Eyebrows and eyelashes

How to cut your eyebrows?


A beautiful and deep look has always been considered the highlight of feminine beauty. But to achieve this effect is simply impossible without beautifully defined eyebrows. But, unfortunately, we are all not perfect, and to boast by nature flawless eyebrows and is completely given to few. In such a situation, the only way out is correction.

The choice of the most suitable form is not an easy one, but any master in a beauty salon can easily cope with it. He will certainly be able to tell you how to change the shape of the eyebrows, so that they emphasize your image to the maximum. If you decide to cope on your own, be careful, because fashion is now not only natural, but also moderation.

Eyebrow shape correction. Main ways

For a start, it is worth deciding how we will adjust. If there is no urgent need for radical changes, you can simply draw the shape with a special pencil or use washable paint. The main thing in this case is to choose the right shade. Agree, black eyebrows look quite comical in combination with hair of blond color.

If you have adopted tweezers, use the following recommendations. To reduce the painful shock from the plucking process, first apply a thermal mask on the skin, in the absence of such a small container with warm water will do. Heat the skin well. If you do not have a pronounced form, you can additionally make the outline with a pencil. The most painless plucking will take place if you stretch your skin a little, try to also grab each hair separately. So that it does not break, leaving a noticeable and hard-to-remove tail, begin to pull out at the very root.

A sufficiently long lasting effect can be achieved with the help of a cosmetic thread. It is very painful, but the result justifies itself. So, if you have thick and broad eyebrows, feel free to try. However, it is quite difficult to cope with it alone, because for each hair you will need to form a separate loop, with the help of tightening which you will get rid of unwanted vegetation on the eyebrow line.

Haircut can be quite painless, but very effective method of correcting the look of the eyebrows. Here we will talk about it in more detail.

Cut or not cut?

On this issue, there are many disputes and prejudices. We all know the superstition that hair grows thicker and tighter after a haircut. In relation to the eyebrows, this effect can hardly be considered positive, but it has long been proven that these two points are not interconnected. However, there are other factors that can cause doubts.

Firstly, the fact that you have invented a beautiful image does not mean at all that with the help of your manipulations it will certainly come true. You can get the most unpredictable result, and not always it will be positive. In addition, there is no guarantee that your hand will not tremble. In the end, you can not only get injured, albeit small, but also cut off much more than planned.

But this does not mean at all that you need to give up your intentions. After all, this way you will not make radical changes either in the natural line of the eyebrows or in their density. If you strictly follow all the rules of the process, you can achieve the perfect shape for the eyebrows. You can easily understand even how to cut your eyebrows at home.

How to cut

Great attention should also be paid to the tools that you will use for haircuts. There are several options to choose from. The most modern - use a trimmer with a special nozzle.

If new technologies do not suit you, you can purchase special scissors that prevent injury with a rounded nose and thin narrow blades. For their manufacture, as a rule, medical steel is used.

But the simplest and most affordable tool will, of course, be ordinary manicure scissors. Oh, they certainly will be in every home.

Of course, the choice is yours. However, it is worth warning newbies that a trimmer is contraindicated because with its help you can easily remain without an eyebrow, with or without a part of it.

In addition to the "tools", prepare a comb that you definitely need in the process. This can be either a special brush or a well-washed brush extracted from a mascara tube.

Action algorithm

Many are stopped by a simple ignorance of how to cut their eyebrows. In fact, the process itself is no big deal. Having decided on the form, do not rush to immediately take up the instrument - you first need to decide how long you have to part with. For this you need to circle the desired contour, then comb the hair with a brush up. Anything that goes beyond the delineated framework is superfluous.

Now go directly to the process. Here you need to be careful, because of how correctly we cut eyebrows, will depend on our appearance for several weeks in a row. So, having revealed the extra length, we try to cut it off with a scissors or trimmer with one movement. The same must be done with the lower bound. Having coped, you need to give the eyebrows a natural shape, putting them along the line of growth. That's it, now you can feel irresistible for a long time.


Eyebrow shaping can be done in different ways. Someone pulls out hairs with special cosmetic tweezers, others prefer depilation with wax or wax strips, the most daring carry out the correction with a thread. One of the less dangerous and traumatic skin methods can be called a haircut.

Usually, eyebrow correction girls prefer to spend in specialized salons. The master will not only choose the right shape for the appropriate type of person, but also carry out the procedure without serious consequences.

Correction should be carried out regularly, because too long grown hairs will look not only strange and inappropriate, but also sloppy.

But many representatives of the fair sex are concerned with one question - is it possible to arrange the eyebrows at home as beautifully as in the salon, what is needed for this and how to achieve the desired result.

Eyebrow cutting is the least painful method. Any girl can cut her eyebrows, special skills are not needed for this.

The main thing - accuracy and accuracy.

Necessity of the procedure

Haircut is suitable for those who have eyebrow hairs too long, thick and naughty.

On average, one eyebrow contains from five to six hundred hairs. Without proper care and correct correction, the hairs grow chaotically and in different directions. From this eyebrow looks overgrown and ugly.

First of all, you should decide on the desired shape and thickness. Should take into account the shape of the face.

When the oval shape of the face is better to avoid eyebrows with a clear sharp bend. It is better to arrange the brow arch in the form of a smooth line with a slightly elevated tip.

Chubby girls are well suited edge with a smooth break and a slight bend. Owners of square or rectangular face fit straight eyebrows without kinks and bends.

The most versatile and suitable for all types of faces are the eyebrows in the shape of an arc. A soft arc will soften sharp features and emphasize a gentle look.

It is important to arrange eyebrows symmetrically to each other. Symmetry is the key to success in the correction procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Brow cutting has many advantages. First of all, it is the accessibility and painlessness of the method. Plucking with special tweezers is often painful, and requires utmost care and concentration. Haircut does not cause such obvious discomfort to the skin.

Trimming doesn't take much time. On average, the procedure takes from 10 to 15 minutes. Only a quarter of an hour - and you look perfect.

Brow cutting implies the appearance of short hairs. This means that a woman will not have to bother with long hairs, constantly correct their position, fix it with gel or other means for styling eyebrows. Trimmed hairs fit perfectly and do not bristle. This will significantly reduce the amount of time spent on makeup.

Rapid hair regrowth is also a definite plus, because in case of an error (for example, incorrect design or excessively cut hairs), the hairs will quickly recover, and you can eliminate the drawback.

Haircut is a universal correction method, as it is suitable for both men and women.

Now at the peak of popularity are natural, natural eyebrows. And by cutting this shape is much easier.

However, this procedure has its drawbacks. You can not often overdo it with a haircut, otherwise the structure of the hair will be broken. With frequent mechanical action with scissors, the hairs will thicken, grow chaotically. Due to thickening, hair becomes stiff and difficult to style and color.

Although this method of correction is safe, there is still the risk of a cut when working with sharp scissors. Therefore, you should be extremely careful and do not rush during the correction.

Carefulness and careful adherence will save you from possible cuts and injuries.

Undoubtedly, in the salon you will make a professional eyebrows. But not all girls go to the salon for a haircut, because this procedure can be safely carried out at home.

In order to properly cut the eyebrows, you need to know a couple of tricks.

  • It is best to cut with small scissors. You can use nail scissors, because they are small and have a curved tip. With the help of a curved tip, it is easier to cut the hair to the root.
  • In the absence of a special eyebrow brush, you can use a simple comb or a well-washed mascara brush. If you want to use an old mascara brush, rinse it thoroughly with micellar water or eye makeup remover and dry it beforehand. This will wash the remains of the carcass off the brush, and help avoid the appearance of germs and various bacteria.
  • Be sure to disinfect the instruments and skin before the procedure. Suitable medical alcohol or chlorhexidine. Avoid contact with these eyes.
  • Trimming eyebrows at home should be in daylight. If there is no possibility to carry out the procedure in the afternoon, then it is worthwhile to take care of the presence of sufficient lighting in the dark. With poor lighting, there is a risk of incorrectly cutting eyebrows and breaking the symmetry of the arcs.

Consider the steps of eyebrow shaping. First of all, we determine the appropriate form. To do this, draw an approximate outline. Drawing a contour will facilitate a hairstyle, will help to avoid an error. You can use special stencils for drawing.

If difficulties arise in the design of the contour, you can make a "markup" eyebrows. To do this, use an ordinary pencil or pen. In front of the mirror, lean a pencil parallel to your face against your face. The tip of the pencil should be placed at the corner of the eye. This will be the start of your brow.

Move the pencil closer to the pupil of the eye. Its middle will become the “top of the arc” - a place where it is worth forming a bend.

Now you need to arrange the pencil so that its beginning is located at the wing of the nose, the middle crossed the outer corner of the eye. The place where the end of the pencil is located will become the place where the eyebrow arc ends.

In the second stage of the haircut, you should comb the hairs upwards. Those that protrude beyond the contour indicated in pencil should be cut no more than one or two mm above the contour line.

Next, the hairs should be combed downwards and cut protruding beyond the contour marking.

The rest of the hairs are combed along the growth line. Excessive “shoots” in browning space can also be cut with scissors or pulled out with tweezers.

Care Tips

How often you need to carry out the procedure haircut - a relatively controversial issue, and there is no exact answer to it. It all depends on the characteristics of a particular person. Experienced experts advise that the haircut should be carried out at least once every two weeks. During this time, a woman will grow new hairs.

With a combined eyebrow shaping (scissoring and using tweezers), first give your preference to a haircut. Tweezers hold the final adjustment - removal of unruly hairs that did not manage to cut.

Be extremely careful during the procedure, try not to be distracted by other things.

When cutting, you can use a trimmer or special scissors with a limiter.

With their help, you can process only those areas that need to be corrected.

Beautiful examples

Correctly decorated eyebrows will be the highlight of the whole image. Consider some examples.

For chubby girls Brovi fit with a characteristic fracture. Due to their correct shape, the face is visually drawn out. With this shape, the facial features are usually soft and smooth.

Owners of an oval face it should be noted that their face has an elongated shape. They should form long arched eyebrows. Unnecessarily shortened will visually "cut" the face.

If you square face, the main task is to smooth out the excessive geometry of the face, visually reduce its most prominent part - the jaw. Therefore, when shaping eyebrows, they need to be slightly rounded, to make the arc softer, without “corners” and abrupt transitions. It is important to note that with this shape of the face, very thin “strings” will not fit and will look out of place. The ideal option would be natural eyebrows of medium thickness.

Eyebrow shaping principle with a rectangular face the same as in the square, but with some differences. First, the brow should be longer, which will significantly help to narrow the face. Secondly, the bend should not be too high.

Is it possible to trim eyebrows - we weigh the pros and cons

Can I cut my eyebrows with scissors on my own or with a specialist? The advantages of this procedure are obvious and visible to the naked eye:

  • Short hairs do not bristle, their line does not have to be repaired throughout the day, they are easy to lay and look neat,
  • There is no risk of hair loss that is necessary for proper shape (as opposed to using tweezers). As a result, you can always change it,
  • The procedure is suitable for both women and men, because grooming now has no sexual restrictions,
  • Eyebrow cutting takes literally 10 minutes.

As for the shortcomings, there will not be too many of them:

  • There is a big risk that the result of the haircut will not match the image you invented,
  • Having made one mistake for any reason (a quivering arm, an incorrectly chosen shape, a tool that is not sharp enough), you will wait for a long time until your eyebrows grow (a month or one and a half),
  • Trimming eyebrows can cause you to prick or cut yourself.

What do you need for eyebrow cutting?

To perform the procedure at home, you need the following tools:

  • Professional scissors or manicure scissors with straight blades,
  • Special comb. Instead, you can use a small comb with short and very frequent teeth, or a brush from the mascara,
  • Light source.It is best to cut your eyebrows in daylight, but if you moved the procedure to the evening, make sure that the shadow falls on the lower part of the face. Otherwise, you risk breaking the symmetry of the arcs.

Tip! If you do not have a comb or brush, moisten the hair with water and lift it with your fingers. By the way, this method is also useful if unruly eyebrows do not want to keep shape even after combing.

Eyebrow Trimming - Instruction

Having decided to independently adjust the shape of the eyebrows with scissors, use our instructions.

Step 1. Disinfect the instrument with chlorhexidine or medical alcohol.

Step 2. Decide on the desired shape and draw it with a cosmetic pencil:

  • Sit in front of the mirror,
  • Attach the handle to the face, placing it perpendicular to the inner corner of the eye. This will be the beginning of the brow,
  • Move the handle so that it is in the middle of the pupil or 2-3 mm from the edge of the iris - so you find the perfect place to form a bend,
  • Attach the handle in the direction from the wings of the nose to the outer corner of the eye. This dot is the end of the arc.

Thanks to this sequence of actions, you can not only avoid blunders, but you will see in advance whether this or that form suits you.

Tip! Of course, modern fashion is quite democratic and does not impose too strict requirements on girls, but this does not cancel the basic rule - when choosing the shape of eyebrows, you must take into account the shape of the face and other features of your appearance.

Step 3. Determine how many millimeters you need to trim the length. Eyebrows after a haircut should keep their natural look and not seem too thin or too wide. It is also better to refuse disproportionately short or long arcs - they will only spoil you.

Step 4. Comb the hairs up.

Step 5. Carefully cut all that goes beyond the traced line, about 2 mm above the top line. This is the same principle as when you cut your bangs - when the hairs come back into place, they will be the same length.

Step 6. Now comb the eyebrows down and cut off what goes beyond the bottom line.

Step 7. Carefully comb the hairs in the direction of growth.

Step 8. Treat the area on the nose with tweezers.

Tip! To the arc were the same, they need to cut alternately. It is not necessary to cut completely one, but only then - the second.

Tips to help you correct and color your eyebrows:

How do men cut their eyebrows?

You can cut the eyebrows not only for the ladies, but also for the stronger sex. In this case, the procedure is reduced to an easy and barely noticeable correction of the outlines. It is enough to shorten only the most disobedient and protruding hairs that give the face a “Brezhnev expression”. If you are tuned to more thorough processing, do everything exactly as described above. The only caveat - hairs need to be combed only in one direction.

As for tools, at home instead of nail scissors it is better to use a beard trimmer. It is ideal for thick male eyebrows. In extreme cases, cut off too long hairs with a machine. The main thing is to choose the nozzle of the desired length.

How often do I need to cut my eyebrows?

The frequency of brow browning depends on the individual characteristics, that is, the speed of hair growth. In some, they grow back after 2 weeks, while others only need to carry out the correction once every 2-3 months. Of great importance and time of year. For example, in winter, body hair does not grow so actively, which also greatly affects the frequency of correction.

And the last important factor is the female color type. Dark brows, characteristic of the southern appearance, require more frequent sessions (every 2 weeks), while blond and red hairs will grow more slowly (they need only 1 haircut in 1-1,5 months).

Some more tips

To understand how to cut the eyebrows correctly, take a note of a few more useful recommendations:

  • If you plan to perform a complete eyebrow correction (haircut + plucking), then first trim, and only then pick up tweezers,
  • Do not rush during work - act carefully, your hand must be firm and confident
  • Do not cut too much, otherwise the hairs will bristle,
  • Do I need to cut the eyebrows along the entire length? It is not necessary to do this at all - it is enough to shorten the most problematic areas,
  • Do not believe that the hairs after shearing become bushy and tough. You'll see, they still grow to the length, which is laid in the bulb.

See also: Correction and coloring of eyebrows independently (video)

Is it possible and necessary to cut eyebrows

The question of whether it is possible and necessary to cut eyebrows should be answered positively. First of all, such a procedure will be required by representatives of the fair sex, in whom:

  • hairs are long enough
  • hard and thick eyebrows
  • unruly hairs that cannot be laid even with special gels.

Determine the need for a haircut can be very simple: brush your eyebrows with a brush. To do this, you can use a clean brush from the old carcass, the main thing is to thoroughly wash it. Point hair up. If there are sticking tails, then haircut is needed.

A very common misconception that many girls believe: the hairs after such a procedure become more rigid, grow faster and eventually become like bristles. In fact, it is not. It should be noted that the individual characteristics of a person influence the thickness, growth and length of hair, no external factors can do anything with them. Problems can only begin when exposed to the bulbs, but this does not happen when sheared.

Eyebrow cutting experts recommend doing once a month: during this time, the hairs begin to lengthen. But if you notice the need to repeat the procedure earlier, you should conduct it in order not to spoil the appearance. It is worth noting that beginners often cut off excess hair, as a result of which the eyebrows do not look very beautiful and resemble coarse bristles in appearance. The same can happen because of the rush, so allocate enough free time. Carry out the procedure in a quiet room, where you will not be disturbed by anything. As cutting is necessary to be distracted, look at the result from different sides.

Eyebrows "before" and "after" haircuts are radically different

Important! If you have never done eyebrow correction before, then for the first time it is better to go to the salon master. In the future, you will only need to correct the finished form as the hair grows.

Eyebrow scissors

For the first version of eyebrow hairstyle you will need professional scissors. This tool has one very important difference from manicure: their blades are narrower and their tips are rounded. These scissors are safe and very comfortable. You can buy them in almost every cosmetic store. Also for the procedure you need to prepare the following devices and materials:

  1. Alcohol medical. It is necessary for disinfection of all devices with which you will work. If you were unable to purchase alcohol, tinctures based on it will be an excellent replacement. You can also buy a special tool that is designed specifically for disinfection.
  2. Eyebrow brush. This device is necessary for combing hair up and determining the amount of excess length.
  3. Pencil for drawing a contour. It is usually available in white. You draw the borders with them in advance so that you do not accidentally cut off the excess.

Scissors - the most popular tool for eyebrow cutting

Before starting the procedure, make sure that everything you need is available. So, so that the result pleasantly surprised you, you should get acquainted with the detailed instructions:

  1. First you need to sanitize all items. We moisten a cotton pad in alcohol and wipe the scissors and eyebrow brush.
  2. The second step: drawing the shape of the eyebrows. Even if the extra hairs are already plucked and you just have to mow them, you need to mark the contour. This simple manipulation will not confuse during the procedure.
  3. Eyebrow brush to lift all the hairs up. Cut eyebrows should be in reverse growth direction of the hairs. The scissors blade should be parallel to the pencil line.
  4. Then the hairs are combing down. Most often at this stage nothing sticks out, so the need for a haircut does not arise. If the hairs look out from the border drawn in pencil, do the same as with the top edge.
  5. Finally, comb your eyebrows in different directions again: if the hairs do not look, then the procedure can be considered complete. Before going out on the street, they can be laid with a special gel.

Important! Work only with good lighting. Otherwise, the risk of cutting off the excess is too high. Also, due to the lack of light, you can make a curve line and not notice it. As a result, these eyebrows will look sloppy and sloppy. In cloudy weather, as well as in the dark time of day, to achieve a good result, high-quality lighting is essential.

Use trimmer

Another common method of eyebrow cutting is with a trimmer. This is a special machine with nozzles, which allows you to quickly and easily adjust the length of the hairs. The device has an oblong shape, blades are located at its end. Most often, the manufacturer produces several nozzles at once for one trimmer and puts them in the kit. With their help, you can easily align the length of the hairs.

Eyebrow trimmer is convenient and compact.

The tools for trimming eyebrows with a trimmer are the same as for scissors: a brush, disinfecting alcohol and a pencil to draw a contour. All steps also coincide: disinfection of devices, drawing a contour. It differs only the device for cutting. Trimmer - the device is simple. But still, before using it, be sure to read the instructions.

The process of working with a trimmer step by step:

  1. The desired attachment is installed on the device.
  2. Then you need to bring the trimmer to the hairs, combed up. Movements to do against the growth of eyebrows: from their outer edges to the inner.
  3. Do the same with the hairs that stick out below. If you combed them, but nothing looks, you can consider the procedure completed.

That's how easy it is to trim the eyebrows with a trimmer. It is important not to make sharp movements and not to press hard on the skin.

Video: eyebrow haircut example at home

Eyebrow cutting at home is a very simple procedure that will give your hair a neat look and will save money in the budget. If you follow all the tips and recommendations, the result will pleasantly surprise you. Be healthy and beautiful!

Required Tools

Before you cut your eyebrows yourself, you should study their natural bend and shape, stock up on the necessary tools. There are several ways to make perfect eyebrows. The most popular are haircut trimmer, plucking with tweezers or medical tweezers. If the eyebrow trimmer is mainly used by men, then practically every girl has tweezers at home.

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It is necessary to prepare in advance to choose:

  • Eyebrow Tweezers. It is convenient to them to pinch long hairs, adjusting the bend or shape. Correction of thick eyebrows takes about 10-15 minutes. It is more convenient to use metal tweezers, however plastic less injure the skin. Pulling out hairs should be after shearing, when the edges have taken the desired shape and need only a small correction. The bangs at this time clean barrettes, so as not to interfere.
  • Eyebrow trimmer. This device is necessary if correcting the situation can only brow cut. It should be used carefully, because one wrong movement of the hand can remove a lot of hairs. The most convenient way to use the device with a nozzle, which regulate the necessary length of hairs for home grooming. It is not necessary to constantly cut the eyebrows with a trimmer, you can use the usual nail scissors.
  • Special tweezers for eyebrows. They look like nail scissors, easy to use. Many masters of salons use this tool during the correction.
  • Round table mirror with a magnifying effect. It is necessary to pinch and cut eyebrows in good light, smoothing them with wax, a colorless gel. It is advisable to have a desk lamp nearby so that the light falls on the forehead.
  • A small comb or a brush for smoothing hair. You can replace it with cotton pads, carefully running them along the growth line.

Scissors or eyebrow tweezers should be disinfected with alcohol before each use, then rinsed thoroughly. Pinching and cutting eyebrows with other people's tools is not recommended. If, after plucking, the skin turns red, it becomes painful, it should be powdered with talcum powder, smeared with nourishing cream. Talc closes the enlarged pores, prevent the formation of inflammatory processes in the hair follicles.

Rules for cutting and tweezers

To properly trim the thick edges, you must first comb them. If there is no brush, cotton pads or your own fingers will do. You can fix the form with wax or colorless gel. After drying of the modeling composition, it is necessary to check again whether the hairs are lying correctly. Only after that the haircut procedure begins. Correction should be done in a calm environment, eliminating all distractions and loud sounds.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. After combing look, what hairs stand for the growth line and stick out in different directions. If there are a lot of them, use eyebrow trimmer. Carefully lead the device along the intended line, adhering to the chosen form. It is better to take the time and act slowly to cut the edges smoothly and beautifully.
  2. When trimming your eyebrows with a trimmer or scissors is finished, brush them again. Check for irregularities, sharp lines. Adjust the shape with tweezers, removing individual hairs along the top and bottom edges. Eyebrow tweezers need to be held correctly so that it is convenient to pinch the hairs with one hand.

For those who are looking for ways to make eyebrows thicker, plucking tweezers will do. Haircut eyebrow scissors only removes the length, making the hairs shorter, neater-looking. Before cutting, it is advisable to wash the brow with shampoo, smear it with chamomile or nettle to make it soft. Apply a fat cream should not be, otherwise the scissors will slide over the skin. This can lead to accidental cuts.

If you pinch or cut eyebrows is difficult because of the light shade, you should tint them with a cosmetic pencil. This will help to adhere to the desired shape, properly hold the line from the nose to the temples. Some people buy backlit eyebrow tweezers to remove all hairs, even the most inconspicuous.

To trim the long edges correctly, you must first examine the shape of the face, the direction of hair growth. Too thin line will look vulgar, hairs fused at the bridge of the nose will give the face a gloomy and serious expression. Cut eyebrows or pinch depends on their thickness, color, natural shape.

Some important rules:

  • Eyebrow tweezers are best used with certain skills. If there is no experience of plucking, you can remove excess hair.
  • Eyebrow trimmer should be with a special nozzle.It will help to change the shape of an exact movement of the hand, to adjust the shape of the bend.
  • Manicure scissors for cutting should be bought small, with short flat blades.
  • Use the trimmer should not more than once a month. Pinching hairs with tweezers is recommended every 3-4 weeks as they grow.
  • If the hairs are cut too short, they will bristle, stick in different directions. This can not be allowed, otherwise it will not be possible to give a beautiful form even with a gel with a strong modeling effect.
  • Some girls use razor blades, shaving off hairs along the top and bottom edges. It is strictly forbidden to do this, besides after 4-5 days dark bristles will appear on this place. It will look strange and ugly.

There is only one way to thicken the eyebrows when plucking them improperly is to use a pencil. Masking bald spots need thin strokes in the direction of growth from the nose to the temples. The hairs grow for a long time, about 3-4 weeks, so they should be removed with precise movements. Neither loud noises, nor excitement or trembling of hands should distract from the procedure.

The vagaries of fashion or the need?

Photo - before and after the complex correction (haircut, plucking, painting)

Not so long ago thin eyebrows and threads were relevant, then they changed their natural forms, and after that, broad, expressive arcs appeared at the top of popularity. However, regardless of thickness and size, a well-groomed appearance has always been valued, which is almost impossible to achieve without cutting off excessively long hairs.

Does everyone need this procedure?

It is possible to give an unambiguously positive answer to the question of whether you need to cut your eyebrows if:

  • combing up hairs, you see that they go far beyond the growth line,
  • eyebrows do not take the necessary shape and can not be styled,
  • hairs grow incorrectly, for example, down.

Eyebrows can be cut and a man. True, the stronger sex is usually with disbelief with this procedure. In order to get the desired result, try not to get carried away, but only remove the longest hairs that spoil the shape.

Correction of eyebrows in men: photo before and after

Note! It is better to refuse a hairstyle if hairs in a vertical position barely extend beyond the growth line. Too short eyebrows resemble stubble and look unnatural.

What will happen after?

Many refuse the procedure, believing that it will cause active growth of hairs. This is not true. The shape, size and thickness of the eyebrows are genetically determined, and therefore will be constant throughout life. Haircut can accelerate the growth of hair, but only to a certain length.

As a rule, the shape of eyebrows changes in old age due to hormonal disturbances. The arcs become thinner or, conversely, become thicker. In the second case, look after the elderly relative - carefully cut his eyebrows at home.

How to cut?

So, having prepared the tool, you can proceed directly to the procedure.

If you do not know how to cut your eyebrows at home, step by step instructions will have to be very helpful:

  1. Choose a place. It should be well lit, the shadow falling on the face is not permissible. As eyebrow correction takes some time, make sure that you are comfortable to sit or stand.

We remove hair from a forehead, we prepare a mirror and good lighting.

  1. Clean hair from makeup, particles of fat and sweat. You can use makeup remover. Do not apply the cream - it will make them slippery.
  2. Outline the form. To do this, you can use any cosmetic pencil.
  3. Comb the hairs up and cut those that go beyond the marked line.
  4. Do the same with the bottom contour.
  5. Comb the hairs in the direction of their natural growth.

Trimming eyebrows is done before plucking - when the hairs get the required length, it will be clearer which ones should be removed and which ones should be left.

How beautiful to cut eyebrows, if at hand is not a pencil and brush? Just lift the hairs with your finger, putting it along the growth line. The tips that look, cut.

Useful tips from professional craftsmen:

  • perform correction no more than 3 times a week,
  • make sure not to cut too short, because hair growth takes up to 8 weeks,
  • to make your eyebrows symmetrical, make them one by one,
  • it is not necessary to cut all the hairs - sometimes it is enough to cut only the longest and most naughty ones.

Convenient to raise hair with brushing or brushing from used mascara

What is the optimal length?

If you do not want your eyebrows to become a stiff brush, do not make them too short. The hairs at the base (on the bridge of the nose) are usually tough and naughty. They can be cut along a drawn contour or growth line, combed up / down.

The rest is better to cut "with a stock." Lift the hairs and cut them so that they go beyond the growth line by 1.5-2 mm. Such eyebrows look more natural, and laying them much easier.

Note! If you use scissors, they should be held against the growth of hairs. In this case, the line cut will not be evident.

The lines on which to navigate when self-cutting

What should be eyebrows?

The form is individual for everyone. Someone fit thin eyebrows, others prefer the thickness and expressiveness.

If we talk about classical standards, the following rules apply:

  • the width of the base is the third or half of the iris of the eye,
  • kink is in the middle of the pupil or at a distance of 2-3 mm from the outer edge of the iris,
  • "Tail" is located at the base level, not lower.

It will be easier to draw the correct form according to this scheme.


So, now you know how to cut your eyebrows with your own hands. Take your time, perform all movements with a confident hand, and you will succeed. After a few procedures, you will cut long hairs with professional dexterity.

You will learn more information on this topic from the video in this article. And all your questions and comments leave in the comments.

Most cosmetic procedures at home require careful adherence to certain rules. Your health depends on it. Before you cut your eyebrows should be prepared haircut tool. It can be:

  1. Conventional nail scissors with straight blades,
  2. Special scissors for eyebrow cutting. Make them from medical steel. As a rule, these scissors have narrow blades and a rounded nose that protects the face from damage,
  3. Eyebrow trimmer - a device used for point haircuts. The trimmer blade should be made of titanium or safe medical steel.

It is clear that everyone must decide for himself what tool for him personally to use will be the best. The only advice is: if you are a beginner and do not know how to cut your eyebrows properly, do not use a trimmer - one wrong move, and you can stay with a bald patch or no eyebrow at all.

In addition to the tool for cutting should prepare a comb for hairs. On sale you can find special comb for eyebrows. And yet, most women came to the conclusion that the best brush for hair would be a round brush - a carefully washed regular brush from under the carcass. Less popular options are baby comb and comb with fine teeth.

Before starting the procedure, disinfect the instrument with alcohol.

Pay attention to the lighting of the place where you will be cutting. Light is desirable scattered, and in the mirror image on your face should not be a shadow.

How to cut eyebrows?

If you are still wondering can I cut my eyebrows at home, we will answer you - you can, just follow these guidelines:

  1. Carefully comb the brows up,
  2. Using scissors or a trimmer, carefully trim all the hairs that extend beyond the outline of the eyebrow,
  3. Carefully comb the brows down,
  4. Using scissors or a trimmer, trim all long hairs that are beyond the lower limits of the eyebrow outline gently,
  5. Comb eyebrow hairs in the direction of their natural growth.

You do not know how to cut eyebrows, because you do not have a special comb? You can do without it. Just slide your hair up and up against growth. Hold your finger so that its outer edge coincides with the upper line of the eyebrows. Cut all the hairs protruding from under the finger. After that, release your finger and smooth the hairs on growth. Repeat the procedure again to fix the result.

In the West, eyebrow cutting at the nose is now in vogue. In this place the eyebrows are cut very shortly, the rest of the hairs are corrected only with tweezers, removing extra ones. The most striking examples of such a haircut can be seen in the famous actress Megan Fox and "Second Vice-Miss Russia" Alena Shishkova. If you decide on such an image, be prepared for the fact that every week you will have to adjust the shape and cut off the loose hair on the bridge of the nose.

Do men need to cut their eyebrows? To answer, look in the mirror: if your eyebrows stick out in different directions and climb into your eyes - remove. Below in detail we answer the question.

Some men will not be superfluous to pay attention to their eyebrows. Bushy, with sticking out in different directions hairs - this is not a sign of brutality, as it may seem at first glance. In order to cut a man’s eyebrows, only one rule must be observed - we remove only long and tough hairs, no shape a la “unisex”. And: dear women, do not be afraid to offer brows to your elderly relatives - dad or grandfather. With age, hairs have properties to grow very strongly. Make your loved ones beautiful!

Secrets and some nuances of haircuts:

  1. If you are engaged in the design of the shape of your eyebrows from scratch, then remember: first cut the hair and only then begin to remove (pull out) the extra hair,
  2. Shave slowly, with a confident hand. Excessive rush in such jewelry is not appropriate,
  3. Remember that cropped hairs grow very long - up to 8 weeks. This once again proves that the procedure must be done very carefully and slowly,
  4. Do not cut the hairs too much, otherwise they will bristle,
  5. Hair length correction should be carried out no more than once every 3 weeks,
  6. It is not necessary to cut the eyebrow along the entire length, you can only trim a couple of too long and unruly hairs,
  7. Do not believe the sayings like: "After a haircut, eyebrows become stiff and begin to bush." During the life of the hairs grow to the length that is laid in the hair follicles. Only in old age, the eyebrow hairs either fall out or, on the contrary, grow long and naughty, but this is already a problem in the hormonal reorganization of the body, but not the fault of the trimmer or scissors.

Do I need to cut my eyebrows?

Still not sure if you need to cut your eyebrows or leave it as it is? We will not assure you of either. Just read all the pros and cons of this procedure at home.

pros eyebrow haircuts:

  1. The first advantage of the haircut is that the eyebrow does not lose its natural density, its natural line does not change,
  2. You do not risk removing the hairs that are necessary for the correct shape of the eyebrow, as you risk doing this when plucking,
  3. Observing all the rules of haircuts, you can easily give your eyebrows the perfect shape,
  4. Trimming an eyebrow at home, you save money that could be spent on a specialist.

Minuses Eyebrow haircuts at home:

  1. Big risks: the result of the haircut may not match the image you invented,
  2. For some reason: a hand has trembled, a non-sharp instrument, an improperly thought-out form — you can make silly mistakes. In any case, you will have to pay dearly for the mistake - to wait until the hairs grow, daily painting on the bald spots with a pencil,
  3. Trimming eyebrows is easy to hurt. For example, having heard a sharp sound or excessively worrying, the hand may flinch and injure the delicate skin with a sharp tip of scissors.

Do not be afraid to work on your appearance, the reward for this work will be admiring glances of men and envy in the eyes of women. Good luck to you!

A beautiful and deep look has always been considered the highlight of feminine beauty. But to achieve this effect is simply impossible without beautifully defined eyebrows. But, unfortunately, we are all not perfect, and to boast by nature flawless eyebrows and is completely given to few. In such a situation, the only way out is correction.

The choice of the most suitable form is not an easy one, but any master in a beauty salon can easily cope with it. He will certainly be able to tell you how to change the shape of the eyebrows, so that they emphasize your image to the maximum. If you decide to cope on your own, be careful, because fashion is now not only natural, but also moderation.

Eyebrow shape correction. Main ways

For a start, it is worth deciding how we will adjust. If there is no urgent need for radical changes, you can simply draw the shape with a special pencil or use washable paint. The main thing in this case is to choose the right shade. Agree, black eyebrows look quite comical in combination with hair of blond color.

If you have adopted tweezers, use the following recommendations. To reduce the painful shock from the plucking process, first apply a thermal mask on the skin, in the absence of such a small container with warm water will do. Heat the skin well. If you do not have a pronounced form, you can additionally make the outline with a pencil. The most painless plucking will take place if you stretch your skin a little, try to also grab each hair separately. So that it does not break, leaving a noticeable and hard-to-remove tail, begin to pull out at the very root.

A sufficiently long lasting effect can be achieved with the help of a cosmetic thread. It is very painful, but the result justifies itself. So, if you have thick and broad eyebrows, feel free to try. However, it is quite difficult to cope with it alone, because for each hair you will need to form a separate loop, with the help of tightening which you will get rid of unwanted vegetation on the eyebrow line.

Haircut can be quite painless, but very effective method of correcting the look of the eyebrows. Here we will talk about it in more detail.

Cut or not cut?

On this issue, there are many disputes and prejudices. We all know the superstition that hair grows thicker and tighter after a haircut. In relation to the eyebrows, this effect can hardly be considered positive, but it has long been proven that these two points are not interconnected. However, there are other factors that can cause doubts.

Firstly, the fact that you have invented a beautiful image does not mean at all that with the help of your manipulations it will certainly come true. You can get the most unpredictable result, and not always it will be positive. In addition, there is no guarantee that your hand will not tremble. In the end, you can not only get injured, albeit small, but also cut off much more than planned.

But this does not mean at all that you need to give up your intentions. After all, this way you will not make radical changes either in the natural line of the eyebrows or in their density. If you strictly follow all the rules of the process, you can achieve the perfect shape for the eyebrows. You can easily understand even how to cut your eyebrows at home.

Great attention should also be paid to the tools that you will use for haircuts. There are several options to choose from. The most modern - use a trimmer with a special nozzle.

If new technologies do not suit you, you can purchase special scissors that prevent injury with a rounded nose and thin narrow blades. For their manufacture, as a rule, medical steel is used.

But the simplest and most affordable tool will, of course, be ordinary manicure scissors. Oh, they certainly will be in every home.

Of course, the choice is yours. However, it is worth warning newbies that a trimmer is contraindicated because with its help you can easily remain without an eyebrow, with or without a part of it.

In addition to the "tools", prepare a comb that you definitely need in the process. This can be either a special brush or a well-washed brush extracted from a mascara tube.

Many are stopped by a simple ignorance of how to cut their eyebrows. In fact, the process itself is no big deal. Having decided on the form, do not rush to immediately take up the instrument - you first need to decide how long you have to part with. For this you need to circle the desired contour, then comb the hair with a brush up. Anything that goes beyond the delineated framework is superfluous.

Now go directly to the process. Here you need to be careful, because of how correctly we cut eyebrows, will depend on our appearance for several weeks in a row. So, having revealed the extra length, we try to cut it off with a scissors or trimmer with one movement. The same must be done with the lower bound. Having coped, you need to give the eyebrows a natural shape, putting them along the line of growth. That's it, now you can feel irresistible for a long time.

3 methods: How to cut hair with scissors How to pull out eyebrows How to cut hair with eyebrow trimmer

Care for the eyebrows is not only to maintain their shape. Watching the eyebrows means removing the unnecessary hairs that grow outside the main eyebrow line. If some hairs are noticeably longer than the rest, they need to be trimmed. After that, you need to pull out excess hairs that extend beyond the front and rear ends of the eyebrow, as well as hairs that are below and above the main line of the eyebrows. To do this, you can use the electric trimmer, with which you can thin out too thick eyebrows and shorten hairs.

Method 1 How to cut hair with scissors

  1. Take a hot shower or just wash your face with hot water.

Hot water will open the pores and soften the hairs that are about to fall out. As usual, take a shower or simply wipe your eyebrows with a damp cloth moistened with hot water, press it to your eyebrows for 2-3 minutes.

  • If the gauze or cloth is quickly cooled, soak it again with hot water.
  • If you have little time, you can skip this step. But if there is time, it is better to do it, as already described above, this will simplify the procedure.
  • Comb the hairs on the eyebrows with a special brush or a comb with small frequent teeth.

    You can take a special brush-comb for eyebrows (or just a clean toothbrush) and comb the hairs, sending them up. Start from the edge that is closer to the nose, move to the outer edge of the eyebrow. In addition, the brush will need to hold the hairs in the desired position when you start to cut them.

    • In extreme cases, you can hold the hairs with your finger to give them the desired position and bend upwards. But the eyebrow brush falls between the hairs, so it is more effective.
  • Cut the hairs with an eyebrow trimmer or nail scissors.

    Look at the eyebrows and think which hairs are longer than the rest. Start at the outer end of the eyebrow, trim the hairs along the top edge of the eyebrow.

    • It is recommended to use a special eyebrow trimmer or nail scissors, because they have a more pointed and thin blade tip than regular scissors. Never cut your eyebrows with kitchen or stationery scissors!

    Now, comb the hairs, directing them down, and trim again. As a final check on the total length of the hair, you can brush the hair down. Check to see if there are any long hairs that stand out. If these remain, gently trim them so that they coincide in length with the lower edge of the eyebrow.

    Method 2 How to Pluck the Eyebrows

    To pull out hairs need at the root. Plucking is a painful process, so you should keep this in mind before starting the procedure. If you grab a hair in the middle with tweezers and not at the root, then with a sharp movement you will only break and tear it, and not remove it. Be careful not to start plucking the eyebrows from those hairs that form the edges of the eyebrows. If you start with them, it is quite possible, accidentally remove more hairs than planned - it will ruin the shape of the eyebrows.

    Take tweezers and remove excess hairs from the outer end of the eyebrow.

    Using a comb or eyebrow brush, lift the hairs up slightly and towards the temples, as they usually grow. Remove hairs that start above the baseline of the eyebrows. Tweak only single hairs that grow separately from the main eyebrow line.

    Remove hairs that grow between the eyebrows.

    If you have a lot of hair between the eyebrows, you can pull out them. Start plucking from the very center, gradually moving first to the edge of one eyebrow, and then to the edge of the other eyebrow. The number of hairs to pull out depends only on your preferences. But usually less is better than more.

    • Use your finger to determine how far apart the eyebrows should be. Place the thumb directly between the eyebrows and remove the hairs that are located under the thumb.
    • If you remove too many hairs - it will ruin the shape of the eyebrows, it will become more thin. Usually guys don't like thin eyebrows.
  • Remove excess hairs that grow above and below the main line of the eyebrow.

    Using tweezers, locate hairs that start well above the top of the brow. Remove these single hairs. Find hairs that grow well below the lower edge of the eyebrow (closer to the eyelid). Remove them.

    Method 3 How to Cut Hair with Eyebrow Trimmer

    1. Grab a beard or eyebrow trimmer.

    If you are going to purchase such a device, it is better to buy an electric trimmer, specially designed for the correction of eyebrows. But if you have a beard trimmer, you can use it. It is not recommended to use a hair clipper, because it is too wide blade, which will not be too accurate when cutting eyebrows.

    • It is worth using an electric trimmer only if you have very thick eyebrows that need to be thinned and trimmed.
    • Electric trimmer must be used very carefully, because its blade is not very accurate - you do not want to overdo it and remove too many hairs.
    • A nose trimmer is also great because it has a narrower blade.
  • Comb the hairs with a special comb with fine teeth.

    The essence of using an electric trimmer is that you can thin the brow and reduce the length of the hairs - so you first need to comb and evenly lay the hairs. Run the comb through the hairs, as soon as you reach the desired length of hairs, fix the comb (or brush) in one place.

    • You can make the selected length of hairs a millimeter longer — you can repeat the procedure later.
    • It is better to cut less than the desired length and then repeat the procedure, than to cut off too much at once.
  • Start the electric trimmer, focusing on the length of the hairs and the position of the comb.

    Turn on the trimmer and press the comb to the edge of the eyebrow. Gently move the trimmer along the comb, trimming the hairs.

    • It is important to fix both hands well in order not to cut off more hairs than necessary.
  • The essence of the procedure

    Eyebrow hairstyle is needed to create the perfect look. It is thanks to the eyebrows that the face becomes expressive and bright - which means that their grooming and beautiful form play an important role. If the hairs of the eyebrows are too long, if they are sloppy and ugly stick out in different directions and are completely indestructible - only with the help of a neat haircut you can cope with them.


    Too frequent carrying out of this procedure can lead to the fact that the hairs of the eyebrows will become more rigid and begin to grow more intensively.

    The remaining drawbacks are for the most part only for self-brow browning:

    • great care is required since the sharp ends of the scissors can cut,
    • it is likely that the result obtained, due to the inexperience of the person who cuts the eyebrow, will differ significantly from the plan,
    • there is a risk of making a gross mistake when cutting, which will require a lot of time and some effort to correct - for example, permanent tinting of the eyebrows, waiting for the sheared to grow back.

    How often do I need to cut my eyebrows?

    The frequency of brow browning is determined individually and depends on several factors.

    First of all, on hair growth rate. Someone has to repeat this procedure in two weeks, while others only need to cut their eyebrows every two or even three months.

    Secondly, from time of year. In winter, the growth rate of body hair slows down, and this significantly affects the frequency of repetition of the procedure.

    Thirdly, from female color type. Brunettes will have to cut eyebrows once every 2 weeks, blondes and brown-haired women, due to the fact that their hairs will grow more slowly, can perform this procedure once a month or less.

    How and what to cut your eyebrows?

    A trimmer is a special device that makes it possible to produce a point haircut.

    When choosing a trimmer, first of all, pay attention to the material from which the blade is made. It is best to choose those that are made of medical steel or of titanium.

    Trimmers are male and female. For haircuts eyebrows are more suitable for women, since they are usually attached to a large range of nozzles, allowing you to create the perfect eyebrows. Of these, recommended are special attachments for eyebrow correction (3-8 mm long) and attachments that allow the hairs to be the same length.

    Two scissors options are suitable:

    • simple nail scissors with straight blades,
    • special scissors for cutting eyebrows. They have narrow blades and a rounded tip, which avoids damage to the skin during the haircut.

    Preparation for the procedure

    1. You should prepare a place for haircuts. It should be well lit, the light should be bright enough, but at the same time diffused, and not to leave shadows on the face. It is better to do a haircut in the daytime.
    2. It is necessary to carefully examine the eyebrows, determine how much hair should be shortened and what shape the eyebrows will be.
    3. The face is required to remove makeup.
    4. With the help of medical alcohol, chlorhexidine or other means it is necessary to disinfect all instruments.

    Technology eyebrow haircut at home

    1. Brush or comb for eyebrows comb hairs and comb them up.
    2. Scissors or trimmer cut those hairs that protrude beyond the contour of the eyebrow from above.
    3. All the same brush or comb, all the hairs combed down.
    4. The hairs that project beyond the contour are trimmed again, but from the bottom.
    5. Eyebrows are placed in the opposite direction of their growth, the result is studied. If some hairs seem too knocked out of the general form - they should also be trimmed.
    6. Eyebrow hairs are finally laid out, their symmetry is studied.

    The video tells about one of the eyebrow clipping methods and some rules to follow.

    Tips and tricks

    • If tweezers are also necessary for eyebrow correction, you should first use it and remove all excess hair, and then cut all the rest.
    • During the haircut eyebrows should not be in a hurry to avoid a mistake. Eyebrows grow slowly, because you have to walk for a long time with unevenly cut eyebrows.
    • It is better to leave the hairs a little longer than overdo it and over-shorten them.
    • You should not cut your eyebrows too often - just cut it every 2-3 weeks.
    • It is permissible to cut only separate parts of the eyebrows or even just individual hairs that are knocked out of the general shape and do not fit well.

    Approximate cost in salons

    50-100 rubles depending on the cabin. Also it is worth considering that, in addition to a haircut, you may need eyebrow correction in other ways.

    Eyebrow hairstyle is a fairly simple and safe procedure that can easily make any eyebrows more beautiful and well-groomed, without any contraindications and unpleasant consequences. It requires only accuracy and a clear idea of ​​the desired result.


    Watch the video: HOW TO GROOM + SHAPE YOUR EYEBROWS! super easy (June 2024).