
Cranberry juice for head lice: when and how to apply


Nobody is immune to lice. Finding in the hair "lodgers", you are not confused and immediately bought a drug from the pediculosis at the pharmacy. But after a week in my head there are still nits or even adult lice. In this case It is worth supplementing medicines with folk remedies. One of the most famous is cranberry juice.

How does the cranberry on lice

Cranberry Juice Principle - the same as any acidic liquid, such as vinegar. Cranberry is rich citric, ascorbic, malic and other acids. For humans, their concentration is safe, and for insects - destructive.
But the main effect is against nits - eggs lice, which for a long time remain viable after the death of their parents. Acidic environment dissolves glue, which keeps nits tightly on the hair, so they are easy to comb out, and the parasites are left without offspring.

Advantages and disadvantages of cranberries from lice and nits

To the merits of cranberries as remedies for pediculosis include:

  • no toxic effects
  • low allergenicity
  • sparing effect compared to vinegar - skin burns are unlikely,
  • high efficiency against nits,
  • An additional bonus is hair recovery.

However, there are limitations:

  • low impact on adult insects,
  • burning of the scalp during the procedure,
  • difficulty handling top of the head.

How to make juice

Squeeze juice for the treatment of pediculosis, they can:

  • take advantage of juicer,
  • crush the berries with a wooden pestle in an enamel pot and squeeze the resulting mass through gauze,
  • frozen berries Get out of the freezer and wait until they thaw. In this case, the skin on them burst, and the juice will flow out. Pour it into another container and squeeze out the remaining juice from the berries through cheesecloth.

Another way to use cranberries is to not squeeze the juice, but chop the berries in a blender and use the resulting gruel.

How to use juice

  • If the hair is long, cut them a couple of centimeters.
  • Wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Spread the juice over the scalp and the entire length of the hair. Pay special attention to the top of the head - the liquid quickly drains from it, not having time to act.
  • Twist hair harness and lay on top.
  • Put it on your head plastic bag, but rather a shower cap on a tight elastic band that will not allow the juice to flow out.
  • Wrap your head rag or towel. The fabric should be clean, but you should not take a new or valuable thing - there will be traces on it.
  • Leave the mask on the hair at least for 20 minutes (you can even keep it for several hours or all night). From time to time, massage the hair so that not a single area is left without treatment.
  • Free and wash your hair thoroughly without shampoo.
  • With the help of a special comb, which can be bought in a pharmacy, carefully process hairby combing out all the lice and nits that you notice.
  • Repeat the procedure until complete cure. at least once every 3 days.

In conclusion, we present the views of Internet users on how effective cranberry against lice. Let them help you decide whether to use this method.

Very painful procedure. The child’s entire head was bitten by lice, it pinched heavily, and he could not stand it for long. I had to wash off and resort to pharmacy tools.

For about a month, the child was treated with drugs from a pharmacy, but there were still live nits in the hair. I boiled frozen cranberries for a bit, skipped through a blender. When she cooled, she poured the mush on the child's head, shook it with plastic and a rag. Five hours later, my head was washed and combed with a comb. No more problems.

In the hospital, my son picked up lice. Cranberry juice was used in conjunction with special medications, and the parasites retreated. Hair after treatment must be combed with a special frequent comb made of steel, it removes all this filth well.

How to remove lice with shampoos?

  • Before use, you should carefully comb dry hair with a regular comb.
  • Read the instructions for use of the selected agent and apply it to the hair as indicated in it.
  • Wait for the time specified in the instructions.
  • When time is up, carefully comb your hair with the included comb to remove dead lice and nits.
  • Wash your hair with regular shampoo and rinse with 2% solution of table vinegar. This is necessary for the destruction of the adhesive substance, through which the nits are attached to the hair, and once again comb the hair.
  • Be sure to daily comb the hair on the following days with a comb and remove the nits if live lice are detected, which means either the product is not effective or the instructions for its use have been violated.
  • A week later, you should check your hair using “detecting combing”. If you find parasites - repeat the procedure again.

The desire to scratch your head is caused by lice bites that feed on human blood. There are three types of lice - head, wardrobe and ploschitsy. Head-heads live on the hair of the head, clothes on the clothes, and ploschitsy-in the armpits, pubic hair, as well as on the eyelashes and eyebrows, but this happens very rarely. All lice lay eggs, attaching them to the hair, and clothes lay them in the folds of clothes and in the seams. They can be from half a millimeter to one and a half millimeters.

Lice Treatments

Home remedies for lice at home are varied in price, and also differ in efficacy and safety.

Below are the names of several drugs that can quickly remove lice in children and adults, without fear of causing harm to health (it is only important to act according to the instructions).

Spray, the active ingredient of which is dimethicone. By its chemical nature, this compound is a liquid silicone. The tool does not poison lice, but leads to blockage of their respiratory tract.

The Nidu tool allows you to remove lice at home without the risk of allergic reactions.

- carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene,

-check the head and hair condition in children for lice and nits, especially after swimming, staying in places of recreation and communication with peers,

It has a viscous oily consistency due to the large amount of mineral oils that make up the composition. Therefore, it is difficult to wash it off with regular shampoo. It is better to rinse with tar shampoo (soap) and rinse with acetic or lemon water. So you need to do 3-4 times.

And after combing nits comb, which goes in a box. The comb, by the way, is very good, therefore it is not necessary to buy another separately.

After processing the head, carefully check all family members for the presence of parasites every 5 days, so as not to miss random individuals.

Emulsion Parasidosis

Shampoo volume of 110 ml can be bought at the pharmacy for about 300 rubles. Requires two uses with a mandatory daily brushing procedure.

Due to its natural composition based on oils, Parasidosis does not cause allergies and can safely be used in the treatment of pediculosis in children. Beware of fakes - there are a lot of them on the market now!

Spray Nyuda

Some use anti-lice drugs, bought to get rid of parasites in animals. I must say that they are also quite well help to bring insects.

Strengthen the action of shampoo, you can add a few drops of tea tree oil. By the way, if you drip oil on the back of your head, you can protect yourself from re-infection with parasites.

How to protect yourself from lice

These recipes help to cure lice, but in the treatment of pediculosis it is necessary to fight nits. And how to get rid of nits at home?

Get rid of nits

Excellent help in the fight against eggs lice folk remedies and the best of them - this treatment of hair with vinegar. Take a water solution of vinegar and carefully moisten their heads. Then you need to comb your hair with a comb with very frequent teeth or a toothbrush.

Causes of Pediculosis

The cause of pediculosis are parasites - head, body or pubic louse. Accordingly, pediculosis distinguishes between head, pubic and dressing, and mixed types are possible. The cleanliness of a person is absolutely not important here; moreover, experts say that louses just prefer scouring, they are easier to bite because the skin on the head becomes thinner from frequent washing of hair. There is a hypothesis that lice infect immunocompromised people by “calculating” them by smell.

It happens when head lice suffer from whole families, in such cases it is worth thinking about the causes and paying attention to your diet, perhaps it does not give you enough biologically active substances. Cranberry juice lice treatment can be supplemented with juice therapy, cranberry juice with constant use will increase immunity, and you will become less appetizing for lice.

Symptoms of Pediculosis

The main symptoms of pediculosis are itchy skin at the site of a bite by insects, small, gray-blue spots on the skin, scratching (especially in children) and the presence of nits in the hair. In the absence of treatment, pustular skin lesions, dermatitis and pigmentation may occur, and allergies may occur.

Unfortunately, at the very beginning, the disease may be asymptomatic, and it may take several weeks from infection to the first signs. Fortunately, modern means are able to quickly and at any stage stop the infection and destroy the lice, cranberry juice not only helps to fight their larvae, but also has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, which helps to avoid infection. Lice, nits cranberry juice weakens or kills, but you should always be careful and do not lose vigilance if you are not sure of the effectiveness of the treatment. It is worth noting that cranberry juice from lice and nits is used exclusively for head lice, while other types of lesions use a different therapy.

Cranberry juice from pediculosis

Cranberry juice is a natural remedy for pediculosis.

If you are unlucky, and the trouble still happened, do not expect that everything will somehow “resolve” itself, and do not hope that the louse that you catch will be the only one. Urgently take action! Cranberry juice against lice is the first remedy that you can use, especially if it is not possible to immediately apply special preparations.

The fertility of these insects is phenomenal! One louse, laying four eggs daily, can bring the number of addicts in your hair up to one hundred and twenty pieces in a month, and if you consider that her offspring breeds no less intensively, you risk to get a rather impressive population of these bloodsuckers. By the way, louse eggs are called nits, they are attached to the hair at a distance of about one centimeter from the scalp. Cranberry juice corrodes nits, their shell does not withstand contact with acid and the larva dies.

Treatment of lice cranberry juice

Having received the juice, go to the next stage. It is recommended before starting the procedure, especially if the victim's hair is long, slightly cutting it one to two centimeters, this will facilitate combing.

Cranberry juice should be applied along the entire length of the hair.

Apply the juice on the entire surface of the scalp and the hair along the entire length. Ensure that the wetting is abundant and uniform. We twist the hair into a bundle, cover it with a plastic bag and fasten it tightly around the head, so that the air does not fall under it and the hair remains wet for as long as possible. During the whole procedure, constantly whip hair so that the juice does not flow down. With prolonged contact with the skin, it can cause irritation, so it is advisable to immediately wash the juice that has flowed out from under the cap with water.

During the procedure, it is desirable to moisten the hair and scalp with juice two or three times. Twenty minutes later, wash the hair with water and carefully comb it with a frequent comb. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to repeat the treatment of cranberry juice lice after two days.

Opinion of experts on the treatment of cranberry juice for pediculosis

It is worth saying that most doctors recommend, if there are no contraindications, to use special pharmacological preparations. According to them, the removal of cranberry juice lice is ineffective and can lead to a delay in the disease.

There was a wrong opinion in society about pediculosis as a disease. He is considered an unpleasant, but not dangerous disease, so sometimes they do not even consider it necessary to consult a doctor. This can lead to sad consequences, because lice are carriers of typhus and relapsing fever, Volyn fever and many other dangerous diseases. That is why the use of cranberry juice for lice can be not only ineffective, but without the supervision of a specialist is also dangerous.

However, doctors recognize that the combined treatment can be much more effective, because, weakly affecting adults, cranberry juice from nits helps to get rid of almost one application.

Combination Pediculosis Therapy

The first thing you should do is to consult a doctor as soon as possible for advice. He will prescribe a drug for you and write out a scheme for its use. When you start treatment, you use the prescribed remedy, and every other day you are treated with cranberry juice against nits.

The drug is guaranteed to relieve the patient from lice, and cranberry juice - from nits. These two tools will reinforce each other’s actions, which will lead to an early resolution of this unpleasant problem. The method of application of cranberry juice against nits is given above.

Contraindications and cautions to the use of cranberry juice for pediculosis

Cranberries from nits are not for everyone

The main contraindication to the use of cranberry juice for pediculosis is an allergy and idiosyncrasy. With extreme caution it is necessary to apply this tool to people with sensitive skin, since irritation may appear on it after prolonged contact with juice.

During the procedure for getting rid of lice and nits with cranberry juice, make sure that the juice that has flowed out from under the cap does not get into your eyes, especially for children.

How to apply cranberry juice for lice: reviews, recommendations

The child brought the "guests" from the camp. I had not encountered this problem before, so the first thing to see a doctor ... He immediately advised us to combine special equipment and vinegar solution, but I decided that cranberry juice from lice for children was probably safer, because there were many cranberries in the freezer. Get rid of lice pretty quickly, enough for two procedures.

Infected with lice at the camp site. This is the second time, the first time I picked them up as a child in the camp. At that time, my grandmother rubbed some ointment into my hair, cranberry juice and lice rather quickly disappeared, after two times. Cranberries this time, unfortunately, was not at hand, cost vinegar. I must say, vinegar is stronger than juice irritates the skin and dries hair, but in such cases it is not necessary to choose. The only minus in vinegar and cranberry juice against head lice, they flow down through the hair and the crown remains practically untreated, you have to periodically lower your head down so that the liquid is distributed.

Natalia, 42 years old

The son contracted head lice in the hospital, was treated there for boils, apparently immunity weakened. I didn’t know for sure whether the cranberry juice was effective in fighting nits, I know that lice give in to it with difficulty. Tried in conjunction with medications, it helped.Therefore, as cranberry juice to get rid of nits, I now know, I can say for sure, this method is better than smearing with kerosene.

I had a problem: how to treat head lice, tried cranberry juice, disappeared for several days, then reappeared. I was off the beaten track then, on a business trip. I had to go to the local "grandma", she cured me with kerosene.

The principle of the cranberry in the fight against lice and nits

Since ancient times, cranberries are the favorite berries of most people. Its sour taste is familiar to many. This acid also helps to effectively fight parasites like lice. Cranberry contains a huge amount of essential acids. Most of them are powerful antioxidants that have antifungal and antiviral effects. Some acids contained in cranberries can quickly dissolve substances, including organic. This is what helps this berry to effectively fight lice.


To completely remove the blood-sucking parasites, you should squeeze the juice from the cranberries, it will need a sufficient amount. The easiest way to get juice is with a juicer or other means. For one procedure, you need about 100 grams of cranberries.

When the hair is too long, it is recommended to shorten it by a couple of centimeters, this will greatly facilitate the process of combing. Prepared juice should be applied evenly and abundantly.

After that, twist the hair in a bundle and cover tightly with polyethylene so as not to get air. It is necessary to maintain a mask within 20 - 25 minutes. After that, wash the hair well and comb through a thick comb. After 2 - 3 days, the procedure should be repeated.

What is the effectiveness of such a procedure?

Substances that are contained in cranberries, easily dissolve the sticky composition, with its help lice and nits are attached to the hair. In addition, the acids that make up the cranberry, destroy the shell of the nits and it dies. But the safest thing is that this method of dealing with nits and lice is absolutely safe for the body.

Numerous reviews confirm that this method is absolutely harmless, because it has no chemical components. After the first procedure, the number of lice and nits is significantly reduced. And after 2 - 3 procedures disappear completely.

Instructions for use

For the treatment procedure will need fresh cranberries.

To get more juice, it is recommended to use the advice: put cranberries, packed in an airtight container, in the freezer. Under the influence of low temperatures, the berries will begin to burst. Freeze, then pull out of the freezer and let it melt. At the defrosting stage, some of the juice from the berries will stand out on its own.

Fresh or thawed berries squeeze. To do this, it is recommended to use a juicer. You can also perform the procedure yourself by squeezing the berries through gauze folded in several layers. The drug is ready! It is worth paying attention that no additional ingredients required.

Important! The longer the hair, the more cranberries will be needed to make healing juice!

Stages of the medical procedure:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. Slightly dry hair.
  3. Apply cranberry medication to wet hair (along the entire length, as well as on the scalp).
  4. Collect hair in a bun, put a plastic cap on top.
  5. Periodically knead the hair under the cap.
  6. After 20 minutes, remove the cap, rinse the hair thoroughly under running water (without shampoo!).
  7. Lightly dry your hair with a towel.
  8. Carefully comb your hair with a comb.

It should be noted that the fine comb helps to comb out lice and larvae. Such the method of combing is applied without fail, regardless of how the treatment is carried out.

Precautionary measures

When carrying out a medical procedure, you should carefully consider that the juice does not spread, does not fall into the eyes. To do this, after applying the product on the scalp and hair, put on a tight cap (you can use a regular shower cap). It should fit snugly, it is best to use a hat with a rubber band on the edging.

Side effects

Cranberry juice is well tolerated by both adults and children. In rare cases, symptoms of an allergic reaction occur. If such a side effect occurs, immediately discontinue the use of cranberries for the treatment of pediculosis and seek medical advice.

Experts say that cranberry juice can remove lice and completely get rid of the larvae in 8-10 days. How much does this treatment cost? Depends on the length of the hair, because the juice must be applied to their entire length. On average, for one procedure will require about 100 grams of berries.

Since the treatment is carried out once a day, the total weight of the berries for a full course of treatment is about 1 kilogram of cranberries.

The cost of cranberries in different cities may vary. Average prices in Russia range from 130 to 165 rubles per kilogram. A very reasonable price to get rid of unpleasant neighborhoods on the head!

Advantages and disadvantages

Doctors say that Do not use cranberries as monotherapy to eliminate lice and nits. Pediculosis is a non-dangerous, but rather unpleasant disease. Poor medical treatment can provoke its progression and significantly delay the duration of the disease. Therefore, in this case, it is almost impossible to do without medical assistance.

Also, experts note that cranberry juice does not act aggressively on adult lice. May require a long term course of medical procedures. But larvae (nits) cranberries can destroy in just one applicationthat, of course, is the main advantage of cranberry juice.

Experts recommend to see a doctor immediately if a problem is detected. It will help to make a competent medical therapy. To do this, select the most secure drugs. To enhance the effect, complex treatment is prescribed, where, in addition to powerful medicines, the secrets of traditional medicine are applied.

Attention! Doctors confirm that cranberry juice is recognized as the most effective way to treat head lice (compared to other methods of eliminating lice and nits with natural remedies).

Pediculosis is a problem that causes a lot of discomfort in a person. It can and must be fought with all available means! Cranberry is one of the best and most high-quality methods of treatment, besides it has a minimum number of contraindications and side effects. The cost of such treatment is also very attractive. But do not forget about prior consultation with a doctor!

What is important to know about pediculosis to everyone:

Useful videos

Treatment of pediculosis folk remedies.

How to remove the lice and nits on the hair.

Cranberry and its action

This berry is one of the most common and popular. It is precisely because of its acid that the berry is able to overcome pediculosis. The fact that it tastes like acidity, in its action on the surface of the skin is an antioxidant with a pronounced negative effect on bacteria and fungi. Cranberries contain many substances that create its unique acid, and almost all of them block the reproduction of bacteria.

In particular, this berry contains such acids:

  • Cinch,
  • chlorogenic,
  • benzoic,
  • lemon,
  • ascorbic,
  • apple,
  • amber
  • oxalic and olean.

Benzoic and oxalic acids are generally capable of dissolving in large quantities some organic compounds and individual substances. Most of all, cranberry liquid is detrimental to the sticky extract that louses fix nits to human hair. Thus, lice lose their ability to multiply on the surface of the human head.

When comparing cranberries with special anti-pediculosis drugs, it is worth revealing their main similarity to each other. Cranberry juice is very similar in effect to apple cider vinegar, which is often used after applying shampoos. The instructions for vinegar indicate that after applying it you need to comb out all the hair with a fine comb. In this mechanical way, you can remove all nits on the hair roots. Cranberry fluid acts identically.

In addition, cranberry acids can destroy the shell of the nits and thus provoke the death of many of them.

Advantages of the cranberry method

Since cranberries are often compared with vinegar, it is necessary to say a few words about its merits in comparison with this remedy. Cranberries are more beneficial to the scalp and hair. Cranberry juice is not capable of causing peeling and itching irritation, which often appears after using vinegar.

Cranberry juice does not have a dosage, which means that even the large consistency of this popular preparation does not lead to the formation of burns. In this sense, vinegar significantly loses, since with inexperience it can seriously burn the skin and break the epidermis of the head.

Cranberry allergy is rarely found in humans. In this case, special shampoos, having in its composition pyrethroids, less safe.

Cranberries are not only a means of fighting lice, but also a way to vitaminize the skin and hair, saturating them with useful substances. Therefore, cranberry juice is harmless to even the smallest children with very sensitive scalp. In addition, even nursing mothers can use it without fear of the harmful effects of juice on milk.

Bonus for owners of brown and red hair can be the coloring effect of cranberries. It is able to slightly modify their color, while making it deeper and more saturated.

Cranberry flaws

Perhaps the main disadvantage of this method of treatment of head lice is that it will take an extremely large amount of berries. In addition, we need not the berries themselves and their shell, but only the juice. Accordingly, only 1 treatment of the head will require a large dose of cranberries.

Cranberry juice still has a very liquid consistency. He doesn’t hold well in his hair. When applied to the scalp, it often drains, and even if the treated hair is covered with a plastic cap, the juice will flow out from under it too.

Therefore, the cranberry method requires a lot of time for application. This is especially true of the crown, where the juice just does not hold, constantly flows, and you need to treat their hair for a long, long time.


You can cook it yourself. This method is quite simple. Berries are laid on gauze and then pounded in a container by any available and convenient means. From modern methods of producing juice, you can use the juicer.

In addition, the procedure can be facilitated as follows. The collected berries are placed in the freezer, where they should turn into small pebbles. Then the cranberries are removed and allowed to thaw. When defrosting, the berries necessarily burst and thus the liquid flows out of them by itself. It remains only to squeeze it through gauze or juicer.

On average, 1 treatment of the head should be about half a glass of liquid. If there is a lot of hair, then it is better to prepare 150-200 g. In order for the cranberries not to lose their properties, it should be prepared separately for each treatment.

Method of treatment

First of all, the head is washed out with ordinary shampoo. Then cranberry is applied to clean hair in such a way that it is evenly distributed throughout the head. After that, you need to rub the juice into the skin and hair. This should be done as thoroughly as possible, ensuring that no zones are skipped. Most of the time you need to devote to the crown. Not because the louse and nits on it more, but due to the fact that cranberry juice quickly drains from it and does not have time to act.

After complete treatment of the head, the hair is twisted into a bundle (this applies mainly to girls) and covered with a plastic cap or bag. Top wrapped necessarily with a towel, because otherwise the juice will flow abundantly from the head and hair. It is not necessary to take a white towel, because cranberries have a strong coloring effect and it will be impossible to wash out the red color from it. It is best to use clean cloth and cloth, which is not a pity.

If the juice gets in your eyes, do not worry. Rinse with plenty of water.

After some time, the hair must be re-massage, rubbing and distributing the juice between them. If a lot of juice flows, it is best to re-apply it again on the hair.

20 minutes after the start of the procedure, cranberry liquid can be washed off the head, completely cleaning it. Be sure to after the juice is removed, you need to comb the hair from the lice with a comb. The berry has destroyed the sticky mix of nits, and now they will be more efficiently removed from the head.

It is desirable to repeat the procedure 1 time in 3 days. In particularly advanced cases, daily treatment of the scalp is not excluded.

In any case, the fight against the parasite is carried out mainly while combing them with a fine comb.

Wash your hair with shampoo after the procedure is not worth it. Berry does not harm the scalp, and shampoo after the procedure can dry out the skin.

How cranberries help with pediculosis

Cranberries are rich in berries. organic acidsand, precisely because of the acidic environment, cranberries can kill adult lice and their larvae. The acid corrodes the sticky substrate by which the larvae glue to the base of the hair, and also adversely affects the parasites - they are not able to survive in an acidic environment, and therefore die.

The acidic environment does not harm the scalp and hair - on the contrary, it brings them only benefit. Red berries have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal properties, so that the scalp calms down, inflammation is relieved.

Indications and contraindications

Cranberry juice should be used in the presence of parasites on the scalp.

You can not use the tool if you have the following indications:

  • High sensitivity of the scalp.
  • Allergy to cranberries.
  • Hairbrushes, wounds and other scalp damage - berry juice can get into the skin and cause itching, irritation and other unpleasant symptoms.

If side effects occur, discontinue use.

Rules of application

You can prepare the tool as follows:

  1. Rinse berries, sort and put in a bag in the freezer for several hours.
  2. After a few hours, remove the frozen berries from the freezer and let them defrost naturally - that is, without using a microwave oven, fire, etc. At this stage, some of the liquid will come out by itself.
  3. The resulting liquid should be filtered through a sieve into another container, and the remaining oil cake should be ground in a juicer. If the juicer is not available, you can use folded gauze in several layers.

For one procedure, it will take about 100-200 grams, it all depends on the length of the hair. If they are shoulder-length, then you need about 100 grams of berries (about a handful).

Stages of the procedure

  1. Rinse hair with shampoo and let them dry a little, they should be slightly damp, but not wet!
  2. Apply cranberry juice, rubbing into the scalp, and distribute it along the length of the hair.
  3. Twist the hair in a bun and put a plastic cap on top (you can use a plastic bag).
  4. Leave the product on the hair for 20 minutes, periodically massaging the head through the bag.
  5. After the specified time, rinse the head without using shampoo, after which the hair must be dried.
  6. Carefully comb the hair with a metal comb with sharp teeth (such a comb can be purchased at the pharmacy) - this will allow combing killed lice and nits.

During the procedure you need to ensure that the fluid does not flow down the neck and face. If, however, this has happened, then it must be immediately washed off with running water to avoid further irritation.


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