
Long vs short hair


Pros and cons of short haircuts

+ a short haircut emphasizes all the dignity of the face, makes the look more expressive, gives the image unusual, sexy and even mysterious.

- But if the oval of the face is fuzzy, there is a second chin, and problem skin, then a short haircut will emphasize all this.

+ A short haircut makes the face look younger. The effect of rejuvenation from short haircuts is especially noticeable in women of mature age and girls with blond hair.

- But a short haircut on dark hair will make a very young girl more mature. Although this is not always a minus, adolescents often want to look more mature.

+ The ability to diversify the shape of laying, and experiment with different styling tools. Coloring and care for short hair in beauty salons is cheaper.

- But to maintain a short haircut in its original form and the hostess was comfortable, you will have to visit the hairdresser quite often and regularly. Overgrown short haircut often looks untidy, even if her hair was spent a lot of time and effort.

+ Of course, short hair is easier to wash, comb and dry. Indeed, provided that the haircut is of high quality, it corresponds to the density, type of hair and suits its owner - it does not take much time to style. And even more so when the haircut is very short and does not require styling at all.

- Yes, washing, combing, drying is easy, but then it is worth noting that most short haircuts require more careful styling than long hair. After all, now it will not be possible to quickly collect hair in a ponytail, and it will require styling.

There are other important factors that determine whether a short haircut will suit you. Stylists do not recommend short haircuts for girls with broad shoulders, as well as very tall and thin. You should not get a short hair cut for girls who do not use makeup at all and never wear heels.

The most important thing is to find a good master. A real professional hairdresser not only professionally owns a hairdressing equipment and performs haircuts technically correctly, well, if he still has the skills and abilities of a stylist. But this does not mean that the master can show complete independence and engage in amateur with your hair. He should be able to advise on the shape of a short haircut based on the type of hair, facial contours and other features of appearance, taking the client's desire as a basis.

What is good about long hair

Long healthy hair allows you to create a luxurious feminine image without much effort. If your long curls feel good, you just need to wash and dry them. And everything, you already beauty!

With long hair, you really have a lot of styling options - from a variety of waves to complex weaving and voluminous hairstyles. Long strands are also good because they can always be carefully gathered upstairs, which helps in a solemn and in a business situation, and it will be useful in the gym.

The previous two advantages are already a lot, but there are more. On long hair fashionable dyeing with stretching colors, their nuances and transitions look especially beautiful. The plus of such coloring techniques is that, thanks to a smooth transition, they grow beautifully, and a new trip to the salon can be postponed until six months.

On long hair, the coloring of ombra and weaving looks beautiful.

In addition, to help the pigment not to wash out and prolong the freshness of coloring will help competently selected care for dyed hair. These products do not have to be expensive, but it’s good if they form an invisible color-protective film on the hair, such as shampoo and Pure Line balsam Klever.

These products on the broth of herbs and clover extract is better to use in a pair. Their formula with a complex of phytokeratin helps to give the strands the root volume. This is especially true for long hair, sometimes losing pomp in its own weight.

What is wrong with long hair

There are long hair and flaws. Despite the huge choice of styling for curls below the shoulders, long-haired girls know how great the temptation is to constantly walk around with a tail or collect a “bun” on top. And all because long hair is also a discomfort. They climb everywhere and sometimes interfere not only with you, but also with those around you.

Long hair is quite difficult to grow and it is not easy to care for them. The entire length of the strands cannot be equally wetted and protected, therefore the problem of the split ends is so common. Long curls no longer look so luxurious, if a good 15 cm at the ends are damaged and split.

To keep the hair smooth and healthy throughout the length, make it a rule to regularly use oils and serum for the tips. For example, Dove oil serum “Progressive recovery” with red algae extract and keratin complex. The tool helps to quickly return to the long strands presentable appearance, strengthens them and prevents the cross section.

What is good about short hair

Short hair is impossible or very difficult to bundle or tail. This can be seen as a plus. After all, you do not want it, you have to do without the “bagels”, tails and elastic bands, with which the hairstyle can look quite casual and not too elegant.

Short hair is easier to hold volume than long, especially if the haircut is made by a good master. You will have to style your short hair regularly, at least a little. Though tedious, it disciplines and adds to the appearance of presentability.

If you use a hot hair dryer or styler on an ongoing basis, remember about thermal protection. For example, take a look at the “Thermal Protection” brand of “Pure Line” brand with calendula extract. It protects the strands at temperatures up to 200 ºС and helps in the formation of styling.

Short hair makes it possible to experiment with dyeing more often, because strands quickly grow back, and there is no need to save the damaged ends. With a regular haircut, you can forget about the cross-section of the ends. In addition, you can fully enjoy the ease and convenience of short haircuts.

What is wrong with short hair

The fact that short hair cannot be gathered in a bun or tail is both a plus and a minus. The downside is that you deprive yourself of the most everyday and comfortable hairstyles that can be done in just 5 seconds. Regular need for styling for short hair also happens to be tiring.

Many girls from haircuts keeps the widespread view that short hair does not look feminine enough. One could argue with that, because the overall impression depends not only on the length of the hair, but on the whole image as a whole. But if you feel like a “princess” with only long curls, this item also plays a significant role.

Short haircut can be feminine and romantic.

But with the fact that for short hair much less styling options, no arguing. It really is. And yet, the options are not as few as they seem at first glance. For example, with short hair you can even braid a pigtail, make a beehive hairstyle or styling in the 30s, not to mention simple curls:

Short or long hair?

After consulting, we came to the conclusion that men need to ask a situation that may well happen in life. Here, let's say, a girl will take it and cut it short. How, I wonder, will the stronger sex react? Do they like girls with short hair? To find out, on a friendly MensHealth website, we conducted a survey

So, judging by its results, we either know our MCH poorly or underestimate it. Almost half of the men who answered - almost 50 percent - adhere to the most progressive views. They think that if a girl has a short haircut, then let her wear it for health - they will only be happy.

A quarter of the male audience (slightly more than 26 percent) is also not at all opposed to their girlfriend doing a short haircut. True, from going to the hairdresser first try to dissuade her. But if she remains adamant, then so be it.

Eleven percent of the respondents are just saints in their lifetime. They are ready to love their other half in any kind. So they say: "Let him do anything!" It remains only to understand what is more here - magnanimity or just indifference?

But the position of twelve percent of men does not cause any doubts. If a girl gets a haircut, the relationship ends. And no chance of a truce. So, if your MCH is from this team, then you probably should not risk it.

Is it really true?

Frankly, we did not expect that there would be so many men who have nothing against short haircuts. And there are so few convinced supporters of long ones. Just in case, we decided to find out what the world male public thinks about this. And it turned out that there are much less “advanced” ones there than we have.

According to reports, more than forty percent of Europeans and Americans prefer girls with long, flowing waves of hair "a la Kelly Brooke." In second place was the number of fans of hair "like Jennifer Aniston." And only on the third - those who like girls who wear classic bob. How to find out if you want a short haircut.

Frank confession

Comparing the preferences of our men and foreigners, we realized that it’s too early to put a full stop. And what if men are not completely honest with us? There was a reason for such suspicions. In search of truth, we stumbled upon the results of one interesting study on the topic of women's hairstyles. It turns out that a quarter of all men never dare to tell the whole truth about their girlfriend's new hairstyle.

So what do they really say when there are no girls around? Choose long or short hair?

Michael, 25 years old

Not one haircut looks sexy, so why then cut it short? Men always liked long hair, they just have to have a well-groomed look.

Anton, 32 years

Once I was with a woman for whom it was very important how she looks in bed. She very carefully touched me in order not to damage her manicure. She also had long, beautifully laid hair. But in bed, she constantly put herself in order, straightening her hair. It terribly enraged me, I could not wait for the moment when I get rid of her!

Artem, 28 years old

I do not like shorn girls - the shorter the hair, the more aggressive the person. But I just adore long hair! Something attractive and charming appears in a girl wearing long hair.

Roman, 23 years old

Only girls with high cheekbones, beautiful eyes and a skull in general can afford short hair. Apparently, therefore, we have so many long-haired people — they simply have nothing to show. When I see a young girl with a short haircut, I think that she has a bold and some special character. That is, anyone with her will not be bored.

Egor, 30 years old

Short haircuts make women manly. And they peck at it ... well, in general, you know who.

Denis, 37 years old

What makes you think that men like exceptionally long hair? Men like women, not hair. That is, everything in aggregate - face, figure, movement, manner, voice, smell ...

Sasha, 29 years old

Full of stupid women, shaking their hair and proud of their length. And what to be proud of? It would be better to pick up a haircut, they would look like queens of beauty!

Mitya, 31 years old

It all depends on the style and appearance of the girl. For example, I am pleased to look at a neat short haircut from a girl! And with age, long hair generally stops women from going. Sometimes you look: behind the fucker, in front is a pensioner. Nightmare!

Leva, 20 years old

I love when the hair is long. But the main thing is that the girl should not focus on her appearance. I like girls who can lie on the grass without worrying about their hair

The advantages of short haircuts

With a short haircut, you can disguise such flaws as a large nose, low forehead and asymmetrical features. Address to the good hairdresser or the stylist, he will pick up a form which will go for you.

If you have clear skin, beautiful neck, shoulders and neck, then a short haircut will help you to emphasize these advantages, putting them on display. Long flowing hair will not allow others to admire the gentle curves of your neck.

A well-chosen short haircut can make a woman younger. Do you want to throw off a few years, or even a whole dozen - feel free to sign up to the hairdresser and part with the curls.

For short hair is really easier to care for. They dry quickly, so you may not even have to use a hairdryer. You can not try to jealously protect the ends of the hair from the section - anyway, you will regularly cut them. The amount of consumed shampoo and balm-conditioner will be reduced. Some haircuts are very simple in styling: just enough to comb your hair.

Cons of a short haircut

For some types of appearance, a short haircut is simply not suitable. If you have a round face or a massive chin, give up this idea, because it is long hair that can soften your facial features.

If you have curls, then a short haircut may not suit you. Wavy hair, shortly cropped and the more profiled, tend to fluff even more.

Most men like long hair. Owners of luxurious manes seem gentle and feminine to the representatives of the stronger sex. Lovers of short haircuts are less common.

Pluses long hair

1. Versatility. With long hair, you can experiment with hairstyles as much as you like.

2. Heat. Long hair can really warm you up in cold weather. This is one of their natural destinations.

3. Time. Long hair does not need to be cut frequently, so you do not have to go to the salon weekly.

4. Attractiveness. Most men are conservative, so they consider long hair more attractive.

5. Showiness. Waving long hair is a proven way to attract attention

Cons of long hair

1. Static electricity. Long hair and hats will give you a lot of trouble.

2. Hair will be everywhere. Every day a person loses some amount of hair, this is normal. But, the longer they are, the more noticeable it is.

3. Impracticality. Long hair creates a lot of problems. They are constantly confused and cling to anything.

4. Summer heat. Long hair is not the best idea for summer.

Pluses for short hair

1. Cool. With short hair you will not be too hot in summer.

2. Trend. Recently, many stars prefer short hair.

3. Time saving. Care for short hair does not require too much time.

4. Less shampoo and conditioner. A short haircut will save you money on cosmetics.

5. There are options. For short hair there are really many ways to style.

Cons of short hair

1. Frequent visits to the hairdresser. A short haircut needs to be corrected very often.

2. Probability of failure. If you radically changed the image, but were unhappy with the result, then be patient, because hair grows for a very long time.

3. Some inconveniences. Short hair can not be collected in a bun, so they can disturb you in many situations.

4. Psychological discomfort. Many women feel insecure after saying goodbye to long hair.

The choice is always yours! Weigh the pros and cons, it will help to make a final decision.

Some like it hotter

You did understand that it would be a hair dryer? Having a short haircut is quite possible to reduce the use of a hair dryer to a minimum. Short hair is not only easier to wash, but also easier to dry. When drying in a natural way strands are not injured and do not dry out.

If without a hair dryer - in any way, then try to keep it away from your head and use the cold mode. It is also recommended to avoid direct exposure to the sun, so that the hair does not dry out and not split.

We have no extra hair!

If you are faced with the problem of hair loss, when the treacherous hairs are not on the head, but on the comb, then turn your attention to the burdock root (burdock). A very effective tool for strengthening hair is obtained on the basis of this plant. The easiest way to use burdock is burdock oil. Only it is advisable to purchase it in a pharmacy, and not in the cosmetics department of a supermarket.

Having picked up means for care of short hair, you will be able to look elegant, without spending a lot of forces. In fact, all the rules are extremely simple, it is not difficult to carry them out, but the result will be noticeable to you and others.


Watch the video: Short Hair VS Long Hair ENG SUB dingo kbeauty (July 2024).