
Oily hair shampoos


Healing shampoos for oily hair will help to normalize the production of sebum, eliminate dandruff and itching. There are different types of medical shampoos that wash hair from sebum well.

Those with oily hair are looking for a means that would help normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and facilitate the care of the scalp. The Russian and foreign cosmetology industry offers a variety of medical shampoos that allow to solve the problem of high-quality washing oily hair while providing a therapeutic effect.

Shampoos made from natural ingredients

Shampoos made from natural ingredients, or, as they are also called, “organic”, are the best choice for nourishing, moisturizing, revitalizing the scalp and hair. But in the application of these cosmetics there is an important feature that you need to be aware of: they give a pronounced positive result only when used correctly.

After the first procedures, the hair gain pomp and silkiness, and with constant shampooing with organic shampoo, they become dull and brittle.

Therefore, the correct approach to the use of these shampoos is to alternate with other detergent cosmetics.

Rules for choosing a natural shampoo:

  • shelf life should not exceed 1 year,
  • The composition should not contain the following substances: sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG, SLS, DMDN Hydantion, Ceteareth, Fragrance.

Manufacturers of natural shampoos for oily hair whose products can be trusted:

One of best inexpensive natural shampoos - from the company Natura Siberica. The manufacturer offers three series of detergent cosmetics:

  • Natura Kamchatka.
  • Tuva Siberica.
  • Flora Siberica.

In each of them there are remedies for the treatment of oily scalp, including for dyed and damaged hair. There are no contraindications to the use of natural cosmetics. But when applying it, you should be aware of the need to alternate with other shampoos.

Medical shampoos with zinc

Shampoos with zinc have a pronounced therapeutic effect, as they are able to have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, drying effects. In addition to the main active ingredient, the composition of the cosmetic preparation may include extracts of various plants, oils, extracts, birch tar.

When choosing it is important to pay attention to the concentration of zinc perition (Zinc-Pyrion). The optimal values ​​are 0.5-1% of the total volume of the cosmetic product.

Shampoos with zinc are used to treat oily seborrhea. more than 30 years. During this time, many studies have been conducted proving the benefits and safety of these cosmetic preparations. The most popular and effective are the following:

  • "Friederm zinc".
  • "Liberderm zinc".
  • Keto Plus.
  • "Zinc + birch tar".
  • "Ketoconazole + Zink2 +."

There are common to all the listed shampoos terms of use:

  • wash your hair with their use 2 times a week (maximum - 3 times),
  • after applying and foaming, leave on the head for 3-5 minutes,
  • rinse under warm running water.

Burdock Shampoo

For normalization of the sebaceous glands of the scalp useful shampoos with burdock oil. With increased oily skin often develop dandruff, hair loss increases. In this case it is necessary to use detergent cosmetics, which include burdock oil. It stimulates hair growth, has a soothing, anti-inflammatory, stimulating blood circulation, action.

Shampoo "Aromatics", which includes burdock oil, suitable for any type of hair. In addition to this main component, the product contains oils of juniper, alpine pine, silk proteins. The shampoo is distinguished by good foaming, qualitatively washes the hair and scalp from the fatty film.

Excellent reviews about "Traditional Siberian shampoo number 3 on burdock propolis ". Consumers note the ease of use of this cosmetic product due to the existing cover-dispenser. The composition includes the extract of juniper, chamomile, sage, honey, resin, willow buds.

Shampoo "911 Burdock" It has a rich composition, including extracts of avocado, apricot, rosemary, horsetail, burdock oil. This cosmetic stimulates the renewal of skin cells, has anti-inflammatory, exfoliating, firming effect. Before use, you must carefully review the composition and make sure that there is no allergy to any of the components.

Curative shampoos with clay

Shampoos with clay are able to quickly eliminate the effect of oily hair by providing a drying effect. These cosmetics wash off sebum well, give hair pomp and volume. Among the best drugs of this line - shampoo Le Petit Marseillais «White Clay and Jasmine". The preparation contains clay, sunflower oil, ph-regulator, antifungal components. This shampoo is recommended for those who have oily hair along the entire length and at the roots.

The title lists all the main components of this cosmetic. Before use, shampoo with clay is recommended to shake, as its particles settle to the bottom. But with Gravier bio it is not necessary to do this, as the bottle is equipped with a sufficiently powerful pump, which easily supplies the required portion of clay. The drug can be used daily: it does not overdry hair and wash it with high quality.

Bioderma shampoo for oily hair

Shampoo Bioderma Node G Cleansing for oily hair has a wide range of therapeutic effects:

  • normalizes the sebaceous glands, which reduces the amount of sebum produced,
  • cleanses the scalp,
  • relieves irritation
  • eliminates itching
  • makes hair soft and silky.

The drug is quite expensive (average price - 1300 rubles), due to its high efficiency in the care of oily hair. Suitable for sensitive scalp. Shampoo thick and viscous, well foams, therefore, very economical. For high-quality washing of the head and hair of medium length, a small amount of this agent is sufficient.

The consistency of this detergent is quite liquid, for high-quality washing of the head it is necessary to apply it twice to the hair. For the first time foaming will be insignificant, for the second time - abundant. With regular use (no more than 2 times a week) Bioderma Node G, the hair will find obedience and silkiness, will be less polluted, will become less oily.

Self-regulating shampoos

Self-regulating shampoos are designed to eliminate the symptoms of dry and oily seborrhea, regulation of the sebaceous glands. The composition of these cosmetics may include herbal extracts, vitamins, components of antifungal and anti-inflammatory action.

The category of self-regulating shampoos "Klorane with nettle extract". This product is suitable for daily shampooing. But such frequent procedures are necessary only at the initial stage of use. After 1-2 weeks, you can see that the hair remains clean much longer, they rarely appear oily shine. Therefore, when an improvement in the condition of the scalp is achieved, they switch to a 2-3 times daily application of shampoo.

Others have a similar effect. self-regulating drugs:

  • Shampoo Cute Grassa Optima,
  • Lundenilona SPA Hair Treatment,
  • Leonor Greyl Bain TS Shampooing,
  • Antiseborrheic shampoo Dixidox De Luxe No. 1.1,
  • Therapeutic Shampoo №1 System 4.

In order to normalize the production of sebum, a complex treatment is required, which only a dermatologist can prescribe. But to eliminate the symptoms of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, you can use medical shampoos. These cosmetic products have no contraindications and are widely available.

Bioderma Node Fluide

This professional shampoo provides gentle care for the scalp and hair. It does not cause itching, does not desiccate the dermis, and does not cause unpleasant sensations during use, such as itching and burning. Suitable for frequent use, has hypoallergenic properties, which allows its use in sensitive scalp. There are no sulfates in the composition, because its cost is quite high. The average price for this greasy hair care product is $ 20. You can buy it mainly in a pharmacy or online store.

The tool is designed to eliminate the thinning of hair in men and women with fat and combined curls. But, given the fact that its formula helps stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, it is advisable to use it for regular care of the scalp and hair.

  • Nettle and horse chestnut extract normalize the process of fat extraction.
  • Burdock, cedar and wormwood extract. Eliminate hair thinning.
  • Panthenol, a hydrolyzed protein stimulates the activity of hair follicles.

The advantages include the overall efficiency of the product and the low price, which does not exceed $ 5 per bottle of 0.24 l.

Clean Line "Regulatory"

Shampoo for greasy hair from the manufacturer Pure Line is a budget option that can withstand competition from more expensive and high-quality products in this segment. A whole string of natural components can effectively cope with the contamination of fatty curls and stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the head. The price for this product of the cosmetic market is very low and starts from 1 US dollar.

Loreal Professionel Pure Resource

Professional remedy for the fight against fatty curls. A rather simple composition based on citric acid, salt, beatin and sodium lauryl sulfate. After applying this shampoo, the curls are well cleaned, and after drying, they are normally combed. But, the strands remain clean not for long. After a day, your hair needs to be washed again. The cost of the bottle of 250 ml: 8-12 dollars.

Greenmama "Black currant and nettle"

Inexpensive shampoo for oily hair. Anyone with an income below average can buy it. Retail cost does not exceed 3 US dollars. Representatives of the company, during the presentation of this tool, assured those present that 99% of the composition consists of natural ingredients. Customer reviews confirm the fact that this product does not have a chemical fragrance. Only here is one problem, it is advisable to use this shampoo together with a balm or conditioner (after applying this shampoo, the curls are very difficult to comb).

Natura Siberica "Volume and Balance"

This unique organic firming shampoo does not contain sulfates, which is an important factor in the fight against fatty curls. Washing functions in it are carried out by amino acids and lauryl glucoside. It is practically harmless, but sometimes it can cause allergic reactions. Given the organic origin, it is not very well washes away dirt and dust from the curls. Well strengthens hair near the roots. Strands difficult to comb after use, so it is desirable to use with air conditioning or balm. The average cost is $ 5.

Le petit marseillais

Shampoo, whose formula is saturated with jasmine extract and white clay is a good way to care for oily hair. It relieves the scalp from dandruff. Moisturizing and firming effect due to the presence in the composition of a number of nutrients, among which are:

  • Citric acid with pyroglutamate zinc.
  • Glycerol.
  • Litsetin.
  • Salicylic acid.

This is a good and inexpensive dandruff remedy. The price does not exceed $ 5.

Sulfate-Free Shampoos

A special group of products for the care of curls are non-sulfate shampoos. In order to reduce the cost of product manufacturing, manufacturers introduce sulfates into the shampoo. These substances are designed to enhance the detergent properties of any hair care products. But, along with the quick effect, they harm the scalp. Through the action of sulfates on the dermis, the natural protective properties of the hair and scalp are lost. As a result, the curls, especially fat, begin to become contaminated even faster than before using a shampoo with a high content of sulfates. Some manufacturers produce organic shampoo, which does not contain sulfates.

Benefits of sulfate-free shampoos

  • Sulfate-free shampoos wash off easily. The hair does not contain the components of sulfates, which cannot be completely removed from the curls, after using shampoo with their content.
  • The natural protective layer of the scalp and hair remains in order, it is not destroyed by the systematic impact of sulfates on it.
  • The organic composition of the shampoo enhances the activity of hair follicles, which leads to the elimination of the problem with a decrease in the density of hair on the head.

What are the sulphate-free shampoos?

Top Sulfate Free Shampoos

  • Balea Men Fresh Shampoo. Effectively relieves dandruff. Suitable for daily use. The formula is designed specifically for men.
  • Logona. Male and female shampoo for oily hair, which is produced by a German cosmetics company, provides complete nutrition of the hair roots, scalp, and also eliminates dandruff.
  • Angel Professional. Shampoo for oily hair, based on seaweed extracts. A specially synthesized natural component acts as a foaming substance in it. This allows the dermis of the head to retain its natural protective functions. The tool actively contributes to getting rid of dandruff.
  • Aubery Organics. Male and female organic shampoo to stabilize the lipid balance of the scalp does not contain sulphates and other harmful chemical components. Well helps in the fight against dandruff and other diseases of the scalp. It helps to strengthen the roots of the curls.

Tar shampoos

Very effective products for the care of curls - these are shampoos, which are based on tar. Tar shampoo is a good remedy for eliminating lipid imbalance of the scalp. It has several advantages:

  • Stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the head. This reduces the regularity of the use of shampoo, because the curls will be much less contaminated.
  • It improves blood circulation, which leads to a complete supply of nutrients to the roots.
  • Tar shampoo is an antiseptic. When using it, you can quickly get rid of dandruff and other diseases of the scalp.

Tar shampoo allows you to cope with a decrease in the density of hair on the head, to cure such annoying diseases like seborrhea and psoriasis. People have noticed that tar has a beneficial effect on hair many centuries ago and all this time it was actively used to enrich hair and dandruff.

Popular tar shampoos

It should be recalled that tar shampoo is used for medicinal purposes. It is recommended to use it no more than 1.5 months. This is due to the specific effects of tar on the scalp and curls. Trichologists allocate several brands of the most popular means on the basis of tar:

  • Birch tar shampoo from Belita-Viteks. The tool is developed and supplied to the market of Belarusian cosmetics companies. During the years of his stay on the shelves of stores, this tar shampoo has proven itself to be a good one. Consumer reviews remain mostly positive.The organic formula of this tool allows you to quickly cope with the fungus of the head, as well as get rid of dandruff. It restores hair from root to tip. Minus - has a very unpleasant smell. You can buy it at the pharmacy, or at the distribution point of hair care cosmetics.
  • First aid kit Agafya. This tar shampoo is designed to fight dandruff and restore the scalp. With fatty curls, it stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which normalizes the lipid balance of the dermis of the head. It also helps to strengthen the hair roots. This is a budget shampoo that can afford every person who wants to experience its impact. You can buy it at the pharmacy, the price does not exceed 2-3 dollars SSCHA.
  • Tar shampoo with Psoril. This remedy has been specially developed to combat dandruff on greasy hair. The composition of the funds are mainly natural substances. Hypericum extract, succession and celandine with the addition of citric acid well rid the hair of salinity, especially near the roots. Dermatologists recommend using this tool 2-3 times a week for a month. After completing the course, the result will be visible to the naked eye. This tar shampoo is effective not only in the fight against dandruff, but also helps to cure psoriasis.

The use of products for oily hair care is a crucial moment. The wrong approach to the choice of shampoo can only complicate the situation.

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Features shampoo for oily hair

The remedy for oily hair has a lot of features. Therefore, in order to obtain a positive result from the use of shampoo, you need to carefully and responsibly choose its approach. Shampoos with the following features are able to effectively rid curls of abundant fat:

  • Shampoos, having in its composition vitamins A, C, K.
  • Shampoos containing extracts of astringent herbs such as sage, tea tree, chamomile and others.
  • Colored shampoos contain additional components of oxygen that affect negatively on fat curls. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to products that have a transparent color.
  • Remedies for oily hair should be with increased alkali.
  • Firming means and means to give additional volume, also suitable for fat curls.

Shampoos for greasy hair

Unfortunately, professional shampoos are difficult to access for the general population due to the high cost, as well as the difficulty of finding these tools. They are not sold in regular stores. Experts advise several effective shampoos to combat fatty curls, which are sold everywhere and have a reasonable price:

  • Loreal protects from negative external influences, eliminates dandruff. Effectively removes dead skin cells and other impurities.
  • Vichy shampoo is quite expensive. However, its main property is the control of sebaceous glands. With regular use of the product, it is possible to achieve good results and significantly reduce the frequency of washing hair.
  • Burdock brand Mirolla shampoo restores damaged curls, helps to reduce the oily skin of the scalp and hair.
  • Shiseido product contains vitamins A and C, which are needed for oily hair.

How to use shampoo for oily hair

After the choice was made, but this will not be enough. For the tool to be the most effective, it must be used correctly. There are nuances that should be followed when using a shampoo against greasy hair.

Fatty curls can not be washed with hot water, as it activates the sebaceous glands. Because of what the hair will start to get fat faster than before. If possible, it is recommended to use water at room temperature, but if it is cool for you, make it warmer, but not hot.

When washing curls shampoo is better to use twice. The first time to remove dead cells and pollution from the scalp and curls. The second time for greater efficiency means is applied to the curls and rubbed into the scalp. It should be noted that washing should be thorough, but not long. If you wash too long, you can damage your hair and scalp.

There are cases when only the scalp and the root of the hair are oily, and the tips are dry. To normalize the hair structure, you can use a balm. But it should be applied only on the bottom of the dried curls. The product is not applied over the entire length of the hair in order to avoid the greatest fat content.

Universal shampoos will not help to cope with this problem. You must purchase anti-greasy hair products.

Tar shampoo

The composition is dry and tends to be stored for a long time, which is very convenient. Because of this, it can be prepared for some time in advance. To prepare shampoo on the basis of tar, you will need grated baby soap, which must be mixed with birch tar. Then melt the mixture on the steam bath. If the prepared product turned out a lot, it can be divided into even parts, so that one part is enough for one reception. Next, wrap in food film or plastic bag and put in the refrigerator. The tool can be used every other day.

Shampoo based on chicken yolk

This tool can be used for washing hair, and as a tonic mask. For its preparation, you need to make a cool broth of hop cones. After it cools, strain and add a tablespoon of brandy and three chicken yolks. All components are mixed until a homogeneous mixture. Since the product contains chicken yolk, it is not recommended to wash it off with hot water, because the yolk can boil. As a result, there will be difficulties with leaching it from the curls.

Mustard Powder Shampoo

Mustard powder not only helps to accelerate hair growth, but is also a tool that dries oily scalp and curls. To prepare the shampoo, you must pour two tablespoons of mustard powder with four spoons of boiling water and heat it in a water bath. After the tool has cooled, they need to wash their hair. It is recommended to use this shampoo every day.


There are many ways to get rid of oily hair. Preferred folk or cosmetic means you decide. But before you start using any shampoo, you must read the instructions for use, as well as, if possible, get acquainted with consumer reviews. If the remedy is not common, they should be started with caution.

Varieties of good shampoos for oily hair are their properties.

Shampoo for oily hair care is now a great many and sometimes it is difficult to navigate in all their diversity. Let's try to determine which kinds of shampoos exist.

1. The consistency of all shampoos are divided into liquid and thick (creamy).
2. By color - having color and transparent.
3. By smell - with a pronounced aroma and no odor.
4. According to the types of hair for which the shampoo is intended - means for normal, dry, oily hair and for the combined type of hair. Separately allocated shampoos for thin and damaged (painted) hair.
5. By composition, namely by the presence or absence of sulfates as a detergent base - shampoos with sulfate and organic bases.
6. By appointment - medical, technical (for example, for colored hair).

How to find out which shampoo is right for you? After all, an incorrectly chosen care product can cause irreparable damage to the health of the hair, and the consequences of its use will have to be considered for a long time.

Top best shampoos for oily hair photos

Natura Siberica Oily Hair Shampoo Line

Schauma 7 herbs are ideal for oily hair.

Green Mama natural shampoo for fatty curls consists of 98% natural ingredients

Wella Regulate Professional Women's Oily Hair Shampoo

What is important in choosing a good shampoo for oily hair?

Physical parameters (color, smell, texture, uniformity) are, without doubt, an indicator of product quality. However, choosing the best shampoo to focus only on them would be a mistake.

It is much more important to know your hair type, since (and we have seen it above) different shampoos are designed for different types, which differ significantly from each other in their composition. The use of hair care products without taking into account this factor can end badly for your hair. So-called universal shampoos suitable for all hair types are not a very good choice. At best, they do not achieve the desired effect (well, it’s impossible to sum up the different from each other, and sometimes just the opposite, features of all hair types in one chemical formula!), At worst, they will harm.

Determine the type of hair.

There are four main types of hair:

1. Shampoos for normal hair type.

Owners of such a headache can only envy! The hair is naturally flexible, shiny, easy to comb, obedient, have a volume.
It is clear that the main task of shampoo for normal hair is not to destroy the natural beauty and health. Correct nothing here.

2. Dry hair

weak, brittle, tough to the touch, often split at the ends, poorly combed, difficult to style. Such hair can be from nature. However, you should be aware that frequent dyeing, discoloration and perm destroy the natural lubrication of the hair and disrupt the sebaceous glands, with the result that initially healthy hair can become dry.
Shampoo for this type of hair contains a soft organic base that does not cause additional drying. The composition must include fats, oils, trace elements and supplements, as it is important to ensure the restoration and normal nutrition of damaged hair.

3. Oily hair

This type is easily identified by unpleasant greasiness of hair, a specific smell, a tendency to increased pollution and the need to wash more often (usually every two days).
The composition of the shampoo for oily hair includes substances that can intensively clean, reduce itching and irritation of the scalp, and often have an antimicrobial effect.

4. Combined hair type

Fat roots, splitting, brittle ends - usually the trouble of long hair.
The composition of shampoos for oily hair, designed to care for such hair, must be selected so as to provide two effects at once: degrease and moisturize.

Often, both individual types are talking about thin and damaged hair.

Thin hair does not have volume. They are weak and brittle. Shampoos designed for fine hair must have the ability to increase the diameter of the hair shaft in order to achieve a noticeable volume. In addition to the above, such hair needs to be strengthened and nourished.

Hair becomes damaged after frequent and uncontrolled "experiments": coloring, bleaching, using styling products, curling, etc. They need to restore their structure while maintaining cosmetic effects (for example, maintaining the brightness of the shade after coloring), nutrition and normalization of metabolism.

Organic base

Shampoos containing soft organic base, is not so easy to find. Usually they can only be purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores. These shampoos have a gentle action, without disturbing the natural protective layer, restore and nourish the hair, retain the color of colored hair, do not change the pH of the scalp, do not cause itching and irritation. However, their cleansing effect is weaker; therefore, they are often not able to remove silicones and styling products from hair. A soft base does not foam well, and as a result you have to use a little more shampoo than you are used to. Long hair has to be washed several times. In addition, the hair takes time to adapt to this shampoo, and until that moment it may look dull and lifeless. Another disadvantage is the high cost of the goods.

Other supplements.

In addition to the washing base, all shampoos contain a huge number of various additives, both important for the health of hair and useless.

Let's get acquainted with some of them:

  1. Conditioning substances. The most popular among them are silicone oils. They moisturize, nourish, protect hair from damaging factors, relieve static electricity, are able to glue hair scales, giving the latter shine and beauty.
  2. Collagen, elastin, keratin - natural supplements that can restore the structure of damaged hair, give thin hair volume.
  3. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, oils and extracts from plants nourish, moisturize and restore hair.
  4. Synthetic moisturizers. As the name implies, their main function is to attract and retain moisture in the hair and scalp.
  5. UV Protecting Substances. They are especially relevant for dry hair.
  6. Supplements that do not affect the health of hair (dyes, flavors, preservatives, thickeners, pH regulators, substances that increase the viscosity, as well as substances that contribute to the dissolution of all components of the shampoo).

From the point of view of importance for the selection of shampoo, the substances listed above do not matter much.

However, if you are allergic, you should buy shampoo with a minimum amount of additives, as well as prefer soft organic bases (sulfates often cause allergies).

And a few more important points to know.

Healing shampoos for oily hair are medicine. They are designed to fight dandruff, cure scalp diseases (dermatitis, eczema), prevent excessive hair loss and early baldness. To use them at will is impossible. Healing shampoos for oily hair are prescribed by a doctor. He also regulates the frequency and duration of use.

Professional hair care products should be used with caution, preferably only when necessary, as their effect on the hair structure can be very intense and uncontrolled use will do more harm than good.

Final selection and quality control.

Let's summarize what we should first focus on when choosing a shampoo, which is the most important in this issue.

1. Matching shampoo hair type.
2. surfactant. Preference should be given to sparing natural bases.
3. Avoid large amounts of additives with a tendency to allergies.
4. Do not use uncontrolled medical and professional shampoos.

So, you made your choice and bought shampoo. How can you check its quality at home? It is necessary to dilute a small amount of shampoo in a glass of water and see if a precipitate occurs over time or not. Sludge indicates a poor quality product. To use such shampoo is undesirable.

Finally, the experiment will put a dot on I: washing the hair with the selected shampoo and evaluating your sensations after that. The appearance of itching, irritation, increased "fluffy" hair - signs of poor choice. Only by applying the shampoo in practice, you can make a final decision on whether to use the already purchased shampoo or buy a new one.

You can also use other tools that will help clean the hair at the roots.

I hope this article will help you choose the right, suitable for you, and most importantly - a safe shampoo for greasy hair. Remember, the most important thing is health, to destroy it is easy, and it can be very difficult to recover. So make no mistake in your choice.

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How to wash greasy hair

Specialists who are engaged in the treatment of hair and scalp, unanimously confirmed: the head should not be washed often, but regularly. At the same time, how to wash oily hair is your business, but it should be the means suitable for your hair type.

Shampoos for other types can further disturb the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

If you wash your head too often, then the protective layer is washed off from the hair and head, due to which the sebum secretion becomes more intense. If it is too rare to wash, it is fraught with various diseases and infections, since oily hair collects a lot of dust in itself, and the fat itself is an ideal medium for the development of microorganisms.

Before washing oily hair with different shampoos and applying masks, it is recommended to contact a trichologist to find out the reason for the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. In the event that the problem is not related to the general condition of the body, you need to choose for yourself the best shampoo for oily hair and take steps to eliminate it.

Which shampoo to choose

When choosing a shampoo, you need to explore all the variety that is more than available today. Ideally, oily hair shampoos should contain an extract of sage, nettle, horsetail, coltsfoot, various microelements, proteins and vitamins. Do not forget that shampoos can be both purchased and prepared independently, so you need to keep in mind both options.

Homemade hair care products

  • Egg shampoo. The egg contains a large number of useful substances and elements that give softness to the curls, strengthen them and make them more docile. There is a practice when oily hair treatment has the following: you need to wash your head every day with water, and every fourth day, use egg yolk as a shampoo. To do this is very simple - an egg is taken, the shell is broken, and in such a way as not to damage the yolk. The right amount of yolks is separated and before the direct application to the hair we tear the transparent shell of the yolk, and send its contents to the curls.

There is also a recipe for egg oily hair shampoo with honey. For its preparation, mix a tablespoon of honey and 2 yolks. It is necessary to wash the hair with such a mixture twice, and then rinse with water or infusions of herbs. Especially useful will be infusion of nettle. To slightly diversify this shampoo, you can add a little ground insoluble coffee.
After such a mixture, the hair not only becomes cleaner, but also retains its volume longer, which is very rare with increased oily hair.

  • Mylnyanka. Natural shampoo for oily hair, which reviews received due to its healing properties. His recipe is as follows: 30 grams of soap roots are poured with boiling water and infused for at least twelve hours. Then the infusion should be poured into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add 30 grams of lavender. The mixture should be boiled for 15 minutes. After it cools, the mixture must be drained and bottled. Wash your head with water and rinse with this liquid.
  • Mustard shampoo. One of the best shampoos for oily hair. It is not difficult to cook at home. To do this, 2 tablespoons of mustard powder dissolved in a small amount of hot water. Then, stirring continuously, 1 liter of hot water is poured into the mush. This mixture is necessary to wash your hair and be sure to rinse thoroughly with water. It is recommended after washing to rinse infusion of herbs of Hypericum, coltsfoot, plantain.

For a more gentle treatment of oily hair with mustard, such a shampoo can be prepared with the addition of clay or henna. 50 grams of henna or clay should be mixed with a teaspoon of mustard and a couple of drops of essential oils. For convenience, the mixture is diluted with a small amount of cool water. In this case, the mustard will not be so "evil."

  • Oak shampoo. Broth oak bark is widely used as a tool that normalizes the secretion of scarring of the scalp. The best shampoo for oily hair is prepared as follows: 4 tablespoons of oak bark is poured with a liter of water. Over high heat the mixture is brought to a boil, then the fire is made less and after 5 minutes the broth is ready.
  • Shampoo based on pomegranate peels. Experts say that the condition of oily hair will improve significantly if you wash your hair with pomegranate broth for two months every three days. To do this, 3 tablespoons of crushed pomegranate peel need to boil in 0.5 liters of water for 15 minutes. This shampoo for oily hair can be alternated with different clay mixtures.
  • Clay shampoo. For long hair, a few tablespoons of clay and 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil should be diluted with a small amount of water and applied to damp hair. Please note that blue clay is very hard to wash off the hair, and green has almost the same properties, but it is much easier to wash off. Black clay can give your hair a dark shade, so for owners of bright hair it is better to use white or yellow.

Hair care

It is very important to understand that to care for hair, like any other part of the body, you need

constantly. You can not take care of the hair a month or two, and then forget about it, hoping that they will be healthy until the end of life. Be consistent and provide your hair with proper care. In addition, during the life of the state of our hair, as a consequence of the state of the body, varies depending on the hormonal levels, from concomitant diseases, the environment and other things.

For competent and effective hair care, it is important to correctly determine your hair type, otherwise there is a risk to worsen their condition. The hair is divided into normal, dry, oily and mixed.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles, on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this filth enters the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise against using the means in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  • Normal hair is elastic, moderately thin, not too dry and not very oily, the scalp without dandruff, with slight combing up to 50 hairs fall out.
  • Dry hair - thinner, fluffy, fragile.
  • Oily hair - thicker than normal, richly covered with fat, more elastic, less absorb water.
  • There are transitional forms between the main types of hair: moderately or excessively dry, moderately or excessively oily.

Compulsory care includes cleansing and daily combing hair.

Of the entire range of hair care procedures, washing is the most important component, as it pursues both hygienic and cosmetic purposes. For healthy hair, not damaged and not depleted, proper and timely washing is the minimum sufficient care procedure.

To date, the most important fighter for the cleanliness and health of hair is shampoo. You must choose a shampoo that is designed for your type.

The positive results of using shampoo can be considered clean hair, the absence of fat on them, the hair shine after drying, good combing and obedience, no irritation of the scalp. To understand that this shampoo does not suit you, one or two times is enough, but in order to come to the conclusion that this shampoo is just for you - you need to use it regularly for at least several weeks. In addition, a good shampoo should remove static electricity from the hair, and most importantly - to compensate for the loss of proteins, moisture and nutrients.

After using the shampoo, it is recommended to apply a rinse or conditioner on the hair. They can be washable and indelible. The conditioner smoothes, eliminates static electricity, facilitates combing. Conditioner should be applied only to the hair, avoiding the roots and scalp.

Rinse and conditioner perform several functions: it facilitates drying and combing, giving hair elasticity. It is better to use shampoo and rinse of the same brand - they correspond to each other in composition, and the action of the rinse to effectively supplement the action of the shampoo. To restore damaged hair, special means for express treatment are intended - they “smooth out”, have a regenerating and nourishing effect on the hair follicle and are intended for a quick and easy regenerating action. For a longer, full and deep therapeutic effect, there are masks - they are applied to the hair for 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a week.

  • Throughout life, 20-30 hairs can grow from each follicle.
  • Each new hair can grow over 2-7 years and reach more than one meter in length before it enters the “rest” stage, which lasts 3 months.
  • With age, a person tends to decrease the activity of hair growth, and the hair itself becomes shorter.

Types of shampoo

Shampoos for normal hair should be soft and gentle. A light hygienic product that is not overloaded with nutrients is suitable for washing - it gently cleanses and does not dry the skin. If the hair is a normal type, not colored and not discolored, you can fearlessly use "universal" shampoos that have an average effect.

    Shampoos for fine hair. These shampoos are often called bulk. Detergents contain, in addition to mild detergents, elements that strengthen hair (for example, keratin, protein or herbal extracts). They contribute to the formation of a light rough film, create volume and keep hair. Proteins and some compounds of urea strengthen the hair shaft, making it more rigid. Accordingly, for thin hair suitable shampoos, giving volume and containing proteins. Thanks to these substances hair does not stick together so quickly.

Hair rinsing

How often to use a rinse after washing depends on the condition of the hair and on the preparation. In ordinary preparations, there is enough strength from washing to washing. But there are products with a stronger effect - for example, silicones and polymers. They are introduced into rinsing agents for strongly split hairs. If, after systematic use of this drug, they become lethargic and heavy, you should wash your head several times without rinsing.

  • In people who are not prone to baldness, each new hair does not differ in its quality from the previous ones, while at the same time each new generation of hair grows more and more thin and grow balder.
  • Hair is also characterized by parameters such as elasticity and porosity. Healthy hair can stretch by 30% of its own length, retain moisture in the amount of up to 50% of its own weight and at the same time increase in diameter by 20%.

The conditioner makes combing easier: it seems to smooth the outer scaly layer of hair, which becomes rough during washing. Rich in lanolin, the rinse is well suited for dry and thick hair and is less effective if it is oily and thin (they absorb too much of the drug, swell, and five minutes later they fall off and become soft). In the mixed type (fatty at the roots and dry at the ends), only the ends are treated.

In addition, there are liquid preparations in bottles or with a spray that contain light nutrients and retain moisture well. They are best suited for thin, easily salted hair. After using these products, the hair does not need to be rinsed (the substance remains on the head).

When we talk about care, we mean healthy hair that has certain features, but when these features turn into problems - it's time to start talking about remedies and professional care.

Hair treatment

Medical hair care products also include shampoos, various balms and conditioners, but they have a more targeted, targeted effect and contain a higher concentration of active ingredients. Often, professional products contain natural substances that improve the structure of the hair - plant extracts and oils, ceramides, proteins, and vitamins and trace elements. Such additional “food” allows you to quickly return a well-groomed appearance even to damaged hair. In addition, professional tools in combination with medicinal preparations help to solve many serious problems - to stop the loss and improve growth.

Before you begin to get rid of various problems, you must consult with the doctor-trichologist.

Greasy hair

Calling hair oily, experts suggest that the sebaceous glands in the hair follicles of the scalp are very active. Excessive sebum tends to spread easily through the hair shafts, and as a result, a quick salting of the curls. If the oily skin is not associated with hormonal disruption in the body or unhealthy diet, then this is a genetically determined feature, which we cannot drastically change. However, it is in our power to adjust the hair care in such a way as to reduce the torment of ever-greasy hair to a minimum.

Despite the "inconvenient" features of oily hair, experts consider it far from the worst. Sebum - a great emolent and additional hydrophobic protective layer that traps moisture in the skin and hair shaft. Therefore, with proper care to achieve beauty oily hair is much easier than, for example, dry and lifeless. And the main assistant in this matter is the right shampoo.

Choosing shampoo for oily hair

Good shampoo for oily hair acts in 3 directions:

  • effectively cleans hair and scalp
  • reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands,
  • gives hair softness and shine, provides easy combing.

Choosing shampoo for oily hair, immediately abandon the funds with an opaque and, in particular, pearl texture. They contain a lot of nutrients that, when washed, settle on the hair and cause them to get dirty faster. Shampoo for oily hair should be transparent or translucent.

Let us consider in more detail each component of an effective shampoo for oily hair.

Surfactants: the best and worst

Surface-active substances (surfactants) are responsible for cleansing the skin and hair from dirt - sebum, horn scales and external contamination. It would seem that the “harder” surfactant, the better it cleans the skin and hair from impurities and the more it is suitable for oily type of scalp. However, this is a big mistake.

The trick lies in the fact that an aggressive effect on the skin leads to the loss of moisture and the destruction of the lipid mantle, and this serves the body as a signal to even more active sebaceous glands. As a result, the shampoo that cleansed the hair so well at first makes it even worse soon. Hair can begin to get dirty even faster than before, and the top layer of skin can dry and peel off, leading to dandruff.

To avoid this unpleasant situation, oily hair choose shampoos with mild detergents. The sparing washing bases a huge set.

  • Caprylyl / Capryl Glucoside (caprylyl / capryl glucoside),
  • Lauril Glucoside (lauryl glucoside),
  • Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate (laulet sodium sulfosuccinate),
  • Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate (cocoyl monosodium glutamate),
  • Glyceryl Oleate (glyceryl oleate),
  • Disodium Cocoamphodiacetate (disodium cocoamphoacetate),
  • Sodium PEG-7 / Olive Oil Carboxylate (sodium carboxylate) and many others.

They do not disturb the hydrolipid balance of the scalp; on the contrary, they can “soothe” over-active sebaceous glands, which simply have nothing to protect the skin from. The problem of soft surfactants is as follows:

  • high price and, as a result, unpopularity with the mass producer. Sparing ingredients are used in luxury and premium cosmetics, and it is far from cheap.
  • not always effective cleansing. With an unsuccessful recipe of “soft” shampoo, oily hair can be washed out poorly, there is no feeling of cleanliness. It is good if in shampoos not one surfactant is used, but their combination, which ensures maximum efficiency.

Unfortunately, ordinary manufacturers rarely take into account the needs of greasy hair, using the most inexpensive detergent bases that are not very delicate. Some store shampoos are based on sodium laureth sulfate (Sodium Laureth Sulfate). This is not the worst option. If the skin and hair with a long-term use perceive it well, it makes no sense to spend money on softer (and more expensive) shampoos.

But such ingredients as sodium lauryl sulfate (Sodium Lauril Sulfate) and lauryl ammonium sulfate (Ammonium Lauril Sulfate), it is better to categorically avoid. They are too aggressive and will not benefit any greasy or dry hair.

Experts advise to pay attention to such "sulfate" surfactants such as TEA Layril Sulfate (Triethanolamine Lauryl Sulphate) and TEA Layreth Sulfate (Triethanolamine Laureth Sulphate). They are not so expensive to produce, provide high-quality cleansing and do not overdry the scalp. But these washing bases are not widely spread.

Components regulating the sebaceous glands

If you have oily hair, feel free to choose a shampoo with nettle extract. On the one hand, it muffles the activity of the sebaceous glands, on the other, slightly fluffs the horny scales of hair, preventing the sebum from quickly enveloping them. Extracts of horsetail, birch buds, sage, coltsfoot, calamus, oak bark, witch-hazel, seaweed have a calming effect on the sebaceous glands.

A good result in respect of oily hair show essential oils: lemon, bergamot, cedar, chamomile, pine, cypress, tea tree, lavender. They reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and have a slight anti-inflammatory effect. Such substances as sulfur and zinc also have the ability to regulate the production of fat.

Oily hair is extremely important to maintain a normal level of skin moisture. This is largely facilitated by a mild detergent base in shampoo; however, other components that retain moisture in the skin and hair are also useful: glycerin, chitosan, lecithin, panthenol (provitamin B5), etc.

Silicones are a kind of protective “clothes” for curls, giving them shine and facilitating combing, but in the case of a fat type of skin, care is needed so as not to “imbue” hair. Choose shampoos for oily hair with light silicones (for example, cyclopentasiloxane) or even without them, if you use a balm after washing.

Fatty oils are heavy, so they have no place in shampoos for oily hair. You can’t go wrong if you choose oily hair shampoo with jojoba oil or grape seed oil, which have the ability to regulate the production of fat, but it is better to leave them for caring masks.

Shampoos for greasy roots and dry tips

Alas, the cosmetic industry has not yet invented shampoos that could so selectively affect the skin and hair. All active ingredients "work" ONCE to the entire length of the hair. Any shampoo on a hard surfactant will sooner or later dry these very tips. Any quality shampoo on the complex of soft surfactants will clean the hair well, without drying any part of them. All other applications can be considered promotional tricks manufacturers.


Oily hair type needs a special approach and a special shampoo. But it is not at all necessary to buy all the bottles labeled “for greasy hair” in a store or pharmacy. This inscription does not always mean the real effectiveness of the tool. Enough to carefully examine the compositions of different shampoos and choose the option for a delicate detergent basis with a good set of plant extracts and moisturizers. Successful purchase and beautiful hair!


The main feature of solid shampoo is the absence of chemistry and the use of ingredients of natural origin. Other advantages include:

  • Ease of use and storage, due to the shape and consistency of the detergent.
  • Compact, due to which the shampoo does not take up much space and is easy to use when traveling and in public places. Unlike liquid shampoos, it will not spill or stain towels or clothing.

Therapeutic Impact. The addition of herbs and other ingredients allows you to improve the condition of the hair, making them strong and healthy, eliminate brittleness and dryness and give shine and strength.

Cooking at home.

  • Efficiency. One little bar is enough to wash the strands for 2-4 months, so the high cost of the product pays off by the duration of use.
  • Due to its properties and the ingredients used, solid hair shampoos provide effective care for the strands.


    Watch the video: HOW TO STOP OILYGREASY HAIR!!! LIFE CHANGING HAIR HACK!!! (June 2024).