
How to make basal highlighting on regrown hair


Streaked hair will only look well-groomed when the difference between colored and regrown areas is not noticeable.

To maintain the original spectacular appearance of the hairstyle and slightly update the coloring will help basal highlighting.

Radical highlighting - what is it

Radical highlighting is a dyeing technique in which only the regrown part of the hair at the roots is processed with pigment.. The procedure is aimed at smoothing the border between "their" and previously promelirovannymi strands. Although even the most competent basal highlighting cannot completely “blur” this border, the hairstyle becomes more neat and becomes complete.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits Radical highlighting:

  • hair gets additional volume due to alternation of strands of different shades,
  • the main hair length is not affected and is not exposed to the dye, so the technique can be attributed to sparing,
  • the procedure takes much less time than traditional highlighting,
  • depending on the technique of applying the dye, you can achieve the effect of ombre or balayazh,
  • When using a clarifier, the new color will not be washed off, but the effect will remain for a long time.
Radical highlighting has its pros and cons.

disadvantages radical technology:

  • it is very difficult to completely blur the boundaries
  • It is difficult to choose the initial frequency and density of the intervals,
  • hair still spoils, even if not as much as with full dyeing,

The effect of the procedure, photo regrowth

Grown highlighting will look different on hair of different shades. The greater the contrast between the original and the “new” color, the more visible the growing roots will become.

Grown highlights will look differently on hair of different shades.

On dark hair

Very dark hair before highlighting will have to discolor with the help of brightening compositions. Depending on how dark the original shade is, a stronger or weaker oxide is chosen. Brunettes will have to repeat highlighting more often, so that the difference in shades does not catch the eye.

Brunettes need to repeat highlighting more often

Radical highlighting. Gentle coloring in a light tone.

Hello. I want to talk about lightening hair.

For a long time I painted my blonde by lightening the hair roots with a supra (made a wash) and then painted it with store paint (for example, Loreal). After some time, the hair said thanks to me and broke off all over the top of the head leaving 5-6 cm long. After that, I didn’t paint for a long time and decided to grow my hair color, but after growing 5-6 cm of my color, I realized that I wanted to be blonde. Long thinking, what should I do now, because my hair breaks if I paint them so much, I decided to switch to highlighting.

Recently went to the salon. She asked the master to make me highlighting the root and, moreover, very frequent and shallow. I sat in the chair for 3 hours. The master diligently chose the strands thinner and more often as I ordered. Put oil on the "joint" of bleached hair and non-dyed hair and immediately applied a wash (supra) to un-painted hair and wrapped it in foil. The process is certainly long and requires great patience of the master. But I was lucky I did not notice the shortcomings. I think even better could not be done.

By the way, it cost me 10,000 thousand tenge (2,850 rubles or $ 54). I think it is not so expensive if you consider that highlighting is done every three months.

I think that highlighting is much better than full hair lightening from the roots. Most importantly, the chemistry does not fall on the scalp and the hair roots, respectively.

Radical highlighting - what is it?

PM is a discoloration of individual strands at the roots; with the help of this procedure, you can not only paint over grown gray hair, but also refresh your hair without radical coloring. This is one of the gentle methods of highlighting, since only a few sections of regrown strands undergo bleaching, while the remaining mass remains unused. Thus, basal and full highlighting is a completely different procedure.

This is a very delicate, almost jewelry work. After all, the master has two tasks: to pick up a similar tone and repeat a similar pattern on the same strands. Of course, a 100% hit is impossible, but you can bring the result closer to the ideal, but for this you need to follow the following rules.

  1. Choose an experienced master. The success of the procedure depends on the master.
  2. To do radical discoloration at the same stylist that made a full highlighting. He has already worked with your hair and knows their reaction to dyes. It will be easier for him to choose the right shade, the amount of paint, as well as the time for clarification.

If this procedure is done on dyed hair, then you will need toning, which will help to achieve a uniform dyeing along the entire length of the hair. If the highlighting was carried out on the natural hair color, then you can do without toning.

It is not desirable to do radical highlighting during pregnancy, since ammonia is able to penetrate into the mother’s blood and then into the fetus’s body, causing developmental defects.

How to make basal highlighting at home

Many stylists and hairdressers do not recommend making basal highlighting at home, since certain techniques and skills are required to properly perform this technique. But if you are systematically painting or painting yourself, then you can master the root coloring. However, before starting to work, you need to find a suitable shade of paint, and then carefully apply the paint so that the "freshly painted" areas coincide with the "previously painted." To cope with this task without experience will be quite difficult.

A common mistake women make at home is washing their hair before dyeing. It is not recommended to do this, as washing compositions remove sebum, which envelops hairs and serves as a kind of protection against external aggressive factors.

For high-quality basal staining you will need:

  • foil,
  • brush,
  • special coloring composition.

And now we will consider in stages the technique of performing root highlighting:

  1. To carry out this procedure, you need to stock up on foil for baking dishes.
  2. Hair must be divided into several strands, after which each twist with a tourniquet and secure with a clip. You need to start the procedure from the head.
  3. From the hair located in the back of the head, separate the thin strand, put a small strip of foil about 10 cm wide under it.
  4. Treat the roots with a pre-cooked compound. Wrap the discolored area with foil.
  5. How to place the foil? It must be held horizontally, releasing the previously discolored strands and alternately turning the right and left edges. In the same way, you need to process and other strands that require correction.
  6. In the place of the parting, you can completely wash out a pair of thin strands, this will allow you to mask possible errors.
  7. It is possible to determine whether the strands are colored to the desired color or not, occasionally opening the foil and evaluating the result. Once the hair is painted in the desired color, you can remove the foil and wash off the paint.
  8. The time required for bleaching depends on the type and structure of hair. So, blond hair dyed much faster than dark. Waiting time can take from 15 to 40 minutes.

How often do the procedure on regrown roots

How soon the growing roots will need a correction depends not only on the speed of their growth, but also on what staining was done. For example, after Californian highlighting, you can not worry about staining for a long time. In the case of classic highlighting, correction will have to be done more often. Anyway, after the procedure, the master will tell himself when to come to the basal highlighting. On average, the need for re-staining occurs after 3-6 months.

Video lesson: the technique of basal highlighting

Experts say that to be a blonde is an expensive pleasure. Sprouted roots on dark hair are not so much striking as on light ones, so blondes have to wear their hair more often. But if you are not afraid to experiment, you can try to color the roots at home. To do this, we propose to watch a special video that will allow you to master the technique of basal highlighting.

Photos before and after the procedure

Many people notice that no matter how hard the master tries, the border between “previously dyed” and “freshly dyed” hair is still peeped out. And this is actually the case, but it is better than walking with regrown roots. Moreover, dyed hair looks neat and tidy, rather than running. And in confirmation of this, we present you a selection of photos taken before and after the procedure.

Ulyana Timofeeva: I have long and bleached hair, I do basal dyeing every three months. I go to a permanent master and always happy with the result.

Natalya Karpova: I have my blonde hair, so I am doing the basal every four months no more. There is no strong contrast, so the hair looks natural. And since such a procedure is still traumatic for hair, I use special professional masks.

Tatyana Chaykina: I generally do basal highlighting every six months. Hair grows very slowly, so regrown roots are not very striking.

Regrown roots - when does it get ugly?

Any staining that involves pre-clarification, the master does not produce from the roots of the hair, but a little departing from them.

Therefore, it is perfectly normal if the highlighting starts 1-2 cm further than the parting.

However, after a month or two, the newly grown roots begin to strike the eye and spoil the overall look of the hair.

Depending on the natural color, regrown roots can look different. For example, in brown-haired girls, the transition is not as visible as in brunettes.

The fair-haired beauties, who, with the help of highlighting, wanted to select several strands, do not worry at all - even 5 cm of regrown roots will be almost imperceptible.

Also, do not run every two or three weeks to the master in order to even the color, because such frequent coloring will ruin the hair.

On average, hair grows at a rate of 1 cm per month, therefore, strands can be discolored every two to three months, to hairstyle does not lose its attractiveness.

Girls whose hair grows faster will have to visit the wizard a little more often, while actively caring for their hair: make nourishing masks, apply protective agents before drying with a hair dryer and apply special products to bleached hair.

Photo regrowth


If a girl does not want to do any of the above procedures, coloring can come to her.

Thanks to him, some bleached locks will be painted in and the rest will complement the overall look.

Coloring can be done in two or three shades, different from each other.

How to make a correction at home?

At home you can independently make a basal or full highlighting, observing the sequence of actions:

  1. To color the strands, you need to prepare foil strips, a brightening agent and a brush.
  2. Strands that will be subjected to clarification, twisted into a bundle and secured with a clip. In the basal highlighting, the strands are not painted completely, but only to the place where they were discolored.
  3. Starting from the back of the head, you need to separate the strands, enclose the foil under each strip and apply the composition. Then wrap the treated area in foil and fasten carefully.
  4. During dyeing, the foil can be unrolled to control discoloration. Retention time of the hair depends on their structure and the strength of the dye. It is advisable not to keep the composition for more than 45 minutes.

How to grow your hair color?

Coloring on the technology of highlighting has many advantages, but does not always meet the expectations of the girl. Some types of appearance lose from the partial discoloration of the strands. Also, this method of coloring can harm weak hair, with the result that the girl decides to grow a natural color.

One of the options for growing hair after highlighting can be toning in tone that matches the natural color. This procedure must be performed in the cabin, so that the master can clearly pick up the shade of paint and carefully toned the strands.

However, you will have to dye your hair several times, as the streaked strands will appear through time.

Many girls do not want to expose their hair dyeing, so they decide to wait until the highlighting grows.

In order to reduce the growth of the roots, there are several tricks.

One of them is to divide the hair not into a straight, but into a zigzag parting. The second trick is hairstyles based on weaving. Even an ordinary spikelet with growing light strands looks interesting.

In most cases, after several months of growing up, the girl decides on a cardinal short haircut. At the same time, the bleached ends of the hair look stylish, recalling such fashionable dyeing as “shatush” and “ombré”.

However, in time, unpainted roots give the head a sloppy look, so you need to regularly visit the master.

How to start growing your hair color, more details in the video below:

At home, you can dye your hair yourself, using professional tools and following the rules. However, in order to get the desired result and not spoil the hair, it is better to contact a proven hairdresser.

What it is

Radical highlighting is carried out as gray or dark hair grows. The master does not paint the entire length, but treats only the area near the bulbs. The procedure requires skill: you need to choose a shade that will not contrast with the bulk of the hair, and dye them in the same tone.

Due to the complexity, basal highlighting is not recommended to be carried out independently. To achieve a satisfactory result, it is advisable to contact the same specialist that made the full highlighting. He already knows the structure of the hair and how it reacts to the paint.

The procedure lasts an average of 60 minutes, depending on the length of the curls and their condition.

Grown root staining technique

All that is needed is to buy paint, the tint of which coincides with the already painted strands. It is not necessary to wash the hair before the procedure: shampoo removes the natural protective fat layer, worsening the degree of paint setting.

Stages of implementation:

  1. Comb your hair, divide them into 6 parts. Secure the strands with hairpins.
  2. Put a cape over your shoulders, put on protective gloves.
  3. Prepare the paint according to the instructions in a ceramic or glass container.
  4. Begin coloring from a nape. Dissolve part of the hair, separate the strand, place a piece of pre-prepared foil 10 cm wide under it.
  5. Use a brush to carefully paint over the area that has grown. Try not to touch the previously painted part. Wrap the strand with foil and, if necessary, secure it with a barrette. Treat all curls this way.
  6. Wait 20-40 minutes. The longer time passes, the more expressive will be the highlighting. Brunettes will have to wait longer than blondes.Control the power of clarification by folding back the foil and evaluating the result. Keep in mind that wet hair looks darker than dry. When it seems to you that the colors have become equal, free the hair from the foil and rinse them without using shampoo.
  7. Make a nourishing or regenerating mask for dyed hair.

How often do you need to perform root highlighting

Experts recommend to tint the roots as soon as they grow 2.5 cm. The exact time is determined individually and depends on the speed of hair growth.

Brunettes are allowed to do basal highlighting every two months, blondes can forget about the procedure for six months. Then the contrast becomes noticeable, and the hair does not look well-groomed.

If you are doing the procedure in the salon, ask the master when to come next time.

If you have wavy vegetation on your head, then familiarize yourself with the features of highlighting curly hair.

It says it is harmful to highlight during pregnancy. You will understand how it can affect the mother and child, as well as how to eliminate this influence.

In case of unsuccessful highlighting, you should use our tips to help fix it quickly and professionally.

Features of implementation and recommendations

Radical highlighting is contraindicated in an interesting position. Ammonia contained in the paint penetrates the bloodstream, causing health problems for the baby.

To avoid yellowing on the hair, take an oxidizer of weak strength, it can withstand more time.

Try not to hesitate during dyeing so that the composition lays evenly and the curls come in the same color. Also for this purpose, determine in advance which areas need to be processed. Roots painted first may turn out to be burned or too light. Strands on bangs, temples and crown are painted faster, so they should be processed last.

Any paint adversely affects the hair, after basal highlighting, they need care - the use of special shampoos, masks and balms. They will help keep the strands in a tidy and healthy state.

Step-by-step plan for the implementation of root highlighting:

It is easier to perform the procedure if you preview the training videos and enlist the support of a friend or mother or sister.

On light brown hair

Light brown hair lends itself well to treatment and dyes faster than dark and black. Radical highlighting is performed in light shades followed by toning.

Brown hair lends itself well

On dark brown hair

On dark-blond hair, light highlights are most often performed using bleaching compositions.

On dark blond hair is only bright highlights.

On blonde hair

Blond hair is suitable for both light and dark highlights. Light dye must be selected so that it differs from the original by at least 2 tones. Highlighting blondes is faster, because the hair is very responsive to any dye.

Grown highlights on blond hair

On red hair

Radical highlighting on strands of red color can be both dark and light. Too much lightening is not worth it - the hair of this type is by nature too fragile and porous, so the brightener can severely injure their structure.

Brightener can severely injure the structure of red hair

On gray hair

Hair with gray hair involves the search for individual color solutions. If the task is to emphasize the noble gray hair, for highlighting you should choose cold colors such as gray and ashy. If gray hair needs to be masked, more expressive shades are selected, and the strands are streaked with high frequency.

For hair with gray hair you need to find an individual color solution.

On brown hair

The beauty of brown hair highlights shades of walnut, milk chocolate and caramel. Depending on the intensity and durability of the pigment, a preliminary bleaching of the curls may be required.

Brown hair may require prior bleaching of curls.

Highlighting options

Highlighting is the generic name for staining, which can be carried out in different techniques, using different devices and chemicals. One or another variant of coloring is selected by the master depending on the expected result, type and shade of the strands.

There are several options for highlighting

Why do I need to perform radical highlighting, but not complete?

The technique is worth using for two reasons:

  • hair is less injured by chemicals contained in paints,
  • the transition between the regrown and previously painted zone will be less noticeable.

If you make a full highlighting, which will cover all areas, the colored strand at the roots will be less than the rest of the hair. Therefore, the root zone will look darker (or lighter) than the total length of the hairstyle.

When basal melirovanie hair less injured chemicals

Radiolation techniques

The most convenient way to conduct basal highlighting with foil. Dyeing techniques using hats or combs in this case will not work. With their help, it is difficult to paint over the root zone, leaving no light spots on the skin or large dark spaces at the roots.

Foil allows you to act more accurately - the master can select even the thinnest and shortest strand, process it carefully and separate it from others. This is especially true of clients who want frequent and subtle highlighting - the foil allows you to fulfill any whims.

Difference from ordinary highlighting

What is the difference Radical highlighting from the usual:

  • only roots are painted, the main length remains intact,
  • takes less time
  • requires less dye
  • The procedure does not use a cap, but a foil.

How often do you need to do radical highlighting

There is no universal recipe for hair color correction.

The frequency of re-staining depends on the speed of hair growth

Re-staining frequency depends on:

  • the durability of the dye,
  • the contrast between “native” and melirovanny hair,
  • hair growth rate.

Correction of light highlights on dark hair is preferable to hold every one and a half to two months. Light highlighting on light-brown and blond hair can not be updated for 3-4 months, the roots will not be visible. If light-free ammonia-free preparations were used for highlighting light curls, they will be washed off quickly. The color will have to be updated in about 8 weeks.

How to make basal highlighting at home?

Radical highlighting at home can be carried out according to such instructions:

  1. Divide hair into 4 zones - forehead, back of head, two temples.
  2. Work begins at the back of the head - one strand is separated with a thin comb and put a foil under it.
  3. The coloring drug is applied to the root zone, retreating 2-3 mm from the bulbs and making a “allowance” for the painted zone of 1-2 mm.
  4. The same actions are done with strands on the remaining zones. For convenience, they can be cleaved with clips.
  5. By the time of exposure of the paint you need to focus on the manufacturer's instructions. It can vary from 15 to 60 minutes.
  6. When the hair gets the desired shade, the foil is removed, and the head is washed with warm water twice. The first time without shampoo until the paint is completely washed out, the second time with shampoo and balsam.

What tools are used?

To choose the right means for basal highlighting, you need to know which drugs were used the previous time. The easiest way to do it with a light shade is any brightener, professional or mass market series. It is more difficult to update dark highlighting - the pigment will have to be selected “by eye”, errors of 1-2 tones are allowed.

Devices for highlighting

From devices will need:

  • several strips of foil 10 cm wide,
  • capacity for mixing paint (any, except metal),
  • comb with a fine handle,
  • massage comb,
  • brush,
  • clamps.

Also do not forget about the cape on the shoulders, shampoo and balsam. If desired, the hair can be toned in the final stage with any toning agent of a suitable scale.

Price in the cabin and at home

The price for basal highlighting in the cabin is about 2 thousand rubles excluding paint. One tube of professional dye will cost about 500 rubles. These rates are for the capital, in the regions may be lower.

At home, the costs of highlighting are much lower.

At home, the cost will be only for paint and foil - this is about 200-500 rubles, depending on the type of drug.

Reviews from popular resources irecommend.ru and otzyvy.pro

How to care for basal highlighting?

Basic principles:

  • nutrition and recovery - the use of masks, balsams, oils and reconstructive serums,
  • color protection - special shampoos will help prevent pigment leaching,
  • protection against high temperatures - apply special sprays to hair before styling with hair dryer and curling iron.
The main rule of care for melirovanny hair - protection from high temperatures

Many manufacturers of cosmetics produce the whole series for dyed and melirovannyh hair. They already collected a few basic tools for phased care.

Competently performed basal highlighting will give the hairstyle a “second breath” - it will make the color more vivid and vibrant, and the overall look will be as well-groomed as possible.

Blondes, brunettes: what is the difference

Coloring the roots for blond and dark-haired clients is not particularly different technique of execution. Although certain nuances are present:

  • Brunettes before beginning toning should discolor the hair roots. For blondes, this procedure is not provided - they begin highlighting immediately.
  • For owners of bright hair, the very process of coloring is faster than for dark-haired ones. For this reason, the whole process of tinting horses takes less time.
  • Significant differences are observed in the frequency of coloring. If on dark hair, basal highlighting is shown once for 2 months, then blond hair can do without it for six months.

Performance technique

In order for the result of this procedure to be perfect, the masters recommend trusting them and not trying to correct the hair at home. Since, without having the experience, you can only spoil everything.

However, when you have certain skills in this matter, and there is still a desire to save money, you can make basal highlighting at home. Moreover, nothing special is needed for its implementation.

The main mistake of all those who are trying to tint the roots themselves or use the services of the salon is a preliminary washing of the head. It is absolutely impossible to do this! As sebum is washed off, protecting the curls from destruction by chemicals used in the process of coloring the curls. For this reason, before going to the master or performing the procedure at home, forget about washing your hair two days before.

It is good, when the specialist who carried out the basic coloring will carry out basal highlighting. He will be able to easily repeat the work he has done.

If the procedure is supposed to be performed at home, then certain rules should be followed. The main thing to keep in mind is that correction will require caution regarding keeping the boundary between clarifications that were performed before. Repeated effects on previously bleached hair can be much burned through.

Radical highlighting performed at home involves the use of foil (of course, with certain skills, you can do without it).

For work you will also need: a brightener (it is better to take a weak one at home), a toning preparation, a brush for applying paint on the roots, a cape and other means used without fail when dyeing hair. The paint is applied to dry hair.

Further actions suggest the following procedure:

  • Carefully comb and divide the curls into 3 parts, highlighting the middle and two side, each fasten with a clip.
  • To determine the parameters and frequency of placement of strands that can be clarified (should be guided by those that are already painted).
  • Prepare the clarifier - a special powder (it is used mainly on dark hair), which is pre-combined with an oxidizing substance in a certain dosage, or lightening hair dye. The gruel on the consistency should look like thick sour cream, and not leak outside the foil.
  • Next, release part of the hair from the clip and, putting a cut piece of foil under it, smear it with a brightener (painting should start from the back of the head). When the roots are plastered, the foil is wrapped in an envelope.
  • A similar procedure is performed on all zones.
  • The tool is usually aged 15-30 minutes (the process can be controlled by opening the foil).
  • At the end, the foil is removed, and the curls are washed using shampoo.

Execution frequency

It depends on how quickly the hair grows, their colors and variations of the done highlighting. Typically, often the adjustment lends itself to the classic look of the procedure, performed by a head of hair with dark hair. Blondes do not often worry about this problem. When Californian melirovaniem, as well as shatusha, brondirovanii, embellishment of the roots is required infrequently - once a quarter.

There is no need to think about the possibility of a significant difference between tinting the regrown area and the main painting. The difference, if there is, is so imperceptible, and the hairstyle is so charming and attractive that the possibility of such a nuance fades into the background. And, you see, such tinting is much better than the untidy kind of regrown roots.

Care after the procedure

Hair must be constantly looked after. Such a process involves compliance with certain conditions:

  • For shampoos apply shampoos designed for melirovannyh hair.
  • After washing, use balms, conditioners or masks (well the same brand with shampoo).
  • From time to time it is desirable to use toning type products that can neutralize yellowness.
  • For combing use only high-quality wooden combs, brushes made of natural bristle. Do not perform this procedure on wet hair.
  • Regularly nourish with vitamins - their course will have a positive impact on your hair.

It is important to know that it is necessary to support the streaked strands using the intended cosmetics. Home-made components, especially with oils, can give unwanted yellowness to curls.

One of the most notable brands used to care for melirovannoy hair, are:

  • L’Oreal Professionnel Serie Expert Lumino Contrast - shampoo that helps restore damaged locks normalization of lipid metabolism in them. His hair is shiny and silky.
  • L’Oreal Professionnel Lumino Contrast - gel fluid with silicones that do not wash off, and, acting on each hair, make the hair smooth, soft and shiny.
  • John Frieda Frizz-Ease Rehydrate Intensive Deep Conditioner - conditioner, nourishing, moisturizing dry curls, prevents tangling.

Highlighting regrown roots - a gentle way to fix hair. When properly performed, it will not only preserve the well-groomed hair, but also prevent the frequent exposure to it of chemical reagents inherent in any composition of coloring agents. In addition, it will allow the favorite type of painting to please for a long time.

Features of highlighting the hair roots

Partial coloring in question has a number of features that are distinctive from other types of painting. Here they are:

  • The paint is applied only to the hair roots.

Highlighting on the grown roots is the most gentle, since the area of ​​application of chemicals is minimal.

  • California or gradient highlighting for a long time does not need tinting - about six months.
  • Highlighting on the regrown roots, as well as usual, begins from the back of the head.
  • If your highlighting is done by a master at a barbershop, the right decision is to go there again. After all, the technique for performing root highlighting should remain the same as with full highlighting. In addition, a hairdresser who knows the characteristics of your hair, just navigate through the necessary measures to correct the color of the roots.
  • The complexity of the considered type of painting: it is impossible to go beyond the boundary between different colors when applying the solution, otherwise there will be a chemical burn of curls, their damage or loss.
  • Despite the ease of harmful effects during the procedure of highlighting the hair roots, be sure to regularly feed the curls. This can be done with the help of special cosmetics (balms, masks, special purpose shampoos).
  • Highlighting the hair roots makes the overall appearance of the hairstyle fresh. It also helps in the transition to a different color of hair.

Radical highlighting makes the hair look visually freshly colored, and time and resources are required significantly less.

  • In the practice of hairdressing, it is customary to distinguish hair color by the level of the depth of tone (UGT is abbreviated), where UGT 1 indicates the darkest color — black, deuce is brunet, triple is dark brown, four is simply brown, five is light brown , seven - blond, eight - blond blond, nine - very blond blond, a dozen denotes the lightest hair tone. Note that a weak brightener will “lift” the hair color by 1-2 tones, and this applies only to non-dark shades of the initial material.
  • In contrast to the full-color (full) coloring, basal color change is difficult to maintain in a first-class condition, so this task is not always easily accomplished at home.

When, why and what you need to do basal highlighting

Help to answer the question “When is it time to make a correction of regrown roots?” Will help your girlfriend or a mirror. If you see that the hairstyle has ceased to naturally shine, the regrown roots are visible and this is striking and looks untidy and dirty, then an update is required. This procedure is required to:

  • Create a contrast between the strands of different colors.
  • As far as create a refreshing effect for your image.
  • Always shine a unique shade of hair.
  • Make adjustments to the style at least every week.
  • Change hair color quickly and “with minimal loss” (with reduced hair damage).

Now a little about the compositions, with the help of which they make the procedure of such highlighting:

  • Powder for discoloration. Used in cases when you need strong bleaching of hair roots. To prevent yellowness on the burned parts of the curls, toning is performed. The composition of the clarifier is prepared on the basis of the following proportion: one and a half part of the oxidizer per one part of the powder. For thick, thick, dark hair, take more oxidant.
  • Special Blonde These dyes will need brunettes, brown-haired women with a dark shade of natural hair. Since the substances from this group are used for non-colored hair, they are suitable for basal dyeing. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of one to two, that is, one part of a nine percent oxidizer (maximum of twelve percent) and two parts of a lightening blond.

  • The sparing painting structures. Applicable for simple, shallow staining of the roots - a couple of tones, to create a glare effect, halftones of the transition from unpainted grown roots to the previously painted ones. It interferes with the oxidizing liquid in equal shares - one to one.

Process technology

To tint the roots of your melirovannoy or fully colored hair requires:

  • select the desired tone of paint, and it is better to remember which color was used for initial highlighting (the tolerance from the previous color is one or two tones),
  • Do not wash your hair immediately before starting the process.
  • prepare the foil (buy the cut strips in the store or cut the usual food foil paper used for baking),
  • prepare a convenient brush, spicule, gloves, paint solution,
  • determine how to select the strands for highlighting, how far apart they are - painting step (if there was no highlighting before, choose narrow strands with wide highlighting step),
  • divide all the hair into 5-7 large parts in order to fasten each one alternately with hairpins and choose strands previously strewn, stab the strands twisted with flagella so that they do not interfere,

  • to separate, starting from the back of the head, the part of the hair whose roots need tinting,
  • take a strip of foil, holding it horizontally,
  • prepare the first curl for coloring,
  • put on the foil a bit of hair and evenly dye them, while trying not to go to the “border of color”,
  • light gentle movements, picking up a small amount of the coloring matter, apply the solution to the regrown roots,
  • wrap the foil on the sides or put another piece on top and clamp it, only the colored roots should be wrapped,
  • do the same procedure all over the head, moving from the back of the head to the forehead and moving at the end to the temporal parts.

Did you know that sebum (sebum), located at the roots of the hair, has a protective function?

After processing all the roots, you need to make sure that each curl is wrapped separately and the paint does not penetrate the adjacent hair, the foil should be fixed. For a smooth transition, they use the following technique: they paint over a couple of curls next to the rest, previously painted.

After exposure from fifteen to forty minutes (depending on the desired degree of coloring), carefully rinse the composition from the hair. By the way, you can “peep” as staining goes in the middle of the procedure if you are not sure of the time you need. (vitamin, nutritious, for colored hair) and after waiting for the right time, indicated on the package, wash your head again.

Read about small secrets, they will help you look 100% full, even if you are the first time to grow roots:

  • The border between the two colors on the hair for hedging make the so-called tie. To do this, take in the foil and a few hairs from the unpainted area.

  • From the scalp to the very end, it is necessary to dye two to three thin, barely noticeable locks that partially cover the unpainted ones. This will mask the uneven blending of the clarifier.
  • The lower the percentage of oxidizer, the longer they make the dye (aging) of dye on the hair. So get a clarification on a couple of tones. There is a rule for fair ladies, and 2% oxidizer will not take chestnut and darker girls.
  • Non-ammonia powders, which are suitable for quick and high-quality clarification of regrown roots, are commercially available.
  • A simple calculation of the length of the pieces of foil for tinting (highlighting) the roots: measure the length of the regrown pieces (say, 4-5 cm), multiply by 2 (8-10 cm), add another couple of centimeters (10-12 cm). It turns out the length of the foil for wrapping colored areas in this case is from ten to twelve centimeters. Another option: take two foils of 5-6 cm, but the first method is more convenient.
  • To control the painting of just the right hair between them, lay cotton pads or pieces of cotton so as not to stain the adjacent areas.

  • The back of the head and the temples are tender, so the highlighting of the roots in these areas is different from the rest of the hair. Be careful when painting the hair in these areas, because there brightener grab faster because of the subtle curls.
  • The warmer the roots, the more intense the color will become. Before heating the painted roots, make sure that you have a staining solution that can be heated. Such heating can not be done with a hairdryer and similar devices, only infrared radiation. In beauty salons for this purpose they use klimamons.
  • If you choose a long strand, the roots of which you want to polish, the earlier will be burned out.
  • To avoid yellowing of the burned-out roots, take an oxidizing agent with a lower percentage: it is better not to paint over it, than to think up later how to remove yellowness. Instead of effective strong clarification, choose a small percentage, as already mentioned above, but keep it longer.
  • For dark curls, correction is required more often than fair-haired girls.
  • If you did not do the staining and highlighting sessions yourself, but with your favorite master hairdresser, you should not change this “tradition”.

It makes no sense to begin the correction of the color of the hair roots, if less than two and a half centimeters have grown.

  • Once any woman of fashion comes a moment when it is no longer possible to carry out the “repair” of unpainted grown roots, as the boundaries of the transitions become obvious and shift. In this case, you need to do a full coloring / highlighting anew.
  • To remove the ridiculous transitions from one color to another, conceal errors, get rid of yellowness after finishing work with the roots, perform a tint. It eliminates the natural and chemical colors and merges into one composition.
  • If you are temporarily unable to go to the salon or do the tinting of the roots itself, buy a special lightening spray. The principle of operation is simple: liquid is sprayed onto the curls when pressed (like a lacquer or hair spray with a spray bottle). The advantages of this method are that gentle spraying looks more natural than coarse coloring by a brush. Flick three or four times using the tool every day to get the desired result after five approaches.

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Within a few weeks after you make highlighting, you will need to dye the roots. The best solution in this situation will be basal highlighting, which will help you not only not to spoil your hair by frequent application of dye mixtures, but also look stunning, seductive and stylish.

The time after which you will need to do this procedure for each of the fair sex is determined individually. After examining the condition of your hair and how far it has grown, you can determine whether you should start painting or whether the time has not come yet.

How to mark grown roots?

  1. Seek help from a professional stylist or hairdresser.
  2. Paint the roots no more than once every 3-4 months.
  3. Give preference to dye mixtures, which include only high-quality components.
  4. After the procedure, pay special attention to the care of dyed hair.

Remember that highlighting as any hair coloring procedure adversely affects their health. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to give them a rest, and after painting it is worth more care for them.

  1. Start using quality shampoos that are specifically designed for colored locks.
  2. It is also worth paying attention to the choice of balms, sprays and serums for the care of dyed hair. They are sure to be of good quality and contain no components that can damage the structure of your hair.
  3. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase quality products, it is best to use homemade masks. Here are a few mask recipes that you can easily make yourself.
  • On the basis of cottage cheese: mash 50 grams of cottage cheese, add to it 50 ml of mayonnaise and 30 ml of olive oil. Stir gently and apply on hair for 40 minutes, and then rinse well.
  • With orange juice and heavy cream: mix the juice from one orange and add 50 ml of cream, the fat content of which exceeds 10%. Rub the mixture into the hair roots and spread over the entire length. Do not rinse for 20 minutes. After washing your head as usual and rinse with a decoction of chamomile flowers.
  • With herbs: take an equal amount of herbs - plantain, sage, nettle, celandine and oregano. Fill them with 250 ml of boiled water and set aside for one hour. After that, dissolve one teaspoon of honey in broth and add 6-7 drops of liquid vitamins A and E to the broth. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, put on a cap and wrap a towel over it. Leave the mixture to two hours, and then just wash your hair without the use of shampoo.

Being engaged in the preparation of masks for melirovannyh hair, note that burdock oil and a large amount of honey can lighten a little hair color. Therefore, to preserve the original color, these components do not need to be included in your homemade masks.

Any type of staining does not look perfect for a long time. Already literally a month later, regrown roots become noticeable. Conventional dyeing methods require repainting over time in order to “refresh” the color and hide the regrown roots. With highlighting it is possible, re-carrying out the procedure after a short period will significantly damage the hair, make the tips dry and brittle. Make basal melirovanie on regrown roots, without affecting the length. It helps to look well-groomed and not to spoil the hair again.

What is basal highlighting?

The average hair growth rate is 1.5 cm per month, sometimes less. Having made highlighting or any painting, after 1-1.5 months, regrown roots will be visible. If they are bright, you can do nothing, highlighting will still look beautiful. With dark roots, there is a clear contrast, you need to go to the master.

The technique of radical highlighting is a correction of the previously made:

  • Lightening composition is applied only to the root zone, without affecting the rest of the hair,
  • An experienced master selects paint so that the contrast between the previously made and new highlights is not noticeable,
  • Sometimes the procedure is combined with tinting if highlighting was done on dyed hair.

How to do basal highlighting?

It is ideal to make a correction for the master who made the first highlighting. The “handwriting” is preserved, the master will easily repeat his work, the shade will not differ. If it is not possible to visit the salon for correction, you can risk making it at home. Independently it is better not to make a correction if:

  1. No hair coloring experience
  2. The previous highlighting is made by thin strands,
  3. The hair was dyed, they made highlighting - you can’t do without toning here.

Independently do the correction should be carefully, observing a clear boundary between the previous clarification. If you go far on already streaked hair, there is a risk of burning them. Before the procedure, the head is not recommended to wash. Sebum envelops the hair, serves as protection from the aggressive effects of the coloring composition.

Radical highlighting - video

Many girls and women write that they color their roots more often without affecting the length of the highlighted hair. The procedure has positive reviews, as it helps to maintain beauty without compromising the health of the hair. They go on the procedure on average once every 3 months, but some have enough visits to the hairdresser every six months. Often, doing the procedure does not mean better, because lightening always has a bad effect on even naturally healthy hair.

Peculiarities of hair care after basal highlighting

No wonder they say that being a blonde is expensive. This rule applies to bleached hair.Before you decide on the procedure, it is worth remembering that the hair after lightening need constant care. Only purchased masks will do because self-made with oils give a shade of yellowness. From time to time you will need to use special shampoos to neutralize the yellow shade.

Some of the best care products include:

  1. L’Oreal Professionnel Serie Expert Lumino Contrast - shampoo is developed for the melirovanny hair, does not make heavier, restores lipid balance. This tool during washing does not dry out the tips, helps to preserve the elasticity of the hair, adds shine.
  2. Gel fluid L’Oreal Professionnel Lumino Contrast - bleached hair needs indelible products that will smooth open scales. Means contains silicones in composition, well envelops each hair, gives smoothness, shine.
  3. Conditioner for dry hair John Frieda Frizz-Ease Rehydrate Intensive Deep Conditioner . Lightened hair becomes dry, this tool is designed for additional moisture. Combing strands after washing with this conditioner is much easier.

It is important to choose the right comb so that your hair is less injured. Tangle Teezer and Macadamia No Tangle Brush are considered ideal for disentangling. Combs made of natural bristles, which will smooth the scales of hair in the process of combing.

Disguise regrown roots will allow basal highlighting. Its only difference from the usual one is that the coloring matter is applied exclusively to the regrown areas in the area of ​​the roots, and the rest of the hair remains intact. Such staining can be done both in a professional salon, and independently at home.

  • 1. The sequence of execution
  • 2. What to look for
  • 3. Care after dyeing

Sequence of execution

Radical highlighting is an excellent alternative to the discoloration of regrown roots. It not only allows you to keep your hair healthy, but also to make your image brighter and more attractive.

The execution process is as follows:

  • as well as in the classic version, thin flagella are made of strands of a certain thickness, which are then fixed with special clips or ordinary hairpins,
  • individually, each flagellum is dyed with a paint of the desired shade,
  • the painted part is carefully wrapped in foil,
  • maintain in this state for 15-40 minutes,
  • after the specified period, the foil is removed, and the hair is thoroughly washed and dried without using a hair dryer.

Despite the fact that a detailed examination can detect the border between just and long-colored areas of hair, it is not so much striking as the difference in color with regrown roots. In addition, basal highlighting allows you to visually give your image well-groomed and tidy.

What to look for

Radical highlighting is recommended no more than once every 3 months. This indicator may be less, since it directly depends on the growth rate of your strands. Please note that with more frequent staining can significantly weaken the roots, which will further hair loss.

Since this procedure is quite a complicated and responsible event, it should be carried out independently only if you already have experience and knowledge in this field. In the absence of the necessary skills, it is best to turn to an experienced master with this task.

It is not recommended to wash your hair before the staining procedure. This is due to the fact that the secreted sebum will act as a natural defense for the roots from the negative effects of the coloring matter on them. Shampooing allows you to get rid of excess sebum, thereby leaving the roots unprotected. Therefore, the washing process should be carried out no later than 2 days prior to highlighting.

To make the painting process at home as easy and fast as possible, pay attention to the following stylist advice:

  • Before the procedure, slightly moisten regrown hair roots, which will make it easier to paint on them.
  • Prepare the foil, which is an indispensable attribute of the process of dyeing individual strands. Both the special hairdressing salon, and usual household equally well will approach.
  • Decide which strands of curls will be dyed: thick or thin. Depending on this, determine the frequency of the set of strands and select the desired shade of paint, the correct frequency of location will allow you to achieve the perfect result.
  • To separate the hair, use a thin comb with a handle. Twist each strand into a bundle and fix it with a barrette or a special clip.
  • Begin coloring in the nape area.
  • For high-quality painting may need a stripper for highlighting. It is very functional and easy to use. Stripper allows you to simulate beautiful contours and create smooth transitions on dyed hair.

When making, keep a strip of foil always in a horizontal position. Release a section of colored strand from under it, and then alternately wrap either the left or the right edge of the strip.

Care after dyeing

After highlighting, you should ensure proper hair care, which will preserve their original healthy appearance. To achieve this effect it is necessary:

  • use special care products designed for colored hair,
  • at least once a week to make a mask for weakened curls, made on the basis of natural ingredients,
  • try to minimize the use of a hair dryer, curling iron or rectifier,
  • if the procedure was carried out during the cold season, always wear a hat when going out.

Radical highlighting is one of the best ways to mask regrown roots. If you have experience in this area, you can do it yourself. All you need is nothing: foil, paint, a hairbrush, clips and about 1 hour of personal time.

Highlight hair roots

The need to stain the roots

After a few weeks, dyed hair begins to grow, so it is recommended to re-highlights once a month, not allowing the roots to contrast with the main body of hair.

For owners of light curls tint may be held less frequently.

What is necessary to tint only the roots?

  • hair structure is preserved
  • time saved
  • requires a small amount of coloring composition

Tinting of regrown roots can be done in a specialized salon, where an experienced hairdresser will properly apply the product and return the beautiful hair to the hair. But you can refresh the image quite easily and at home.

Features of highlighting blond hair

Home highlighting of roots

For the correct process should take into account the features of the procedure. For example, the shade of the roots should not differ much from the main hair color. Often, self-staining leads to the fact that there is a transition and technology.

In the absence of experience should abandon the home highlighting

Plays a role and the chosen paint. Cheap and low-quality composition will not only spoil the appearance of hair, but also have a negative impact on their structure. After such highlighting, long-term restoration with the help of balsams and masks will be required.

When self-tinting is necessary to completely repeat the technique of execution.

Ideally, it should be the same as the previous staining technique.

Radical highlighting on dyed hair requires pre-tinting, which allows to achieve a uniform color throughout the length of the strands. If the highlighting was done on natural hair, this stage of tinting can be skipped.

If you do not dare to tint the roots yourself at home, it is recommended to visit the same master who performed the highlight. This is due to the fact that another master can use other equipment and paint, as a result of which the difference will be noticeable.

In any case, after full or partial hair dyeing, it is necessary to use protective agents that can strengthen weakened curls, enrich them with useful substances and microelements, and make the hair more shiny and smooth. There is a special series of cosmetics designed specifically for melirovannyh and dyed hair.

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Watch the video: Техника volume hair color from Turkey + bonus (July 2024).