
Shakire - 40 years: 10 secrets of beauty singer


I know it myself, when you come out of the barber shop with a new haircut, passersby do not seem so gloomy, you don’t get puddles in the way, the air is fresh ... And you don’t even want a sweet! You feel almost like a rock star. Or self-confident beauty without problems. But for how long? Where is the guarantee that in the morning you will not wake up with old difficulties? Read the PEOPLETALK investigation about how the image change affects our lives!

We all know the story of the transformation of a good girl into a bad one. Barbados flower Rihanna (26) in a flying yellow dress walks on the beach, and after a few years with a short haircut and tattoos, she goes into sadomasochism and acts out the narcotic passion.

Miley Cyrus (22) is friends with Disney characters and sings romantic ballads, and then with a partially shaved head wriggles into the camera, flies naked against the ceiling and teaches peace to twerking.

Kristen Stewart (24) first makes a “fire” on her head, and then acts in a Jenny Lewis clip. Just One Of The Guys as a guy.

But Britney Spears (33) is an example of the fact that first the changes take place inside ... Something does not work in life - and now you have an electric machine in your hands with all the ensuing consequences. In any case, you should agree, the change of image often affects the inner state of a person and his actions.

Maria Kozhevnikova (30) had to get a haircut “under the boy” and repaint into a brown-haired one for a new role. It was during this period that she became a mother, and nothing remained of the image of a desperate blonde. A great example when changing the length of hair is proof of a strong marital status, and not a business card of a scandal girl.

TV presenter Aurora (41) has always loved experimenting with hairstyles. At first she decided to have a short haircut, then diluted the usual blond with a bright pink bang. Over time, a light pinkish haze spread to the whole head. Agree, such changes and uplifting and inspiring. And not only Aurora, but also those who see it, that is, us.

At the time of “VIA Gra” Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya (32) radiated aggressive sexuality and was a burning brunette with curly hair, today she behaves very differently. Calmly and even mysteriously. We think the hairstyle played a big role in such a change: a short haircut emphasizes the cheekbones of Hope, shows her femininity and natural wisdom. One gets the impression that, together with the long hair, the girl's inner imp also disappeared.

Today, February 2, Shakira celebrates her birthday, and this year she has a special date: the singer turned 40 years old. In fairness it should be noted that only a record in the passport testifies to this: Shakira's appearance does not reflect her real age. Wrinkles are barely visible on the face, the figure is as toned and slim as in youth. It is not easy to believe that the singer and her 30-year-old lover Gerard Piqué, who also celebrates her anniversary today (they were born on the same day), have a 10-year difference in age. What is the secret of Shakira? HELLO.RU studied several interviews with a star in an attempt to find answers to this question.

To make the skin look healthy and radiant, I use vitamin C serum, especially when the skin is dehydrated. If the skin is very dry, I apply a thin layer of vitamin E - I buy ordinary capsules at the pharmacy, crush them and put them on my face. In addition, it is very important to thoroughly wash off makeup every evening, it is advisable to use a special brush (or glove) to remove all impurities.

I think the best makeup for any girl is a smile. A beautiful smile gives a feeling of confidence, so the teeth need no less careful care. I smile a lot, photographers sometimes even ask me to stop doing it in order to get a more serious and sexy image.

It is very important to protect the skin from aggressive sunlight. Instead of the usual sunscreen, I use children’s: its protection is better and stronger than in any adult. Plus, it is important for me that the composition of the product contain as few harmful chemicals as possible.

During the flights, I drink tons of ordinary water and abstain from salty foods that trap body fluids.

In the make-up, I adhere to the principle "the simpler the better." I like to put lipstick on lipstick with only a natural shade and to highlight the eyes. But it still seems to me that I look much better with a minimal amount of makeup on my face. In my opinion, now I look much better than 10 years ago.

If I still decide to make up, I usually use a tonal framework and a little blush. I put them on the "apples" of the cheeks. I try to tint a little pinker than my skin color. If you find it difficult to choose the color of rouge that is ideal for you, I advise you to pinch your cheeks and focus on the natural glow before you buy.

I do not like to attach too much importance to some things. For example, I am completely indifferent to SPA and various beauty procedures, simply because I do not have time for this. Such services are not designed for people like me.

I love to eat, so I had to apply self-discipline and turn on self-control in order to start eating right. Now I continue to eat a lot, but now I choose only healthy food. I keep a close eye on what is on my plate, but of course, sometimes I give myself relief. For example, I am a real chocolate miller - sometimes I just can't do without this sweetness. But I still try snacking with something useful, for example, I like seaweed chips and granola with kale cabbage.

I try to exercise regularly, but I like to change classes. Every day not to get bored. I do a little boxing, a little dancing, sometimes I play tennis or just go to the gym and work out on simulators. I train 5 or 6 days a week, and I always wear a heart rate monitor to determine the optimal load for myself. During pregnancy, I attended classes on zumbe, this allowed me not to gain a lot of weight.

In hair care, I do not use any special expensive tools. Before going out in the sun I apply conditioner, I love oils and shampoos without sulfates. I also like the Colombian brand Sedal, it is inexpensive, but very effective.

How is the hairstyle done like Shakira

Many stars change their style many times during their popularity. This cannot be said about Shakira, both in her creative work and in her images, this girl adheres to certain rules and is clearly not going to break them. Of course, her image and hairstyle undergoes slight changes.

For example, in some of their videos and on several photo shoots, the star appeared in front of fans with a light wavy head of hair. But, of course, we all know Shakira as the owner of quite small curls that create such an incredible volume.

In many ways, thanks to its unusual head of hair, the image of this singer has become so popular, because it is difficult to imagine some other Western artist who could boast of such.

Of course, Shakira's curls are a consequence of heredity, Colombians often have curly hair, and this girl is no exception. All this does not negate the fact that modern curling methods make it easy to repeat this hairstyle, while it can be done at home.

Salons often offer services for chemical perm. Naturally, for some fashionistas this is a way out, because with the help of such a procedure you can easily get the desired boucle, and for a long time. At present, anyone can even purchase a chemical composition and independently make such a perm in the style of Shakira at home.

But this method has a rather significant minus - extreme harm. The hair has to be nourished and restored for a very long time after the procedure.

In addition, it is not recommended for owners of dry, damaged and very fine hair. As a result, a great chance to just lose most of the hair. That is why we will not consider this method in detail, but will direct all our attention to classical methods of curling with the help of professional and improvised means.

Who will suit the hairstyle like Shakira ↑

Below we will consider two options for hairstyles, which most often makes this performer, and also tell you about several ways to get them. Both of them are quite versatile and have similar requirements, therefore we will talk about their features a little generalizing below.

The main advantage of such styling - it can be done at any length of hair. It looks extremely natural, so it doesn’t matter if you have a quart or a long hair, your look will be stylish and harmonious.

Many styling, which are based on curly hair, put forward quite stringent requirements for the shape of the face of women of fashion. For example, too small and large curlicues do not fit chubby ladies, because they visually make the face wider.

The hairstyle in the style of Shakira is very easy to change and retains all its qualities. Do you have a round face? Make curls of medium size and pay special attention to the cheekbone zone, this hairstyle will easily hide the flaws of your oval and at the same time improve the overall image.

By the way, Shakir itself is quite difficult to call a girl with subtle facial features, but at the same time you can see how succinctly this hairstyle looks on her.

How to twist Shakira's curls with curlers ↑

So, if you use the cold variety of this hairdresser's item, then you can be calm - such a perm will not cause any harm to your hair. However, this method has its own disadvantage - it is necessary to withstand curlers on the head for at least 6 hours.

Hot hair curlers remove after 20 minutes, but they are somewhat harmful to the health of the hair. For this reason, experts recommend applying a special protective agent before the procedure.

Which of these two options to choose is up to you, the only thing we recommend is to choose the size of the curler according to what size the curls you want to get, and the principles themselves are approximately the same for these methods.

  1. Before curling be sure to wash your hair and dry a little. If you use hot curlers, then dry your hair completely.
  2. Well comb through our hair with a massage or any other small comb.
  3. Apply to the surface of the hair, if necessary, a tremoprotective agent, as well as in both cases, a styling agent.
  4. We separate the strand so that its width coincides with the width of our curlers. We wind very tightly, starting from the tips. We fix in the zone at the roots.
  5. Do the same with the rest of the strands. If you have several sizes of curlers, then leave large for the frontal zone, and small for the temples and neck.
  6. We wait 6 hours or go to bed.
  7. In the morning, free our hair from curlers and use our fingers to straighten strands a little.
  8. Spray varnish the resulting styling.

The most convenient way is to use the so-called curlers-boomerangs, curving, they greatly simplify the process of cheating.

Light wavy hair like Shakira ↑

With such a hairdo, a star appears in public not so often, but women of fashion estimated this style rather quickly. To implement it, we need a round comb and a hairdryer.

  1. After washing, a little dry the hair with a hair dryer, while leaving them a little wet.
  2. Apply to the surface of our hair styling means - foam or mousse, special attention is paid to the root zone.
  3. Using brushing, slightly raise the hair at the roots and immediately dry with a hairdryer.
  4. After that we are engaged in the middle part and hair tips. Scrolling a hairbrush in one direction, then in another we form light waves and dry our hair immediately with a hairdryer.
  5. Do this with all the hair.
  6. Apply on the resulting hairstyle varnish.

Shakira's curly hair in a simple way

No desire to mess with styling tools? No problem, this method will allow you to get a hair like a western singer for the night.

  1. In the evening, wash my head with shampoo, then dry them with a hair dryer.
  2. We apply means for laying.
  3. At the very top we form a tail, which we fasten with a rubber band for hair.
  4. We divide it into two parts and from each weave along the spit. At the very end, you can add a small ribbon to your hair and weave it already on it, so that the curling can take place along the entire length.
  5. Now we should wrap first one braid around the base of our tail, and then the other. In this position, the braids must be fixed.
  6. We go to bed or wait 6 hours.
  7. After this time, we unravel our braids, remove the gum, and form the styling with our hands.
  8. Sprinkle the result with varnish.

Having made curls like Shakira in this way, you will not only get an incredibly stylish and natural hairstyle, but also get plenty of sleep. The tail on the top gives absolutely no discomfort, so your sleep will be strong and healthy.

Shakira's hairstyles: the beginning of a career - burning natural

Shakira Isabel Merabak Ripoll records his first album at the age of 13. "Magia" is gaining popularity in the girl's hometown, and this curly dark-skinned girl becomes a star. Although not yet a global scale. Here's what she looked like: huge burning eyes and magnificent rings in her hair. If it were not for small stature, Shakira could already have become a super model thanks to her appearance. Classic latin american beauty.

Shakira hairstyles: from black to red

Gets the world fame of Shakir, dancing to the rhythm of his own drums. It was at the end of the millennium. Shakira's hair dyed ruby-colored, her strands flowed like a waterfall. Often they are braided into small braids. Such a bow slender singer, gave the "peppercorn" and without that bold image.

The transition to the bright side

With the beginning of the 21st century, Shakira acquires world renown and ... lightens. She has already met with the Pope, received praise from Gabriel García Márquez himself and acted as a goodwill ambassador. This is not yet blonde - reddish (from lightening) hair is not very suitable for the general image of the singer. But it is this image that takes her to the Grammy Award. So, in 2000, Shakira becomes “the best Latin American singer”. The style of clothes left much to be desired - she had not yet found “her” image, but she had already caught a wave in her creative work.

Blonde amazon

The image of "Xena - Warrior Queen" "with black and white" curls appeared after the release of the album "Laundry" in 2001. Yes, yes, that “Whenever, Wherever”, which has flown around all continents, was from this series. The clip, where Shakira in the "primitive" attire lights against the background of waves beating against the rocks, is still remembered by loyal fans. Then her image was exactly like this: a leather mini top, a bare and ever-moving belly, golden trousers narrow at the hips. And, of course, lush thick hair.

These are no longer burned strands: on the head of Shakira are light and dark shades and textural styling in the spirit of a freedom-loving savage. She is one of the first trendsetters in highlighting. In the make-up, the star used a black eyeliner, or rather a “stroke”. Eyes stood out very brightly.

Shakira's hairstyle has always been “dancing”: the girl often turned her head and “played” with her hair. Those flowed in waves, fell on the shoulders, gathered at the face. But most often the hair was loose.

Small demon

Since 2000, Shakira begins to meet with the son of former Argentine President Antonio de la Rua.Their relationship will reach engagement, but the wedding never takes place. However, until now, the singer describes the ten-year union with Antonio as the best years of her life. So, in 2003, we already have an absolute blonde (not without “yellowness”, of course). Her curls still curl, but now it is not sloppy waves, but a minor demon. Just like in 13 years, only the color is different. She still lights the audience with her dances. Records tracks in both English and Spanish. But the full image is still the same: ethnic stage costumes, suede, leather, jeans and latex, Shakira hairstyles remain bold and disheveled. This image of Shakira is associated with it in everyone and is considered to be already classic.

Hollywood glamor

The barbaric image followed Shakira until about the middle of the zero. At least in 2006, the star appears before the public with neat large curls of honey hue. Then, at the MTVMA award, she lights up in a bright pink Oriental costume, and her hairstyle resembles a clarified version of Princess Jasmine. All this time, continued her relationship with Antonio de la Rua. The couple does not officially marry, and Shakira herself declares that they do not need papers for complete happiness. In 2007 a joint duet with Beyoncé “Beautiful Liar” was released. In the video, two hot artists demonstrate belly dancing and oriental images. Shakira is still the same "goddess of disco", but instead of a daring Amazon she shows feminine chic. That's what makes a groomed hairstyle!

And again ringlets

At the Grammy awards ceremony in 2007, a hot dance star goes on the red carpet in a glamorous red dress, and on her head is the same petty demon, but already of a more natural caramel color with “burnt out” strands. The hairstyle is more like a regrown afro, but this does not spoil the feminine image of the singer at all. By the way, in this period of life and work, Shakira chooses a minimalist make-up, which emphasizes her natural beauty. But at that time she already turned 30!

Shakira Hairstyles: Down with the Length

In 2010, the track “Waka Waka” becomes a hit, and the image of a girl from an African village is remembered by the audience for a long time.

Although the hairstyle of Shakira in the clip is the most common: loose blond hair was decorated only with an accessory made from multi-colored beads. In 2011, Shakira breaks up with Antonio de la Roi. And ... what does a typical girl do when parting with her beloved? That's right - cuts hair. The singer for the first time in his career chooses a square. Short haircut is very her and radically changes everything. Despite long trials and trials with the former, the dark streak in Shakira’s life ends with the appearance of a new lover. He becomes the football player of the football club "Barcelona" Gerard Pique.

Classic blondie Shakira

Already in 2013, the couple will have a firstborn, and after a few months, the newly made mother returns to the stage. Hair gradually grow back, the singer forms a “cascade” on her head and continues to look one hundred percent. Two years later, the second son is born, but instead of souring on maternity leave, Shakira rhythmically moves his body and still continues to look his best.

Now, at 40, the singer is still an icon of style and is not going to give up the position. Her hairstyle is again a magnificent blond. Only now it is a well-groomed Hollywood image that emphasizes the elegance of its owner.

And which Shakira do you like?

Hair Facts

Hair is given to us not only for beauty. To some extent, they represent the peculiar antennas of our organism as a whole, which, in turn, carry the invisible life-giving force of space directly to the body. It has long been a legend that even before the fall, there was a nimbus around a human head (a spherical accumulation of bioenergy, now we can see it only on icons) and there was no hair.

They say that the head of our great-people was covered with something resembling the fluff with which babies are born. And when a person fell into sin, these rays of cosmic energy became heavy and turned into hair.

It is they are the link between heaven and man until he can rise again to his heavenly level of development.

As for the magic in relation to the hair and all the problems that are directly related to them, is quite simple. Since hair is the source of our cosmic power, then everything that happens to them changes the course of the invisible river, which in turn bathes us with its bioenergetic waves. Consequently, any impact on them can change not only our appearance, but also our whole life.

Basically, for the way the hair looks like, girls experience the most. In many cases, they choose a haircut not quite consciously, choosing the one that will most suit them to face and image as a whole. What is the psychology of hairstyles?

If a woman has long and well-groomed hair, then this is in turn a sign of sensuality and femininity.

Women who prefer smooth and always gathered in a bundle or knot to the hair, as a rule, are quite demanding in relation to themselves and to others, are serious, and in some cases even too constrained. Long, thick, flowing hair over the shoulders speak of the uncommonness of its owner, her strong-willed character and clear life goals, and they can also be a sign of a subtle, romantic nature. Girls who prefer short haircuts are distinguished by a certain initiative and efficiency.

It is also worth noting that when a person constantly gives preference to the same hairstyle, he does not want to change anything, suggesting that conservatism is inherent in such people. But the original and avant-garde hairstyles are preferred mostly unpredictable, extraordinary nature.

Men, who prefer long hair, are considered to be representatives of bohemian circles, for them, in turn, fixed an aura of masculinity and at the same time, romance, they to some extent resemble princes from beautiful fairy tales. Quite often, these men are not confident in themselves, infantile. With the help of long hair, they try to protect themselves from the outside world. Men who prefer short haircuts are mostly hardy, resolute, you can always rely on them.

As for the bangs, it is mostly worn by modest and shy women. They are distinguished by insecurity in their own abilities, the desire to protect themselves from making independent decisions. Bangs says that a person wants to protect themselves from difficulties and problems. An open forehead suggests that a person has a balanced character, is open, able to confront the whole world and prove his immediate point of view.

If a person wears a parting on the right side, then from a psychological point of view, this indicates that he is pedantic, loves order in everything. A parting in the center of the head indicates that a person is independent. Such people achieve their goals, their main feature is obstinacy. The parting on the left side indicates that a person is reserved and modest, purposeful.

Code of Practice on how to handle hair

Having decided to change your image, get a haircut or repaint in a different color, you need to know a few rather important rules, with their help you will not trouble yourself.

First rule
It is necessary to treat hair cutting quite seriously, and to trust this process to anyone. Do not forget that the person who cuts you, changes your biofield. Therefore, visiting a hairdressing salon, you should choose a cheerful and energetic master, in this case, your life after haircut will change for the better. The master is older, the greater his influence on your life.

If you are an independent person by yourself and prefer to solve problems on your own, and don’t like it when something bothers you, then you should choose a master, either of the same age as you, or younger. In the case when you are unlucky for an unknown reason, then in this case you should choose a wizard in years, even if this hairstyle will cost much more. After visiting the hairdresser, your life will change. And if, moreover, you correctly calculate the moment of her direct visit, then your life will not only change, but will also significantly improve.

Second rule
Many claim that it is best when you are cut by a person of the same sex as you. This is directly related to the fact that during the haircut you change the etheric, astral and mental biofield, as a result of which we quite easily succumb to someone else's influence. Therefore, if you like the master of the opposite sex, then in this case it can lead to troubles in your personal life.

Third rule
You should not cut your own hair, even if you know hairdressing, you should not neglect this sign. The basis of this sign is that it is very difficult for a person to cure himself. This fact is known to all, even the most powerful psychic. No matter how strong-willed and strong a man is, it is quite difficult for him to correct the deformations of his personal biofield, since he has to redo them with the same deformed energy.

Fourth rule
If you want your hair to grow faster after shearing, then you should do your hair in case of a full moon. If you want your hair to change its properties to some extent, for example, you don’t like that they are confused or disobeyed, then in this case it is best to visit the hairdresser’s on a waning moon. But it is also worth considering the fact that after such a haircut, the hair will grow for quite a long time. On a waning moon, it is recommended to get a haircut also in cases where there is a desire to strengthen the hair roots, and to prevent their abundant loss.

Fifth rule
After cutting the hair can not be thrown into the water. It is necessary to monitor this, then you can keep your hair healthy and lush until old age.

Sixth rule
You can not cut hair in the so-called satanic lunar days - 9, 15, 23, 29 on the lunar calendar. This includes the days of solar and lunar eclipses. Cutting the hair on such days can lead to illness.

Seventh rule
Also, the change in life after shearing affects the day on which it was directly produced.

  • Monday is a rather auspicious day for a haircut. On this day, you can get rid of a fairly large number of bad emotions and unresolved problems that have accumulated throughout life. Even this day is quite favorable for painting hair.
  • Tuesday - this day you can go to the hairdresser in the period of life when you lack the will or strength to solve some important problem, and also in the case when you are tired of the monotony of life or you do not have enough activity.
  • Wednesday - on this day it is good to have a haircut, in order to learn something new or interesting, meet new friends or attract old ones, increase the number of trips, communication and movements in life.
  • Thursday - this day contributes to the changes associated with relationships with others, increases luck and well-being, as well as contributes to the popularity of this person.
  • Friday - this day is considered the day of beauty. If you visit a hairdresser on this day, then you change not only your hairstyle, but also your appearance as a whole. Therefore, if everything suits you, and you do not want any changes in your appearance, then on this day of the week it is better not to have a haircut. If, on the contrary, you want to prettier, then in this case you should visit a hairdresser on Friday, when the Sun goes to Capricorn (December 24 - January 22) or Taurus (April 22 - May 21).
  • Saturday is a good day for a haircut. On this day, your hair becomes healthy, at the same time a part of your karmic debts and sins of your kind is removed.
  • Sunday - it is not recommended to cut your hair at this laziness, as you can kill your own fate or good luck. This day is beautiful only for people who are chased by chronic failures - maybe fate will have mercy and after such a procedure will change for the better. But no one guarantees it.

Eighth rule
In order to choose a favorable day for hair cutting, it is also necessary that it be in harmony with your own birthday, otherwise all favorable trends may turn into negative ones.

  • Monday - Thursday, Friday and Saturday energy harmonizes with this day. For Monday, the antagonist is Sunday.
  • If you were born on Tuesday, then in this case, you will be related energy Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. But what concerns directly the power of Monday and Friday is unfavorable for you. Friday is the antagonist for tuesday.
  • Wednesday is in harmony with the power of Sunday. Its antagonist is Thursday.
  • Thursday is related with the energy of Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Its antagonist is the environment.
  • Friday, the strength of Monday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday is pretty close to her. Its antagonist is Tuesday.
  • Saturday is related energy Friday. Its antagonist is Sunday.
  • Sunday is in harmony with the power of Tuesday and Thursday. The antagonist of this day is Monday.

In the days of antagonists, hair is cut when you are stalked by karmic bad luck in all areas of life. Basically, after a haircut on such a day, the time for some time seems to freeze in order to make a sharp turn, which should directly lead you to success.

Ninth rule
There are allegations that, as with plants, the position and quality of the growth of our hair is affected by the position of the moon in the sky. Therefore, it is not enough just to choose a good lunar day and day of the week for the correction of the hairstyle, you also need to choose a favorable time for hair growth, depending on what sign of the zodiac the moon is in. The position of the moon is always indicated in the lunar calendar for a year.

What does the horoscope say?

When the moon is in Aries, this period is considered not favorable for cutting hair, although it does not affect the condition of the hair. The thing is that after such a procedure, the immunity weakens to some extent and the risk of getting sick increases.

When the moon is in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, this period is considered to be the most favorable for visiting a hairdressing salon. Hair in such a period grows pretty well, gaining strength and less flow.

During the period when the Moon is in Gemini or Libra, this period helps to make air hairstyles, promotes faster hair growth, but as for their immediate quality, this effect is not affected.

The Moon, located in Cancer or Pisces, slows down the growth rate of hair, but at the same time saturates them with vital force.

The moon in Leo is not considered to be an entirely favorable time for a haircut, if your business is going well and smoothly, and vice versa, favorable when you need to change the image and rhythm of your life.

The moon located in Scorpio is rather insidious, during this period your personal life can both improve and vice versa worsen, it also directly concerns relations with partners of the opposite sex.

The moon in Sagittarius favorably influences changes in career, at work, in relations with colleagues and business partners, also helps to achieve recognition and social success.

The moon in Aquarius is considered not a favorable period for hair cutting, so it is best to abstain.

Much in our life directly affects her condition.It would seem that a simple change in the image, in appearance and we already have a different mood, a different feeling, a perception of the world around us. It is true that if you want to change something in your life, change something in yourself, it is best to start with a haircut. Even small changes will bring about change. Do not be afraid to change something, all of a sudden you will only benefit from it, you will like it, and you will regret why you did not do it before.


Watch the video: Jennifer Lopez Tells Dr. Oz Her Beauty Secrets (July 2024).