.
  • Kefir. The acidic environment reveals the coloring enzyme henna, you can insist pure powder on kefir, if you dream of a fiery red shade.
  • Essential oils. From falling out - cedar, rosemary, beat, for shine - ylang-ylang, grapefruit, from increased fat content - peppermint, lavender, from dandruff - eucalyptus, tea tree.

  1. I brush the partitions of henna, chamomile decoction and burdock oil (proportions 1: 1: 1) onto the partings on wet, clean hair roots. Sometimes add a couple of drops of essential oil beat.
  2. On length I apply argan or coconut oil.
  3. I stand for an hour, then wash off with shampoo.
  4. To make the oil easier to wash off, before washing, I apply the length of the balm, leave it for 7 minutes and wash it off. After that, the shampoo can easily remove the remnants of the mask.

Hair coloring recipe

The recipe for henna hair dyeing should be selected depending on the shade to be achieved.

  1. To dye the hair red, henna is added with beet juice (the most affordable product) or softened berries: elder, sweet cherry, buckthorn. And the most intense shade of red is given by carcade leaves and red Altea.
  2. For brown and chocolate shades, add a solution of cocoa, coffee, black tea or Indian amla powder.
  3. Saffron, chamomile and rhubarb (decoctions) are great for creating golden hues.
  4. Quickly dye hair in a copper-red color can be henna without additives.

Take 100 g of henna, add 1 tablespoon of the desired supplement, pour 100 ml of hot water (but not boiling!). Mix the mixture only in non-metallic utensils and stir with a non-metallic spoon. You need to dye your hair while henna is hot.

Combine with basma and black tea for rich chestnut hues.

To get a chestnut shade, prepare a mixture in the ratio of 1: 1 henna and basma, also fill it with hot water. Soak for about an hour.

Experiment and create interesting shades with natural coloring components!

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Ingredients to achieve different shades

1. Ingredients for golden, bronze shades: rhubarb (before mixing with henna dry rhubarb is boiled together with white wine or with plain water), saffron (before mixing a few tablespoons of boiling for 5 minutes), honey (before mixing a few tablespoons of melting in hot water), turmeric (taken - 1/6 part of turmeric from the total amount of the mixture), cinnamon (mutes the ginger color, gives a dark golden hue). Ginger, chamomile, orange peel infusion also muffle red wine, brighten a little.

A sample recipe for acquiring a golden hue: 3/4 henna, 1/4 turmeric, ginger powder, cinnamon. All pour hot infusion on orange peels or chamomile decoction.

2. Ingredients for rich red: madder (2 tbsp. of a crushed plant is taken for 1 cup of water and avryn, henna is poured in with a decoction), beet juice, red wine (heated before use), ground cloves (crushed and added to henna).

An exemplary recipe for acquiring a bright red color: mix 3/4 of henna with 1/4 ground cloves, then pour hot red wine or beet juice.

3. Ingredients for shade "mahogany" (dark color with a noticeable red tint): cranberry juice, cocoa (mix a few spoons with henna, then you can apply it in the usual way).

An approximate recipe for the purchase of dark tsata with a red tint: take half henna and cocoa, pour cranberry juice or red wine.

4. Ingredients for chestnut, chocolate shades: amla powder (mixed in half amla and henna), ground coffee (boil 5 tsp in a glass of water 4 tsp. coffee, mix with a bag of henna), walnut leaves (boil 1 tbsp. l. of leaves in a small amount of water and Pour the bag of henna), boil the walnuts (boil the crushed shells over low heat, then mix with henna), basma (3 parts of henna mixed with 1 part of basma), black tea (henna is poured with strong tea), buckthorn (100 g buckthorn boil for half an hour in 2.5 cups of water), cocoa. The more henna add basma, black tea, ground coffee, the darker the colors will be.

Approximate recipe for the acquisition of dark hair color: mixed in half henna and basma, the mixture is poured with strong coffee (from freshly ground beans).

It is important to remember that henna is not a paint, so it cannot be used to achieve cold shades, black color or lighten hair. Henna gives hair a shade, which means it all depends on the base hair color.

Variants of recipes hair dye henna

Recipe number 1. For this recipe use Indian henna, a bag of chamomile, 25 g of sea buckthorn and coconut oil. Chamomile poured boiling water, insist 20 minutes, then filtered. Chamomile tea is mixed with henna and oils. The mixture is applied to the hair for a couple of hours, cover the head with a warm hat, and then wash off with warm water with a balm applied (and washed off again).

Recipe number 2: 2 bags of basma mixed with a bag of henna and pour strong coffee, add vitamin E (5 capsules) 2-3 tbsp. l honey It is necessary to maintain the mixture on the hair for 3-4 hours, and then wash it off with warm water and apply a balm (and wash it off again).

Recipe number 3: 2 parts of Iranian henna are mixed with one part of basma, then poured with hot red wine. Apply the mixture to dry clean hair for an hour, then rinse with warm water without shampoo, at the end use a balm (and wash off again). The final color (if the base is chestnut): a rich dark color with a wine tint.

Recipe number 4. Take a bag (125 g) henna (pour boiling water), 40-50 drops of iodine, essential oil of bergamot (or other). All are mixed, nanostya on the hair, wrapped with a film, incubated for 3 hours. Then wash off with water, apply a balm (and again wash off).

Recipe number 5: Iranian henna, 2 tbsp. l cocoa butter and avocado, 10 drops of rosemary. All mixed, pour boiling water. A tolerably hot mixture is applied to the hair for a couple of hours under a film and a towel.

Recipe number 6: 30-40 g dry karkade, 1 bag of henna. Hibiscus should be poured boiling water to the color of raspberry, then pour this henna with this plant. Keep the mixture on the hair need 4 hours under the cap. It is interesting to know that carcade neutralizes the smell of henna.

Recipe number 7. For this recipe use Iranian henna - 1 bag of regular henna and 2 bags of basma. All mixed and poured strong brewed coffee, cover with a towel and insist 10 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. l olive oil and 10 drops of essential oil ylang-ylang. The mixture is applied to the hair, wear a bag and a warm hat. Stand for 4 hours, then washed in the same way as in previous recipes.

Recipe number 8. This mixture is best applied to slightly damp hair. Take 6 tbsp. l Henna (4 tablespoons of henna and 2 tablespoons of cocoa are possible), a glass of low-fat kefir at room temperature, yolk, 1 tbsp. l olive oil (flaxseed or burdock), 1 tsp. cinnamon and citric acid, 20 drops of essential oils (cedar and ylang-ylang in half) and 5 drops of vitamin E. Keep for a couple of hours on the hair, then rinse, apply balm and wash it off again.

Recipe number 9. Henna and basma are taken in equal proportions or 1: 1.5, add 1 tbsp. l coffee, 2 tbsp. l kefir, a bag of cloves ground (brewed on red wine with the addition of a pinch of cinnamon and essential citrus oil - for dry hair). The mixture on the hair is kept for two to four hours under the film.

Recipe number 10 (designed for the length of hair below the shoulders). For this recipe, an infusion of 4 parts of chamomile, 3 parts of cloves, 2 parts of barberry and 1 part of red pepper and oak bark (half an hour to infuse) is prepared. The resulting infusion is necessary to pour 60 g of Indian henna normal. Soak on the head for a couple of hours, and then rinse with warm water (you can add a bite).

Recipe number 11. Ingredients: 2.5 packs of Iranian henna (“Art Color”), juice of a couple of lemons, 1 tbsp. l burdock oil, 5 drops of rosemary and orange essential oil. Henna should be poured with lemon juice diluted with hot water, add oil and insist 2-12 hours. After that, the mixture should be heated in a water bath, then put under the film and leave for 2-4 hours. Wash off as usual.

Recipe number 12. Required: 6 bags of Iranian henna, 30 g kukurma, 2-3 tsp. cinnamon and ginger, ground cloves, 30 g of barberry. In a deep non-metal container, you need to pour henna and all other ingredients, then add the yolk and 1-2 tbsp. l lemon.

In addition, you can add a pharmacy chamomile (2-3 tablespoons or 3-4 bags), pour boiling water over it for 30-40 minutes. The resulting chamomile extract is added to the rest of the mass, it is necessary to stir to a state of gruel. Then add 10-15 drops of ylang-ylang oil, 10 drops of almond oil and 1 tsp to the mixture. burdock oil. All should be well mixed.

The paint is applied to the hair, wrapped with a film and covered with a towel. You need to withstand about three hours. Wash the mixture with warm water, then wash it with shampoo.

Recipe number 13 (for long hair). Ingredients: 250 g of Egyptian henna from Aromazon, certified on apple vinegar (15 hours), 0.5 l of beetroot mock, 25 g of madder in powder, 50 g of amla powder, 30 drops of ylang-ylang essential oils, cloves, tea tree . All mixed and vedarzhivayut 3-4 hours.

Recipe number 14 (for long hair): 6 bags of henna, strong broth karkade with 2 bags of madder, lemon juice, 3 tbsp. l castor oil, 1 tbsp. l ground ginger. All ingredients are mixed and kept on the hair for 2.5 hours.

Recipe number 15: 3 bags of henna and basma, harsh broth karkade, lemon juice, 3 tbsp. l castor oil, lavender essential oil. All mixed and kept on hair from 2.5 to 3 hours. The mixture is heated before application, applied to wet clean hair, wrapped in food with a plastic wrap and wrapped in a towel.

Without using basma, the color will be brighter. But with Basma, the color is more saturated, turns into a ruby ​​color.

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Can I dye my hair with henna?

Henna is a vegetable dye, which is obtained from a plant such as lawsonum, drying and grinding its leaves.

The leaves of the shrub contain two coloring elements - chlorophyll (green) and lavson (yellow-red).

Hennotanic acid, resinous and fatty substances, polysaccharides, organic acids, essential oil, vitamins C and K are also present in them.

Hair coloring is based on the principle of accumulation of the above pigments in the cuticle - the top layer of hair. These substances do not penetrate into the structure, but guarantee a long-term preservation of the result.

At the same time, they are not completely washed off, unlike chemical ones, although they do not possess a strong coloring ability: they do not completely change the color of the strands.

It can be said that henna is a tinting agent. It allows you to achieve the desired shade, but the latter largely depends on the original color of the hair.

This painting can give strands only 3 shades: orange-red, red-brown and red-red. These shades are given by lavson - the main component. But if you properly mix it with other products, you can significantly increase the variety of shades.

Is it worth it to constantly henna?

When used frequently, curls can dry out. This is due to exposure to acids and tannins. With repeated use the structure of the cuticle is broken - the tips begin to split. Glut leads to the fact that the hair becomes dull, naughty, dry, hard, difficult to style, loses elasticity, poorly keeps hair.

The color obtained after dyeing with natural components is almost impossible to change with artificial dyes. Substances contained in the leaves of lawsuit, envelop the strands, so the coloring pigments can not penetrate into the hair.

Artificial means are not recommended to use until the curls have grown, painted with natural.

The combination of natural and chemical components can lead to an unpredictable reaction - the hair will turn green, orange or radically blue. Artificial dye may be unevenly distributed along the strands.

Vegetable and chemical paints, as we see, are not compatible with each other. Therefore, it is impossible to apply them alternately after perm, highlighting, bleaching. With the combination of both of these compounds, an allergic reaction may occur.

Coloring henna: use for hair

Natural products act more sparingly. Chemicals reveal hair scales forcibly. The active substances of the powder from the leaves of Lawson do not destroy the natural pigment, but envelop the strands, align them, add volume, create a protective layer.Curls become protected from ultraviolet rays, sea water, acquire a rich color, become denser, thicker, more magnificent.

With adequate use at home, you can get rid of split ends, dullness, brittleness, excessive fat content or dryness. It has a light tanning effect, regulates the function of the sebaceous glands, normalizes the water balance.

Due to tannins, the outer scaly layer is tightened, the natural shine of the curls is restored. Damaged strands are restored. In addition, the scalp is saturated with nutrients, the roots are strengthened, the growth of curls is activated, dandruff disappears.

This product has no contraindications. It is hypoallergenic, so they are allowed to paint if they are allergic to artificial paint. Allowed its use for pregnant and lactating. After giving birth, the curls will become thicker and will not fall out. It is used for dyeing eyelashes and eyebrows: the color will last longer than during a chemical procedure, follicles will strengthen, eyelashes will become longer and thicker.

How to dye hair with henna at home

First you need to determine the frequency of the procedure, so as not to harm the hair: fat and normal curls - up to 3 times a month, dry - once in 1-2 months, when using the tool without synthetic additives - 1 time in 2-3 months.

It is advisable to use it with nourishing and moisturizing masks, cosmetic oils, honey, yolks, milk, dairy products. If you dissolve it with the listed products, you can carry out the procedure more often and increase the duration thereof.

Leaves of lawson can be used on dark curls (dyeing time - an hour and a half), light and gray strands - about 30 minutes.

Powder deteriorates quickly, so with long-term storage gives a weaker effect. Fresh gray-green leaf powder. When it turns brown, the product has gone bad.

How to brew coloring henna

This should be done in a glass or ceramic container, you can not use metal utensils. Hands protect with special gloves. The powder must be brewed in advance - a few hours before use.

You can leave for the night. Do it better at room temperature. The surface of the mixture should darken, become brownish. After this, other products are added as desired.

It is not recommended to brew it with boiling water. To achieve a bright, saturated color by diluting the powder with an acidic liquid: kefir, lemon juice, dry wine, apple cider vinegar, herbal tea with lemon. In this case, the curls will darken to a rich dark red color.

At the same time, their shade may vary within a few days. True color appears after 3-4 days.

Recipes for dyeing different types of hair with henna:

  1. Rich golden yellow hue. Mix 200 g of dried rhubarb, 0.7 l of dry white wine / water. Boil until the mixture is halved. Add a bag of powder. Keep on head for 30 minutes
  2. The color of old gold. Add 2 grams of boiled saffron,
  3. Thick honey-yellow - 2 tbsp. l chamomile boil, strain,
  4. Red-cherry with a lilac shade - beet juice, heated to 60 °,
  5. Mahogany - should be mixed with powder 3-4 tbsp. l cocoa. They are immediately poured with warm water and applied to the strands,
  6. Strengthening red - madder or hibiscus,
  7. Chestnut hue - henna + basma (3: 1),
  8. Rich chestnut with reddish - ground coffee,
  9. Dark chestnut with a red tint - coffee, cocoa, matsoni, olive oil,
  10. Dark cinnamon - walnut shells. It is boiled for a long time, then a decoction is added to the powder,
  11. Bronze - Basma and Henna (1: 2),
  12. Blue black - first apply henna, an hour later it is washed off and applied to Basma. Take them in equal quantity,
  13. Shine hair - mix ¼ cup of water, ½ cup of henna, raw egg. Hold on the head for 15-45 minutes
  14. Dry / brittle curls - mix henna and water, as stated in previous recipes, add 30 ml of natural yogurt. Time - as stated above
  15. Tint - for light hair, to get a red / light yellow shade, a quarter of an hour is enough, for dark hair - 30-40, for black hair - 2 hours. To do this, mix ½ cup of coloring agent and ¼ cup of tea. For light ones - chamomile, for brown-haired women - black, for brunettes - coffee.

How to mix henna with essential oils?

If you add to the powder a little essential oil (literally a few drops) rich in terpenes (monoterpenes), then the color will be richer. Many of these are found in tea tree oil, eucalyptus, incense.

The effect of geranium, lavender and rosemary is weaker. For pregnant women and children, it is recommended to add lavender, as it makes the color richer and does not cause irritation.

How to dye your hair with henna: how to wash it off your head?

She takes time to gain strength in the strands. It is recommended to wash your hair at least 2 days after the procedure. If you do this on the next day, the result will be weaker: it will not fix and the procedure will have to be repeated more often.

Reddish spots on the skin are removed with soap or gel. If the color is too bright, you need to heat the vegetable oil and rub it into the strands, then dry them with a hairdryer and rinse with shampoo, you can repeat the procedure after a while.

Let your hair radiate strength and health!

Instructions for use of henna: how to get different shades with henna.

Instructions for the use of henna, who can come in handy
1. Wash hair with shampoo, do not use balm.

2. While the hair is a little dry, prepare the henna: pour henna (Iranian - the shade gives to redhead, Indian - to the red) in a dish (not metal), pour very hot water (t-90c). Then add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Mix all the lumps, the mass should be like thick sour cream.

3. Put the honey, yolk, a couple of tablespoons of brandy (underline the necessary) quickly mix. The mask should not cool down.

4. Next, we put on gloves and with the help of a comb and a brush we apply henna one after another.

5. Dress the plastic cap, wipe the stains (I usually put an old towel or toilet paper) and go about our business.

6. After an hour (or more), wash everything off with warm water, without shampoo.

7. Admire the result.

In general, when dyeing with henna, there is a lot of nuances, it depends a lot on the initial hair color and structure, you need to experiment.

As a rule, the first time is difficult to achieve the desired color, so if you don’t like the color, you can weaken the color or remove the henna using masks with olive oil. Buy olive oil, apply on dirty dry hair, leave for 20-30 minutes and wash with shampoo. Repeat the procedure to achieve a result.

Warning: wear gloves on your hands - warm henna well paints palms and nails in carrot color. Cognac is added to the mask so that the mixture with the addition of olive oil is better washed off.

A few more ready-made henna dyeing recipes.

1. The recipe for painting henna on kefir
I read this recipe in the internet for a long time and I liked it. Henna gives its coloring properties not only in boiling water, but also in an acidic environment. Therefore, henna can be mixed with any fermented milk product. The more sour the better. And it is better that kefir was overdue in general, preferably 1%, so that the hair was not greasy. The day before painting kefir is removed from the refrigerator so that it is additionally sour. It is not necessary to heat the kefir, otherwise it will be curtailed, but for room temperature it should be at room temperature. When applying henna, it should be slightly damp in order for the paint to penetrate better. Paint applied quickly. After applying the paint, you can walk with your head uncovered, then the color will be dark, brownish, but if you wear a cap, that is, henna is denied access to air, then there will be that red tint. The maximum exposure time of the pigment to hair for henna is 6 hours. Hope that wash off henna immediately with shampoo. Well, the benefits of kefir on the hair and say nothing.

2. Coloring henna with lemon juice.
Henna is poured with lemon juice to a state of gruel and left for 10-12 hours. Then warm kefir and yolk are added. This mixture is easily applied to the hair. Holds for 1-2 hours, then washed off.

3. Normal henna staining.
Before the procedure of staining with henna, add 2 egg yolks to the powder, you can add 1 tsp. honey - this painting mask has a healing effect. To apply henna on clean dry hair (coloring more intensive). The longer you hold the mask on the hair, the richer the color will be. After dyeing, rinse hair with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. The hair is soft and shiny.

One comment on “Instructions for using henna: how to get different shades with henna.”

The shades that can be obtained with henna are very diverse.
1. Purple tone, burgundy can be obtained if you dissolve henna not in water but in beet juice, the same effect - from elderberry or hibiscus tea. Beet Juice Heat up to 60 degrees, add a bag of henna. Strengthen the red tint on the hair - madder root (2 tablespoons) is boiled in a glass of water, add henna.

2. Want “RED TREE” - pour hot Cahors. The color of "mahogany" will also be obtained if you add cranberry juice to henna, and before dyeing it is abundantly wetted with hair and dried.

3. Chocolate and black color can be obtained by adding black coffee to henna. By adding natural ground coffee to the mix (1 teaspoon per 25 grams of powder) we get CHESTNUT TON.

4. If we add cocoa powder, we get the shade WAN CHEST. Henna is combined with 3-4 tbsp. cocoa spoons. Brew the mixture with hot water until it is cold, quickly apply the gruel to clean and dry hair.

5. Golden honey shade give rhubarb, saffron, chamomile or turmeric. If you want to get GOLDEN-RED TON, pour henna not with hot water, but with chamomile decoction (1-2 tablespoons per cup, infuse, strain, heat to 90 degrees). Turmeric is simply added to the composition with henna. Rhubarb - 200 g of dried stalks of the plant, combined with a bottle of dry white wine (without wine) and boil until half the liquid boils away. In the remaining composition add a bag of henna. The composition is applied to the hair and hold for about half an hour.

6. The color of old gold - saffron on the tip of a knife is boiled in a little water for two minutes, then added to henna.

7. Copper color - take 200 gr. onion peel, 2-3 tablespoons of black tea, pour 0.5 liters. White grape wine and put on low heat for 20-30 minutes. Strain and apply the mixture to wet, washed hair. Wrap your head with a towel.

8. Chocolate chestnut will give a strong infusion of black tea, mixed with henna. Also, to obtain a chocolate color, you can add hops in the proportion of 1 bag of henna and 1 tsp. hops. All shades of chestnut - tea brewing, a few drops of iodine, henna. The result depends on the number of ingredients and on the original hair color.

9. You can also experiment with shades by mixing henna and basma in different proportions. Chestnut hue- ​​3 parts henna and 1 part basma. Bronze shade - take 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma. Henna is used without basma. Basma without henna dyes hair in a greenish-blue shade.

If you want to redeem the shade of red, then the process of painting will consist of two separate stages: first with a mixture of henna, then with a mixture of basma. Basma staining time is usually half as long as henna staining time. But can be increased to obtain a darker tone.

I want to say a few more words about Lush henna. This good, but expensive henna with the addition of cocoa butter and essential oils. The mass is very oily, but nutritious. I used this henna several times, but after washing this mass off my head, my hair turns oily and you can not wash it off with shampoo (you feel sorry for your efforts). Therefore, it is better to paint on a day off, when you do not need to go anywhere, and the next day you should wash with shampoo. Another feature of this henna - clove smell, which is very resistant. Ladies who are allergic to spicy odors - be careful.

And yet, who do not want to spend a lot of time on henna hair coloring, you can try painting with AASHA herbal paint, the so-called Ayurvedic dyes based on Indian henna and plant extracts. Hair after these colors are soft, docile and shades are very natural. In a word, good natural paint, she painted herself and I liked it.

Variants of shades.

1) Golden shade will help achieve ginger, turmeric, dried rhubarb stalks or chamomile decoction.

Dried rhubarb stalks (200g) are boiled over medium heat in 0.5 liters of dry white wine or in water until half of the liquid has evaporated, then combined with 25-40 g of henna and 30-40 minutes applied to the hair.

Ginger (powder) and turmeric are simply mixed with henna and filled with hot water. In this case, the proportions are selected individually, depending on the desired shade. Ginger gives a golden hue, and turmeric gives a golden yellow.

A pleasant golden honey shade can be obtained by filling henna with strained decoction of chamomile. The decoction, of course, must be hot.

2) Old gold color (saffron color) can be obtained by boiling 5-10 g of saffron for 5 minutes and filling henna with broth.

3) Beet juice in combination with henna can give as burgundyso and cherry shade. Hot beet juice is poured henna, stirred and allowed to infuse.

4) Shade mahogany (dark red) can be achieved by pouring henna with heated Cahors or cranberry juice. Cranberry juice can also behave unpredictably, and instead of the expected shade at the output, you will get cherry Colour.

5) Saturated red hue will help get karkade tea, kefir or ground cloves.

With karkade everything is simple - hot infusion (i.e. tea) we breed henna and let it brew.

Kefir is not worth much heat. It is better to pour henna with boiling water, stir until a homogeneous thick state, and then, stirring, pour kefir so that the consistency of the mixture was slightly thicker than that of sour cream.

Dry ground clove mixed with henna (on average 1 tsp. Per 25 g) and poured boiling water. Then - as usual.

6) Quite often, henna is mixed with strong coffee or black tea to get an expressive chestnut shade.

A tablespoon of coffee is poured with a glass of boiling water and aged over medium heat for 5 minutes and then mixed with henna. Tea is also better to brew strong, how to insist on it (not allowing it to cool), then strain and pour henna to them.

7) Chocolate gives henna in combination with a decoction of walnut leaves or cocoa (of course, natural). Moreover, after dyeing cocoa can give both a chocolate shade and a shade mahogany. It all depends on your hair and the type of henna.

8) A mixture of henna and basmy. This is explained by the fact that, by varying the proportions, you can get a wide range of colors.

If you mix 3 parts of henna and 1 part of basma, then at the output we get a chestnut shade. If you take the ratio of 2 henna: 1 basma, then the hair will be cast bronze. If you take 3 parts of basma for 1 part of henna, you can get black. In general, Basma, like henna, can give very unexpected results. I will say from my own experience that I didn’t achieve black on my hair. Even when the proportion was 4: 1 (basma: henna), the color was still dark chestnut. Therefore, as I already wrote, everything is very, very individual.

In my opinion, even such unpredictability of natural dyes should not deter girls. Anyway, henna staining very useful for strengthening and general improvement of hair. A bad hair color sooner or later grow back.

Video with visual results of henna staining:

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Watch the video: How to make natural henna paste for dark stain. How to make mehendi paste. FamShii henna. (July 2024).