Useful tips

Hair fell out on a mole: 4 cautions to avoid complications


If hair grows from your birthmark, this is a clear sign of its goodness. If the hair from the birthmark has ceased to grow - do not rush to make yourself a terrible diagnosis. Very often the Internet refers to the growth of hair in a mole (nevus). To find the truth, in this article we consider the structure of the skin, hair and moles, as well as the laws of growth of malignant tumors.

I worry that 1.5 months of hair does not grow. The mole itself does not bother me and does not change. Hello! Yes, indeed, hair loss from a mole can be a sign of its malignant degeneration, such cases are described in the literature. Hello :)! They say that if hair grows from a mole, then it is benign. And if I have no hair on my mole, because hair in this place I have not previously observed them, is it malignant?

Hello. A few years ago (about 3-4 years old), tore off a mole on my back, it still cannot heal (a scab forms, as it starts to interfere, I tear it off, and again in a circle). Mole removed 20.09.2011 What is the forecast? Two months ago, removed the mole on the right shoulder. diagnosis after removal of “Melanoma of the skin Art2 3NOMO. Now in the area of ​​the scar there is a sharp pain and tingling. About a month ago, I removed a mole, using the DEK method, immediately after removing, I noticed brown spots at the spot of the mole (it feels like they have not been completely removed).

Hair from a birthmark

I am very worried about them, tell me what it can be and what should be the next steps? Hello! I have a slightly convex mole on my face about 4mm, light, but somehow unevenly colored, without red.

If you slightly stretch the skin, you can see the boundaries of this place. The skin in this place is normal, although sometimes it seems to swell a little. There are and are cancer patients in the family, including melanoma, so I fear. Hello! In the autumn it seemed to me that my birthmark on my arm increased. A mole on the left hand between the fold of the arm and the wrist. Birthmark 0, 7 mm, does not change its size since. But I was alarmed that it was 2-colored.

How deep do the moles grow into the skin?

The surgeon said: it looks like a normal mole, only that it is of 2 colors is not very good. The oncologist looked only visually, he said that it was definitely not melanoma. (On the birthmark in the “pink” part there were 2 hairs growing and one of them seemed to have broken. On the “brown” part, the hair grows as before and does not change. Naturally, I am a cancerophobic with experience she has read that hair loss from a mole is a sure sign of melanoma.

If the hair falls out - melanoma. Near the birthmark, the pimple (possibly ingrown hair), the redness goes to the birthmark and goes to the mole, is it dangerous? Is it worth sounding the alarm? Every person has moles all over his body. Normal nevi have a symmetrical shape. There are periods when a person discovers the appearance of new moles on his body, in this case it is necessary to carefully consider them.

In an ordinary mole color does not change, there are no additional inclusions. Moles melanoma is a malignant degeneration of a normal mole. Melanoma can penetrate the lymphatic and bloodstream, thus metastasizing to all organs.

Melanoma is a very aggressive and rapidly progressive form of cancer. She quickly metastasizes to tissues and organs. Lentigo melanoma - is formed on the scalp and neck in the elderly. The tumor slightly rises above the surface. Who has a lot of nevi on the body, you should refuse to take a shower with hard washcloths, since by chance you can tear off or injure a mole.

Why hair does not grow from malignant tumors?

It is important to monitor the condition of your skin, if there is any pigmentation, do not be lazy to consult a doctor. And, according to a specially developed technique, you will be examined by moles. If melanoma is suspected, a doctor using the ABCDE method will analyze your moles. B-border - assess the normal state of the boundaries of the mole. D-diameter-normal dimensions of a nevus to 5 mm. It is worth asking for help if you notice that the mole has grown, began to occupy a large area of ​​skin. Some melanomas reach one centimeter.

The mole is monitored. The important point is that moles with hair do not degenerate, so there is no reason to worry. But if the hair began to fall out, this is a reason to go to the hospital.

The structure and location of the hair in the skin

If someone in your family has had skin cancer, then there is a chance that you will have it. Look at the state of their moles. Do not be afraid to remove moles, especially from such a doctor. There are extremely rare exceptions to this rule, but in my practice they almost never met. In some "sources" - this is a good sign, in others - a bad one. The skin consists of three layers: First - the epidermis.

This layer gives the skin elasticity and strength at the same time. The third layer is subcutaneous fatty tissue (subcutaneous fat). As it is not difficult to guess, there are mainly fat cells in it. As you can see in this picture, the hair bulb is located on the border of the second and third layers, i.e. dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Sometimes they are a bit thicker and darker than others.

This is probably due to the fact that the hair follicles are located close to the nevus cells of the mole and receive more pigment than those around. Such hair is not much different from normal. It is here that the vessels that feed it are suited to the hair. They have the same structure, they can also increase in length and fall out. The second layer is the dermis. This is the basis of the skin, consisting of connective tissue. It also consists of ligaments and tendons.

Hair fell out on a mole: 4 cautions to avoid complications

The appearance of hair in a mole often cause not only aesthetic discontent among its owners. They cause concern about health and possible complications. Let's take a closer look: why hair grows on them, is it dangerous and can they be removed.

Be careful with hair that grows from moles

Why black hair grows on moles: what is it?

According to modern medical opinion, a mole is a congenital skin defect, which in rare cases can be acquired. Initially, any such education is considered benign and does not need treatment. During life, under the influence of external or internal factors, it can develop into a malignant tumor. Such a development, rather a deviation from the norm, and appears quite rarely.

Therefore, people pay little attention to ordinary birthmarks. Interest are voluminous and bright nevi. Cells in such formations are most susceptible to developing into cancers.

Moles from which hair grows also attract increased attention of their owners. They are less aesthetic and may even cause the appearance of complexes. It is therefore not surprising that they have a question about the safety of such formations and the possibility of removing them or hairs.

According to tests conducted by doctors, hair on the mole is a natural physiological phenomenon. It develops in mature healthy cells. Therefore, hair growth moles - a sign of good quality education.

Hair grows from a mole, because in such nevi there are formed cells that are well supplied with blood. This is also a sign of good quality education. They have the least chance of developing into a cancerous formation.

Hairless formations often become malignant tumors. If hair grows from a mole, it is a sign that in this place the skin has a sufficient number of formed living cells. Therefore, concern about the danger of such formations is unnecessary.

Signs of a bad birthmark

However, if you have doubts about the safety of a mole, it has become:

  • Increase,
  • Got a brighter color or faded,
  • Has asymmetric outlines or jagged edges,
  • Swollen or so on

Then you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. Perhaps fears are not groundless. In rare cases, hair can grow on melanoma - a malignant formation.

The consultation also clarifies the issue of the safety of removing hair from a nevus. Doctors do not recommend pulling out hair from a mole, advising you to stop cutting.

Using scissors, do not forget to clean them to avoid infection. Peroxide or alcohol is suitable for this.

To completely get rid of this formation, you can remove all nevus. Sometimes, to avoid re-sprouting hair at this place, laser hair removal is required. Doctors often recommend it after removing moles.

Remember that hair growth moles - a sign of good quality. Therefore, without much need not bother her. If the hair does not bring discomfort and are not in a prominent place - it is better not to remove them.

Warnings about hair removal from moles on the face and other places: about malignant tumors

  1. You can not remove hair from a nevus with tweezers, as this can injure the bulb and cause inflammation. If you do not immediately go to the doctor - this mole has a high chance of developing into a cancerous formation.
  2. Shaving such places is also not advised, since the possibility of damage to the skin while quite large. What damage to the nevus, you already know.
  3. If you decide to remove unwanted vegetation and, pulling hair from a mole, damaged it, it can begin to swell and cause discomfort. In this case, immediately seek medical help. Perhaps he will prescribe a course of antibiotics to avoid complications.
  4. Have you lost your hair from a mole? Some consider this a sign of its development into melanoma. But it's not always the case. To clarify the causes of this phenomenon, it is better to contact a dermatologist. Only with the help of instruments and analyzes can he determine exactly what caused the loss.

Every year more and more people suffer from melanoma.

With the hair on the mole must be careful

The number of deaths from these malignant tumors is also increasing. Often the disease develops rapidly, therefore, with the slightest signs of deterioration of a nevus condition, immediately consult a doctor.

Hair removal

Before you remove the hair, carefully inspect the mole. This, though benign, but still a neoplasm. The safest moles are flat, small in size. It is more dangerous from the point of view of possible transformation into a melanoma of a mole, strongly protruding above the surface of the skin with uneven edges. It is recommended whenever possible not to touch the moles. Therefore, the most innocuous way to get rid of unwanted hair - haircut. If you regularly cut the hair under the root, they will be invisible.

Another way - pulling hair with cosmetic tweezers, which adjust the shape of the eyebrows. At the same time, the mole should be healthy, i.e. when you press it, there should be no pain, the skin around the mole should be clean without signs of inflammation, the edges of the mole should be even, and the mole itself should be flat, uniform in color, no larger than a pencil. If all the parameters are normal, then you can try to remove the hair. Stretch the skin around the mole with two fingers. This will ease hair removal and make the process less painful. Try to grab the hair at the very root, while not touching the mole itself. Tear out the hair in one steady motion. If you do not succeed, leave this venture for a while, as repeated attempts can cause inflammation of the tissues of the mole. Local anesthetics in the form of gels can be used for anesthesia.

If the hair growing from a mole bothers you a great deal, then discuss with your dermatologist the possibility of permanent hair removal or the entire mole. To remove hair permanently, you can use the electrolytic method of depilation. But first of all, you need to ask a dermatologist if there is a danger of developing cancer cells in this area of ​​the skin.

Prohibited hair removal methods

Hair can not be shaved away from a mole, as the razor injures its surface, which can cause severe inflammation. Waxing can cause a burn, and chemical episodes can cause irritation. All these methods are applied to healthy smooth skin without any formations. In addition, the tissues of the moles abound with small capillaries, they are characterized by a good blood supply, so tissue injury can lead to capillary bleeding with subsequent inflammatory process. Doctors advise as little as possible to influence the moles, since the mechanism of transformation of benign tumors into malignant tumors has not yet been fully studied. According to one version, even a minor injury can start the process.

Plucking hair with a thread is a forgotten way of oriental beauties.

The problem of hair removal from various parts of the body has always been acutely faced by the beautiful half of humanity. From time immemorial, the inhabitants of ancient Greece and Rome removed the vegetation on the body, thereby providing additional hygiene.

How are things now in the segment of depilation and hair removal, we will consider further.

Is it possible to pull out hair on the chest, how to choose a method of depilation, what is the advantage of creams for hair removal - these and many other questions are asked daily by those who want to get rid of unwanted hair once and for all

Compare and choose

Photos of the most popular and quick method of getting rid of hair on a wide variety of body parts

The desire to get rid of unwanted hair gave rise to a whole line of the beauty industry. Today, you can implement your plans in various ways, from popular recipes with a cumulative effect to expensive salon procedures.

Which method is appropriate in your situation and what its price depends on the skin area, the pain threshold and personal preferences.

Special nasal wax for those who do not yet know how to pluck nose hair

Moles on the body

At different times, there was a different attitude towards birthmarks. In the people there is a sign concerning birthmarks - a person with a large number of moles "kissed by God" or in other words: "the more moles - the happier the person."

It is probably difficult to find an adult who would not have a single mole (nevus) on his body. Unlike birthmarks, at birth, children have no moles on their bodies, they appear during life. It is believed that in normal cases the number of moles does not exceed 100. From a medical point of view, the number of moles directly depends on heredity. The majority of people sometimes do not pay attention to moles, but doctors treat them with caution, because with an increase in the number of moles, the risk of cancer increases. According to statistics, in 70% of cases melanoma (the most aggressive of all tumors) arises from long-existing pigmented nevi.

Each mole has its own life cycle. Usually it appears as a small flat spot, and then may rise slightly above the skin. It depends on the level of location of the pigment cells (melanocytes) in the skin. If they are in the upper layer (epidermis) - moles are flat. If they sink deeper (in the dermis), the mole begins to slightly rise above the level of the skin. This “elevation” has no negative consequences. The main thing is that the mole should be of the same color, small size and round shape throughout life.

There are many types of moles.They come in all different sizes and shapes, take a red, brown and even black color, are located on any part of the body. Hair can grow on moles that are better not to remove, but to cut.

By the way, moles with hair are a good sign. This indicates a high degree of cell maturity. Hairy nevi are less likely to be reborn into melanoma.

Home methods

To make it easier for you to navigate in the intricacies, we have brought together the main technologies in a single table.

Tip! Take a bath before the procedure: your hair will become softer and more pliable.

Is it possible to pull out the hair in the bikini zone or is it better to ask for the help of hair removal cream? Choose a method based on sensitivity and pain threshold

Tip! To quickly get rid of redness and eliminate discomfort on the treated area of ​​skin, put a cold bag of chamomile tea.

Tip! Quickly get rid of irritation after shugaring helps gel with hememelis or aloe.

Is it possible to pull out hair under the arms with the help of shugaring? The definite answer is yes!

Saloon methods

If you prefer a longer result, you will have to use the services of the salon, the most common methods of hair removal:

  • Electrolysisin which a thin needle is inserted into each hair follicle, which transmits current and thereby destroys the base of the hair.
  • Laser hair removal It is realized with the help of various types of lasers and is carried out exclusively by specialists.

If you pull out the hair - they will grow only in 2-4 weeks

Universal method

Among the universal methods of depilation is a thread. This method cannot be called a novelty; it has been actively used by eastern women for a long time.

Its significant advantage lies in the fact that the clever thread allows you to get rid of hairs on any part of the body and face.

Tip! Trying this technique for the first time, we recommend starting with your feet: this way you can quickly understand the principle of all manipulations.

  1. Any procedure of depilation begins with the preparation of the skin. In the case of filament depilation, pretreatment of the skin surface with an alcohol-containing tonic will be required.
  2. For skin steaming, it is recommended to apply a hot towel to the treated area for a few minutes.
  3. Before you take the thread, be sure to dry the skin.
  4. The key to success in the difficult business of filament hair removal is the correct capture of the thread. The most appropriate "tool" will be a silk thread of medium length. Tie the ends into a strong knot and put on the fingers of both hands. It is necessary to carry out the procedure so that the thumbs remain free.
  5. If you did everything correctly, you will have a figure of eight, which you need to twist another 6-7 times.

The correct location of the thread when doing filament with your own hands

  • Attach the thread to the skin so that the twisted middle of the eight is located under the hairs that require removal, and the larger ring above them.
  • With a sharp movement, move your fingers apart, which are wearing a small ring. With such a movement, the twisted middle of the eight will crawl upwards. If you did everything correctly, the big half will become small, and the hairs, once in the loop, will be removed.

Unfortunately, this method has a number of contraindications. It can not be used for dermatological diseases, allergic rashes, skin irritations, burns of various nature, mechanical damage to the skin and, of course, it will not be a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to pluck the hair in the nose.

Is it possible to pull out hair from a mole - only a specialist should decide

Also, with extreme caution to help the thread should be resorted, if on its way there are benign growths, such as warts and moles.

The beauty industry offers many ways to get rid of hair - choose the most comfortable and convenient for you and be beautiful. It remains for us to offer a video in this article that will answer your questions regarding this technique for removing unwanted hairs.

Hair on the birthmark on the face

Tell me please, who is pulling out hair from moles on his face with tweezers. Calm it is not harmful. Forces are no more!


you can not pull out hair from moles. This may be the impetus for pathology.
just trim

a guest

I cut the manicure scissors. I do not pull, reason: post ╧ 2 (like I'm afraid), I do not plan to delete.


You see, when I cut with scissors - they grow very quickly and it is impossible to cut it at the root! Anyway, the seta remains - so ugly: (((How to remove - there is not one such mole on my face.

a guest

hair on a mole, as a rule, speaks of its goodness, so remove it, especially since convex moles become somehow coarser with age + this hair, associations in warts

a guest

You also do not offer the most to remove moles, go to honey. centers, if the money strained and save and remove one at a time. Or prefer tormented life? I deleted a large mole, though not on the face, there was a small bright scar, but this is better than a mole with hair, although you can hide it with makeup or polish it.

a guest

and not so expensive, I deleted 2,000 in Moscow a couple of years ago, the mole was almost a centimeter in diameter, true on the body.


I also have on the face. I began to pull a hair, a mole festered. The dermatologist told me that it was impossible to pull out, only to trim it carefully:


I, too, have been pulling out since 10 years. Everything is fine, but still thinking about deleting)


And I pull out hairs from 2 moles, already 15 years old. Once after pulling out, the mole became inflamed, but after a few days everything went away. She asked an oncologist - she says that it is better to cut with scissors, but at the same time she did not say that pulling straight is very dangerous. Of course, it would be necessary to remove the moles themselves and not fool around anymore, I have already removed 2 from my face, and these hands do not reach these.


Remove moles. It is inexpensive and not scary. It is more dangerous to pull the hair out - especially since the mole is pulled out of the pulling, as you constantly hurt it. Then there will be more - respectively, and more scar.


I join everyone who advised to remove. Now you can remove with a laser - there will be no trace of the mole. Issue price 1500-2000r.


Moles are now removed almost everywhere, but I would recommend removing a specialist from a dermatologist as a doctor, since I myself had a bitter experience of deletion from a would-be expert, I was scared to death. It remains redness, because removed in the summer and did not take any analyzes, was afraid, as it were, not Onco. Then she went to the clinic to see a doctor, Tatiana Didkovskaya, she did an additional examination and reassured that everything was in order.


Moles are now removed almost everywhere, but I would recommend removing a specialist from a dermatologist as a doctor, since I myself had a bitter experience of deletion from a would-be expert, I was scared to death. It remains redness, because removed in the summer and did not take any analyzes, was afraid, as it were, not Onco. Then she went to the clinic to see a doctor, Tatiana Didkovskaya, she did an additional examination and reassured that everything was in order.

Yes, the main thing is to competently investigate what is the birthmark and then decide what to do and how


Yes, the main thing is to competently investigate what is the birthmark and then decide what to do and how

Say and diagnostics do already in the clinic or sent to the specials. centers? Who decides whether a benign eto education or not?


Say and diagnostics do already in the clinic or sent to the specials. centers? Who decides whether a benign eto education or not?

Even if the mole is malignant, it is removed. Actually, this applies to most tumors. Another thing is that they capture a large area of ​​skin, and then they carry out therapy. Therefore, it is important to send education for histological examination. Of course, you can start all this with a trip to an oncologist, but the doctor himself, except for dermatoscopy (visual inspection), will not do anything with you. There is such an option as a tissue biopsy, however, it is almost impossible to get it from a doctor, and there’s no special meaning. So delete. If your mole is "bad," then it will harm you without removing it. In itself, the deletion does not affect.


and what if I tell you that removal is not a cure for hair? I removed the bulging mole on the face - the hair remained in place (removed with a laser, that is, without excision), because the bulbs are much deeper in the skin

a guest

and what if I tell you that removal is not a cure for hair? I removed the bulging mole on the face - the hair remained in place (removed with a laser, that is, without excision), because the bulbs are much deeper in the skin

Well, in this case, but you can not worry, because the mole due to plucking the hair can be reborn in melanoma.

a guest

such all advisers are mediocrity! What if you don't want to remove a mole? and if it is a spicy fly over the lip, which makes a girl special? didn't you think about it?


I have a beautiful mole with the right chin, the same nonsense with hair, gently hold the mole and pull out, and it's a pity to delete ((this is my highlight)


The girls are all rubbish :-) skills there is a special gel of his masculine no matter how scary the hair for the night itself just falls out 'I was in shock :-) Woke up bang and hair on the pillow


I, too, have been pulling out since 10 years. Everything is fine, but still thinking about deleting)


Girls do not in any way pull out! I also removed hairs for a long time, until I lay down under the knife because of this! Half face swelled in just an hour! I suffered a week until I realized that I myself would not pass.


I had an ordinary mole with hair, vyderla about 10 years, over time it became convex and more and more. I'm going to delete

a guest

Hair removal is a trauma, it is better to cut off often than to risk

a guest

girls cute sign off who deleted the birthmark with hair? I'm very afraid to go delete! they have two of them: (on the cheek and chin and they are practically not protruding, the oncologist said that they can be removed by a scapella or an electric knife. I am very afraid that later there will be bad consequences!


I tweeted with tweezers for a long time and everything is in order. And with scissors you can accidentally incise the mole itself. I have two hard hairs from my birthmark, and you're tortured to cut. It is easier to tear out, not painful and less effective. The main thing is not to forget to do it all.


I also have a hairy mole on my face.
I do not want to delete. Scissors cut off hair. And the bristles remain. Interesting, and can be removed with a depilatory cream? After all, when cutting hair grow quickly. And when depilating with cream, it seems to be slower.


Have you ever wondered why hair grows from a mole?
I had a case. A mole appeared on the face (during some course of treatment), later hair began to grow from it. And then it was the most interesting, the mole began to look like a boil and I tried to pull out (not pull out) the hair, and what you think. his hair was rather thin and he felt like he was stretching from the side of his cheekbones (a birthmark from the left side of his chin), stretching his hair, saw how he instantly twisted, as if he were alive.
Then the boil passed without consequences, but the mole with hair remained. Now I'm pulling hair, but it breaks off.
I guess it could be a parasite. I read a lot, as described, I found only clawing, but according to all sources it lives in the intestines. I'm confused.
I regret that I stopped drinking the drugs, but rather dietary supplements, which contributed to the release of this "lodger". It has long been (about 10 years ago), now I do not remember what I saw.

a guest

You also do not offer the most to remove moles, go to honey. centers, if the money strained and save and remove one at a time. Or prefer tormented life? I deleted a large mole, though not on the face, there was a small bright scar, but this is better than a mole with hair, although you can hide it with makeup or polish it.

Say and diagnostics do already in the clinic or sent to the specials. centers? Who decides whether a benign eto education or not?


girls cute sign off who deleted the birthmark with hair? I'm very afraid to go delete! they have two of them: (on the cheek and chin and they are practically not protruding, the oncologist said that they can be removed by a scapella or an electric knife. I am very afraid that later there will be bad consequences!

I recently removed 2 papillomas around the neck of a surgeon-stomatologist. Under the policy in the dental clinic at the place of residence. Prior to that, she was an oncologist, a dermatologist, a surgeon. He sent to dentistry. Removed from anesthesia by electrocautery. Both papillomas, 4 and 5 mm with hair. Now after 2 weeks everything has healed, but very tough hairs have appeared. Unpleasant Waiting for the result of oncology.

a guest

girls cute sign off who deleted the birthmark with hair? I'm very afraid to go delete! they have two of them: (on the cheek and chin and they are practically not protruding, the oncologist said that they can be removed by a scapella or an electric knife. I am very afraid that later there will be bad consequences!

My mother removed a large convex mole under the weight near the ear. Moles are no longer scarred, but hair grows in this place

From the birthmark plucked hairs, it became smaller more precisely 2.. But you can not pluck out but repent .. maybe something dangerous? thank

Denis Sokolov

If hair grows from a mole, then that's good! This is one of the indirect signs that this mole (or, more correctly, scientifically, a pigmented nevus, has a low tendency to malignancy (degeneration into a malignant melanoma tumor)!
Melanoma is the most aggressive, rapid and incurable form of cancer!
Hair that grows from a mole can be very carefully cut with scissors - and in no case pull with tweezers or use any kind of epilation tools that are popular with girls - any mechanical injury or chemical damage to the mole can result in its transformation into melanoma!
Be very careful with moles! I know firsthand how many tears women shed because of a frivolous attitude to moles!
I know many cases when young girls and even experienced women independently or at a doctor removed moles, burned with celandine, tried to bring out other "folk remedies" and it ended very badly!
I do not advise you to remove any moles without obvious signs of their degeneration into a tumor! Not even one super professional doctor will ever be able to guarantee with 100% probability that removing a mole will not lead to oncological consequences! There are many cases when doctors removed the “normal” mole, and then the patient died! Melanophobia mole and nevus with melanocytic dysplasia is extremely difficult to recognize, otherwise the number of people who become sick with melanoma would not increase every decade by 2-3 times! Removing moles is one of the factors provoking melanoma - the most aggressive, rapid and incurable form of cancer!
Why risk your beauty, health and life, even if there is a single chance in a thousand, that you might die!
The birthmark gives a woman a special charm, emphasizes her originality, individuality! In any case, the mole is much more beautiful than the scar, even if it is small!
My aunt nearly twenty years ago tore off a mole on her left cheek. After about two weeks, a pinkish-gray speck appeared on the spot of the birthmark. As doctors later established, it was basal cell carcinoma (basal cell carcinoma of the skin). She was lucky because the doctors were able to cure her after radiation therapy. She shed a bucket of tears while she was being treated, as she was afraid that the diagnosis was made incorrectly, and her most dangerous and aggressive cancer was melanoma. But everything worked out. My aunt is a strong and courageous man and she almost never cried in life because of difficulties.But the disease terribly upset her: she ceased to be a flourishing, cheerful person, did not go out into the street, sat and cried on the sofa. I have never seen a woman so upset: she wiped her tears with a towel, and very soon she was wet with tears. In the oncology center, she was treated with another girl who burned the mole on the nose, they supported each other and cried together. Aunt and now crying when he remembers this ... Because of the injury, the birthmarks got sick with cancer and our wonderful singer Maya Kristalinskaya died! At first, she did not attach any importance to the fact that the mole was injured, and when she went to the doctors, it was already too late: she developed lymphogranulomatosis (a type of cancer). Her life was supported by the best doctors of the country for 20 years, but how much effort it cost her! In recent days, she could not even speak, but only cried into the handset! Maya Kristalinskaya's friend Lydia Richardovna Bent (she sang the song "Long Karelia Will Have Dreamed") was only 26 years old because of the trauma of the birthmark for 8 weeks. .
In the structure of female mortality from cancer, melanoma is inferior only to breast cancer!
Remember: only in our country about 16,000 women become sick with melanoma every year! Every third melanoma develops at the site of an injured or flayed mole! In the structure of female mortality from cancer, melanoma is inferior only to breast cancer! To remove moles with a laser means to experiment with your health! Write email protected if? there is.

Why is it impossible to pull out hair from a mole?

Yury Peganov ™

I had to see once the blood gushing from the birthmark - God forbid to see.

The guy had a mole on his chest, against the heart. This is not to convey. .

I do not advise pulling out hairs, you can carefully and cut it. , -)

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1) If the hair from a mole grows, it is definitely not malignant.
The indicator should not be removed.
2) It irritates the mole, which is sensitive enough to all kinds of irritants and it can begin to grow and be reborn ...
But I still pull out, risking my life, you can say ... :-))

Hair in place of a remote mole! What to do with them? Urgent, tell me!

Girls, urgently, tell me, has anyone encountered such a problem? I removed a mole on my chin 10 days ago, a crust fell off yesterday, in place of a mole a red spot and 5 hairs that grew on it. I always deleted them with tweezers. Yesterday I cut them, because I'm afraid to still pull out, but until the end it does not work, 2mm remains. And the day after my event, where there will be a large number of people., I would not like to appear in this form. (And is it already possible to cover this place with a toner?

a guest

do nothing, take the nail clippers and trim

a guest

do not touch the hairs yet, let the skin heal a little more. do not sticking out your logs from there? and stain the stain with toner, nothing terrible will be

a guest

I was told by the doctor that the mole could be removed deeper, then the hair would not grow, but the scar would remain visible, so remove it with tweezers.


Thanks for answers. I now think that it is too early to pull out the tweezers, yes, and she bleed the first day

a guest

I removed the mole, and then (after healing) I went to electrolysis of these hairs. Beauty!


I removed the mole, and then (after healing) I went to electrolysis of these hairs. Beauty! / Quot
And how many months, days after removal, did you go? and they didn't grow up anymore?

a guest

made a month after the removal of moles. electro so far done once. grow - I will do it again, the business.


Thanks for answers. I now think that it is too early to pull out the tweezers, yes, and she bleed the first day

Oh, do not touch it once again. In the meantime, cover the tonal.

birthmark on the face, hair grow

Hello, I have a rather large birthmark on my cheek, but not bulging, hair grows from it. it is neither pleasant nor beautiful. I try to pull out with tweezers, but this is dangerous. Is it possible to do laser hair removal in this place? or how to remove hair forever? or you can remove a non-convex mole so that there is no scar left then? help me (

a guest

Hair is a sign of goodness. TE mole can be removed. In the skin-vein dispensaries there are beauty rooms - there a professional doctor will look and remove a mole. She will have a wound for weeks - deep and black - then a pink spot. I deleted a large subcutaneous mole half a year ago — nothing is visible anymore — if you look very closely only you can see the mark. I do not regret that I deleted it. In five years, this mole from a tiny one has grown into a large one and would have grown further. And so I am very pleased that it is not.


Why is it dangerous? I am pulling out, the doctor herself said to me .. I've been pulling out for 10 years

a guest

I, too, pulled out hairs with tweezers, but the mole grew and I was removed with a laser. There is a scar, but a small one.

a guest

I have a convex mole on my chins from which my hair began to grow, I began to pull out, the mole began to hurt. Now I do not pull out, but cut off. but it still hurts. better to consult with a dermatologist oncologist.


I deleted this. And she arose again. hair cut off.

a guest

A few years ago, removed a mole above the upper lip, removed because of its growth. Also hair grew, pulled out. At the consultation before the removal, the doctor said that a one-time radical removal of a mole is less dangerous than daily traumatizing by pulling out the hair, here it is more dangerous. So, the author, to a good doctor for a consultation, and if there are no contraindications, it is better to remove the mole, I suppose.


and just trim hairs?

Of course, you can trim it, but as I have already said, my mole is even, not convex, and the hairs cannot be clipped to the root, besides, the hair is hard and dark, even if the sedent remains not pleasant to the touch and is not very beautiful go to the oncologist. and the laser hair can not be removed from moles, you do not know? By itself the birthmark does not bother me, but these hairs (


Why is it dangerous? I am pulling out, the doctor herself said to me .. I've been pulling out for 10 years

dangerous because in this way you can injure a mole, and from a benign one it can turn into a malignant one. God forbid some kind of hair follicle inflamed and all the trouble. .. and when this mole on the face of the more (


dangerous because in this way you can injure a mole, and from a benign one it can turn into a malignant one. God forbid some kind of hair follicle inflamed and all the trouble. .. and when this mole on the face of the more (

So it is necessary to tweak correctly) Mom has such a mole on her chin. And nothing 65 years old mom. Until now, not turned into a malignant. All time pulling out. But shaving and cutting off a much higher chance of hurting a mole

a guest

I, too, pinched hairs, was reading. Loosely trim it.
I have one over my eyebrow, but not very bulging. The other is closer to the ear.
I even like the eyebrow.

a guest

I have a lip, I cut the hairs under the root, not even prickly. Enough for a week. Never plucked, I'm afraid. Not my business, but I would advise you as well. Scary somehow you know, once again injure.

a guest

Hair is a sign of goodness. TE mole can be removed. In the skin-vein dispensaries there are beauty rooms - there a professional doctor will look and remove a mole. She will have a wound for weeks - deep and black - then a pink spot. I deleted a large subcutaneous mole half a year ago — nothing is visible anymore — if you look very closely only you can see the mark. I do not regret that I deleted it. In five years, this mole from a tiny one has grown into a large one and would have grown further. And so I am very pleased that it is not.

Current-current removed moles from an experienced surgeon. No good quality hair in a mole does not promise, this is a common misconception.


Yes, it's true that the hair grows nothing to say.


I, too, pulled out hairs with tweezers, but the mole grew and I was removed with a laser. There is a scar, but a small one.

And the hair stopped growing, after removing moles?


I have 5 moles on my face on the right side of my face. They are clean and without hair.

a guest

do you remove the mole? hair left? what are you doing with them?

Reason of appearance

A mole with hair appears on the face and / or body as a result of:

  • genetic factor - transmitted from parents to children,
  • fluctuations in hormonal levels, for example, in pregnant women or adolescents, in women with menopause,
  • UV stress of the skin, due to which the production of melanin is activated. With an excess of melanin, the neoplasm can transform into a malignant one.

Pigmented spots in children can appear up to 10 years old, during puberty and pregnancy, as well as in women with menopause.

What moles can be dangerous

Since birthmarks are common, and melanomas rarely develop, there is an unnecessary prophylactic removal of moles. It often happens that the mole is not happy with its presence on the body, but it prevents: when shaving, combing the hair, rubbed with a bag or details of tight clothing. Due to the fact that moles are on the body in “inappropriate places”, they are constantly involuntarily injured, the presence of such nevi becomes not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. Especially if moles hurt, itch, suddenly increase in size (especially in the presence of uneven edges), darken, inflamed, become spotty, if moles bleed, ulcerate, then their removal is necessary. Such moles can be reborn in melanoma.

In such cases, when such signs of degeneration of a mole are found in oneself, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist.

Diagnosis of moles is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, clinical diagnosis is carried out, at the second stage - epiluminescent dermatoscopy (a painless examination by the device, which allows to see the slightest changes in a nevus). In no case can you do a biopsy of a mole (an examination in which a piece of it is taken). Mole cannot be injured!

To recognize the external signs of melanoma, there is the AKORD melanoma system - a checklist that indicates five signs of the rebirth of a mole:

1. A - asymmetry - to determine the asymmetry, you need to hold an imaginary axis. This axis will divide the “good” mole into two symmetrical parts. In clinics, a special device is used for accurate diagnostics, with which it is possible to “evaluate” a mole along 12 axes.

2. K - edge - any irregularities and changes (teeth, etc.) along the contour.

3. O - color - any color changes.

4. P - size - “borderline” are considered nevi of 6 mm in diameter. The larger the mole, the greater the likelihood of rebirth, but the small size does not exclude complications: melanomas with a size of 1 mm are known.

5. D - dynamics - the appearance of any external changes - crusts, cracks, peeling, bleeding, the sudden disappearance of moles.

If you find at least one sign of the five - immediately consult a dermatologist. Confirm or refute the diagnosis of "melanoma" is possible only after histological analysis.

Congenital moles

  • Small (diameter from 0.5 to 1.5 cm)
  • Medium (1.5-10 cm)
  • Large (more than 10 cm).

And if the small nevi usually do not cause concern, medium and large dangerous because of the very high chance of their transformation into a malignant tumor. This happens in 10-50% of cases.

Acquired Nevi

Intradermal (accumulation of pigment cells in the dermal layer of the skin),

  • Epidermal (clusters of pigment cells in the middle layer of the skin),
  • Border or mixed (clusters of cells on the border of the dermis and epidermis).
  • The first two species tend to look like a pea, while the third species is more flat.

    The active appearance of new moles begins in puberty and during pregnancy, as well as in old age. Stimulant growth moles can serve as injuries, sunburn (including in the solarium), hormonal treatment and massage.

    For example, melanoma (one of the most malignant tumors), up to 70% of cases develop from nevus. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to know when the former “good” mole begins to become a clear sign of danger.

    If possible, rebirth in melanoma nevi are divided into

    1. Melanohazardous (borderline pigment nevus, blue nevus, Oty nevus, giant hair pigment nevus, Dibera's limited precancerous melanosis),
    2. Melano-non-dangerous (intradermal nevus, fibroepithelial nevus, papillomatous and verrucous nevi, Mongolian spot, halonevus or Setton nevus and other nevoid skin formations.

    Which moles are dangerous

    Moles have the correct shape, uniform color, clear boundaries, small size, although in general the appearance of moles is quite diverse. To "suspicious" moles include:

    1. Birthmarks that appeared in adulthood
    2. Birthmarks with a diameter of more than 1 cm
    3. Moles that change over time.

    Suspicious moles should be monitored, and if any abnormalities are detected, immediately contact a specialized doctor. The reason for the immediate appeal to a specialist are the following changes from the nevi:

    • The appearance of a glossy surface moles,
    • Changing the pattern on the surface of the mole,
    • Changing the shape of moles (irregular, asymmetrical edges),
    • Horizontal or vertical growth of moles,
    • A burning sensation or itching
    • The formation of dry "crusts"
    • Loss of hair on the surface of the mole,
    • Color change moles,
    • Softening or sealing moles,
    • Inflammation of both the mole itself and around it,
    • Bleeding moles,
    • The appearance of nodules on the surface of moles,
    • Ulceration of the surface of the mole,
    • Moisture surface moles (formation of bubbles).

    Also moles can be removed not only in case of oncological indications for its removal, but also for cosmetic purposes. Even if the mole doesn't bother you, you can still remove it. This will not affect the formation of new nevi, but may prevent their further degeneration into a malignant tumor. This is especially true in cases where the mole is in places where it can be injured (with a rubber band from clothes, a chain or any other means).

    Remove the mole, which, in your opinion, affects your appearance, is possible only after consulting a oncodermatologist. However, remember that removing birthmarks does not affect their subsequent appearance.

    Moles that are located on closed areas of the body can be removed at any time of the year. If there is a chance of contact with a remote mole of direct sunlight, then it should be removed during the least solar activity: in late autumn, in winter or in early spring. When there is a risk of a malignant tumor, the mole is removed immediately, regardless of the season and solar activity.

    Appearance of hairs

    It is human nature to worry if he discovers unusual vegetation on moles and does not know if this is good or bad. If moles are located on the face, and the hair growing on them acts on the nerves, then the owner of the nevi will try to get rid of them - will begin to pull out or pull out, shave off or remove with scissors.

    A large or small round mole protruding above the skin is considered to be a congenital or acquired defect, and if damaged, it is dangerous, therefore it is recommended to remove it. Concerning the removal of hair from moles by experts, the opinion is still controversial.Some believe that it is possible to pull out hard hair from a healthy mole. Other doctors generally prohibit their removal by pulling. In place of a hair root, inflammation can develop, which can turn into skin cancer.

    In consulting centers you can get information that you can even shave hair on a mole growing on your face, remove it by electrolysis and pull it out with tweezers. However, there is a risk of irritation of the hair follicles. Education can swell and hurt, which will be the basis for seeking medical attention. For the treatment of such cases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

    How moles appear and hair in a mole

    At some point in time at a certain part of the body surface the amount of pigment in the skin cells exceeds a critical value, after which the transformation of these cells occurs - they become melanocytes, and their accumulations are called moles or birthmarks.

    The formation of pigment moles is relatively rare in children under the age of ten. But they can be found in any person older than this mark. It is possible to interpret the preferential periods of development of moles - the time of puberty, and pregnancy.

    In addition, some other factors (for example, solar radiation) will also affect the growth of moles and hair on them. Medical evidence suggests that most often the birthmark can be found on the face - an average of one for every hundred square centimeters of the skin.

    Delete or not

    So, if hair grows on your birthmark, this is not a cause for concern and excitement. However, if it spoils the look and appeal, and even more so the mood, they can be removed.

    There are two options for their elimination:

    • periodically cut with scissors
    • remove the mole itself.

    Independently, hair removal on moles is allowed only in one way - cut them with nail scissors. Do this as carefully as possible - be careful not to injure a nevus. Scissors are pre-treated with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

    If you want to get rid of nevus hairs forever, then go to the clinic where a dermatologist will advise the most suitable solution to the problem. In most cases, you need to completely remove the entire nevus. Today there is an opportunity to do it quickly and painlessly. After the operation, a specialist may advise you to do a laser hair removal so that no new hairs will grow on the site of the removal.

    If the hair on the mole grows, but does not bring discomfort and does not spoil your appearance, leave them alone. Do not forget that the presence of hair is a sign of good quality cells. Therefore, it is not recommended to delete it without special need.

    How is the removal

    Good blood supply is an excellent incentive for hair growth in a mole. Cells receive food and oxygen. This means that a “live” mole is not dangerous. But this is exactly what obliges her to handle her carefully. An injured mole may turn into melanoma, which is why damage should be excluded.

    Especially often irritations - cracks, discoloration, blood points appear in pigmented nevi, their growth is observed. With such problems, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist and undergo a study of nevus cells for oncology.

    Laser and electrolysis

    To remove an unwanted neoplasm with a bunch of facial hair, you can use laser correction. Such a modern means of cosmetology is prescribed by a doctor, especially when changing the structure and size of a nevus. You can do electrolysis or remove the laser, if the colorless mole of a large size grows on the skin of the head (in its hairy part) and there is a risk of damaging her comb or burn chemicals during dyeing and perm. After electrolysis, the skin may turn red and cause some irritation. These symptoms disappear within a week. If a baby mole has a flat mole on its head, then it is difficult to damage it, unlike a hanging neoplasm, it needs to be removed.


    On the face and open areas of the body with a flat mole with smooth edges and small diameter, as with the safest formations, you can remove the hair with a haircut. With a strong performance moles in the form of a pea above the level of the skin or with fuzzy edges, hair removal or cutting should be trusted by experts.

    What ways can not remove hair on moles

    Never, under any circumstances, pull the hairs out with tweezers. This not only damages the hair follicle and leads to irritation and possible inflammation, but can also cause nevus injury. And this is fraught with rebirth into a cancer. No need to shave moles. Why? It can also serve as the basis for tissue damage and the development of malignant cell formation.

    DO NOT:

    • shave off hair from a birthmark or a large mole, as a sharp blade can easily damage the skin and cause an inflammatory process,
    • apply wax and chemical hair removal. They can cause a thermal and chemical burn that changes the structure of the formation,
    • plucking the vegetation on moles with tweezers, after which the damaged bulbs in the body of the moles become inflamed and can cause its transformation into malignant melanoma.

    If you still pulled the hair, hurry to go to the examination to the doctor. In cases where, after removal, you feel pain, itching, notice an increase in the nevus in size, going to the doctor’s office is more than necessary. In this case, to self-medicate using various ointments is strictly prohibited. Only a specialist with the help of visual examination, dermatoscopy and other tests will be able to assess the situation and, possibly, will prescribe a treatment for birthmarks with antibiotics, or decide to remove it.

    Hair loss from a nevus

    A certain number of people are faced with this phenomenon. Why is this happening? It cannot be called a 100% symptom of melanoma formation. However, this is not a very favorable sign, which increases the likelihood of nevus degenerating into a cancerous tumor. In such cases, you should visit a dermato-oncologist.

    Are hair dangerous on moles?

    Volosyny moles - this is a normal physiological phenomenon, which should not be afraid. This is one of the signs that it is formed by mature, healthy cells - melanocytes. Such nevi are always benign formations.

    The fact is that the fact of hair growth in a mole is not a sign of danger. Many people mistakenly believe that hair growing on nevi is one of the symptoms of melanoma. On the contrary, the chances of becoming a malignant tumor in hairy moles are much less, and mostly bald nevi are reborn into melanoma.

    Chuykova Natalia

    Psychologist. Specialist from the website

    Why not remove the mole?

    you can not pull out hair from moles. This may be the impetus for pathology.
    just trim

    either extend the mole

    I cut the manicure scissors. I do not pull, reason: post ╧ 2 (like I'm afraid), I do not plan to delete.

    You see, when I cut with scissors - they grow very quickly and it is impossible to cut it at the root! Anyway, the seta remains - so ugly: (((How to remove - there is not one such mole on my face.

    Related topics

    hair on a mole, as a rule, speaks of its goodness, so remove it, especially since convex moles become somehow coarser with age + this hair, associations in warts

    You are not being offered to remove moles by yourself, go to medical centers, if you are straining money with money and delete them one by one. Or prefer tormented life? I deleted a large mole, though not on the face, there was a small bright scar, but this is better than a mole with hair, although you can hide it with makeup or polish it.

    and not so expensive, I deleted 2,000 in Moscow a couple of years ago, the mole was almost a centimeter in diameter, true on the body.

    I have been pulling for many years. Bye all pah-pah

    I also have on the face. I began to pull a hair, a mole festered. The dermatologist told me that it was impossible to pull out, only to trim it carefully:

    I, too, have been pulling out since 10 years. Everything is fine, but still thinking about deleting)

    And I pull out hairs from 2 moles, already 15 years old. Once after pulling out, the mole became inflamed, but after a few days everything went away. She asked an oncologist - she says that it is better to cut with scissors, but at the same time she did not say that pulling straight is very dangerous. Of course, it would be necessary to remove the moles themselves and not fool around anymore, I have already removed 2 from my face, and these hands do not reach these.

    Remove moles. It is inexpensive and not scary. It is more dangerous to pull the hair out - especially since the mole is pulled out of the pulling, as you constantly hurt it. Then there will be more - respectively, and more scar.

    I join everyone who advised to remove. Now you can remove with a laser - there will be no trace of the mole. Issue price 1500-2000r.

    Moles are now removed almost everywhere, but I would recommend removing a specialist from a dermatologist as a doctor. she herself had the bitter experience of removing a would-be specialist, was scared to death. There is redness, because deleted in the summer and did not take any analyzes, she was afraid, as it were, not Onco. Then she went to the clinic to see a doctor, Tatiana Didkovskaya, she did an additional examination and reassured that everything was in order.

    Moles are now removed almost everywhere, but I would recommend removing a specialist from a dermatologist as a doctor. she herself had the bitter experience of removing a would-be specialist, was scared to death. There is redness, because deleted in the summer and did not take any analyzes, she was afraid, as it were, not Onco. Then she went to the clinic to see a doctor, Tatiana Didkovskaya, she did an additional examination and reassured that everything was in order.

    Yes, the main thing is to competently investigate what is the birthmark and then decide what to do and how

    Say and diagnostics do already in the clinic or sent to the specials. centers? Who decides whether a benign eto education or not.

    and what if I tell you that removal is not a cure for hair? I removed the convex mole on the face - the hair remained in place (removed by laser, i.e. without excision), because the bulbs are much deeper in the skin

    and what if I tell you that removal is not a cure for hair? I removed the convex mole on the face - the hair remained in place (removed by laser, i.e. without excision), because the bulbs are much deeper in the skin

    such all advisers are mediocrity! What if you don't want to remove a mole? and if it is a spicy fly over the lip, which makes a girl special? didn't you think about it?

    I have a beautiful mole with the right chin, the same nonsense with hair, gently hold the mole and pull out, but it's a pity to delete ((this is my highlight)))

    The girls are all rubbish :-) skills there is a special gel of his masculine no matter how scary the hair for the night itself just falls out 'I was in shock :-) Woke up bang and hair on the pillow

    I, too, have been pulling out since 10 years. Everything is fine, but still thinking about deleting)

    Girls do not in any way pull out! I also removed hairs for a long time, until I lay under the knife because of this. Half face swelled in just an hour! I suffered a week until I realized that I myself would not pass.

    I had an ordinary mole with hair, vyderla about 10 years, over time it became convex and more and more. I'm going to delete

    about you removed the hair from a mole ??

    Hair removal is a trauma, it is better to cut off often than to risk

    you deleted a mole?

    girls cute sign off who deleted the birthmark with hair? I'm very afraid to go delete! their two have such a thing (((on the cheek and chin and they are practically not protruding, the oncologist said that the benign ones can be removed with a scapella or an electric knife. I am very afraid that later there will be bad consequences!

    I tweeted with tweezers for a long time and everything is in order. And with scissors you can accidentally incise the mole itself. I have two hard hairs from my birthmark, and you're tortured to cut. It is easier to tear out, not painful and less effective. The main thing is not to forget to do it all.

    I also have a hairy mole on my face.
    I do not want to delete. Scissors cut off hair. And the bristles remain. Interesting, and can be removed with a depilatory cream? After all, when cutting hair grow quickly. And when depilating with cream, it seems to be slower.

    Have you ever wondered why hair grows from a mole?
    I had a case. A mole appeared on the face (during some course of treatment), later hair began to grow from it. And then it was the most interesting, the mole began to look like a boil and I tried to pull out (not pull out) the hair, and what you think. his hair was rather thin and he felt like he was stretching from the side of his cheekbones (a birthmark from the left side of his chin), stretching his hair, saw how he instantly twisted, as if he were alive.
    Then the boil passed without consequences, but the mole with hair remained. Now I'm pulling hair, but it breaks off.
    I guess it could be a parasite. I read a lot, as described, I found only clawing, but according to all sources it lives in the intestines. I'm confused.
    I regret that I stopped drinking the drugs, but rather dietary supplements, which contributed to the release of this "lodger". It has long been (about 10 years ago), now I do not remember what I saw.

    You are not being offered to remove moles by yourself, go to medical centers, if you are straining money with money and delete them one by one. Or prefer tormented life? I deleted a large mole, though not on the face, there was a small bright scar, but this is better than a mole with hair, although you can hide it with makeup or polish it.

    Say and diagnostics do already in the clinic or sent to the specials. centers? Who decides whether a benign eto education or not.

    girls cute sign off who deleted the birthmark with hair? I'm very afraid to go delete! their two have such a thing (((on the cheek and chin and they are practically not protruding, the oncologist said that the benign ones can be removed with a scapella or an electric knife. I am very afraid that later there will be bad consequences!

    girls cute sign off who deleted the birthmark with hair? I'm very afraid to go delete! their two have such a thing (((on the cheek and chin and they are practically not protruding, the oncologist said that the benign ones can be removed with a scapella or an electric knife. I am very afraid that later there will be bad consequences!

    Today, the laser has removed. the doctor said, let's see what happens))) accomplish your goal

    The girls are all rubbish :-) skills there is a special gel of his masculine no matter how scary the hair for the night itself just falls out 'I was in shock :-) Woke up bang and hair on the pillow

    This winter I deleted 29 moles of them 7 on the face, two of them grew hair, from which there was one thin nothing, but now on the chin now generally ***, there were 3 hard hairs that constantly pulled, and now there were 10-12 of them the shield is whole. I want to remove the laser but they can not say. I also don’t know what to do, but I’ve understood so far that the hair is thin and alone, it’s better to remove it immediately if the birthmark is not expensive. I have left one on glamor she my raisin, but there is still fluff on it. I pull very rarely. And on the chin they just break off, dark ones. I plan to remove 10 more in the winter.

    And I pull out hairs from 2 moles, already 15 years old. Once after pulling out, the mole became inflamed, but after a few days everything went away. She asked an oncologist - she says that it is better to cut with scissors, but at the same time she did not say that pulling straight is very dangerous. Of course, it would be necessary to remove the moles themselves and not fool around anymore, I have already removed 2 from my face, and these hands do not reach these.

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    Causes of birthmarks and hair on them

    Most often, a nevus is a congenital defect of the skin or a benign formation acquired in the process of life. Under the influence of certain causes, skin cells are filled with pigment and form melanocytes, known as moles.

    Among the main causes affecting the appearance of spots on the human body are the following:

    • Heredity or genetic addiction.
    • Violations and changes in the hormonal system. They can be caused by pregnancy, puberty in adolescence, menopause, disease.
    • Exposure to UV rays. The sun's rays provoke the production of melanin in the skin, and their excess stimulates the formation of moles and can cause their transformation into malignant tumors.

    Hair on nevi usually causes concern, but recent studies show that this is a good sign. In order to understand why this is so, it suffices to find out that filamentous horn appendages of the epidermis grow from nevi only if it is a benign formation.

    Hair on pigment education indicates the presence of living skin cells, good blood circulation and adequate nutrition. As practice shows, hairy nevi almost never turn into malignant tumors.

    Hair on the birthmark - a good sign

    Is it possible to get rid of hair in a mole

    Hair on nevi grows gradually - at first it is a light down, and over time it turns into a black hair. The hairs growing on the mole do not pose a danger, they can deliver tangible psychological discomfort. Some people treat nevuses with growing hair calmly, but for most it is a big defect in appearance, especially if such a formation is on the face. In this case, the issue of deletion becomes very relevant.

    Opinions of doctors about whether it is possible and necessary to pull the hair out of a mole, diverge. Some believe that it is possible to pull out or pull out horny skin formations from a healthy mole with tweezers. However, most experts agree that removing hair from nevi is dangerous. This can provoke an inflammatory process that has every chance of becoming a cancer. In any case, before pulling the hair out of a nevus, it is better to consult a doctor, he can allow or prohibit hair removal, give advice on how to do it better.

    An allowed and safe way to remove hair on a mole by yourself is regular cutting. Thus, the mole will not be damaged, and the unpleasant defect will be eliminated. The main thing is to do it carefully, so as not to scratch a nevus and not bring an infection there. Scissors are better pre-disinfected with alcohol or peroxide.

    To get rid of the problem forever, you can remove the nevus itself. Modern technologies allow you to carry out this procedure quickly and painlessly, complementing it with photoepilation to prevent re-growth of hair.

    Photoepilation prevents hair growth

    Ingrown hair

    Nevus hair can grow into the skin or the mole itself. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to pick it out yourself with the help of available tools. This will damage the mole and may cause it to transform into a malignant tumor. If the hair has grown into a mole, you need to consult a doctor, it may be a cosmetologist or a dermatologist. They can quickly and safely solve this problem. The cause of growing hair can be the specificity of hair growth (a small growth angle in relation to the skin) or too sharp a tip that remains after a haircut. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to regularly check the condition of the hairs on nevi.

    Is hair loss dangerous?

    If hair grows on the birthmark, sooner or later they may fall out. Whether this is a disturbing symptom and what to do in this case are the most frequent questions that concern people. If hair fell out of a mole, you need to contact an oncologist. But the loss of dead skin formations is not a clear indication that the nevus has started to turn into a melanoma (a cancerous tumor). Confirming or refuting this can be associated symptoms - a sharp increase in spots in size, discoloration, bleeding, discharge of pus.

    If no additional symptoms are observed, you do not need to sound the alarm. The causes of this phenomenon can be very many - from the banal vitamin deficiency to hormonal changes in the body.

    In addition, after some time, the hair that fell out can grow back - this is how the hairline of the human body is renewed.

    If a mole with hair does not cause concern, do not try to deal with it. It is important to remember that hair in a mole is a sign of its goodness. And if necessary, remove the hairs, it is better to contact a specialist to avoid unpleasant and dangerous consequences.
