
Recommendations for choosing a hair color for blue eyes and fair skin: photos and suitable shades according to the color type of appearance


Choosing hair color for blue eyes, you need to accurately determine their appearance. He might be:

  • sky blue
  • gray-blue or mixed with green,
  • blue with particles of other colors
  • icy blue.

Better to stick to the rule: the colder the shade of the eyes, the lighter the hair.

The next item to consider when choosing a color is the color type of appearance.

The color of skin, curls and eyes determines the type of woman’s appearance. If you do not take into account these parameters in the selection of color, then the appearance can lose its characteristic personality and brightness, and the whole image will look ridiculous and sad.

Types of appearance are also called as seasons.

These women have porcelain or with a little blush skin color, icy eyes and blond hair

Hair color for light blue eyes and this type of skin should not be too faded, otherwise there is a risk of giving the face excessive pallor. But to the rescue come correctly selected contrasting makeup, a light tan or tinted cosmetics.

The ideal solution for hair coloring will be the ombre technology with the simultaneous use of shades of light and dark gamma. This will achieve the necessary contrast of the image and emphasize the depth of the eye color.

Girls with the appearance of this color type should avoid shades of mahogany, eggplant, coal, black or rust. They highlight all the flaws of light skin, emphasize what you need to hide or make tan unnatural.

If the eyes of the owner of the summer appearance tend to change their color with different lighting, then you need to think about caramel shades of hair or about highlighting with light brown strands that will enliven the image and give it brightness.

Many women mistakenly believe that light-colored hair for gray-blue eyes cannot have an ashy tone. This is not true. He will also add to his possessor individuality and uniqueness.

Heavenly coloring eyes, fair skin, but dark hair. This color type is extremely rare, but is considered to be "royal".

Hair coloring of this type of appearance can be ashy or as close to natural as possible, so as not to reduce the brightness of the whole image. Winter-girl suited all the dark colors, even the blue-black.

Hair color for pale skin and blue eyes should not be in copper, warm, red and violet tones.

To further emphasize the "royal" appearance of winter women, hair can be dyed in accordance with the tone, or use dyes of turquoise, purple or blue tones. Brown, chocolate and dark brown are appropriate. The most fashionable are the shades of "ebony", ash-black, "black tulip", "raven".

It will be interesting to look at a single colored strand of hair framing the face, or coloring in the ombre style with the use of light colors.

Girls with this type of appearance have a warm skin tone, freckles and mostly copper-colored hair.

Hair color for gray-blue eyes in autumn girls should be bright, without ashy shades, to avoid dullness and pallor of the whole image. Paints of rusty, ginger, chocolate or honey scale will look great. Refresh or make a deeper natural hair color can be using dyeing to match.

Type of appearance is similar to the summer, but has a golden shade of hair and almost always pale freckles on the skin. Too dark or black color strands should be avoided.

Hairdressers often have a question, what kind of hair color for blue-eyed ladies in spring to pick up. We can accurately speak only about light shades, ashen in the range of spring girls are not considered. The ideal solution would be golden blond, golden brown, caramel, honey, almond or copper-brown.

This type of appearance is suitable Californian highlighting or dyeing according to the technique of balajazh.

What color to choose?

To perfectly choose the shade of future hair dye, you need to follow 5 simple rules:

  • the coloring should emphasize, not hide the expressive features of the face,
  • no need to drastically change the image, just choose the tone as close as possible to natural,
  • a properly chosen color should create a feeling of freshness and youth at its owner;
  • Do not forget about the female character, conducting experiments with shades,
  • you should imagine what the hair color will look like in a short or long strand.

For owners of dark skin, which is rare for blue eyes, suitable colors: cinnamon, milk, "dark chocolate", chestnut, blue-black, ash-brown and golden blond.

For brave women

Today, unusual hair colors are very popular. But they should also be matched to the skin tone and eyes.

  1. Blue. Ideal for owners of blond hair. It can be represented by tones of indigo, turquoise or blue-black.
  2. Red. This color is perfectly matched with gray-blue eyes. The shade of red should be chosen, given the color type. The owner of light blue eyes, smoky-red tone.
  3. Pink. It is hard to give this color to the owners of black hair, but it is great to go to the blond.
  4. Blue. This is the trend of 2018. To make the image spectacular and expressive, you must pay attention to the girl's eyebrows. All light shades of azure are suitable for light blue or gray-blue eyes.

Fashionable shades

The most fashionable hair colors for blue eyes have not changed for many years. Blond in its various manifestations is acceptable: platinum, ashen, caramel and light brown, light brown, beige and honey.

For lovers to experiment with the color suitable red shades. But it is impossible to forget about what color type a woman has.

In 2018, famous hairdressers offer women to try dark shades of hair (“bitter chocolate” or carbon black). These colors look bright and impressive.

From the fashionable colors stand brondirovanie. This combination of brown strands with a classic blond perfectly highlight the beauty of blue eyes and will suit the owners of dark skin type.

What hair color to choose for gray-blue eyes? The most popular solutions to this issue are light brown and wheat shades.

As an experiment, you can try to include in the palette "milk chocolate", cold blonde, platinum blond, "bitter chocolate" and black. A spectacular fashionable solution will be a combination of two close to each other tones in the technique of highlighting.

Reddish, caramel and light brown shades will suit the green-blue eyes that are rarely found in nature. Interesting will be platinum, wheat, linen or honey blond. The most popular among the stars of today are the colors: "milk chocolate", copper, caramel and chestnut.

To emphasize the color of the eyes and effectively beat their color, you need to figure out what color type a woman has, and be sure to take into account her personal preferences.

Shades of blue eyes

What are your eyes? Blue, dark, light - this is an incomplete characteristic.

When selecting colors, specify the correct name of the shade:

  • pure heavenly
  • blue with a dash of gray, delicate green,
  • blue interspersed with brown, gray or blue patches,
  • icy blue.

The lighter the hair color, the colder the shade. In natural blondes, an icy-blue color is more common, and in pale-skinned brunettes, sky or blue with shades of blue, gray, and green dominates.

Who is hazelnut hair color suitable for? Find out right now!

Recipes for hair masks with olive oil are described in this article.

Appearance color type

A set of characteristic shades of hair, eyes, skin characterizes a certain type of appearance. Wrong selection of color strands makes the skin fades or, conversely, too bright. Eyes lose expressiveness, the image turns out to be defiant, comical or boring.

How to determine your color type? Collect hair in a bun, look in the mirror. If you are the owner of "bottomless azure", finding the right type will be easy. Most blue-eyed beauties recognize themselves in the description of Summer or Winter.

Compare your data with the characteristics of the summer and winter colors. You will find recommendations for creating a spectacular image.

Girl Summer

The Snow Queen is a beauty with delicate, porcelain skin, blond hair, and icy eyes. The description sounds a bit strange, it seems that Summer should be bright, juicy, warm. That's right, it is these accents that characterize the summer color type.

Most of the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries and northern latitudes have similar features:

  • eyes: icy, blue-gray, celestial,
  • cool skin tones: light pink, porcelain,
  • the tone of the hair is varied - from light brown to light chestnut, more often - ashy,
  • The contrast of the image is small.

Winter Woman

Bottomless blueness, light skin plus dark hair - quite a rare, but amazingly impressive combination. Past the luxurious queen is difficult to pass.

Against the background of pinkish or bluish skin, chestnut, no shade of "gold", strands, blue eyes look especially expressive. The girl with the color type Winter is cold, but the “hot chocolate” on the strands removes the mask of inaccessibility, stops the Snow Queen into a gorgeous beauty.

What shades are typical for spring color type

The spring color type is the rarest of the four colors.

It is characterized by the following indicators:

  1. Leather - light, there may be a golden hue. Let's say ivory color. Blush on the skin - peach color. Tanned skin gets warm golden and honey shades. If there are freckles, then they have a light brown color,
  2. Eyebrows and eyelashes - light. Shades that are characteristic of them: light blond, blond, light red.
  3. Eyes light color: gray, blue, light brown, green. They create the brightest accent on the face.

The best colors for hair in the spring image

The following shades of hair color emphasize the beauty and naturalness of the spring image:

  1. Chestnut color.

If the girl's eyes are deep blue and the skin is porcelain, then this shade of hair will accentuate the contrast in the image. A beautiful combination can be achieved with the help of chestnut-gray and hazel flowers.

  1. Rich red tint.

This color will make the image of a girl with ivory skin, watery greenish and bluish eyes more noble. With this hair color, you need to strive to ensure that the skin was in perfect condition. Sparkling hair amber - a real decoration for the girl-spring.

  1. Chocolate color.

This shade is a suitable hair color for blue eyes and fair skin. Photos with illustrative examples convince that it will suit girls with very light color indicators of appearance.

What shades are typical for winter color type

Tsvetotip "winter" stands out among the other colors of originality and brightness.

Color indicators of this type of appearance are as follows:

  1. The skin is light, smooth, has a bluish undertone. She is not susceptible to sunburn. Blush and freckles are not peculiar to such skin,
  2. Eyebrows and eyelashes are dark, often black in color,
  3. Eyes stand out in a bright, deep color: blue, blue, brown. The whites of the eyes are of pure white color, with light blue.

Top hair colors in a winter look.

To emphasize the advantages of a bright winter image of a girl, you can dye your hair in the following colors:

  1. Natural dark shade - black. Thanks to him, eyebrows and eyes will look expressive on a bright face,
  2. Chocolate color. This shade will emphasize the aristocratic light skin tone and create a noble image,
  3. Palette of red shades: burgundy, red garnet. Such a bright accent will emphasize the sophistication of the winter girl.

What shades are typical for summer color type

Summer color type is characterized by the following external indicators:

  1. Skin - light, having beige-pink, or olive shades. She is very susceptible to sunburn, which falls on her even tone. The freckles appearing on the skin become gray-brown in color. Often a thin, transparent skin is covered with a blush,
  2. Eyebrows and eyelashes have a bright cold undertone. They can be light brown, often light blond,
  3. Eyes - dull, as if with languishing, gray-blue, green, gray-green colors. Less often eyes of nut and light brown shades meet.

The best colors for the hair in the summer image

When choosing hair dyes, representatives of the summer type should focus on the cold palette.

The following colors will do:

  1. Golden Blonde - fashionable, demanded shade for girls,
  2. Milk chocolate - an ideal shade for those who are not ready for radical changes,
  3. The whole palette of blond shades. Any of them will look natural and elegant.

Perfect hair color for blue eyes

What hair color is coming to blue eyes? There are many shades with which you can highlight the refined European appearance. Stylists brought their useful recommendations that will highlight the natural beauty and make the appearance more vivid.

What shades are typical for the autumn color type

Autumn color type is bright.

It has the following appearance characteristics:

  1. The skin is warm in color, peach or golden hue. Blush on the face is rare. Freckles on the skin red,
  2. Eyebrows and eyelashes of a saturated dark shade: chestnut, dark brown flowers,
  3. Eyes differ in brightness: bright blue, colors of an emerald, golden-brown.

Best colors for hair in the autumn image

Representatives of the autumn color type will transform a wide palette of colors:

  1. Chestnut color. It is especially suitable for girls with pinkish-beige skin and hazel eyes,
  2. Hue mahogany. This color will emphasize the beauty of the green eyes and ennoble the image,
  3. Copper and red color. They are considered ideal for this color type. Warm tones and modulations will create a calm image,
  4. Chocolate shade. It will soften facial features and add romance to the image.

Trendy colors for young girls

Fashionable colors that can refresh the image of a young girl are:

This color is ideal for winter girls. However, representatives of other color types love this shade because with its help you can create both a gentle romantic image and a strict business one.

  1. Ash blond.

In order to find an interesting and complex color, stylists mix a light tone of platinum with dark shades. This approach helps to create interesting color transitions.

  1. Pink shades.

Strawberry blond is a fashionable hair color that suits most girls. Regardless of skin color and hairstyle, he is able to refresh his face and visually increase the volume of fine hair. Multifaceted color is reflected in shades of honey, cream and pearls.

  1. Caramel color.

This warm shade refreshes the image in winter. The color looks good if the girl wears curls, or she has curly hair by nature. Haircut cascade is also relevant when choosing a warm color of caramel.

Stylish colors for women 30 years

When choosing a shade for the hair you need to remember about your color type.Those whom nature has awarded with blond hair, dark and red shades will only grow old. It is enough to give preference to the hair color a couple of shades lighter or darker than natural.

Along with monochromatic coloring, you can use the technique of Californian highlighting, ombre, balayazh. Shimmering and playing highlights hair will look volume.

For the fair-haired representatives of the fair sex will suit all shades of ash. Light strands of the face will create a visual lifting effect. Rejuvenating ash tint is best suited for spring and summer color types. This can be seen by looking at the photo. Cold hair color is suitable for those who have blue eyes and fair skin.

Chocolate shades will help a woman look younger if she has blue eyes. These colors can visually hide fine wrinkles. Thanks to saturated colors, a woman will not have a tired, painful look.

Spectacular colors for women 40 years

The following shades emphasize the beauty of a woman after 40 years:

  1. Cold shade of chestnut.

This color is ideal if the woman has olive or pink skin color. Native light brown hair color can be easily changed to chestnut.

  1. Caramel Blond

This color is suitable for summer color type. The shade of skin will refresh with golden hints of caramel-colored hair. Curls, or a haircut on the type of "cascade" will help to make the color look more impressive. For the beauty of the image, hair color should not contrast strongly with the color of eyebrows.

  1. Rich chestnut.

Such a dark shade is a good choice for owners of fair skin. He is able to mask all the flaws of the hair: dry and bitten ends. Color is able to create a calm, natural look.

For those who have porcelain skin and a light shade of eyes, this option of hair coloring will be the most profitable. For experiments with this color, the skin of the face should be in perfect condition. In creating a successful image, the optimal hair length is up to the shoulders, or shorter.

Elegant colors for women 50 years and older

When dyeing hair, women over 50 need to choose natural shades. Do not forget that when choosing a color from the natural color of hair (not gray) retreat a maximum of two tones in the direction of light or dark.

The following shades are considered most suitable:

  1. Chestnut. For representatives of the autumn and winter color types, such a shade is the most suitable option,
  2. Blonde. This shade of hair will ennoble the summer type,
  3. Honey blond. For a woman of spring color type, a similar color will be the most advantageous,
  4. Platinum. This shade is suitable for fair-skinned women of age after 50.

Selection of shades

When selecting shades for hair coloring, the following indicators are taken into account:

  1. Natural color type of appearance (skin, eyes, hair, which nature has endowed),
  2. Age,
  3. Occupation,
  4. Character
  5. Face type
  6. Problem areas that need to be masked or corrected,
  7. Hair and hair length.

Ash shades for blue-eyed and light-skinned

Ashy shades are particularly suitable for those whom nature has endowed with gray-blue eyes and pink skin. The color is good for those who already have gray hair. Steel shades help to create an attractive image of the Snow Queen. Ash Brown is a good choice for a summer type. A golden ash will set off bright blue eyes, creating the image of a dreamer.

Light brown shades for blue-eyed and light-skinned

Light brown shades recreate a romantic image. In order for blue eyes to look deeper and brighter, they use classical coloring. The master can use a light brown color scheme along with dark blond and ashy shades.

Chestnut shades for blue-eyed and light-skinned

Chestnut hair color is a real find for owners of blue eyes and fair skin. Photos with concrete examples prove this.

Chestnut color with golden notes emphasizes the face and helps in creating a light and romantic image. Light chestnut paint is a good choice for a girl in the fall. Chestnut-gray shade - a find for those whose face is strewn with freckles.

Red shades for blue-eyed and light-skinned

Ginger shades make out a beautiful combination with peach skin or olive skin. Such bright colors create the image of a bold beauty, capable of adventure.

Chocolate shades for blue-eyed and light-skinned

Chocolate shades of warm and cold colors are especially suitable for owners of clean blue eyes. Dark chocolate is a suitable color for a winter type. Milk chocolate - a shade for the girl-summer. The color of chocolate caramel is a good color solution for the spring type. These shades form a bright, lively image.

Caramel shades for blue-eyed and light-skinned

Light caramel shades create a beautiful combination with blue eyes. They refresh the image and help hide the flaws on the face. Representatives of the autumn and summer color types are the best contenders for coloring in caramel shades of both light and dark tones. Thanks to this paint creates a gentle and sensual image.

Game of contrasts

The game of contrasts in the image can be observed with the help of a successful choice of dark hair color. Against the background of bright eyes and skin, it will contrast, drawing attention to the face.

The following shades will do:

  1. Dark chestnut. This rich color will add brightness to the image and emphasize the blueness and depth of the eyes,
  2. Chocolate. This color will shade the pale skin of the face and add to the image of brightness,
  3. Dark shade of caramel color. It will create the perfect contrast for the spring look of the exterior.

Colors for bright blue eyes

You can focus attention on such a woman's decoration as bright blue eyes with the help of the following hair shades:

  1. Black color with toning strands purple hue. Such a deep and rich color will emphasize the beauty of the winter woman,
  2. Pearl color. Light strands will make the image of the summer girl brighter and fresher,
  3. Caramel color. Representatives of the spring color type can safely emphasize the blue of the eyes with such a shade.

Colors for gray-blue eyes

Gray-blue eyes will visually brighten the following hair shades:

  1. Golden Blonde. He will create a gentle romantic image,
  2. Wheat Thanks to him, creating a unique summer look,
  3. Light blond. Such a saturated, but moderate shade is suitable for creating a business image,
  4. Dark blond. With this type of appearance, this shade is perfect. With this hair color appearance will be more spectacular,
  5. Ashen. This shade will soften the image and make it more attractive.

Colors for green and blue eyes

Owners of green-blue eyes and light skin tones can afford the following shades of hair:

  1. Black and dark brown shades. They emphasize the whiteness of the face and give the eyes shine. Thanks to them, the image of a burning brunette is being created,
  2. Copper and red hair colors. In the photo you can make sure that with light skin and green-blue eyes, they are suitable for creating an image of a fatal beauty,
  3. Golden Blond. Such paint will create a calm romantic image. It is able to visually mask the flaws on the face in the form of enlarged pores, wrinkles and rashes.

Colors for fair skin with freckles

The subtlety of the female image with light skin with freckles emphasizes the following colors for hair:

  1. Dark coffee This shade will create a harmonious image and emphasize individuality,
  2. Ash Blonde. This color will mask the flaws on the face,
  3. Ginger colour. He will create a bright and bold image.

Fashion trends 2018

In 2018, there are many fashion trends in the issue of hair dyes. This is especially true of coloring techniques.

These include:

  1. Use brondirovaniya if the base is light brown, or chestnut hair color. A neat combination of light and dark shades will be an ideal solution for those who are not ready for cardinal changes of the image,
  2. Using the technique of balayazh with the use of 2 or 3 shades. Along the entire length of the hair, you can make sharp or smooth transitions of colors to each other,
  3. Coloring to create a glare effect on the hair. This technique is very successful with the length of the hair to the shoulders. The most advantageous coloring looks on curly hair.

Stylist recommendations

Those who have blue eyes and fair skin when choosing the color of hair dye Stylists advise to study the photo catalog and adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not choose bright and saturated colors for those who have problem skin (there is pigmentation, or a rash),
  2. Gray hair is best painted in bright colors, preferring a cold palette,
  3. Considered appropriate shade of hair dye, which is two tones darker or lighter than hair color from nature,
  4. Try to choose the tone of hair when there is no makeup on the face, or it is insignificant.

In life and in the photo look good hair helps to look younger. Blue eyes and light skin for women are a gift of nature.

They will play with new colors in combination with a fresh, harmonious shade of hair. Tips and actions of an experienced hairdresser, or a stylist, will be faithful helpers on the road to transformation.

Video on how to choose the right hair color

How to choose hair color:

Stylist tips. How to choose hair color:

Shade selection rules

What shades to choose for Gentle Summer and luxurious Winter? Do you prefer warm or cold tones to owners of sky-blue eyes?

Five rules to keep in mind:

  • color should emphasize expressive features
  • choose a shade as close as possible to the natural
  • the right color gives the image freshness, young,
  • choose the tone for your character
  • think about how short or long strands will look like in a new color.

Hair color for winter appearance

Most often, the owners of dark curls have eyebrows and eyelashes saturated chestnut color. Light blond hair looks unnatural. I want more depth, spectacular chocolate tones, emphasizing the contrast of light skin and dark strands.

No need for bold experiments, it is enough to make the tint “richer”, to choose the trendy colors of the blue-blue scale. For girls with gray-blue eyes, one or two strands of a lighter tone will do. Ombre on the tips is an interesting solution for a cold color type.

What hair color is suitable for blue eyes? Suitable options:

  • blue black
  • Violet,
  • natural dark blonde,
  • ashen,
  • hot chocolate,
  • chestnut.

All dark colors without admixture of red, reddish, eggplant tones are suitable. Pick a paint that differs from the natural shade by no more than 2-3 tones: the regrown tips will noticeably worsen the appearance of the hair style.

Hair tint for summer look

Brief description of the image: pale skin, icy-blue pupils, blonde hair. Sometimes girls think that the abundance of light colors will make the image inexpressive, faded.

Indeed, doubts are not groundless. But it is easy to correct the situation: give the strands a dull, interesting color. Fresh image will play a new way.

Task: increase the contrast. For the "bright summer" dark, too bright colors are unacceptable. The image will be rude, regrown light roots will look sloppy against the background of chestnut strands.

Light eyelashes and eyebrows are poorly combined with “hot chocolate” or tar strands. The line between expressiveness and comic is quite thin.

Popular techniques:

  • Do not paint over the natural ash tone, considering it to be dull, dim. Excellent output - highlighting with the release of light-blond strand,
  • discard "eggplant", "mahogany", "rust". The tones from this palette emphasize any redness on the skin, give the face a strange, unnatural look,
  • enhancing the contrast will help give your eyes a clear sky color. Suitable shades: from light to dark blond,
  • another trick to enhance the border between colors: the ombra on the tips. The bulk of the hair remains light, the ends of the strands are painted in dark or brighter tones,
  • if the pupils are constantly changing color, become gray, blue or even turquoise, stop at a luxurious shade of caramel. Royal color without admixture of reddish tones will give the image a nobility, add restrained luxury,
  • Have you decided to paint brown curls in red color? Not a bad decision. Do not lose when choosing a tone. Copper, copper-brown shades without red - what you need. Pale, porcelain skin, bright red tones, gray-blue eyes give the image a certain naivety, insecurity.

See options for stylish haircuts for teen boys.

Useful products for hair growth are described on this page.

At read about the long-term perm on medium hair.

General recommendations

Cool skin tone in combination with light or dark hair gives refined chic.

Surely you will find interesting options. Make a fashionable haircut for long, short or medium hair, create curls, leave the strands straight. More important than the length of the expressiveness of the image, a sufficient contrast between the cold skin tone and rich colors on the hair.

The greater the contrast, the more expressive the gentle azure. Regardless of the type of hair, the shade of strands fashionable images look spectacular, stylish, but at the same time, gentle, feminine.

For a noisy party, a meeting of the New Year, give the curls an unusual look with colored lacquer, bright powder, special crayons. Violet, turquoise, bright green color is perfectly combined with blue eyes. Sweet Malvina or the Fairy is an interesting image for a celebration with friends who can appreciate your creative impulses.

Think over the makeup, pick up the original suit. Effective hairstyle plus bright strands look great on a more relaxed background.

Video. Useful tips from a stylist on choosing a hair color for blue eyes:

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Choosing hair color for fair skin

If you don’t know which blue-eyed hair color is best for you, pay attention to neutral chestnut and copper shades that are optimal for pale skin and light-colored eyes.

If the skin tone is slightly pink, feel free to choose a red color that will help make the appearance more expressive. Please note: if you have bright blue eyes, you should not use bright hair dyes with a reddish tint, otherwise the image will be vulgar. For this appearance, it is better to choose ashen or noble platinum color.

The best color for blue eyes and olive skin

If you have dark skin, pay attention to the palette of cold shades. The ideal hair color for blue eyes in this case is dark, including rich black.

If you want to create a more noble image, choose chocolate shades or deep coffee color, which can be obtained by mixing several types of dyes in a professional salon.

Dark skin and blue eyes are perfectly combined with exquisite golden hues (for example, with a dark reddish color). It is this combination that best suits the extravagant short haircut, which visually makes you younger and adds a unique charm.

If your skin has a neutral tint, and your eye color is not very bright, choose all shades of light brown and gold. In this case, you can follow a simple rule: dye your hair one or two shades lighter or darker than a natural color. Black in this case is recommended to be avoided, as it will highlight all the flaws of your appearance.

Remember that the selected hair color must meet the following criteria:

  • shade should fit the type of appearance and temperament of the ladies,
  • choose a color according to your skin tone - this is the basic rule to follow,
  • You should not choose too contrasting combinations that will look unnatural,
  • Experts advise to choose tones that are close to the natural shade, in this case, if necessary, you can quickly repaint the hair in a natural color.

Coloring is recommended in a professional salon, under the guidance of colorists and experienced stylists.

What hair color is coming to blue eyes?

It is believed that people with blue eyes are emotionally inconstant: at a party, they can suddenly become sad and can ruin the fun of everyone. Sometimes they get angry for no reason. They can easily cope with a difficult task, but sometimes they can spend the whole day in bed.

Impulsive behavior is one of the main drawbacks of blue-eyed people, but they usually differ in logical and non-standard solutions to complex problems.

In general, blue-eyed people are creators from nature. Often their intellectual development is significantly higher than that of the holders of eyes of a different color. They obey the air element and are changeable, like the air: usually good and calm, but in an irritated state they are able to crush everything, like a raging sky.

So, what is the color of your hair coming to blue eyes?

If you can determine the optimal hair color for your blue eyes, your clear eyes will become a harmonious accent to your appearance. Eyes come in different shades:

  • clear sky blue,
  • green or gray-blue,
  • chilly blue (icy),
  • blue with greyish, blue or brown patches.

There are four main color type of female appearance: spring, summer, winter and autumn. “Summer” for Slavs is the most common type, such representatives most of all among residents of Scandinavian countries and northerners. The greatest number of blue-eyed blondes are from here. This type is considered low contrast. The most uncommon type is winter, when with blue eyes there is dark hair. Type "spring" is also rare, but is a warm type. Dark hair for blue eyes is a bad choice for spring.

Usually red-haired girls have naturally green or gray-blue eyes. Reddish tones are suitable for women with light brown hair and fair skin.

Red hair color wonderfully fits under blue eyes, shading them. The bright warm background will make your blue eyes shine even brighter, creating a wonderful effect. Red hair color goes well with blue or gray-blue eyes and smooth skin.

An example of the change of blond hair on the red, is the artist Christina Hendrix. Being a blonde by nature, she was transformed with the help of bright red curls, highlighting the richness of her blue eyes. It was such a reincarnation that helped the actress build a brilliant career.

The darker the hair and skin, the more contrast, and consequently, the eyes will look brighter. For this type of women, modern ombre staining is perfect. Coldish shades, combining, add contrast to the blond hair.

A cool “winter” will look great with neutral ash shades that will give this contrasting type more brightness. Light skin and blue eyes will look great with dark hair color, giving a sophisticated feminine look. But red, reddish and eggplant shades should be avoided, because they will not look beautiful. Tsvetotip "winter" is usually different spectacular natural shade, which can be emphasized, if you choose a natural tone of paint. "Winter" can experiment with fashionable shades: lilac, blue, violet, turquoise. Only one such strand, made with the help of pastels, and the eyes become richer.

What hair color is more suitable for gray-blue eyes?

Owners of gray-blue eyes are well aware of all their advantages: their eyes are blue during the day, they turn gray at night. The spectacular pigment of gray-blue eyes can immediately and not be remembered by others, but combined with an optimally selected shade, it will form a beautiful image.

Girls with gray-blue eyes are concerned about the question: what hair color suits them best? The face of the girl with gray-blue eyes will look great in a frame of golden curls. If you are impressed by more calm tones, choose a wheat, ashen or light-brown shade. But keep in mind that it should not be faded, with an ashy or flaxen shade, as they will give the face a tired look.

Beautiful hair color under gray blue eyes

Modern women of fashion love to change the color of hair, paying tribute to fashion trends. So, what is the hair color under the gray-blue eyes will fit more than anyone else?

Gray-blue eyes - a common natural phenomenon. This pretty shade goes well with natural-blond hair. As a rule, owners of gray or blue eyes have light-blond or white hair, but girls want to emphasize their appearance with the help of more saturated colors.

Today, blond hair is popular, although for a long time it was simply an outcast of fashion trends. Now brown hair has become a fashion trend, preferred by many celebrities. Of the shades dominate:

  • ashen blond
  • dark ash tint
  • classic, rich blond shade.

In 2017, shades of caramel, milk chocolate, bright rust and others, will surely win the catwalks and decorate the hairstyles of Hollywood stars.

The shade of dark chocolate is suitable for everyone without exception and looks very organic.

Hair color for gray-blue eyes should also be chosen, given the preferred color of clothing.

To give originality to blue eyes, not allowing them to “get lost” on the face, a properly chosen shade of hair will help. But if you think that it is impossible to harm the beauty of the face, you are very mistaken.

What hair color is coming to blue eyes? If you choose a shade incorrectly, blue eyes, which so resemble transparent ice or expensive sapphires, can lose their shine.

What colors are suitable for brunettes with blue eyes?

Black hair and blue eyes - one of the most unique contrasts that cause heightened attention. The compatibility between light, blue eyes and dark hair literally fascinates.

But it should be remembered that such a sharp contrast will not suit everyone, as it can make your face rough. Try to start making the curls darker by 1-2 shades within a cold range.

Dark blond color goes to blue-eyed women with large and regular features. Girls with a different type of face should try a brown gamut with gentle highlighting. Brown shades look great with blue eyes, giving them brightness, especially the owners of dark skin.

Bright blue-eyed brunettes in platinum blonde is better not to repaint - the face will fade from this, and your eyes will become less expressive.

What hair color is suitable for blue eyes? Blue eyes always look gently in conjunction with light curls, associating with traditional Slavic beauties. If you have beautiful blue eyes and blond hair, you can try to become a blonde.

Radiant blonde looks great, and with the help of cosmetics, for example, a bluish liner or shadows, you can make your eyes unique.

If your color type is “spring with light brown hair,” and skin with a peach shade, choose a golden blond. A prime example is the actress Gwyneth Paltrow. At the start of her career, she changed the color of her warm blond curls to sunny white, which advantageously emphasized her blue eyes.

What colors go to blondes with blue eyes and how can they better emphasize their appearance?

  1. Blondes with pale skin and light blue eyes can use green, violet, gray shades in their clothes.
  2. Blondes with dark skin can try rich shades of green, orange, red, which successfully harmonize with the natural color of the eyes.
  3. What color is suitable for blue eyes and cool blond shades (ashy, platinum, beige tones)? Such ladies may prefer pastel shades with predominant gray and blue tones. Also suit bright red colors in the wardrobe, especially with evening make-up.
  4. Blue, purple, green, pink tones successfully underline the tender skin of blondes. But the milky shade is not suitable for this type of blondes, as it gives the appearance of mediocrity and even vulgarity.
  5. Blondes of a “warm” type with golden hair should carefully treat the robes of yellow and orange shades. The remaining tones will emphasize their delicate face and beauty of the face, only shades should be juicy. Looks great shades of grass, ocean water, turquoise, ivory, coral and shrimp. Clothes with colorful prints and mixed colors, peach and dark lilac shades will also look great. But pastel colors, shades of silver will not suit “Gold-silk” - they can “put out” their natural charm, which is so typical of blondes.
  6. If there are colored or streaked strands, choose a wardrobe with regard to the color of the hair framing the face. And also it is necessary to take into account the shades that are available in the hair.
  7. Surprisingly, the black color in clothes is universal for blondes, giving them a stylish look and attractiveness. Spectacular decorations are a great accent: for “cold” blondes, these are products made of platinum and silver, and for “warm” ones - products made of bright artificial and precious stones.
  8. For lovers of bold experiments, pink and crimson tones will do. Pink should be worn in combination with contrasting black or turquoise hues, so as not to resemble Barbie.
  9. Gray shades will give the blonde charm and finesse, and diluting it with a bright decoration, you will look very stylish!

Such simple principles will help you make the best choice, but still you need to experiment to find exactly what will emphasize your individuality.

Now you have received an exhaustive answer to the question of what colors are suitable for blondes with blue eyes and will be able to make the right choice!


Watch the video: THE HAIR COLOR THAT WILL BEST SUIT YOU AND YOUR SKIN TONE! bradmondo (July 2024).